
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/companion/core/features.h"

#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"

namespace companion {
namespace features {

// `internal` code should be called outside this file with extreme caution.
// The external code should call the utility functions defined in
// chrome/browser/ui/views/side_panel/companion/companion_utils.h or
// chrome/browser/companion/core/utils.h.
namespace internal {
// This differs from the search companion by providing a separate WebUI that
// contains untrusted content in an iframe.
// Companion can be directly enabled by either `kSidePanelCompanion` or
// `kSidePanelCompanion2`. This makes it possible for Companion to be
// enabled via multiple field trials (e.g., one that's session consistent, other
// that's permanent consistent).
// Enables the companion on ChromeOS.
// Dynamically enables the search companion if the user has experiments
// enabled.
}  // namespace internal

// When search companion is enabled, show a context menu item that allows the
// user to bypass the companion and open search results in a new tab.

// Allow sharing page content with CSC. Enabling this flag alone isn't enough to
// share page content - the user still needs to opt in either through a promo or
// chrome://settings. When disabled, page content will not be shared even if the
// user had previously opted in. The user won't be able to opt in (or out) when
// this is disabled.
}  // namespace features

namespace switches {

const char kDisableCheckUserPermissionsForCompanion[] =;

const char kForceCompanionPinnedState[] =;

bool ShouldOverrideCheckingUserPermissionsForCompanion() {}

std::optional<bool> ShouldForceOverrideCompanionPinState() {}

}  // namespace switches
}  // namespace companion