
// -*- C++ -*-
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception


    mutex synopsis

namespace std

class mutex
     constexpr mutex() noexcept;

    mutex(const mutex&) = delete;
    mutex& operator=(const mutex&) = delete;

    void lock();
    bool try_lock();
    void unlock();

    typedef pthread_mutex_t* native_handle_type;
    native_handle_type native_handle();

class recursive_mutex

    recursive_mutex(const recursive_mutex&) = delete;
    recursive_mutex& operator=(const recursive_mutex&) = delete;

    void lock();
    bool try_lock() noexcept;
    void unlock();

    typedef pthread_mutex_t* native_handle_type;
    native_handle_type native_handle();

class timed_mutex

    timed_mutex(const timed_mutex&) = delete;
    timed_mutex& operator=(const timed_mutex&) = delete;

    void lock();
    bool try_lock();
    template <class Rep, class Period>
        bool try_lock_for(const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time);
    template <class Clock, class Duration>
        bool try_lock_until(const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& abs_time);
    void unlock();

class recursive_timed_mutex

    recursive_timed_mutex(const recursive_timed_mutex&) = delete;
    recursive_timed_mutex& operator=(const recursive_timed_mutex&) = delete;

    void lock();
    bool try_lock() noexcept;
    template <class Rep, class Period>
        bool try_lock_for(const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time);
    template <class Clock, class Duration>
        bool try_lock_until(const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& abs_time);
    void unlock();

struct defer_lock_t { explicit defer_lock_t() = default; };
struct try_to_lock_t { explicit try_to_lock_t() = default; };
struct adopt_lock_t { explicit adopt_lock_t() = default; };

inline constexpr defer_lock_t  defer_lock{};
inline constexpr try_to_lock_t try_to_lock{};
inline constexpr adopt_lock_t  adopt_lock{};

template <class Mutex>
class lock_guard
    typedef Mutex mutex_type;

    explicit lock_guard(mutex_type& m);
    lock_guard(mutex_type& m, adopt_lock_t);

    lock_guard(lock_guard const&) = delete;
    lock_guard& operator=(lock_guard const&) = delete;

template <class... MutexTypes>
class scoped_lock // C++17
    using mutex_type = Mutex;  // Only if sizeof...(MutexTypes) == 1

    explicit scoped_lock(MutexTypes&... m);
    scoped_lock(adopt_lock_t, MutexTypes&... m);
    scoped_lock(scoped_lock const&) = delete;
    scoped_lock& operator=(scoped_lock const&) = delete;
    tuple<MutexTypes&...> pm; // exposition only

template <class Mutex>
class unique_lock
    typedef Mutex mutex_type;
    unique_lock() noexcept;
    explicit unique_lock(mutex_type& m);
    unique_lock(mutex_type& m, defer_lock_t) noexcept;
    unique_lock(mutex_type& m, try_to_lock_t);
    unique_lock(mutex_type& m, adopt_lock_t);
    template <class Clock, class Duration>
        unique_lock(mutex_type& m, const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& abs_time);
    template <class Rep, class Period>
        unique_lock(mutex_type& m, const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time);

    unique_lock(unique_lock const&) = delete;
    unique_lock& operator=(unique_lock const&) = delete;

    unique_lock(unique_lock&& u) noexcept;
    unique_lock& operator=(unique_lock&& u) noexcept;

    void lock();
    bool try_lock();

    template <class Rep, class Period>
        bool try_lock_for(const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time);
    template <class Clock, class Duration>
        bool try_lock_until(const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& abs_time);

    void unlock();

    void swap(unique_lock& u) noexcept;
    mutex_type* release() noexcept;

    bool owns_lock() const noexcept;
    explicit operator bool () const noexcept;
    mutex_type* mutex() const noexcept;

template <class Mutex>
  void swap(unique_lock<Mutex>& x, unique_lock<Mutex>& y) noexcept;

template <class L1, class L2, class... L3>
  int try_lock(L1&, L2&, L3&...);
template <class L1, class L2, class... L3>
  void lock(L1&, L2&, L3&...);

struct once_flag
    constexpr once_flag() noexcept;

    once_flag(const once_flag&) = delete;
    once_flag& operator=(const once_flag&) = delete;

template<class Callable, class ...Args>
  void call_once(once_flag& flag, Callable&& func, Args&&... args);

}  // std


#include <__chrono/steady_clock.h>
#include <__chrono/time_point.h>
#include <__condition_variable/condition_variable.h>
#include <__config>
#include <__memory/shared_ptr.h>
#include <__mutex/lock_guard.h>
#include <__mutex/mutex.h>
#include <__mutex/once_flag.h>
#include <__mutex/tag_types.h>
#include <__mutex/unique_lock.h>
#include <__thread/id.h>
#include <__thread/support.h>
#include <__utility/forward.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <limits>
#ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG
#  include <tuple>
#include <version>

#  pragma GCC system_header

#include <__undef_macros>



#  include <atomic>
#  include <concepts>
#  include <cstdlib>
#  include <cstring>
#  include <ctime>
#  include <initializer_list>
#  include <iosfwd>
#  include <new>
#  include <stdexcept>
#  include <system_error>
#  include <type_traits>
#  include <typeinfo>

#endif // _LIBCPP_MUTEX