
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and spanify to fix the errors.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

// Canonicalizer functions for working with and resolving relative URLs.

#include <algorithm>
#include <ostream>
#include <string_view>

#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "url/url_canon.h"
#include "url/url_canon_internal.h"
#include "url/url_constants.h"
#include "url/url_features.h"
#include "url/url_file.h"
#include "url/url_parse_internal.h"
#include "url/url_util.h"
#include "url/url_util_internal.h"

namespace url {

namespace {

// Firefox does a case-sensitive compare (which is probably wrong--Mozilla bug
// 379034), whereas IE is case-insensitive.
// We choose to be more permissive like IE. We don't need to worry about
// unescaping or anything here: neither IE or Firefox allow this. We also
// don't have to worry about invalid scheme characters since we are comparing
// against the canonical scheme of the base.
// The base URL should always be canonical, therefore it should be ASCII.
template<typename CHAR>
bool AreSchemesEqual(const char* base,
                     const Component& base_scheme,
                     const CHAR* cmp,
                     const Component& cmp_scheme) {}

#ifdef WIN32

// Here, we also allow Windows paths to be represented as "/C:/" so we can be
// consistent about URL paths beginning with slashes. This function is like
// DoesBeginWindowsDrivePath except that it also requires a slash at the
// beginning.
template<typename CHAR>
bool DoesBeginSlashWindowsDriveSpec(const CHAR* spec, int start_offset,
                                    int spec_len) {
  if (start_offset >= spec_len)
    return false;
  return IsSlashOrBackslash(spec[start_offset]) &&
         DoesBeginWindowsDriveSpec(spec, start_offset + 1, spec_len);

#endif  // WIN32

template <typename CHAR>
bool IsValidScheme(const CHAR* url, const Component& scheme) {}

// See IsRelativeURL in the header file for usage.
template<typename CHAR>
bool DoIsRelativeURL(const char* base,
                     const Parsed& base_parsed,
                     const CHAR* url,
                     int url_len,
                     bool is_base_hierarchical,
                     bool* is_relative,
                     Component* relative_component) {}

// Copies all characters in the range [begin, end) of |spec| to the output,
// up until and including the last slash. There should be a slash in the
// range, if not, nothing will be copied.
// For stardard URLs the input should be canonical, but when resolving relative
// URLs on a non-standard base (like "data:") the input can be anything.
void CopyToLastSlash(const char* spec,
                     int begin,
                     int end,
                     CanonOutput* output) {}

// Copies a single component from the source to the output. This is used
// when resolving relative URLs and a given component is unchanged. Since the
// source should already be canonical, we don't have to do anything special,
// and the input is ASCII.
void CopyOneComponent(const char* source,
                      const Component& source_component,
                      CanonOutput* output,
                      Component* output_component) {}

#ifdef WIN32

// Called on Windows when the base URL is a file URL, this will copy the "C:"
// to the output, if there is a drive letter and if that drive letter is not
// being overridden by the relative URL. Otherwise, do nothing.
// It will return the index of the beginning of the next character in the
// base to be processed: if there is a "C:", the slash after it, or if
// there is no drive letter, the slash at the beginning of the path, or
// the end of the base. This can be used as the starting offset for further
// path processing.
template<typename CHAR>
int CopyBaseDriveSpecIfNecessary(const char* base_url,
                                 int base_path_begin,
                                 int base_path_end,
                                 const CHAR* relative_url,
                                 int path_start,
                                 int relative_url_len,
                                 CanonOutput* output) {
  if (base_path_begin >= base_path_end)
    return base_path_begin;  // No path.

  // If the relative begins with a drive spec, don't do anything. The existing
  // drive spec in the base will be replaced.
  if (DoesBeginWindowsDriveSpec(relative_url, path_start, relative_url_len)) {
    return base_path_begin;  // Relative URL path is "C:/foo"

  // The path should begin with a slash (as all canonical paths do). We check
  // if it is followed by a drive letter and copy it.
  if (DoesBeginSlashWindowsDriveSpec(base_url,
                                     base_path_end)) {
    // Copy the two-character drive spec to the output. It will now look like
    // "file:///C:" so the rest of it can be treated like a standard path.
    output->push_back(base_url[base_path_begin + 1]);
    output->push_back(base_url[base_path_begin + 2]);
    return base_path_begin + 3;

  return base_path_begin;

#endif  // WIN32

// A subroutine of DoResolveRelativeURL, this resolves the URL knowning that
// the input is a relative path or less (query or ref).
template <typename CHAR>
bool DoResolveRelativePath(const char* base_url,
                           const Parsed& base_parsed,
                           bool base_is_file,
                           const CHAR* relative_url,
                           const Component& relative_component,
                           CharsetConverter* query_converter,
                           CanonMode canon_mode,
                           CanonOutput* output,
                           Parsed* out_parsed) {}

// Resolves a relative URL that contains a host. Typically, these will
// be of the form "//" and the only thing which
// should be kept from the original URL is the scheme.
template<typename CHAR>
bool DoResolveRelativeHost(const char* base_url,
                           const Parsed& base_parsed,
                           const CHAR* relative_url,
                           const Component& relative_component,
                           CharsetConverter* query_converter,
                           CanonOutput* output,
                           Parsed* out_parsed) {}

// Resolves a relative URL that happens to be an absolute file path. Examples
// include: "//hostname/path", "/c:/foo", and "//hostname/c:/foo".
template <typename CharT>
bool DoResolveAbsoluteFile(const CharT* relative_url,
                           const Component& relative_component,
                           CharsetConverter* query_converter,
                           CanonOutput* output,
                           Parsed* out_parsed) {}

// TODO(brettw) treat two slashes as root like Mozilla for FTP?
template<typename CHAR>
bool DoResolveRelativeURL(const char* base_url,
                          const Parsed& base_parsed,
                          bool base_is_file,
                          const CHAR* relative_url,
                          const Component& relative_component,
                          CharsetConverter* query_converter,
                          CanonOutput* output,
                          Parsed* out_parsed) {}

}  // namespace

bool IsRelativeURL(const char* base,
                   const Parsed& base_parsed,
                   const char* fragment,
                   int fragment_len,
                   bool is_base_hierarchical,
                   bool* is_relative,
                   Component* relative_component) {}

bool IsRelativeURL(const char* base,
                   const Parsed& base_parsed,
                   const char16_t* fragment,
                   int fragment_len,
                   bool is_base_hierarchical,
                   bool* is_relative,
                   Component* relative_component) {}

bool ResolveRelativeURL(const char* base_url,
                        const Parsed& base_parsed,
                        bool base_is_file,
                        const char* relative_url,
                        const Component& relative_component,
                        CharsetConverter* query_converter,
                        CanonOutput* output,
                        Parsed* out_parsed) {}

bool ResolveRelativeURL(const char* base_url,
                        const Parsed& base_parsed,
                        bool base_is_file,
                        const char16_t* relative_url,
                        const Component& relative_component,
                        CharsetConverter* query_converter,
                        CanonOutput* output,
                        Parsed* out_parsed) {}

}  // namespace url