
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace companion {

// Pref names for storing various promo states.
const char kMsbbPromoDeclinedCountPref[] =;
const char kSigninPromoDeclinedCountPref[] =;
const char kExpsPromoDeclinedCountPref[] =;
const char kExpsPromoShownCountPref[] =;
const char kPcoPromoShownCountPref[] =;
const char kPcoPromoDeclinedCountPref[] =;

// Pref name for storing experience opt-in status.
const char kExpsOptInStatusGrantedPref[] =;

// Pref name used for tracking whether the user has ever successfully navigated
// to exps registration success page.
const char kHasNavigatedToExpsSuccessPage[] =;

}  // namespace companion