// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {html, nothing} from '//resources/lit/v3_0/lit.rollup.js';
import type {CrTextareaElement} from './cr_textarea.js';
export function getHtml(this: CrTextareaElement) {
return html`
<div id="label" class="cr-form-field-label" ?hidden="${!this.label}"
<div id="input-container">
<!-- The mirror div is used to take up the required space when autogrow is
set. -->
<div id="mirror">${this.calculateMirror_()}</div>
<!-- The textarea is limited to |rows| height. If the content exceeds the
bounds, it scrolls by default unless autogrow is set. No space or
comments are allowed before the closing tag. -->
<div id="hover-layer"></div>
<textarea id="input" ?autofocus="${this.autofocus}" .rows="${this.rows}"
.value="${this.internalValue_}" aria-label="${this.label}"
@input="${this.onInput_}" @focus="${this.onInputFocusChange_}"
@blur="${this.onInputFocusChange_}" @change="${this.onInputChange_}"
?disabled="${this.disabled}" maxlength="${this.maxlength}"
?readonly="${this.readonly}" ?required="${this.required}"
placeholder="${this.placeholder || nothing}">
<div id="underline-base"></div>
<div id="underline"></div>
<div id="footerContainer" class="cr-row">
<div id="firstFooter" aria-live="${this.getFooterAria_()}">
<div id="secondFooter" aria-live="${this.getFooterAria_()}">