// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert} from './assert.js';
const WRAPPER_CSS_CLASS: string = 'search-highlight-wrapper';
const ORIGINAL_CONTENT_CSS_CLASS: string = 'search-highlight-original-content';
const HIT_CSS_CLASS: string = 'search-highlight-hit';
const SEARCH_BUBBLE_CSS_CLASS: string = 'search-bubble';
export interface Range {
start: number;
length: number;
* Replaces the the highlight wrappers given in |wrappers| with the original
* search nodes.
export function removeHighlights(wrappers: HTMLElement[]) {
for (const wrapper of wrappers) {
// If wrapper is already removed, do nothing.
if (!wrapper.parentElement) {
const originalContent =
const textNode = originalContent.firstChild;
wrapper.parentElement.replaceChild(textNode, wrapper);
* Finds all previous highlighted nodes under |node| and replaces the
* highlights (yellow rectangles) with the original search node. Searches only
* within the same shadowRoot and assumes that only one highlight wrapper
* exists under |node|.
export function findAndRemoveHighlights(node: Node) {
const wrappers =
Array.from((node as HTMLElement)
assert(wrappers.length === 1);
* Applies the highlight UI (yellow rectangle) around all matches in |node|.
* @param node The text node to be highlighted. |node| ends up
* being hidden.
* @return The new highlight wrapper.
export function highlight(node: Node, ranges: Range[]): HTMLElement {
assert(ranges.length > 0);
const wrapper = document.createElement('span');
// Use existing node as placeholder to determine where to insert the
// replacement content.
node.parentNode.replaceChild(wrapper, node);
// Keep the existing node around for when the highlights are removed. The
// existing text node might be involved in data-binding and therefore should
// not be discarded.
const span = document.createElement('span');
span.style.display = 'none';
const text = node.textContent!;
const tokens: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; ++i) {
const range = ranges[i]!;
const prev = ranges[i - 1]! || {start: 0, length: 0};
const start = prev.start + prev.length;
const length = range.start - start;
tokens.push(text.substr(start, length));
tokens.push(text.substr(range.start, range.length));
const last = ranges.slice(-1)[0]!;
tokens.push(text.substr(last.start + last.length));
for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) {
if (i % 2 === 0) {
} else {
const hitSpan = document.createElement('span');
// Defaults to the color associated with --paper-yellow-500.
hitSpan.style.backgroundColor =
'var(--search-highlight-hit-background-color, #ffeb3b)';
// Defaults to the color associated with --google-grey-900.
hitSpan.style.color = 'var(--search-highlight-hit-color, #202124)';
hitSpan.textContent = tokens[i]!;
return wrapper;
* Creates an empty search bubble (styled HTML element without text).
* |node| should already be visible or the bubble will render incorrectly.
* @param node The node to be highlighted.
* @param horizontallyCenter Whether or not to horizontally center
* the shown search bubble (if any) based on |node|'s left and width.
* @return The search bubble that was added, or null if no new
* bubble was added.
export function createEmptySearchBubble(
node: Node, horizontallyCenter?: boolean): HTMLElement {
let anchor = node;
if (node.nodeName === 'SELECT') {
anchor = node.parentNode!;
if (anchor instanceof ShadowRoot) {
anchor = anchor.host.parentNode!;
let searchBubble =
(anchor as HTMLElement)
// If the node has already been highlighted, there is no need to do
// anything.
if (searchBubble) {
return searchBubble;
searchBubble = document.createElement('div');
const innards = document.createElement('div');
innards.textContent = '\u00a0'; // Non-breaking space for offsetHeight.
const updatePosition = function() {
const nodeEl = node as HTMLElement;
assert(typeof nodeEl.offsetTop === 'number');
searchBubble.style.top = nodeEl.offsetTop +
(innards.classList.contains('above') ? -searchBubble.offsetHeight :
nodeEl.offsetHeight) +
if (horizontallyCenter) {
const width = nodeEl.offsetWidth - searchBubble.offsetWidth;
searchBubble.style.left = nodeEl.offsetLeft + width / 2 + 'px';
searchBubble.addEventListener('mouseover', function() {
// TODO(crbug.com/41096577): create a way to programmatically update these
// bubbles (i.e. call updatePosition()) when outer scope knows they need to
// be repositioned.
return searchBubble;
export function stripDiacritics(text: string): string {
return text.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '');