
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module browser_command.mojom;

// The set of browser commands sent by the NTP promos or the What's New
// content, and understood by the browser. They may trigger actions
// in the browser such as navigating to a chrome:// URL or initiating a helpful
// flow. The implementer of the CommandHandler interface chooses which commands
// to handle and which ones to ignore depending on the platform or the
// milestone. Note that the implementations of these commands must be
// side-effect-free.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// Please update enums.xml upon addition of new commands.
enum Command {
  kUnknownCommand = 0,
  kOpenSafetyCheck = 1,
  kOpenSafeBrowsingEnhancedProtectionSettings = 2,
  kOpenFeedbackForm = 3,
  kOpenPrivacyGuide = 4,
  kStartTabGroupTutorial = 5,
  kOpenPasswordManager = 6,
  kNoOpCommand = 7,
  kOpenPerformanceSettings = 8,
  kOpenNTPAndStartCustomizeChromeTutorial = 9,
  kStartPasswordManagerTutorial = 10,
  kStartSavedTabGroupTutorial = 11,
  kOpenAISettings = 12,
  kOpenSafetyCheckFromWhatsNew = 13,
  kOpenPaymentsSettings = 14,

// Click information needed to determine user's desired window disposition using
// ui::DispositionFromClick().
struct ClickInfo {
  bool middle_button;
  bool alt_key;
  bool ctrl_key;
  bool meta_key;
  bool shift_key;

// Implemented by the New Tab Page and What's New WebUIs that provide
// CommandHandlers to handle requests for browser commands from JS.
interface CommandHandlerFactory {
  // Called when first initialized.
  CreateBrowserCommandHandler(pending_receiver<CommandHandler> handler);

// Browser-side handler for requests from JS.
interface CommandHandler {
  // Returns the given command ID can be executed.
  CanExecuteCommand(Command command_id) => (bool can_execute);

  // Executes the command with the given ID and click information. Returns
  // whether or not the command was executed.
  ExecuteCommand(Command command_id, ClickInfo click_info)
      => (bool command_executed);