// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "chrome/browser/enterprise/data_controls/chrome_dlp_rules_manager.h"
#include "components/enterprise/data_controls/core/browser/component.h"
#include "components/enterprise/data_controls/core/browser/dlp_rules_manager_base.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class Profile;
namespace data_controls {
class DlpReportingManager;
} // namespace data_controls
namespace policy {
class DlpFilesController;
// DlpRulesManager is the CrOS-specific parser for the rules set by the
// DataLeakPreventionRulesList policy and serves as an available service which
// can be queried anytime about the restrictions set by the policy.
class DlpRulesManager : public data_controls::ChromeDlpRulesManager {
// List of all possible component values, used to simplify iterating over all
// the options.
constexpr static const std::array<data_controls::Component, 6> components = {
data_controls::Component::kArc, data_controls::Component::kCrostini,
data_controls::Component::kPluginVm, data_controls::Component::kUsb,
data_controls::Component::kDrive, data_controls::Component::kOneDrive};
// Represents file metadata.
struct FileMetadata {
FileMetadata(uint64_t inode, const GURL& source)
: inode(inode), source(source) {}
FileMetadata(uint64_t inode, const std::string& source)
: inode(inode), source(source) {}
FileMetadata(const FileMetadata&) = default;
FileMetadata& operator=(const FileMetadata&) = default;
~FileMetadata() = default;
uint64_t inode; // File inode number.
GURL source; // File source URL.
// Mapping from a level to the set of components for which that level is
// enforced.
using AggregatedComponents =
std::map<Level, std::set<data_controls::Component>>;
explicit DlpRulesManager(Profile* profile);
~DlpRulesManager() override = default;
// Returns the enforcement level for `restriction` given that data comes
// from `source` and requested to be shared to `destination`. ALLOW is
// returned if there is no matching rule. Requires `restriction` to be
// clipboard or files.
// If there's a rule matching, `out_source_pattern` will be changed to the
// original rule URL patterns and `out_rule_metadata` will be changed to the
// matched rule metadata.
virtual Level IsRestrictedComponent(
const GURL& source,
const data_controls::Component& destination,
Restriction restriction,
std::string* out_source_pattern,
RuleMetadata* out_rule_metadata) const = 0;
// Returns a mapping from the level to the set of components for which that
// level is enforced for `source`. Components that do not have a matching rule
// set are mapped to the ALLOW level. Requires `restriction` to be clipboard
// or files.
virtual AggregatedComponents GetAggregatedComponents(
const GURL& source,
Restriction restriction) const = 0;
// Returns true if the general dlp reporting policy is enabled otherwise
// false.
virtual bool IsReportingEnabled() const = 0;
// Returns the reporting manager that is used to report DLPPolicyEvents to the
// serverside. Should always return a nullptr if reporting is disabled (see
// IsReportingEnabled).
virtual data_controls::DlpReportingManager* GetReportingManager() const = 0;
// Returns the files controller that is used to perform DLP checks on files.
// Should always return a nullptr if there are no file restrictions (and thus
// the DLP daemon is not active).
virtual DlpFilesController* GetDlpFilesController() const = 0;
// Returns the admin-configured limit for the minimal size of data in the
// clipboard to be checked against DLP rules.
virtual size_t GetClipboardCheckSizeLimitInBytes() const = 0;
// Returns true if there is any files policy set, and the daemon is
// successfully initiated.
virtual bool IsFilesPolicyEnabled() const = 0;
} // namespace policy