
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and spanify to fix the errors.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include <stddef.h>

#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "url/third_party/mozilla/url_parse.h"

// Interesting IE file:isms...
//  file:/foo/bar              file:///foo/bar
//      The result here seems totally invalid!?!? This isn't UNC.
//  file:/
//  file:// or any other number of slashes
//      IE6 doesn't do anything at all if you click on this link. No error:
//      nothing. IE6's history system seems to always color this link, so I'm
//      guessing that it maps internally to the empty URL.
//  C:\                        file:///C:/
//  /                          file:///C:/
//  /foo                       file:///C:/foo
//      Interestingly, IE treats "/" as an alias for "c:\", which makes sense,
//      but is weird to think about on Windows.
//  file:foo/                  file:foo/  (invalid?!?!?)
//  file:/foo/                 file:///foo/  (invalid?!?!?)
//  file://foo/                file://foo/   (UNC to server "foo")
//  file:///foo/               file:///foo/  (invalid)
//  file:////foo/              file://foo/   (UNC to server "foo")
//      Any more than four slashes is also treated as UNC.
//  file:C:/                   file://C:/
//  file:/C:/                  file://C:/
//      The number of slashes after "file:" don't matter if the thing following
//      it looks like an absolute drive path. Also, slashes and backslashes are
//      equally valid here.

namespace url {

namespace {


// Used for regular URL parse cases.
struct URLParseCase {};

// Simpler version of URLParseCase for testing path URLs.
struct PathURLParseCase {};

// Simpler version of URLParseCase for testing mailto URLs.
struct MailtoURLParseCase {};

// More complicated version of URLParseCase for testing filesystem URLs.
struct FileSystemURLParseCase {};

AssertionResult ComponentMatches(const char* input,
                                 const char* reference,
                                 const Component& component) {}

void ExpectInvalidComponent(const Component& component) {}

void URLParseCaseMatches(const URLParseCase& expected, const Parsed& parsed) {}

// Parsed ----------------------------------------------------------------------

TEST(URLParser, Length) {}

TEST(URLParser, CountCharactersBefore) {}

// Standard --------------------------------------------------------------------

// clang-format off
// Input                               Scheme  Usrname  Passwd     Host         Port Path       Query        Ref
// ------------------------------------ ------- -------- ---------- ------------ --- ---------- ------------ -----
static URLParseCase cases[] =;
// clang-format on

TEST(URLParser, Standard) {}

// PathURL --------------------------------------------------------------------

// Various incarnations of path URLs.
// clang-format off
static PathURLParseCase path_cases[] =;
// clang-format on

TEST(URLParser, PathURL) {}

// Various incarnations of file URLs.
// clang-format off
static URLParseCase file_cases[] =;
// clang-format on

TEST(URLParser, ParseFileURL) {}

TEST(URLParser, ExtractFileName) {}

// Returns true if the parameter with index |parameter| in the given URL's
// query string. The expected key can be NULL to indicate no such key index
// should exist. The parameter number is 1-based.
static bool NthParameterIs(const char* url,
                           int parameter,
                           const char* expected_key,
                           const char* expected_value) {}

TEST(URLParser, ExtractQueryKeyValue) {}

// MailtoURL --------------------------------------------------------------------

// clang-format off
static MailtoURLParseCase mailto_cases[] =;
// clang-format on

TEST(URLParser, MailtoUrl) {}

// Various incarnations of filesystem URLs.
static FileSystemURLParseCase filesystem_cases[] =;

TEST(URLParser, FileSystemURL) {}

// Non-special URLs which don't have an opaque path.
static URLParseCase non_special_cases[] =;

TEST(URLParser, NonSpecial) {}

// Non-special URLs which have an opaque path.
static URLParseCase non_special_opaque_path_cases[] =;

TEST(URLParser, NonSpecialOpaquePath) {}

}  // namespace
}  // namespace url