
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

package commerce.proto;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_package = "";

import "components/commerce/core/proto/price_tracking.proto";

// Copied from
// google3/java/com/google/chrome/memex/service/proto/shopping/notifications.proto,
// must synced with the google3 proto. Contains either a ChromeMessage to
// display a generic message or an Any that can be parsed on the client-side.
message ChromeNotification {
  // Generic Chrome notification message.
  optional ChromeMessage chrome_message = 1;

  // Identifier that Chrome can use to determine how to parse notification_data.
  enum NotificationDataType {
    NONE = 0;
  optional NotificationDataType notification_data_type = 2;

  // Notification data payload that Chrome can parse from a compatible proto.
  // TODO( This should be a google.protobuf.Any, but
  // currently chromium can't import any.proto. Use bytes for now.
  optional bytes notification_data = 3;

// A flexible and generic notification message that can be displayed in Chrome.
message ChromeMessage {
  optional string display_title = 1;
  optional string display_text = 2;
  optional string icon_image_url = 3;
  optional string destination_url = 4;
  optional ExpandedView expanded_view = 5;

// The associated actions for a notification.
message ExpandedView {
  repeated Action action = 1;

// Identifier and metadata for an associated Action.
message Action {
  optional string action_id = 1;
  optional string text = 2;

// Contains notification metadata for Chrome Price Drop notifications.
message PriceDropNotificationPayload {
  optional string product_name = 1;
  optional uint64 offer_id = 2;
  optional string destination_url = 3;
  optional commerce.ProductPrice current_price = 4;
  optional commerce.ProductPrice previous_price = 5;
  optional uint64 product_cluster_id = 6;