
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module shopping_service.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/uuid.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/values.mojom";

// This is a specialized version of shopping_specifics proto. The
// struct here has most of the same information with the proto but
// focuses more on UI needs.
struct ProductInfo {
  // The title of the product.
  string title;

  // The title of the product cluster.
  string cluster_title;

  // The eTLD+1 domain of the merchant website where the
  // product was originally tracked on. This should only be used
  // for showing this information directly on the UI.
  string domain;

  // Direct link to the product image.
  url.mojom.Url image_url;

  // Direct link to the product page.
  url.mojom.Url product_url;

  // Price as shown in the page. This should include
  // both the amount and the currency symbol.
  string current_price;

  // Previous price if there has been a price drop.
  // This should include both the amount and the currency
  // symbol.
  string previous_price;

  // The product cluster id.
  uint64 cluster_id;

  // The category labels of the product.
  array<string> category_labels;

struct BookmarkProductInfo {
  // The ID of the bookmark that owns this product info.
  int64 bookmark_id;

  // The product information associated with 'bookmark_id'.
  ProductInfo info;

struct PricePoint {
  string date;
  float price;
  string formatted_price;

struct UrlInfo {
  // Title of the page represented by the URL.
  string title;

  // Url.
  url.mojom.Url url;

  // Favicon URL if it exists, otherwise an empty URL.
  url.mojom.Url favicon_url;

  // Thumbnail URL if it exists, otherwise an empty URL.
  url.mojom.Url thumbnail_url;

struct PriceInsightsInfo {
  enum PriceBucket {

  // The product cluster id.
  uint64 cluster_id;

  // Typical low price.
  string typical_low_price;

  // Typical high price.
  string typical_high_price;

  // Attributes of the representative catalog.
  string catalog_attributes;

  // Direct link to the Jackpot page.
  url.mojom.Url jackpot;

  // Position of latest price with respect to the typical range.
  PriceBucket bucket;

  // Whether we find multiple catalogs of this product on page.
  bool has_multiple_catalogs;

  // History price data.
  array<PricePoint> history;

  // Used to format the history graph y ticks only.
  string locale;

  // Used to format the history graph y ticks only.
  string currency_code;

struct ProductSpecificationsDescriptionText {
  // The actual text for the description.
  string text;

  // A context URL for the description if available.
  array<UrlInfo> urls;

struct ProductSpecificationsOption {
  // The descriptions for this particular option of a product.
  array<ProductSpecificationsDescriptionText> descriptions;

enum ProductSpecificationsDisclosureVersion {
  kUnknown = 0,
  kV1 = 1,

struct ProductSpecificationsDescription {
  // The possible options for a feature of a product.
  array<ProductSpecificationsOption> options;

  // The label for the contained description texts.
  string label;

  // Alternative text with additional context for this description.
  string alt_text;

struct ProductSpecificationsValue {
  // One or more descriptions about the feature being described by this value.
  array<ProductSpecificationsDescription> specification_descriptions;

  // Summaries describing the collective list of descriptions.
  array<ProductSpecificationsDescriptionText> summary;

struct ProductSpecificationsProduct {
  // The GPC ID for this product.
  uint64 product_cluster_id;

  // The title of the product.
  string title;

  // The URL for the product image.
  url.mojom.Url image_url;

  // A map of dimension IDs to the string value as it relates to this product.
  map<uint64, ProductSpecificationsValue> product_dimension_values;

  // A list of summaries about the product.
  array<ProductSpecificationsDescriptionText> summary;

// Describes whether different parts of the Compare feature are enabled.
struct ProductSpecificationsFeatureState {
  bool is_syncing_tab_compare;
  bool can_load_full_page_ui;
  bool can_manage_sets;
  bool can_fetch_data;
  bool is_allowed_for_enterprise;
  bool is_quality_logging_allowed;
  bool is_signed_in;

// This struct represents information acquired from the product specifications
// backend.
struct ProductSpecifications {
  // A map of dimension IDs to the name of the dimension.
  map<uint64, string> product_dimension_map;

  // The products that the dimensions pertain to.
  array<ProductSpecificationsProduct> products;

// This struct represents information tied to sync (the product specifications
// persistence layer).
struct ProductSpecificationsSet {
  // The human reabable name of this set.
  string name;

  // The UUID for this set in string form.
  mojo_base.mojom.Uuid uuid;

  // The user's product URLs.
  array<url.mojom.Url> urls;

//TODO(b/311697865) move this to a common location.
enum UserFeedback {

// Used by surfaces like the price tracking section in side panel, product
// specifications, chrome://history etc, to bootstrap bidirectional
// communication.
interface ShoppingServiceHandlerFactory {
  // The WebUI calls this method when the page is first initialized.
      pending_remote<Page> page,
      pending_receiver<ShoppingServiceHandler> handler);

// Browser-side handler for requests from WebUI page.
// TODO(b/359684506): Move feature-specific functions to separate handlers.
interface ShoppingServiceHandler {
  // Returns all the tracked product info from bookmarks.
      => (array<BookmarkProductInfo> productInfos);

  // Returns all the product info for shopping/product bookmarks.
      => (array<BookmarkProductInfo> productInfos);

  // Track price for bookmark with 'bookmark_id'.
  TrackPriceForBookmark(int64 bookmark_id);

  // Untrack price for bookmark with 'bookmark_id'.
  UntrackPriceForBookmark(int64 bookmark_id);

  // Returns the product info for current url.
  GetProductInfoForCurrentUrl() => (ProductInfo productInfo);

  // Returns the product info for the provided URL.
  GetProductInfoForUrl(url.mojom.Url url)
      => (url.mojom.Url url, ProductInfo productInfo);

  // Returns the price insights info for current url.
      => (PriceInsightsInfo priceInsightsInfo);

  // Returns the price insights info for the provided URL.
  GetPriceInsightsInfoForUrl(url.mojom.Url url)
      => (url.mojom.Url url, PriceInsightsInfo priceInsightsInfo);

  // Returns the product specifications for the provided list of URLs.
  GetProductSpecificationsForUrls(array<url.mojom.Url> urls)
      => (ProductSpecifications productSpecs);

  // Returns a list of URL infos for each product tab the user has open.
  // This excludes non-HTTP/HTTPS URLs.
  GetUrlInfosForProductTabs() => (array<UrlInfo> url_infos);

  // Returns a list of URL infos for recently viewed tabs. Each of these does
  // not necessarily represent an open tab.
  GetUrlInfosForRecentlyViewedTabs() => (array<UrlInfo> url_infos);

  // Notify the backend that the UI is ready to be shown.

  // Returns if the user is eligible for price tracking.
  IsShoppingListEligible() => (bool eligible);

  // Returns the ID of the shopping collection bookmark folder (not the UUID).
  GetShoppingCollectionBookmarkFolderId() => (int64 collectionId);

  // Returns the price tracking status of the current URL.
  GetPriceTrackingStatusForCurrentUrl() => (bool tracked);

  // Sets the price tracking status of the current URL.
  SetPriceTrackingStatusForCurrentUrl(bool track);

  // Opens url in a new tab.
  OpenUrlInNewTab(url.mojom.Url url);

  // Opens |url| in an existing or new tab.
  SwitchToOrOpenTab(url.mojom.Url url);

  // Returns the name of the parent bookmark folder of the current URL. This
  // will only be called when the current page is bookmarked.
      => (mojo_base.mojom.String16 name);

  // Show the bookmark editor dialog for the current URL. This will only be
  // called when the current page is bookmarked.

  // Show the product specifications set based on the uuid, `in_new_tab`
  // indicates whether the browser should open the set in a new tab or
  // current tab.
  ShowProductSpecificationsSetForUuid(mojo_base.mojom.Uuid uuid,
      bool in_new_tab);

  // Show feedback form for price insights.

  // Get all of a user's product specifications sets.
  GetAllProductSpecificationsSets() => (array<ProductSpecificationsSet> sets);

  // Return product specification set corresponding to identifier |uuid|.
  GetProductSpecificationsSetByUuid(mojo_base.mojom.Uuid uuid)
      => (ProductSpecificationsSet? set);

  // Creates a new product specifications set and returns the new entity.
  AddProductSpecificationsSet(string name, array<url.mojom.Url> urls)
      => (ProductSpecificationsSet? created_set);

  // Deletes a product specifications set given its UUID.
  DeleteProductSpecificationsSet(mojo_base.mojom.Uuid uuid);

  // Set the name for a product specifications set associated with the provided
  // Uuid. If no set with the provided Uuid exists, nullopt is returned.
  SetNameForProductSpecificationsSet(mojo_base.mojom.Uuid uuid, string name)
      => (ProductSpecificationsSet? updated_set);

  // Set the URLs for a product specifications set associated with the provided
  // Uuid. If no set with the provided Uuid exists, nullopt is returned.
  SetUrlsForProductSpecificationsSet(mojo_base.mojom.Uuid uuid,
      array<url.mojom.Url> urls) => (ProductSpecificationsSet? updated_set);

  // Store the user feedback for product specifications supplied by the user.
  SetProductSpecificationsUserFeedback(UserFeedback feedback);

  // Updates the user's accepted disclosure version for product specifications.
      ProductSpecificationsDisclosureVersion version);

  // If eligible, show the product specifications disclosure. 'urls' are the
  // member URLs of the current product specifications set, and `name` is the
  // set name. `disclosure_shown` is returned to indicate whether this attempt
  // succeeded (i.e. whether the disclosure is shown).
  MaybeShowProductSpecificationDisclosure(array<url.mojom.Url> urls,
      string name) => (bool disclosure_shown);

  // Gets called when user has explicitly declined the product specification
  // disclosure.

  // Sync user account for compare feature.

  // Get access state for compare feature.
      => (ProductSpecificationsFeatureState state);

  // Get the title of a page in history, if it exists.
  GetPageTitleFromHistory(url.mojom.Url url) => (string title);

// WebUI-side handler for requests from the browser.
interface Page {
  // Callback when a bookmark is observed to start being price tracked and
  // pass along the `BookmarkProductInfo` constructed from it.
  PriceTrackedForBookmark(BookmarkProductInfo bookmark_product);

  // Callback when a bookmark is observed to stop being price tracked and
  // pass along the `BookmarkProductInfo` constructed from it.
  PriceUntrackedForBookmark(BookmarkProductInfo bookmark_product);

  // Callback to notify the WebUI to show error UI when a track/untrack
  // attempt is failed and pass along the `BookmarkProductInfo`
  // constructed from it. `attempted_track` is true when the failed
  // operation is to track price, false when the failed operation is to
  // untrack price.
      BookmarkProductInfo bookmark_product, bool attempted_track);

  // Callback when a product bookmark is observed to be moved and
  // pass along the BookmarkProductInfo of the product.
  OnProductBookmarkMoved(BookmarkProductInfo bookmark_product);

  // Callback when a product specifications set is created.
  OnProductSpecificationsSetAdded(ProductSpecificationsSet set);

  // Callback when a product specifications set is updated.
  OnProductSpecificationsSetUpdated(ProductSpecificationsSet set);

  // Callback when a product specifications set is removed.
  OnProductSpecificationsSetRemoved(mojo_base.mojom.Uuid uuid);