
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module history_embeddings.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";

// Some SearchResultItem may be specialized and marked as the query answer.
// When that happens, it will have an AnswerData instance for details.
struct AnswerData {
  // If this item is the answer, the base URL may be expanded to include one
  // or more scroll-to-text-fragment directives.
  array<string> answer_text_directives;

// A single completed history entry reference that forms part of a search
// result and can be presented to the user with source context.
struct SearchResultItem {
  // The title of the page.
  string title;

  // The URL from the history database.
  url.mojom.Url url;

  // The URL formatted for display.
  string url_for_display;

  // A localized string for the last visit time for the above URL, from history.
  string relative_time;

  // The last visit time for the above URL, from history. Used for removing
  // history item.
  // TODO( BrowsingHistoryService requires a double here.
  double last_url_visit_timestamp;

  // The full source passage that was used to recall this item.
  string source_passage;

  // When present, this contains information about how to mark this
  // SearchResultItem as the query answer. Most items will not have it.
  AnswerData? answer_data;

// Represents a search query for the history embeddings database.
struct SearchQuery {
  // Search query text.
  string query;

  // Optional time window to narrow search: last week, last month, etc.
  // The end of the time range is implicitly now.
  mojo_base.mojom.Time? time_range_start;

// Represents the results of a search query.
struct SearchResult {
  string query;
  string answer;
  array<SearchResultItem> items;

enum UserFeedback {
  // Unspecified.
  // A thumbs down.
  // A thumbs up.

// Browser-side handler for requests from WebUI page.
interface PageHandler {
  // The HistoryEmbeddingsBrowserProxy singleton calls this when
  // it's first initialized.
  SetPage(pending_remote<Page> page);

  // Initiate a history embeddings search. Results will be received
  // asynchronously by SearchResultChanged below.
  Search(SearchQuery query);

  // Sends a quality log using the history embeddings service to log if a user
  // clicked on some of the embeddings suggestions.
  SendQualityLog(array<uint32> selected_indices, uint32 num_entered_chars);

  // Records the results from an embeddings query: whether the UI received
  // non-empty embeddings results, and if the user clicked one of the results.
  RecordSearchResultsMetrics(bool nonEmptyResults, bool userClickedResult);

  // Store the user feedback supplied by the user.
  SetUserFeedback(UserFeedback feedback);

  // Attempt to show the IPH bubble to promote the feature. Called from the
  // main history app on page load.

// WebUI-side handler for requests from the browser.
interface Page {
  // Called to update UI when search results are received.
  SearchResultChanged(SearchResult result);