// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview CrContainerShadowMixinLit holds logic for showing a drop shadow
* near the top of a container element, when the content has scrolled. Inherits
* from CrScrollObserverMixinLit.
* Lit version of CrContainerShadowMixin.
* Elements using this mixin are expected to define a #container element which
* is the element being scrolled.
* If the #container element has a show-bottom-shadow attribute, a drop shadow
* will also be shown near the bottom of the container element, when there
* is additional content to scroll to. Examples:
* For both top and bottom shadows:
* <div id="container" show-bottom-shadow>...</div>
* For top shadow only:
* <div id="container">...</div>
* The mixin will take care of inserting an element with ID
* 'cr-container-shadow-top' which holds the drop shadow effect, and,
* optionally, an element with ID 'cr-container-shadow-bottom' which holds the
* same effect. Note that the show-bottom-shadow attribute is inspected only
* during connectedCallback() and any changes that occur after that point will
* not be respected.
* Clients should either use the existing shared styling in
* cr_shared_style.css, '#cr-container-shadow-[top/bottom]' and
* '#cr-container-shadow-top:has(+ #container.can-scroll:not(.scrolled-to-top))'
* and '#container.can-scroll:not(.scrolled-to-bottom) +
* #cr-container-shadow-bottom'
* or define their own styles.
import {assert} from '//resources/js/assert.js';
import type {CrLitElement} from '//resources/lit/v3_0/lit.rollup.js';
import type {CrScrollObserverMixinLitInterface} from './cr_scroll_observer_mixin_lit.js';
import {CrScrollObserverMixinLit} from './cr_scroll_observer_mixin_lit.js';
export enum CrContainerShadowSide {
TOP = 'top',
BOTTOM = 'bottom',
type Constructor<T> = new (...args: any[]) => T;
export const CrContainerShadowMixinLit = <T extends Constructor<CrLitElement>>(
superClass: T): T&Constructor<CrContainerShadowMixinLitInterface> => {
const superClassBase = CrScrollObserverMixinLit(superClass);
class CrContainerShadowMixinLit extends superClassBase implements
CrContainerShadowMixinLitInterface {
private dropShadows_: Map<CrContainerShadowSide, HTMLElement> = new Map();
private sides_: CrContainerShadowSide[] = [];
override connectedCallback() {
const container = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#container');
const hasBottomShadow = container.hasAttribute('show-bottom-shadow');
this.sides_ = hasBottomShadow ?
[CrContainerShadowSide.TOP, CrContainerShadowSide.BOTTOM] :
this.sides_.forEach(side => {
// The element holding the drop shadow effect to be shown.
const shadow = document.createElement('div');
shadow.id = `cr-container-shadow-${side}`;
this.dropShadows_.set(side, shadow);
this.dropShadows_.get(CrContainerShadowSide.TOP)!, container);
if (hasBottomShadow) {
* Toggles the force-shadow class. If |enabled| is true, shadows will be
* forced to show regardless of scroll state when using the shared styles
* in cr_shared_style.css. If false, shadows can be shown using classes set
* by CrScrollObserverMixin.
setForceDropShadows(enabled: boolean) {
assert(this.sides_.length > 0);
for (const side of this.sides_) {
this.dropShadows_.get(side)!.classList.toggle('force-shadow', enabled);
return CrContainerShadowMixinLit;
export interface CrContainerShadowMixinLitInterface extends
CrScrollObserverMixinLitInterface {
setForceDropShadows(enabled: boolean): void;