// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/keystore_error.mojom.h"
#include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h"
namespace chromeos::platform_keys {
// Supported key types.
enum class KeyType { kRsassaPkcs1V15, kEcdsa };
// Supported symmetric key types.
enum class SymKeyType { kAesCbc, kHmac };
// Supported key attribute types.
enum class KeyAttributeType { kCertificateProvisioningId, kKeyPermissions };
// Supported hash algorithms.
enum HashAlgorithm {
HASH_ALGORITHM_NONE, // The value if no hash function is selected.
enum class OperationType { kEncrypt, kDecrypt };
// Supported token IDs.
// A token is a store for keys or certs and can provide cryptographic
// operations.
// ChromeOS provides itself a user token and conditionally a system wide token.
enum class TokenId { kUser, kSystem };
// The service possible statuses.
// For every platform keys service operation callback, a status is passed
// signaling the success or failure of the operation.
enum class Status {
// kNetError* are for errors occurred during net::* operations.
// These strings can be used to be passed to extensions as well as for logging
// purposes.
// Note: Do not change already existing status-to-string translations, since
// extensions may hardcode specific messages.
std::string StatusToString(Status status);
// Convert platform_keys::Status into a KeystoreError. Status::kSuccess should
// not be passed in the function.
crosapi::mojom::KeystoreError StatusToKeystoreError(Status status);
// Creates platform_keys::Status into a KeystoreError. Keystore specific errors
// are not supported and should be processed separately.
Status StatusFromKeystoreError(crosapi::mojom::KeystoreError error);
// Converts KeystoreError code into an error message.
// Note: Do not change already existing error-to-string translations, since
// extensions may hardcode specific messages.
std::string KeystoreErrorToString(crosapi::mojom::KeystoreError error);
// Returns the DER encoding of the X.509 Subject Public Key Info of the public
// key in |certificate|.
std::string GetSubjectPublicKeyInfo(
const scoped_refptr<net::X509Certificate>& certificate);
std::vector<uint8_t> GetSubjectPublicKeyInfoBlob(
const scoped_refptr<net::X509Certificate>& certificate);
// Intersects the two certificate lists |certs1| and |certs2| and passes the
// intersection to |callback|. The intersection preserves the order of |certs1|.
void IntersectCertificates(
const net::CertificateList& certs1,
const net::CertificateList& certs2,
base::OnceCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<net::CertificateList>)> callback);
// The output for GetPublicKeyAndAlgorithm.
struct GetPublicKeyAndAlgorithmOutput {
Status status = Status::kSuccess;
std::vector<uint8_t> public_key; // Only set if status == kSuccess
base::Value::Dict algorithm; // Only set if status == kSuccess
// This is a convenient wrapper around GetPublicKey which also builds a
// WebCrypto algorithm dictionary and performs error checking.
GetPublicKeyAndAlgorithmOutput GetPublicKeyAndAlgorithm(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& possibly_invalid_cert_der,
const std::string& algorithm_name);
struct PublicKeyInfo {
// The X.509 Subject Public Key Info of the key in DER encoding.
std::string public_key_spki_der;
// The type of the key.
net::X509Certificate::PublicKeyType key_type =
// The size of the key in bits.
size_t key_size_bits = 0;
// Checks if the certificate key type and the algorithm are
// - valid
// - supported
// - compatible
// Returns Status::kSuccess if they are, or the correct error reason if they
// are not.
Status CheckKeyTypeAndAlgorithm(net::X509Certificate::PublicKeyType key_type,
const std::string& algorithm_name);
// Returns the certificate key type that supports the given algorithm,
// or |kPublicKeyTypeUnknown| if the algorithm is unknown or unsupported.
net::X509Certificate::PublicKeyType GetKeyTypeForAlgorithm(
const std::string& algorithm_name);
// Builds a partial WebCrypto Algorithm object from the parameters available in
// |key_info|. This supports both RSA and EC keys.
// Returns std::nullopt if the key is of an unsupported type (so not RSA or
// EC).
std::optional<base::Value::Dict> BuildWebCryptoAlgorithmDictionary(
const PublicKeyInfo& key_info);
// Builds a partial WebCrypto Algorithm object from the parameters available in
// |key_info|, which must be the info of an RSA key. This doesn't include
// sign/hash parameters and thus isn't complete. platform_keys::GetPublicKey()
// enforced the public exponent 65537.
void BuildWebCryptoRSAAlgorithmDictionary(const PublicKeyInfo& key_info,
base::Value::Dict* algorithm);
// Builds a partial WebCrypto Algorithm object from the parameters available in
// |key_info|, which must be the info of an EC key. For more information about
// EcKeyAlgorithm dictionary, please refer to:
// https://www.w3.org/TR/WebCryptoAPI/#EcKeyAlgorithm-dictionary
void BuildWebCryptoEcdsaAlgorithmDictionary(const PublicKeyInfo& key_info,
base::Value::Dict* algorithm);
// Obtains information about the public key in |certificate|.
// If |certificate| contains an RSA key, sets |key_size_bits| to the modulus
// length, and |key_type| to type RSA and returns true.
// If |certificate| contains any other key type, or if the public exponent of
// the RSA key in |certificate| is not F4, returns false and does not update any
// of the output parameters.
// All pointer arguments must not be null.
bool GetPublicKey(const scoped_refptr<net::X509Certificate>& certificate,
net::X509Certificate::PublicKeyType* key_type,
size_t* key_size_bits);
// Obtains information about the public key in |spki|.
// If |spki| is an RSA key, sets |key_size_bits| to the modulus
// length, and |key_type| to type RSA and returns true.
// If |spki| is any other key type, returns false and does not update any
// of the output parameters.
// All pointer arguments must not be null.
bool GetPublicKeyBySpki(const std::string& spki,
net::X509Certificate::PublicKeyType* key_type,
size_t* key_size_bits);
struct ClientCertificateRequest {
ClientCertificateRequest(const ClientCertificateRequest& other);
// The list of the types of certificates requested, sorted in order of the
// server's preference.
std::vector<net::X509Certificate::PublicKeyType> certificate_key_types;
// List of distinguished names of certificate authorities allowed by the
// server. Each entry must be a DER-encoded X.509 DistinguishedName.
std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>> certificate_authorities;
} // namespace chromeos::platform_keys