
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/dlp/dlp_data_transfer_notifier.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "ui/base/clipboard/clipboard_observer.h"

#include "ash/constants/notifier_catalogs.h"

namespace content {
class WebContents;

namespace ui {
class ClipboardData;

namespace policy {

class DlpClipboardNotifier : public DlpDataTransferNotifier,
                             public ui::ClipboardObserver,
                             public content::WebContentsObserver {
  ~DlpClipboardNotifier() override;

  DlpClipboardNotifier(const DlpClipboardNotifier&) = delete;
  void operator=(const DlpClipboardNotifier&) = delete;

  // DlpDataTransferNotifier::
  // If the type of `data_dst` is kCrostini, kPluginVm or kArc, it will show a
  // toast instead of a bubble.
  void NotifyBlockedAction(
      base::optional_ref<const ui::DataTransferEndpoint> data_src,
      base::optional_ref<const ui::DataTransferEndpoint> data_dst) override;

  // Warns the user that this paste action is not recommended and runs
  // `reporting_cb` if the action is proceeded. If the type of `data_dst` is
  // kCrostini, kPluginVm or kArc, it will show a toast instead of a bubble.
  void WarnOnPaste(base::optional_ref<const ui::DataTransferEndpoint> data_src,
                   base::optional_ref<const ui::DataTransferEndpoint> data_dst,
                   base::OnceClosure reporting_cb);

  // Warns the user that this paste action in Blink is not recommended.
  void WarnOnBlinkPaste(
      base::optional_ref<const ui::DataTransferEndpoint> data_src,
      base::optional_ref<const ui::DataTransferEndpoint> data_dst,
      content::WebContents* web_contents,
      base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> paste_cb);

  // Returns true if the user approved to paste the clipboard data to this
  // `data_dst` before.
  bool DidUserApproveDst(
      base::optional_ref<const ui::DataTransferEndpoint> data_dst);

  // Returns true if the user cancelled pasting the clipboard data to this
  // `data_dst` before.
  bool DidUserCancelDst(
      base::optional_ref<const ui::DataTransferEndpoint> data_dst);

  // Exposed for tests to override.
  void ProceedPressed(std::unique_ptr<ui::ClipboardData> data,
                      const ui::DataTransferEndpoint& data_dst,
                      base::OnceClosure reporting_cb,
                      views::Widget* widget);
  void BlinkProceedPressed(const ui::DataTransferEndpoint& data_dst,
                           views::Widget* widget);
  void CancelWarningPressed(const ui::DataTransferEndpoint& data_dst,
                            views::Widget* widget);
  void ResetUserWarnSelection();

  // Virtual for tests to override.
  virtual void ShowToast(const std::string& id,
                         ash::ToastCatalogName catalog_name,
                         const std::u16string& text) const;

  // ui::ClipboardObserver
  void OnClipboardDataChanged() override;

  // views::WidgetObserver
  void OnWidgetDestroying(views::Widget* widget) override;

  // content::WebContentsObserver:
  void WebContentsDestroyed() override;

  // Vector of destinations approved by the user on warning for copy/paste. It
  // gets reset when the clipboard data changes.
  std::vector<ui::DataTransferEndpoint> approved_dsts_;

  // Vector of destinations rejected by the user on warning for copy/paste. It
  // gets reset when the clipboard data changes.
  std::vector<ui::DataTransferEndpoint> cancelled_dsts_;

  // Used to ignore events generated by the clipboard and received in
  // `OnClipboardDataChanged`.
  bool ignore_clipboard_events_ = false;

}  // namespace policy