
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and spanify to fix the errors.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "url/url_canon_internal.h"

#include <errno.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef __SSE2__
#include <immintrin.h>
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
#include <arm_neon.h>

#include <cstdio>
#include <string>

#include "base/bits.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversion_utils.h"
#include "url/url_features.h"

namespace url {

namespace {

// Find the initial segment of the given string that consists solely
// of characters valid for CHAR_QUERY. (We can have false negatives in
// one specific case, namely the exclamation mark 0x21, but false negatives
// are fine, and it's not worth adding a separate test for.) This is
// a fast path to speed up checking of very long query strings that are
// already valid, which happen on some web pages.
// This has some startup cost to load the constants and such, so it's
// usually not worth it for short strings.
size_t FindInitialQuerySafeString(const char* source, size_t length) {}

template <typename CHAR, typename UCHAR>
void DoAppendStringOfType(const CHAR* source,
                          size_t length,
                          SharedCharTypes type,
                          CanonOutput* output) {}

// This function assumes the input values are all contained in 8-bit,
// although it allows any type. Returns true if input is valid, false if not.
template <typename CHAR, typename UCHAR>
void DoAppendInvalidNarrowString(const CHAR* spec,
                                 size_t begin,
                                 size_t end,
                                 CanonOutput* output) {}

// Overrides one component, see the Replacements structure for
// what the various combionations of source pointer and component mean.
void DoOverrideComponent(const char* override_source,
                         const Component& override_component,
                         const char** dest,
                         Component* dest_component) {}

// Similar to DoOverrideComponent except that it takes a UTF-16 input and does
// not actually set the output character pointer.
// The input is converted to UTF-8 at the end of the given buffer as a temporary
// holding place. The component identifying the portion of the buffer used in
// the |utf8_buffer| will be specified in |*dest_component|.
// This will not actually set any |dest| pointer like DoOverrideComponent
// does because all of the pointers will point into the |utf8_buffer|, which
// may get resized while we're overriding a subsequent component. Instead, the
// caller should use the beginning of the |utf8_buffer| as the string pointer
// for all components once all overrides have been prepared.
bool PrepareUTF16OverrideComponent(const char16_t* override_source,
                                   const Component& override_component,
                                   CanonOutput* utf8_buffer,
                                   Component* dest_component) {}

}  // namespace

// See the header file for this array's declaration.
// clang-format off
const unsigned char kSharedCharTypeTable[0x100] =;
// clang-format on

const char kCharToHexLookup[8] =;

const base_icu::UChar32 kUnicodeReplacementCharacter =;

void AppendStringOfType(const char* source,
                        size_t length,
                        SharedCharTypes type,
                        CanonOutput* output) {}

void AppendStringOfType(const char16_t* source,
                        size_t length,
                        SharedCharTypes type,
                        CanonOutput* output) {}

bool ReadUTFCharLossy(const char* str,
                      size_t* begin,
                      size_t length,
                      base_icu::UChar32* code_point_out) {}

bool ReadUTFCharLossy(const char16_t* str,
                      size_t* begin,
                      size_t length,
                      base_icu::UChar32* code_point_out) {}

void AppendInvalidNarrowString(const char* spec,
                               size_t begin,
                               size_t end,
                               CanonOutput* output) {}

void AppendInvalidNarrowString(const char16_t* spec,
                               size_t begin,
                               size_t end,
                               CanonOutput* output) {}

bool ConvertUTF16ToUTF8(const char16_t* input,
                        size_t input_len,
                        CanonOutput* output) {}

bool ConvertUTF8ToUTF16(const char* input,
                        size_t input_len,
                        CanonOutputT<char16_t>* output) {}

void SetupOverrideComponents(const char* base,
                             const Replacements<char>& repl,
                             URLComponentSource<char>* source,
                             Parsed* parsed) {}

bool SetupUTF16OverrideComponents(const char* base,
                                  const Replacements<char16_t>& repl,
                                  CanonOutput* utf8_buffer,
                                  URLComponentSource<char>* source,
                                  Parsed* parsed) {}

#ifndef WIN32

int _itoa_s(int value, char* buffer, size_t size_in_chars, int radix) {}

int _itow_s(int value, char16_t* buffer, size_t size_in_chars, int radix) {}

#endif  // !WIN32

}  // namespace url