
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and spanify to fix the errors.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers


// Contains common inline helper functions used by the URL parsing routines.

#include "url/third_party/mozilla/url_parse.h"

namespace url {

// A helper function to handle a URL separator, which is '/' or '\'.
// The motivation: There are many condition checks in URL Standard like the
// following:
// > If url is special and c is U+002F (/) or U+005C (\), ...
inline bool IsSlashOrBackslash(char16_t ch) {}
inline bool IsSlashOrBackslash(char ch) {}

// Returns true if we should trim this character from the URL because it is a
// space or a control character.
inline bool ShouldTrimFromURL(char16_t ch) {}
inline bool ShouldTrimFromURL(char ch) {}

// Given an already-initialized begin index and length, this shrinks the range
// to eliminate "should-be-trimmed" characters. Note that the length does *not*
// indicate the length of untrimmed data from |*begin|, but rather the position
// in the input string (so the string starts at character |*begin| in the spec,
// and goes until |*len|).
template<typename CHAR>
inline void TrimURL(const CHAR* spec, int* begin, int* len,
                    bool trim_path_end = true) {}

// Counts the number of consecutive slashes starting at the given offset
// in the given string of the given length.
template<typename CHAR>
inline int CountConsecutiveSlashes(const CHAR *str,
                                   int begin_offset, int str_len) {}

// Internal functions in that parse the path, that is, everything
// following the authority section. The input is the range of everything
// following the authority section, and the output is the identified ranges.
// This is designed for the file URL parser or other consumers who may do
// special stuff at the beginning, but want regular path parsing, it just
// maps to the internal parsing function for paths.
void ParsePathInternal(const char* spec,
                       const Component& path,
                       Component* filepath,
                       Component* query,
                       Component* ref);
void ParsePathInternal(const char16_t* spec,
                       const Component& path,
                       Component* filepath,
                       Component* query,
                       Component* ref);

// Internal functions in that parse non-special URLs, which are
// similar to `ParseNonSpecialURL` functions in url_parse.h, but with
// `trim_path_end` parameter that controls whether to trim path end or not.
Parsed ParseNonSpecialURLInternal(std::string_view url, bool trim_path_end);
Parsed ParseNonSpecialURLInternal(std::u16string_view url, bool trim_path_end);

// Given a spec and a pointer to the character after the colon following the
// special scheme, this parses it and fills in the structure, Every item in the
// parsed structure is filled EXCEPT for the scheme, which is untouched.
void ParseAfterSpecialScheme(const char* spec,
                             int spec_len,
                             int after_scheme,
                             Parsed* parsed);
void ParseAfterSpecialScheme(const char16_t* spec,
                             int spec_len,
                             int after_scheme,
                             Parsed* parsed);

// Given a spec and a pointer to the character after the colon following the
// non-special scheme, this parses it and fills in the structure, Every item in
// the parsed structure is filled EXCEPT for the scheme, which is untouched.
void ParseAfterNonSpecialScheme(const char* spec,
                                int spec_len,
                                int after_scheme,
                                Parsed* parsed);
void ParseAfterNonSpecialScheme(const char16_t* spec,
                                int spec_len,
                                int after_scheme,
                                Parsed* parsed);

}  // namespace url