// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview CrScrollObserverMixin has logic to add CSS classes based
* on the scroll state of a scrolling container element specified by a
* #container ID.
* Elements using this mixin are expected to define a #container element, which
* is the element being scrolled. There should only be one such element in the
* DOM.
* <div id="container">...</div>
* Alternatively, clients can set a container element by overriding the
* getContainer() method. This method should always return the same element
* throughout the life of the client. It is first called in connectedCallback().
* The mixin will toggle CSS classes on #container indicating the current scroll
* state.
* can-scroll: Has content to scroll to
* scrolled-to-top: Scrolled all the way to the top
* scrolled-to-bottom: Scrolled all the way to the bottom
* Clients can use these classes to define styles.
import {assert} from '//resources/js/assert.js';
import type {PolymerElement} from '//resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {dedupingMixin} from '//resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
type Constructor<T> = new (...args: any[]) => T;
export const CrScrollObserverMixin = dedupingMixin(
<T extends Constructor<PolymerElement>>(superClass: T): T&
Constructor<CrScrollObserverMixinInterface> => {
class CrScrollObserverMixin extends superClass implements
CrScrollObserverMixinInterface {
private intersectionObserver_: IntersectionObserver|null = null;
private topProbe_: HTMLElement|null = null;
private bottomProbe_: HTMLElement|null = null;
override connectedCallback() {
const container = this.getContainer();
this.topProbe_ = document.createElement('div');
this.bottomProbe_ = document.createElement('div');
override disconnectedCallback() {
// Defaults to returning #container. Override for different behavior.
getContainer(): HTMLElement {
const container =
return container;
private getIntersectionObserver_(): IntersectionObserver {
const callback = (entries: IntersectionObserverEntry[]) => {
// In some rare cases, there could be more than one entry per
// observed element, in which case the last entry's result
// stands.
const container = this.getContainer();
for (const entry of entries) {
const target = entry.target;
if (target === this.topProbe_) {
'scrolled-to-top', entry.intersectionRatio !== 0);
const canScroll = entry.intersectionRatio === 0 ||
container.classList.toggle('can-scroll', canScroll);
if (target === this.bottomProbe_) {
'scrolled-to-bottom', entry.intersectionRatio !== 0);
const canScroll = entry.intersectionRatio === 0 ||
container.classList.toggle('can-scroll', canScroll);
return new IntersectionObserver(
callback, {root: this.getContainer(), threshold: 0});
* @param enable Whether to enable the mixin or disable it.
* This function does nothing if the mixin is already in the
* requested state.
enableScrollObservation(enable: boolean) {
// Behavior is already enabled/disabled. Return early.
if (enable === !!this.intersectionObserver_) {
if (!enable) {
this.intersectionObserver_ = null;
this.intersectionObserver_ = this.getIntersectionObserver_();
// Need to register the observer within a setTimeout() callback,
// otherwise the drop shadow flashes once on startup, because of the
// DOM modifications earlier in this function causing a relayout.
window.setTimeout(() => {
// In case this is already detached.
if (!this.isConnected) {
if (this.intersectionObserver_) {
return CrScrollObserverMixin;
export interface CrScrollObserverMixinInterface {
enableScrollObservation(enable: boolean): void;
// Defaults to returning #container. Override for different behavior. Do
// not override if using via CrContainerShadowMixin.
getContainer(): HTMLElement;