
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and spanify to fix the errors.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

// Functions to canonicalize "standard" URLs, which are ones that have an
// authority section including a host name.

#include "url/url_canon.h"
#include "url/url_canon_internal.h"
#include "url/url_constants.h"

namespace url {

namespace {

template <typename CHAR>
bool DoCanonicalizeStandardURL(const URLComponentSource<CHAR>& source,
                               const Parsed& parsed,
                               SchemeType scheme_type,
                               CharsetConverter* query_converter,
                               CanonOutput* output,
                               Parsed* new_parsed) {}

}  // namespace

// Returns the default port for the given canonical scheme, or PORT_UNSPECIFIED
// if the scheme is unknown.
// Please keep blink::DefaultPortForProtocol and url::DefaultPortForProtocol in
// sync.
int DefaultPortForScheme(std::string_view scheme) {}

bool CanonicalizeStandardURL(const char* spec,
                             const Parsed& parsed,
                             SchemeType scheme_type,
                             CharsetConverter* query_converter,
                             CanonOutput* output,
                             Parsed* new_parsed) {}

bool CanonicalizeStandardURL(const char16_t* spec,
                             const Parsed& parsed,
                             SchemeType scheme_type,
                             CharsetConverter* query_converter,
                             CanonOutput* output,
                             Parsed* new_parsed) {}

// It might be nice in the future to optimize this so unchanged components don't
// need to be recanonicalized. This is especially true since the common case for
// ReplaceComponents is removing things we don't want, like reference fragments
// and usernames. These cases can become more efficient if we can assume the
// rest of the URL is OK with these removed (or only the modified parts
// recanonicalized). This would be much more complex to implement, however.
// You would also need to update DoReplaceComponents in which
// relies on this re-checking everything (see the comment there for why).
bool ReplaceStandardURL(const char* base,
                        const Parsed& base_parsed,
                        const Replacements<char>& replacements,
                        SchemeType scheme_type,
                        CharsetConverter* query_converter,
                        CanonOutput* output,
                        Parsed* new_parsed) {}

// For 16-bit replacements, we turn all the replacements into UTF-8 so the
// regular code path can be used.
bool ReplaceStandardURL(const char* base,
                        const Parsed& base_parsed,
                        const Replacements<char16_t>& replacements,
                        SchemeType scheme_type,
                        CharsetConverter* query_converter,
                        CanonOutput* output,
                        Parsed* new_parsed) {}

}  // namespace url