// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert} from '//resources/js/assert.js';
import type {CrLitElement, PropertyValues} from '//resources/lit/v3_0/lit.rollup.js';
* CrSelectableMixin maintains a collection of selectable elements. The
* elements are queried from the light DOM, and are identified using a
* |selectable| CSS selector, if specified.
* The mixin observes click events on its children, and selects an item when
* clicked. Items can also be selected using the select* methods, or by
* updating the |selected| property. The mixin sets the 'selected' CSS
* class on the selected item, if any, and also sets the |selectedAttribute|
* boolean attribute on the selected item if it is specified.
* Events fired:
* iron-activate: Fired when an item is activated by a "click" event, before
* the item is selected (see below).
* iron-select: Fired when an item is selected.
* iron-deselect: Fired when an item is deselected.
* iron-items-changed: Fired when the list of selectable items changes.
* TODO (rbpotter): Rename these events, now that they are not fired by an
* "iron-" behavior.
type Constructor<T> = new (...args: any[]) => T;
export const CrSelectableMixin = <T extends Constructor<CrLitElement>>(
superClass: T): T&Constructor<CrSelectableMixinInterface> => {
class CrSelectableMixin extends superClass implements
CrSelectableMixinInterface {
static get properties() {
return {
* To use an attribute value of an element for determining `selected`
* instead of using the index, set this property to the name of the HTML
* attribute.
attrForSelected: {type: String},
* Gets or sets the selected value. The default is to use the index of
* the selected item. If attrForSelected is set, this is instead the
* value of the |attrForSelected| attribute of the selected item.
selected: {
type: String,
notify: true,
/** Boolean attribute name to set on items that are selected. */
selectedAttribute: {type: String},
* This is a CSS selector string. If this is set, only items that match
* the CSS selector are selectable.
selectable: {type: String},
attrForSelected: string|null = null;
selectable?: string;
selected?: string|number;
selectedAttribute: string|null = null;
// Whether to select items when they or their children are clicked. Note:
// value is only checked in firstUpdated().
selectOnClick: boolean = true;
private items_: Element[] = [];
private selectedItem_: Element|null = null;
override firstUpdated(changedProperties: PropertyValues<this>) {
if (this.selectOnClick) {
this.addEventListener('click', e => this.onClick_(e));
// Override this method in client code to modify the observation logic,
// or to turn it off completely. By default it listens for any changes on
// the first <slot> node in this shadowRoot.
observeItems() {
this.getSlot().addEventListener('slotchange', () => this.itemsChanged());
override connectedCallback() {
override willUpdate(changedProperties: PropertyValues<this>) {
if (changedProperties.has('attrForSelected')) {
if (this.selectedItem_) {
const value = this.selectedItem_.getAttribute(this.attrForSelected);
assert(value !== null);
this.selected = value;
override updated(changedProperties: PropertyValues<this>) {
if (changedProperties.has('selected')) {
* Selects the given value.
select(value: string|number) {
this.selected = value;
* Selects the previous item.
selectPrevious() {
const length = this.items_.length;
let index = length - 1;
if (this.selected !== undefined) {
index = ((this.valueToIndex_(this.selected)) - 1 + length) % length;
this.selected = this.indexToValue_(index);
* Selects the next item.
selectNext() {
const index = this.selected === undefined ?
0 :
(this.valueToIndex_(this.selected) + 1) % this.items_.length;
this.selected = this.indexToValue_(index);
getItemsForTest(): Element[] {
return this.items_;
getSlot(): HTMLSlotElement {
const slot = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('slot');
return slot;
// Override this method in client code to modify this logic, for example to
// grab children that don't reside in a <slot>.
queryItems(): Element[] {
const selectable = this.selectable === undefined ? '*' : this.selectable;
return Array.from(this.querySelectorAll(`:scope > ${selectable}`));
// If overriding queryItems(), override this method to return the list item
// element matching the CSS selector string |selector|.
queryMatchingItem(selector: string): HTMLElement|null {
const selectable = this.selectable || '*';
return this.querySelector<HTMLElement>(
`:scope > :is(${selectable})${selector}`);
private updateItems_() {
this.items_ = this.queryItems();
(item, index) =>
item.setAttribute('data-selection-index', index.toString()));
get selectedItem(): Element|null {
return this.selectedItem_;
private updateSelectedItem_() {
if (!this.items_) {
const item = this.selected == null ?
null :
if (!!item && this.selectedItem_ !== item) {
this.setItemSelected_(this.selectedItem_, false);
this.setItemSelected_(item, true);
} else if (!item) {
this.setItemSelected_(this.selectedItem_, false);
private setItemSelected_(item: Element|null, isSelected: boolean) {
if (!item) {
item.classList.toggle('selected', isSelected);
if (this.selectedAttribute) {
item.toggleAttribute(this.selectedAttribute, isSelected);
this.selectedItem_ = isSelected ? item : null;
this.fire('iron-' + (isSelected ? 'select' : 'deselect'), {item: item});
private valueToIndex_(value: string|number): number {
if (!this.attrForSelected) {
return Number(value);
const match =
return match ? Number(match.dataset['selectionIndex']) : -1;
private indexToValue_(index: number): string|number {
if (!this.attrForSelected) {
return index;
const item = this.items_[index];
if (!item) {
return index;
return item.getAttribute(this.attrForSelected) || index;
itemsChanged() {
// Let other interested parties know about the change.
private onClick_(e: MouseEvent) {
let element = e.target as HTMLElement;
while (element && element !== this) {
const idx = this.items_.indexOf(element);
if (idx >= 0) {
const value = this.indexToValue_(idx);
assert(value !== null);
this.fire('iron-activate', {item: element, selected: value});
element = element.parentNode as HTMLElement;
return CrSelectableMixin;
export interface CrSelectableMixinInterface {
attrForSelected: string|null;
selected?: string|number;
selectable?: string;
readonly selectedItem: Element|null;
selectOnClick: boolean;
getItemsForTest(): Element[];
getSlot(): HTMLSlotElement;
itemsChanged(): void;
selectNext(): void;
selectPrevious(): void;
select(value: string|number): void;
// Methods to override to modify default behavior.
observeItems(): void;
queryItems(): Element[];
queryMatchingItem(selector: string): HTMLElement|null;