// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview 'cr-icon-button' is a button which displays an icon with a
* ripple. It can be interacted with like a normal button using click as well as
* space and enter to effectively click the button and fire a 'click' event.
* There are two sources to icons:
* Option 1: CSS classes defined in cr_icons.css.
* Option 2: SVG icons defined in a cr-iconset or iron-iconset-svg,
* with the name passed to cr-icon-button via the |ironIcon| property.
* Example of using CSS classes:
* In the .html.ts template file (if using a .html template file instead, the
* import should be in the corresponding .ts file):
* import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_icons.css.js';
* export function getHtml() {
* return html`
* <cr-icon-button class="icon-class-name"></cr-icon-button>`;
* }
* When an icon is specified using a class, the expectation is the
* class will set an image to the --cr-icon-image variable.
* Example of using a cr-iconset to supply an icon via the iron-icon parameter:
* In the .html.ts template file (if using a .html template file instead, the
* import should be in the corresponding .ts file):
* import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/icons_lit.html.js';
* export function getHtml() {
* return html`
* <cr-icon-button iron-icon="cr:icon-key"></cr-icon-button>`;
* }
* The color of the icon can be overridden using CSS variables. When using
* the ironIcon property to populate cr-icon-button's internal <cr-icon>, the
* following CSS variables for fill and stroke can be overridden for cr-icon:
* --iron-icon-button-fill-color
* --iron-icon-button-stroke-color
* When not using the ironIcon property, cr-icon-button will not create a
* <cr-icon>, so the cr-icon related CSS variables above are ignored.
* When using the ironIcon property, more than one icon can be specified by
* setting the |ironIcon| property to a comma-delimited list of keys.
import '../cr_icon/cr_icon.js';
import {CrLitElement} from '//resources/lit/v3_0/lit.rollup.js';
import type {PropertyValues} from '//resources/lit/v3_0/lit.rollup.js';
import {CrRippleMixin} from '../cr_ripple/cr_ripple_mixin.js';
import {getCss} from './cr_icon_button.css.js';
import {getHtml} from './cr_icon_button.html.js';
export interface CrIconButtonElement {
$: {
icon: HTMLElement,
const CrIconbuttonElementBase = CrRippleMixin(CrLitElement);
export class CrIconButtonElement extends CrIconbuttonElementBase {
static get is() {
return 'cr-icon-button';
static override get styles() {
return getCss();
override render() {
return getHtml.bind(this)();
static override get properties() {
return {
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
reflect: true,
ironIcon: {
type: String,
reflect: true,
suppressRtlFlip: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
reflect: true,
multipleIcons_: {
type: Boolean,
reflect: true,
disabled: boolean = false;
ironIcon?: string;
protected multipleIcons_: boolean = false;
* It is possible to activate a tab when the space key is pressed down. When
* this element has focus, the keyup event for the space key should not
* perform a 'click'. |spaceKeyDown_| tracks when a space pressed and
* handled by this element. Space keyup will only result in a 'click' when
* |spaceKeyDown_| is true. |spaceKeyDown_| is set to false when element
* loses focus.
private spaceKeyDown_: boolean = false;
constructor() {
this.addEventListener('blur', this.onBlur_.bind(this));
this.addEventListener('click', this.onClick_.bind(this));
this.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown_.bind(this));
this.addEventListener('keyup', this.onKeyUp_.bind(this));
override willUpdate(changedProperties: PropertyValues<this>) {
if (changedProperties.has('ironIcon')) {
const icons = (this.ironIcon || '').split(',');
this.multipleIcons_ = icons.length > 1;
override firstUpdated() {
if (!this.hasAttribute('role')) {
this.setAttribute('role', 'button');
if (!this.hasAttribute('tabindex')) {
this.setAttribute('tabindex', '0');
override updated(changedProperties: PropertyValues<this>) {
if (changedProperties.has('disabled')) {
this.setAttribute('aria-disabled', this.disabled ? 'true' : 'false');
this.disabledChanged_(this.disabled, changedProperties.get('disabled'));
if (changedProperties.has('ironIcon')) {
private disabledChanged_(newValue: boolean, oldValue: boolean|undefined) {
if (!newValue && oldValue === undefined) {
if (this.disabled) {
this.setAttribute('tabindex', String(this.disabled ? -1 : 0));
private onBlur_() {
this.spaceKeyDown_ = false;
private onClick_(e: Event) {
if (this.disabled) {
private async onIronIconChanged_() {
this.shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll('cr-icon').forEach(el => el.remove());
if (!this.ironIcon) {
const icons = (this.ironIcon || '').split(',');
icons.forEach(async icon => {
const crIcon = document.createElement('cr-icon');
crIcon.icon = icon;
await crIcon.updateComplete;
crIcon.shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll('svg, img')
.forEach(child => child.setAttribute('role', 'none'));
private onKeyDown_(e: KeyboardEvent) {
if (e.key !== ' ' && e.key !== 'Enter') {
if (e.repeat) {
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
} else if (e.key === ' ') {
this.spaceKeyDown_ = true;
private onKeyUp_(e: KeyboardEvent) {
if (e.key === ' ' || e.key === 'Enter') {
if (this.spaceKeyDown_ && e.key === ' ') {
this.spaceKeyDown_ = false;
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'cr-icon-button': CrIconButtonElement;
customElements.define(CrIconButtonElement.is, CrIconButtonElement);