// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
namespace policy {
// Keeps track of title and corresponding icon of a file.
// Used to show information about confidential file to the user.
struct DlpConfidentialFile {
DlpConfidentialFile() = delete;
explicit DlpConfidentialFile(const base::FilePath& file_path);
DlpConfidentialFile(const DlpConfidentialFile& other);
DlpConfidentialFile& operator=(const DlpConfidentialFile& other);
~DlpConfidentialFile() = default;
// Files with the same file_path are considered equal.
bool operator==(const DlpConfidentialFile& other) const;
bool operator!=(const DlpConfidentialFile& other) const;
bool operator<(const DlpConfidentialFile& other) const;
bool operator<=(const DlpConfidentialFile& other) const;
bool operator>(const DlpConfidentialFile& other) const;
bool operator>=(const DlpConfidentialFile& other) const;
// File icon used to display in the warning/error dialog.
gfx::ImageSkia icon;
// File name used to display in the warning/error dialog.
std::u16string title;
// File path used to retrieve |icon| and |title|.
base::FilePath file_path;
} // namespace policy