// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/platform_keys/platform_keys.h"
#include "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/keystore_error.mojom.h"
#include "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/keystore_service.mojom.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_id.h"
namespace extensions {
class StateStore;
namespace policy {
class PolicyService;
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
namespace chromeos::platform_keys {
// PlatformKeys is a field stored in each extension's state store. It saves
// signing permissions of keys in the context of a (Profile, Extension) pair.
// The current format of data that is written to the PlatformKeys field is a
// list of serialized KeyEntry objects:
// { 'SPKI': string,
// 'signOnce': bool, // if not present, defaults to false
// 'signUnlimited': bool // if not present, defaults to false
// }
// Do not change this constant as clients will lose their existing state.
const char kStateStorePlatformKeys[] = "PlatformKeys";
using CanUseKeyForSigningCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool allowed)>;
using RegisterKeyForCorporateUsageCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(bool is_error,
crosapi::mojom::KeystoreError error)>;
using SetUserGrantedPermissionCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(bool is_error,
crosapi::mojom::KeystoreError error)>;
using SetKeyUsedForSigningCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(bool is_error,
crosapi::mojom::KeystoreError error)>;
// ** ExtensionKeyPermissionsService Responsibility **
// - Managing signing permissions for a (Profile, Extension) pair.
// - Answering signing permissions queries for a (Profile, Extension) pair.
// The permission model depends on whether the user account is managed or not.
// ** If the user account is not managed **
// The user is under full control of the keys that are generated or imported
// while the device is not managed. For that, a user can grant a specific
// extension the permission to sign arbitrary data with a specific key for an
// unlimited number of times.
// ** If the user account is managed **
// The administrator is in charge of granting access to keys that are meant for
// corporate usage.
// The KeyPermissions policy allows the administrator to list exactly the
// extensions that are allowed to use corporate keys. Non-corporate keys are not
// affected.
// ** One-off Permission for the Certification Requests **
// Independent of the above, the extension that generates a key using the
// chrome.enterprise.platformKeys API is allowed to sign arbitrary data with the
// private key for a single time in order to create a certification request.
// The assumption is that certification requests usually require a signature of
// data including the public key. So the one-off permission implies that once a
// certificate authority creates the certificate of the generated key, the
// generating extension isn't able to use the key anymore except if explicitly
// permitted by the administrator.
// ** IMPORTANT: Synchronization / Possible Race Conditions **
// This class reads from the extensions::StateStore only once on creation and
// caches the result. Further reads are done using the cached result. This can
// lead to race conditions once there can exist more than one instance of the
// service for the same (Profile, Extension) pair. Currently this will not
// happen as the only class owning ExtensionKeyPermissionsServices is
// ExtensionPlatformKeysService, which never owns two
// ExtensionKeyPermissionsServices at the same time.
class ExtensionKeyPermissionsService {
// |key_permissions_service| must not be null and outlive this object.
// Methods of this object refer implicitly to the extension with the id
// |extension_id|. Don't use this constructor directly. Call
// |ExtensionKeyPermissionsServiceFactory::GetForBrowserContextAndExtension|
// instead.
ExtensionKeyPermissionsService(const std::string& extension_id,
extensions::StateStore* state_store,
base::Value::List state_store_value,
policy::PolicyService* profile_policies,
content::BrowserContext* browser_context);
ExtensionKeyPermissionsService(const ExtensionKeyPermissionsService&) =
ExtensionKeyPermissionsService& operator=(
const ExtensionKeyPermissionsService&) = delete;
// Returns true if the private key matching |public_key_spki_der| can be
// used for signing by the extension with id |extension_id_|.
// |key_locations| must describe locations available to the user the private
// key is stored on.
void CanUseKeyForSigning(const std::vector<uint8_t>& public_key_spki_der,
CanUseKeyForSigningCallback callback);
// Must be called when the extension with id |extension_id| used the private
// key matching |public_key_spki_der| for signing. |key_locations| must
// describe locations available to the user the private key is stored on.
// Updates the permissions accordingly. E.g. if this extension generated
// the key and no other permission was granted then the permission to sign
// with this key is removed.
void SetKeyUsedForSigning(const std::vector<uint8_t>& public_key_spki_der,
SetKeyUsedForSigningCallback callback);
// Registers the private key matching |public_key_spki_der| as being generated
// by the extension with id |extension_id| and marks it for corporate usage.
// |key_locations| must describe locations available to the user the private
// key is stored on.
void RegisterKeyForCorporateUsage(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& public_key_spki_der,
RegisterKeyForCorporateUsageCallback callback);
// Sets the user granted permission that the extension with id
// |extension_id| can use the private key matching |public_key_spki_der| for
// signing. |key_locations| must describe locations available to the user
// the private key is stored on.
void SetUserGrantedPermission(const std::vector<uint8_t>& public_key_spki_der,
SetUserGrantedPermissionCallback callback);
// Returns the list of apps and extensions ids allowed to use corporate usage
// keys by policy in |profile_policies|.
static std::vector<std::string> GetCorporateKeyUsageAllowedAppIds(
policy::PolicyService* const profile_policies);
struct KeyEntry {
explicit KeyEntry(const std::string& public_key_spki_der_b64)
: spki_b64(public_key_spki_der_b64) {}
// The base64-encoded DER of a X.509 Subject Public Key Info.
std::string spki_b64;
// True if the key can be used once for singing.
// This permission is granted if an extension generated a key using the
// enterprise.platformKeys API, so that it can build a certification
// request. After the first signing operation this permission will be
// revoked.
bool sign_once = false;
// True if the key can be used for signing an unlimited number of times.
// This permission is granted by the user to allow the extension to use the
// key for signing through the enterprise.platformKeys or platformKeys API.
// This permission is granted until revoked by the user or the policy.
bool sign_unlimited = false;
void OnGotExtensionValue(std::optional<base::Value> value);
// Writes the current |state_store_entries_| to the state store of
// |extension_id_|.
void WriteToStateStore();
// Reads a KeyEntry list from |state| and stores them in
// |state_store_entries_|.
void KeyEntriesFromState(const base::Value::List& state);
// Converts |state_store_entries_| to a base::Value for storing in the state
// store.
base::Value::List KeyEntriesToState();
// Returns an existing entry for |public_key_spki_der_b64| from
// |state_store_entries_|. If there is no existing entry, creates, adds and
// returns a new entry.
// |public_key_spki_der| must be the base64 encoding of the DER of a Subject
// Public Key Info.
KeyEntry* GetStateStoreEntry(const std::string& public_key_spki_der_b64);
// Writes |value| to the state store of the extension.
void SetPlatformKeysInStateStore(std::optional<base::Value> value);
bool PolicyAllowsCorporateKeyUsage() const;
void CanUseKeyForSigningWithFlags(
CanUseKeyForSigningCallback callback,
bool sign_unlimited_allowed,
crosapi::mojom::GetKeyTagsResultPtr key_tags);
void SetUserGrantedPermissionWithFlag(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& public_key_spki_der,
SetUserGrantedPermissionCallback callback,
bool can_user_grant_permission);
const extensions::ExtensionId extension_id_;
raw_ptr<extensions::StateStore, FlakyDanglingUntriaged>
extensions_state_store_ = nullptr;
std::vector<KeyEntry> state_store_entries_;
const raw_ptr<policy::PolicyService> profile_policies_;
const raw_ptr<crosapi::mojom::KeystoreService> keystore_service_ = nullptr;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ExtensionKeyPermissionsService> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace chromeos::platform_keys