// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Logic common to components that support a help bubble.
* A component implementing this mixin should call
* registerHelpBubble() to associate specific element identifiers
* referenced in an IPH or Tutorials journey with the ids of the HTML elements
* that journey cares about (typically, points for help bubbles to anchor to).
* Multiple components in the same WebUI may have this mixin. Each mixin will
* receive ALL help bubble-related messages from its associated WebUIController
* and determines if any given message is relevant. This is done by checking
* against registered identifier.
* See README.md for more information.
import {assert} from '//resources/js/assert.js';
import {EventTracker} from '//resources/js/event_tracker.js';
import type {CrLitElement} from '//resources/lit/v3_0/lit.rollup.js';
import type {InsetsF, RectF} from '//resources/mojo/ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom-webui.js';
import type {HelpBubbleDismissedEvent, HelpBubbleElement} from './help_bubble.js';
import {debounceEnd, HELP_BUBBLE_DISMISSED_EVENT, HELP_BUBBLE_TIMED_OUT_EVENT} from './help_bubble.js';
import type {HelpBubbleClientCallbackRouter, HelpBubbleHandlerInterface, HelpBubbleParams} from './help_bubble.mojom-webui.js';
import {HelpBubbleClosedReason} from './help_bubble.mojom-webui.js';
import type {Trackable} from './help_bubble_controller.js';
import {HelpBubbleController} from './help_bubble_controller.js';
import {HelpBubbleProxyImpl} from './help_bubble_proxy.js';
type Constructor<T> = new (...args: any[]) => T;
export const HelpBubbleMixinLit = <T extends Constructor<CrLitElement>>(
superClass: T): T&Constructor<HelpBubbleMixinLitInterface> => {
class HelpBubbleMixinLit extends superClass implements
HelpBubbleMixinLitInterface {
private helpBubbleHandler_: HelpBubbleHandlerInterface;
private helpBubbleCallbackRouter_: HelpBubbleClientCallbackRouter;
* A map from the name of the native identifier used in the tutorial or
* IPH definition to the target element's HTML ID.
* Example entry:
* "kHeightenSecuritySettingsElementId" => "toggleSecureMode"
private helpBubbleControllerById_: Map<string, HelpBubbleController> =
new Map();
private helpBubbleListenerIds_: number[] = [];
private helpBubbleFixedAnchorObserver_: IntersectionObserver|null = null;
private helpBubbleResizeObserver_: ResizeObserver|null = null;
private helpBubbleDismissedEventTracker_: EventTracker = new EventTracker();
private debouncedAnchorMayHaveChangedCallback_: (() => void)|null = null;
constructor(...args: any[]) {
this.helpBubbleHandler_ = HelpBubbleProxyImpl.getInstance().getHandler();
this.helpBubbleCallbackRouter_ =
override connectedCallback() {
const router = this.helpBubbleCallbackRouter_;
const isVisible = (element: Element) => {
const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
return rect.height > 0 && rect.width > 0;
this.debouncedAnchorMayHaveChangedCallback_ =
debounceEnd(this.onAnchorBoundsMayHaveChanged_.bind(this), 50);
this.helpBubbleResizeObserver_ =
new ResizeObserver(entries => entries.forEach(({target}) => {
if (target === document.body) {
if (this.debouncedAnchorMayHaveChangedCallback_) {
} else {
target as HTMLElement, isVisible(target));
this.helpBubbleFixedAnchorObserver_ = new IntersectionObserver(
entries => entries.forEach(
({target, isIntersecting}) => this.onAnchorVisibilityChanged_(
target as HTMLElement, isIntersecting)),
{root: null});
'scroll', this.debouncedAnchorMayHaveChangedCallback_,
{passive: true});
// When the component is connected, if the target elements were
// already registered, they should be observed now. Any targets
// registered from this point forward will observed on registration.
this.controllers.forEach(ctrl => this.observeControllerAnchor_(ctrl));
private get controllers(): HelpBubbleController[] {
return Array.from(this.helpBubbleControllerById_.values());
override disconnectedCallback() {
for (const listenerId of this.helpBubbleListenerIds_) {
this.helpBubbleListenerIds_ = [];
this.helpBubbleResizeObserver_ = null;
this.helpBubbleFixedAnchorObserver_ = null;
if (this.debouncedAnchorMayHaveChangedCallback_) {
'scroll', this.debouncedAnchorMayHaveChangedCallback_);
this.debouncedAnchorMayHaveChangedCallback_ = null;
* Maps `nativeId`, which should be the name of a ui::ElementIdentifier
* referenced by the WebUIController, with either:
* - a selector
* - an array of selectors (will traverse shadow DOM elements)
* - an arbitrary HTMLElement
* The referenced element should have block display and non-zero size
* when visible (inline elements may be supported in the future).
* Example:
* registerHelpBubble(
* 'kMyComponentTitleLabelElementIdentifier',
* '#title');
* Example:
* registerHelpBubble(
* 'kMyComponentTitleLabelElementIdentifier',
* ['#child-component', '#child-component-button']);
* Example:
* registerHelpBubble(
* 'kMyComponentTitleLabelElementIdentifier',
* this.$.list.childNodes[0]);
* See README.md for full instructions.
* This method can be called multiple times to re-register the
* nativeId to a new element/selector. If the help bubble is already
* showing, the registration will fail and return null. If successful,
* this method returns the new controller.
* Optionally, an options object may be supplied to change the
* default behavior of the help bubble.
* - Fixed positioning detection:
* e.g. `{fixed: true}`
* By default, this mixin detects anchor elements when
* rendered within the document. This breaks with
* fix-positioned elements since they are not in the regular
* flow of the document but they are always visible. Passing
* {"fixed": true} will detect the anchor element when it is
* visible.
* - Add padding around anchor element:
* e.g. `{anchorPaddingTop: 5}`
* To add to the default margin around the anchor element in all
* 4 directions, e.g. {"anchorPaddingTop": 5} adds 5 pixels to
* the margin at the top off the anchor element. The margin is
* used when calculating how far the help bubble should be spaced
* from the anchor element. Larger values equate to a larger visual
* gap. These values must be positive integers in the range [0, 20].
* This option should be used sparingly where the help bubble would
* otherwise conceal important UI.
nativeId: string, trackable: Trackable,
options: Options = {}): HelpBubbleController|null {
if (this.helpBubbleControllerById_.has(nativeId)) {
const ctrl = this.helpBubbleControllerById_.get(nativeId);
if (ctrl && ctrl.isBubbleShowing()) {
return null;
const controller = new HelpBubbleController(nativeId, this.shadowRoot!);
controller.track(trackable, parseOptions(options));
this.helpBubbleControllerById_.set(nativeId, controller);
// This can be called before or after `connectedCallback()`, so if the
// component isn't connected and the observer set up yet, delay
// observation until it is.
if (this.helpBubbleResizeObserver_) {
return controller;
* Unregisters a help bubble nativeId.
* This method will remove listeners, hide the help bubble if
* showing, and forget the nativeId.
unregisterHelpBubble(nativeId: string): void {
const ctrl = this.helpBubbleControllerById_.get(nativeId);
if (ctrl && ctrl.hasAnchor()) {
this.onAnchorVisibilityChanged_(ctrl.getAnchor()!, false);
private observeControllerAnchor_(controller: HelpBubbleController) {
const anchor = controller.getAnchor();
assert(anchor, 'Help bubble does not have anchor');
if (controller.isAnchorFixed()) {
} else {
private unobserveControllerAnchor_(controller: HelpBubbleController) {
const anchor = controller.getAnchor();
assert(anchor, 'Help bubble does not have anchor');
if (controller.isAnchorFixed()) {
} else {
* Returns whether any help bubble is currently showing in this
* component.
isHelpBubbleShowing(): boolean {
return this.controllers.some(ctrl => ctrl.isBubbleShowing());
* Returns whether any help bubble is currently showing on a tag
* with this id.
isHelpBubbleShowingForTesting(id: string): boolean {
const ctrls =
return !!ctrls[0];
* Returns the help bubble currently showing on a tag with this
* id.
getHelpBubbleForTesting(id: string): HelpBubbleElement|null {
const ctrls =
return ctrls[0] ? ctrls[0].getBubble() : null;
private filterMatchingIdForTesting_(anchorId: string):
(ctrl: HelpBubbleController) => boolean {
return ctrl => ctrl.isBubbleShowing() && ctrl.getAnchor() !== null &&
ctrl.getAnchor()!.id === anchorId;
* Testing method to validate that anchors will be properly
* located at runtime
* Call this method in your browser_tests after your help
* bubbles have been registered. Results are sorted to be
* deterministic.
getSortedAnchorStatusesForTesting(): Array<[string, boolean]> {
return this.controllers
.sort((a, b) => a.getNativeId().localeCompare(b.getNativeId()))
.map(ctrl => ([ctrl.getNativeId(), ctrl.hasAnchor()]));
* Returns whether a help bubble can be shown
* This requires:
* - the mixin is tracking this controller
* - the controller is in a state to be shown, e.g.
* `.canShowBubble()`
* - no other showing bubbles are anchored to the same element
canShowHelpBubble(controller: HelpBubbleController): boolean {
if (!this.helpBubbleControllerById_.has(controller.getNativeId())) {
return false;
if (!controller.canShowBubble()) {
return false;
const anchor = controller.getAnchor();
// Make sure no other help bubble is showing for this anchor.
const anchorIsUsed = this.controllers.some(
otherCtrl =>
otherCtrl.isBubbleShowing() && otherCtrl.getAnchor() === anchor);
return !anchorIsUsed;
* Displays a help bubble with `params` anchored to the HTML element
* with id `anchorId`. Note that `params.nativeIdentifier` is ignored by
* this method, since the anchor is already specified.
showHelpBubble(controller: HelpBubbleController, params: HelpBubbleParams):
void {
assert(this.canShowHelpBubble(controller), 'Can\'t show help bubble');
const bubble = controller.createBubble(params);
* Hides a help bubble anchored to element with id `anchorId` if there
* is one. Returns true if a bubble was hidden.
hideHelpBubble(nativeId: string): boolean {
const ctrl = this.helpBubbleControllerById_.get(nativeId);
if (!ctrl || !ctrl.hasBubble()) {
// `!ctrl` means this identifier is not handled by this mixin
return false;
ctrl.getBubble()!, HELP_BUBBLE_TIMED_OUT_EVENT);
return true;
* Sends an "activated" event to the ElementTracker system for the
* element with id `anchorId`, which must have been registered as a help
* bubble anchor. This event will be processed in the browser and may
* e.g. cause a Tutorial or interactive test to advance to the next
* step.
* TODO(crbug.com/40243127): Figure out how to automatically send the
* activated event when an anchor element is clicked.
notifyHelpBubbleAnchorActivated(nativeId: string): boolean {
const ctrl = this.helpBubbleControllerById_.get(nativeId);
if (!ctrl || !ctrl.isBubbleShowing()) {
return false;
return true;
* Sends a custom event to the ElementTracker system for the element
* with id `anchorId`, which must have been registered as a help bubble
* anchor. This event will be processed in the browser and may e.g.
* cause a Tutorial or interactive test to advance to the next step.
* The `customEvent` string should correspond to the name of a
* ui::CustomElementEventType declared in the browser code.
notifyHelpBubbleAnchorCustomEvent(nativeId: string, customEvent: string):
boolean {
const ctrl = this.helpBubbleControllerById_.get(nativeId);
if (!ctrl || !ctrl.isBubbleShowing()) {
return false;
nativeId, customEvent);
return true;
* This event is emitted by the mojo router
private onAnchorVisibilityChanged_(
target: HTMLElement, isVisible: boolean) {
const nativeId = target.dataset['nativeId'];
const ctrl = this.helpBubbleControllerById_.get(nativeId);
const hidden = this.hideHelpBubble(nativeId);
if (hidden) {
nativeId, HelpBubbleClosedReason.kPageChanged);
const bounds: RectF = isVisible ? this.getElementBounds_(target) :
{x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0};
if (!ctrl || ctrl.updateAnchorVisibility(isVisible, bounds)) {
nativeId, isVisible, bounds);
* When the document scrolls or resizes, we need to update cached
* positions of bubble anchors.
private onAnchorBoundsMayHaveChanged_() {
for (const ctrl of this.controllers) {
if (ctrl.hasAnchor() && ctrl.getAnchorVisibility()) {
const bounds = this.getElementBounds_(ctrl.getAnchor()!);
if (ctrl.updateAnchorVisibility(true, bounds)) {
ctrl.getNativeId(), true, bounds);
* Returns bounds of the anchor element
private getElementBounds_(element: HTMLElement) {
const rect: RectF = {x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0};
const bounds = element.getBoundingClientRect();
rect.x = bounds.x;
rect.y = bounds.y;
rect.width = bounds.width;
rect.height = bounds.height;
const nativeId = element.dataset['nativeId'];
if (!nativeId) {
return rect;
const ctrl = this.helpBubbleControllerById_.get(nativeId);
if (ctrl) {
const padding = ctrl.getPadding();
rect.x -= padding.left;
rect.y -= padding.top;
rect.width += padding.left + padding.right;
rect.height += padding.top + padding.bottom;
return rect;
* This event is emitted by the mojo router
private onShowHelpBubble_(params: HelpBubbleParams): void {
if (!this.helpBubbleControllerById_.has(params.nativeIdentifier)) {
// Identifier not handled by this mixin.
const ctrl = this.helpBubbleControllerById_.get(params.nativeIdentifier)!;
this.showHelpBubble(ctrl, params);
* This event is emitted by the mojo router
private onToggleHelpBubbleFocusForAccessibility_(nativeId: string) {
if (!this.helpBubbleControllerById_.has(nativeId)) {
// Identifier not handled by this mixin.
const ctrl = this.helpBubbleControllerById_.get(nativeId)!;
if (ctrl) {
const anchor = ctrl.getAnchor();
if (anchor) {
* This event is emitted by the mojo router
private onHideHelpBubble_(nativeId: string): void {
// This may be called with nativeId not handled by this mixin
// Ignore return value to silently fail
* This event is emitted by the mojo router.
private onExternalHelpBubbleUpdated_(nativeId: string, shown: boolean) {
if (!this.helpBubbleControllerById_.has(nativeId)) {
// Identifier not handled by this mixin.
// Get the associated bubble and update status
const ctrl = this.helpBubbleControllerById_.get(nativeId)!;
* This event is emitted by the help-bubble component
private onHelpBubbleDismissed_(e: HelpBubbleDismissedEvent) {
const nativeId = e.detail.nativeId;
const hidden = this.hideHelpBubble(nativeId);
if (nativeId) {
if (e.detail.fromActionButton) {
nativeId, e.detail.buttonIndex!);
} else {
nativeId, HelpBubbleClosedReason.kDismissedByUser);
* This event is emitted by the help-bubble component
private onHelpBubbleTimedOut_(e: HelpBubbleDismissedEvent) {
const nativeId = e.detail.nativeId;
const ctrl = this.helpBubbleControllerById_.get(nativeId);
const hidden = this.hideHelpBubble(nativeId);
if (nativeId) {
nativeId, HelpBubbleClosedReason.kTimedOut);
return HelpBubbleMixinLit;
export interface HelpBubbleMixinLitInterface {
registerHelpBubble(nativeId: string, trackable: Trackable, options?: Options):
unregisterHelpBubble(nativeId: string): void;
isHelpBubbleShowing(): boolean;
isHelpBubbleShowingForTesting(id: string): boolean;
getHelpBubbleForTesting(id: string): HelpBubbleElement|null;
getSortedAnchorStatusesForTesting(): Array<[string, boolean]>;
canShowHelpBubble(controller: HelpBubbleController): boolean;
showHelpBubble(controller: HelpBubbleController, params: HelpBubbleParams):
hideHelpBubble(nativeId: string): boolean;
notifyHelpBubbleAnchorActivated(anchorId: string): boolean;
notifyHelpBubbleAnchorCustomEvent(anchorId: string, customEvent: string):
export interface Options {
anchorPaddingTop?: number;
anchorPaddingLeft?: number;
anchorPaddingBottom?: number;
anchorPaddingRight?: number;
fixed?: boolean;
export function parseOptions(options: Options) {
const padding: InsetsF = {top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0};
padding.top = clampPadding(options.anchorPaddingTop);
padding.left = clampPadding(options.anchorPaddingLeft);
padding.bottom = clampPadding(options.anchorPaddingBottom);
padding.right = clampPadding(options.anchorPaddingRight);
return {
fixed: !!options.fixed,
function clampPadding(n: number = 0) {
return Math.max(0, Math.min(20, n));