// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import './cr_ripple.js';
import {assert} from '//resources/js/assert.js';
import type {CrLitElement, PropertyValues} from '//resources/lit/v3_0/lit.rollup.js';
import type {CrRippleElement} from './cr_ripple.js';
* `CrRippleMixin` exposes methods to dynamically create a cr-ripple
* when needed.
type Constructor<T> = new (...args: any[]) => T;
export const CrRippleMixin =
<T extends Constructor<CrLitElement>>(superClass: T): T&
Constructor<CrRippleMixinInterface> => {
class CrRippleMixin extends superClass implements
CrRippleMixinInterface {
static get properties() {
return {
* If true, the element will not produce a ripple effect when
* interacted with via the pointer.
noink: {type: Boolean},
noink: boolean = false;
rippleContainer: HTMLElement|null = null;
private ripple_: CrRippleElement|null = null;
override updated(changedProperties: PropertyValues<this>) {
if (changedProperties.has('noink') && this.hasRipple()) {
this.ripple_.noink = this.noink;
ensureRippleOnPointerdown() {
// 'capture: true' is necessary so that the cr-ripple is created early
// enough so that it also receives the 'pointerdown' event. Otherwise
// the ripple is created, but not shown on the 1st click.
'pointerdown', () => this.ensureRipple(), {capture: true});
* Ensures this element contains a ripple effect. For startup efficiency
* the ripple effect is dynamically added on demand when needed.
ensureRipple() {
if (this.hasRipple()) {
this.ripple_ = this.createRipple();
this.ripple_.noink = this.noink;
const rippleContainer = this.rippleContainer || this.shadowRoot;
* Returns the `<cr-ripple>` element used by this element to create
* ripple effects. The element's ripple is created on demand, when
* necessary, and calling this method will force the
* ripple to be created.
getRipple() {
return this.ripple_;
* Returns true if this element currently contains a ripple effect.
hasRipple(): boolean {
return Boolean(this.ripple_);
* Create the element's ripple effect via creating a `<cr-ripple
* id="ink">` instance. Override this method to customize the ripple
* element.
createRipple(): CrRippleElement {
const ripple = document.createElement('cr-ripple');
ripple.id = 'ink';
return ripple;
return CrRippleMixin;
export interface CrRippleMixinInterface {
noink: boolean;
rippleContainer: HTMLElement|null;
createRipple(): CrRippleElement;
ensureRipple(): void;
ensureRippleOnPointerdown(): void;
getRipple(): CrRippleElement;
hasRipple(): boolean;