// -*- C++ -*- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // WARNING, this entire header is generated by // utils/generate_escaped_output_table.py // DO NOT MODIFY! // UNICODE, INC. LICENSE AGREEMENT - DATA FILES AND SOFTWARE // // See Terms of Use <https://www.unicode.org/copyright.html> // for definitions of Unicode Inc.'s Data Files and Software. // // NOTICE TO USER: Carefully read the following legal agreement. // BY DOWNLOADING, INSTALLING, COPYING OR OTHERWISE USING UNICODE INC.'S // DATA FILES ("DATA FILES"), AND/OR SOFTWARE ("SOFTWARE"), // YOU UNEQUIVOCALLY ACCEPT, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY, ALL OF THE // TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. // IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, DO NOT DOWNLOAD, INSTALL, COPY, DISTRIBUTE OR USE // THE DATA FILES OR SOFTWARE. // // COPYRIGHT AND PERMISSION NOTICE // // Copyright (c) 1991-2022 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. // Distributed under the Terms of Use in https://www.unicode.org/copyright.html. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of the Unicode data files and any associated documentation // (the "Data Files") or Unicode software and any associated documentation // (the "Software") to deal in the Data Files or Software // without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, // copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of // the Data Files or Software, and to permit persons to whom the Data Files // or Software are furnished to do so, provided that either // (a) this copyright and permission notice appear with all copies // of the Data Files or Software, or // (b) this copyright and permission notice appear in associated // Documentation. // // THE DATA FILES AND SOFTWARE ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR HOLDERS INCLUDED IN THIS // NOTICE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, // DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER // TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR // PERFORMANCE OF THE DATA FILES OR SOFTWARE. // // Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder // shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, // use or other dealings in these Data Files or Software without prior // written authorization of the copyright holder. #ifndef _LIBCPP___FORMAT_ESCAPED_OUTPUT_TABLE_H #define _LIBCPP___FORMAT_ESCAPED_OUTPUT_TABLE_H #include <__algorithm/ranges_upper_bound.h> #include <__config> #include <cstddef> #include <cstdint> #if !defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_PRAGMA_SYSTEM_HEADER) # pragma GCC system_header #endif _LIBCPP_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_STD #if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23 namespace __escaped_output_table { // clang-format off /// The entries of the characters to escape in format's debug string. /// /// Contains the entries for [format.string.escaped]/ /// CE is a Unicode encoding and C corresponds to a UCS scalar value whose /// Unicode property General_Category has a value in the groups Separator (Z) /// or Other (C), as described by table 12 of UAX #44 /// /// Separator (Z) consists of General_Category /// - Space_Separator, /// - Line_Separator, /// - Paragraph_Separator. /// /// Other (C) consists of General_Category /// - Control, /// - Format, /// - Surrogate, /// - Private_Use, /// - Unassigned. /// /// The data is generated from /// - https://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/extracted/DerivedGeneralCategory.txt /// /// The table is similar to the table /// __extended_grapheme_custer_property_boundary::__entries /// which explains the details of these classes. The only difference is this /// table lacks a property, thus having more bits available for the size. /// /// The data has 2 values: /// - bits [0, 13] The size of the range, allowing 16384 elements. /// - bits [14, 31] The lower bound code point of the range. The upper bound of /// the range is lower bound + size. Note the code expects code units the fit /// into 18 bits, instead of the 21 bits needed for the full Unicode range. _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI inline constexpr uint32_t __entries[711] = { 0x00000020 /* 00000000 - 00000020 [ 33] */, 0x001fc021 /* 0000007f - 000000a0 [ 34] */, 0x002b4000 /* 000000ad - 000000ad [ 1] */, 0x00de0001 /* 00000378 - 00000379 [ 2] */, 0x00e00003 /* 00000380 - 00000383 [ 4] */, 0x00e2c000 /* 0000038b - 0000038b [ 1] */, 0x00e34000 /* 0000038d - 0000038d [ 1] */, 0x00e88000 /* 000003a2 - 000003a2 [ 1] */, 0x014c0000 /* 00000530 - 00000530 [ 1] */, 0x0155c001 /* 00000557 - 00000558 [ 2] */, 0x0162c001 /* 0000058b - 0000058c [ 2] */, 0x01640000 /* 00000590 - 00000590 [ 1] */, 0x01720007 /* 000005c8 - 000005cf [ 8] */, 0x017ac003 /* 000005eb - 000005ee [ 4] */, 0x017d4010 /* 000005f5 - 00000605 [ 17] */, 0x01870000 /* 0000061c - 0000061c [ 1] */, 0x01b74000 /* 000006dd - 000006dd [ 1] */, 0x01c38001 /* 0000070e - 0000070f [ 2] */, 0x01d2c001 /* 0000074b - 0000074c [ 2] */, 0x01ec800d /* 000007b2 - 000007bf [ 14] */, 0x01fec001 /* 000007fb - 000007fc [ 2] */, 0x020b8001 /* 0000082e - 0000082f [ 2] */, 0x020fc000 /* 0000083f - 0000083f [ 1] */, 0x02170001 /* 0000085c - 0000085d [ 2] */, 0x0217c000 /* 0000085f - 0000085f [ 1] */, 0x021ac004 /* 0000086b - 0000086f [ 5] */, 0x0223c008 /* 0000088f - 00000897 [ 9] */, 0x02388000 /* 000008e2 - 000008e2 [ 1] */, 0x02610000 /* 00000984 - 00000984 [ 1] */, 0x02634001 /* 0000098d - 0000098e [ 2] */, 0x02644001 /* 00000991 - 00000992 [ 2] */, 0x026a4000 /* 000009a9 - 000009a9 [ 1] */, 0x026c4000 /* 000009b1 - 000009b1 [ 1] */, 0x026cc002 /* 000009b3 - 000009b5 [ 3] */, 0x026e8001 /* 000009ba - 000009bb [ 2] */, 0x02714001 /* 000009c5 - 000009c6 [ 2] */, 0x02724001 /* 000009c9 - 000009ca [ 2] */, 0x0273c007 /* 000009cf - 000009d6 [ 8] */, 0x02760003 /* 000009d8 - 000009db [ 4] */, 0x02778000 /* 000009de - 000009de [ 1] */, 0x02790001 /* 000009e4 - 000009e5 [ 2] */, 0x027fc001 /* 000009ff - 00000a00 [ 2] */, 0x02810000 /* 00000a04 - 00000a04 [ 1] */, 0x0282c003 /* 00000a0b - 00000a0e [ 4] */, 0x02844001 /* 00000a11 - 00000a12 [ 2] */, 0x028a4000 /* 00000a29 - 00000a29 [ 1] */, 0x028c4000 /* 00000a31 - 00000a31 [ 1] */, 0x028d0000 /* 00000a34 - 00000a34 [ 1] */, 0x028dc000 /* 00000a37 - 00000a37 [ 1] */, 0x028e8001 /* 00000a3a - 00000a3b [ 2] */, 0x028f4000 /* 00000a3d - 00000a3d [ 1] */, 0x0290c003 /* 00000a43 - 00000a46 [ 4] */, 0x02924001 /* 00000a49 - 00000a4a [ 2] */, 0x02938002 /* 00000a4e - 00000a50 [ 3] */, 0x02948006 /* 00000a52 - 00000a58 [ 7] */, 0x02974000 /* 00000a5d - 00000a5d [ 1] */, 0x0297c006 /* 00000a5f - 00000a65 [ 7] */, 0x029dc009 /* 00000a77 - 00000a80 [ 10] */, 0x02a10000 /* 00000a84 - 00000a84 [ 1] */, 0x02a38000 /* 00000a8e - 00000a8e [ 1] */, 0x02a48000 /* 00000a92 - 00000a92 [ 1] */, 0x02aa4000 /* 00000aa9 - 00000aa9 [ 1] */, 0x02ac4000 /* 00000ab1 - 00000ab1 [ 1] */, 0x02ad0000 /* 00000ab4 - 00000ab4 [ 1] */, 0x02ae8001 /* 00000aba - 00000abb [ 2] */, 0x02b18000 /* 00000ac6 - 00000ac6 [ 1] */, 0x02b28000 /* 00000aca - 00000aca [ 1] */, 0x02b38001 /* 00000ace - 00000acf [ 2] */, 0x02b4400e /* 00000ad1 - 00000adf [ 15] */, 0x02b90001 /* 00000ae4 - 00000ae5 [ 2] */, 0x02bc8006 /* 00000af2 - 00000af8 [ 7] */, 0x02c00000 /* 00000b00 - 00000b00 [ 1] */, 0x02c10000 /* 00000b04 - 00000b04 [ 1] */, 0x02c34001 /* 00000b0d - 00000b0e [ 2] */, 0x02c44001 /* 00000b11 - 00000b12 [ 2] */, 0x02ca4000 /* 00000b29 - 00000b29 [ 1] */, 0x02cc4000 /* 00000b31 - 00000b31 [ 1] */, 0x02cd0000 /* 00000b34 - 00000b34 [ 1] */, 0x02ce8001 /* 00000b3a - 00000b3b [ 2] */, 0x02d14001 /* 00000b45 - 00000b46 [ 2] */, 0x02d24001 /* 00000b49 - 00000b4a [ 2] */, 0x02d38006 /* 00000b4e - 00000b54 [ 7] */, 0x02d60003 /* 00000b58 - 00000b5b [ 4] */, 0x02d78000 /* 00000b5e - 00000b5e [ 1] */, 0x02d90001 /* 00000b64 - 00000b65 [ 2] */, 0x02de0009 /* 00000b78 - 00000b81 [ 10] */, 0x02e10000 /* 00000b84 - 00000b84 [ 1] */, 0x02e2c002 /* 00000b8b - 00000b8d [ 3] */, 0x02e44000 /* 00000b91 - 00000b91 [ 1] */, 0x02e58002 /* 00000b96 - 00000b98 [ 3] */, 0x02e6c000 /* 00000b9b - 00000b9b [ 1] */, 0x02e74000 /* 00000b9d - 00000b9d [ 1] */, 0x02e80002 /* 00000ba0 - 00000ba2 [ 3] */, 0x02e94002 /* 00000ba5 - 00000ba7 [ 3] */, 0x02eac002 /* 00000bab - 00000bad [ 3] */, 0x02ee8003 /* 00000bba - 00000bbd [ 4] */, 0x02f0c002 /* 00000bc3 - 00000bc5 [ 3] */, 0x02f24000 /* 00000bc9 - 00000bc9 [ 1] */, 0x02f38001 /* 00000bce - 00000bcf [ 2] */, 0x02f44005 /* 00000bd1 - 00000bd6 [ 6] */, 0x02f6000d /* 00000bd8 - 00000be5 [ 14] */, 0x02fec004 /* 00000bfb - 00000bff [ 5] */, 0x03034000 /* 00000c0d - 00000c0d [ 1] */, 0x03044000 /* 00000c11 - 00000c11 [ 1] */, 0x030a4000 /* 00000c29 - 00000c29 [ 1] */, 0x030e8001 /* 00000c3a - 00000c3b [ 2] */, 0x03114000 /* 00000c45 - 00000c45 [ 1] */, 0x03124000 /* 00000c49 - 00000c49 [ 1] */, 0x03138006 /* 00000c4e - 00000c54 [ 7] */, 0x0315c000 /* 00000c57 - 00000c57 [ 1] */, 0x0316c001 /* 00000c5b - 00000c5c [ 2] */, 0x03178001 /* 00000c5e - 00000c5f [ 2] */, 0x03190001 /* 00000c64 - 00000c65 [ 2] */, 0x031c0006 /* 00000c70 - 00000c76 [ 7] */, 0x03234000 /* 00000c8d - 00000c8d [ 1] */, 0x03244000 /* 00000c91 - 00000c91 [ 1] */, 0x032a4000 /* 00000ca9 - 00000ca9 [ 1] */, 0x032d0000 /* 00000cb4 - 00000cb4 [ 1] */, 0x032e8001 /* 00000cba - 00000cbb [ 2] */, 0x03314000 /* 00000cc5 - 00000cc5 [ 1] */, 0x03324000 /* 00000cc9 - 00000cc9 [ 1] */, 0x03338006 /* 00000cce - 00000cd4 [ 7] */, 0x0335c005 /* 00000cd7 - 00000cdc [ 6] */, 0x0337c000 /* 00000cdf - 00000cdf [ 1] */, 0x03390001 /* 00000ce4 - 00000ce5 [ 2] */, 0x033c0000 /* 00000cf0 - 00000cf0 [ 1] */, 0x033d000b /* 00000cf4 - 00000cff [ 12] */, 0x03434000 /* 00000d0d - 00000d0d [ 1] */, 0x03444000 /* 00000d11 - 00000d11 [ 1] */, 0x03514000 /* 00000d45 - 00000d45 [ 1] */, 0x03524000 /* 00000d49 - 00000d49 [ 1] */, 0x03540003 /* 00000d50 - 00000d53 [ 4] */, 0x03590001 /* 00000d64 - 00000d65 [ 2] */, 0x03600000 /* 00000d80 - 00000d80 [ 1] */, 0x03610000 /* 00000d84 - 00000d84 [ 1] */, 0x0365c002 /* 00000d97 - 00000d99 [ 3] */, 0x036c8000 /* 00000db2 - 00000db2 [ 1] */, 0x036f0000 /* 00000dbc - 00000dbc [ 1] */, 0x036f8001 /* 00000dbe - 00000dbf [ 2] */, 0x0371c002 /* 00000dc7 - 00000dc9 [ 3] */, 0x0372c003 /* 00000dcb - 00000dce [ 4] */, 0x03754000 /* 00000dd5 - 00000dd5 [ 1] */, 0x0375c000 /* 00000dd7 - 00000dd7 [ 1] */, 0x03780005 /* 00000de0 - 00000de5 [ 6] */, 0x037c0001 /* 00000df0 - 00000df1 [ 2] */, 0x037d400b /* 00000df5 - 00000e00 [ 12] */, 0x038ec003 /* 00000e3b - 00000e3e [ 4] */, 0x03970024 /* 00000e5c - 00000e80 [ 37] */, 0x03a0c000 /* 00000e83 - 00000e83 [ 1] */, 0x03a14000 /* 00000e85 - 00000e85 [ 1] */, 0x03a2c000 /* 00000e8b - 00000e8b [ 1] */, 0x03a90000 /* 00000ea4 - 00000ea4 [ 1] */, 0x03a98000 /* 00000ea6 - 00000ea6 [ 1] */, 0x03af8001 /* 00000ebe - 00000ebf [ 2] */, 0x03b14000 /* 00000ec5 - 00000ec5 [ 1] */, 0x03b1c000 /* 00000ec7 - 00000ec7 [ 1] */, 0x03b3c000 /* 00000ecf - 00000ecf [ 1] */, 0x03b68001 /* 00000eda - 00000edb [ 2] */, 0x03b8001f /* 00000ee0 - 00000eff [ 32] */, 0x03d20000 /* 00000f48 - 00000f48 [ 1] */, 0x03db4003 /* 00000f6d - 00000f70 [ 4] */, 0x03e60000 /* 00000f98 - 00000f98 [ 1] */, 0x03ef4000 /* 00000fbd - 00000fbd [ 1] */, 0x03f34000 /* 00000fcd - 00000fcd [ 1] */, 0x03f6c024 /* 00000fdb - 00000fff [ 37] */, 0x04318000 /* 000010c6 - 000010c6 [ 1] */, 0x04320004 /* 000010c8 - 000010cc [ 5] */, 0x04338001 /* 000010ce - 000010cf [ 2] */, 0x04924000 /* 00001249 - 00001249 [ 1] */, 0x04938001 /* 0000124e - 0000124f [ 2] */, 0x0495c000 /* 00001257 - 00001257 [ 1] */, 0x04964000 /* 00001259 - 00001259 [ 1] */, 0x04978001 /* 0000125e - 0000125f [ 2] */, 0x04a24000 /* 00001289 - 00001289 [ 1] */, 0x04a38001 /* 0000128e - 0000128f [ 2] */, 0x04ac4000 /* 000012b1 - 000012b1 [ 1] */, 0x04ad8001 /* 000012b6 - 000012b7 [ 2] */, 0x04afc000 /* 000012bf - 000012bf [ 1] */, 0x04b04000 /* 000012c1 - 000012c1 [ 1] */, 0x04b18001 /* 000012c6 - 000012c7 [ 2] */, 0x04b5c000 /* 000012d7 - 000012d7 [ 1] */, 0x04c44000 /* 00001311 - 00001311 [ 1] */, 0x04c58001 /* 00001316 - 00001317 [ 2] */, 0x04d6c001 /* 0000135b - 0000135c [ 2] */, 0x04df4002 /* 0000137d - 0000137f [ 3] */, 0x04e68005 /* 0000139a - 0000139f [ 6] */, 0x04fd8001 /* 000013f6 - 000013f7 [ 2] */, 0x04ff8001 /* 000013fe - 000013ff [ 2] */, 0x05a00000 /* 00001680 - 00001680 [ 1] */, 0x05a74002 /* 0000169d - 0000169f [ 3] */, 0x05be4006 /* 000016f9 - 000016ff [ 7] */, 0x05c58008 /* 00001716 - 0000171e [ 9] */, 0x05cdc008 /* 00001737 - 0000173f [ 9] */, 0x05d5000b /* 00001754 - 0000175f [ 12] */, 0x05db4000 /* 0000176d - 0000176d [ 1] */, 0x05dc4000 /* 00001771 - 00001771 [ 1] */, 0x05dd000b /* 00001774 - 0000177f [ 12] */, 0x05f78001 /* 000017de - 000017df [ 2] */, 0x05fa8005 /* 000017ea - 000017ef [ 6] */, 0x05fe8005 /* 000017fa - 000017ff [ 6] */, 0x06038000 /* 0000180e - 0000180e [ 1] */, 0x06068005 /* 0000181a - 0000181f [ 6] */, 0x061e4006 /* 00001879 - 0000187f [ 7] */, 0x062ac004 /* 000018ab - 000018af [ 5] */, 0x063d8009 /* 000018f6 - 000018ff [ 10] */, 0x0647c000 /* 0000191f - 0000191f [ 1] */, 0x064b0003 /* 0000192c - 0000192f [ 4] */, 0x064f0003 /* 0000193c - 0000193f [ 4] */, 0x06504002 /* 00001941 - 00001943 [ 3] */, 0x065b8001 /* 0000196e - 0000196f [ 2] */, 0x065d400a /* 00001975 - 0000197f [ 11] */, 0x066b0003 /* 000019ac - 000019af [ 4] */, 0x06728005 /* 000019ca - 000019cf [ 6] */, 0x0676c002 /* 000019db - 000019dd [ 3] */, 0x06870001 /* 00001a1c - 00001a1d [ 2] */, 0x0697c000 /* 00001a5f - 00001a5f [ 1] */, 0x069f4001 /* 00001a7d - 00001a7e [ 2] */, 0x06a28005 /* 00001a8a - 00001a8f [ 6] */, 0x06a68005 /* 00001a9a - 00001a9f [ 6] */, 0x06ab8001 /* 00001aae - 00001aaf [ 2] */, 0x06b3c030 /* 00001acf - 00001aff [ 49] */, 0x06d34002 /* 00001b4d - 00001b4f [ 3] */, 0x06dfc000 /* 00001b7f - 00001b7f [ 1] */, 0x06fd0007 /* 00001bf4 - 00001bfb [ 8] */, 0x070e0002 /* 00001c38 - 00001c3a [ 3] */, 0x07128002 /* 00001c4a - 00001c4c [ 3] */, 0x07224006 /* 00001c89 - 00001c8f [ 7] */, 0x072ec001 /* 00001cbb - 00001cbc [ 2] */, 0x07320007 /* 00001cc8 - 00001ccf [ 8] */, 0x073ec004 /* 00001cfb - 00001cff [ 5] */, 0x07c58001 /* 00001f16 - 00001f17 [ 2] */, 0x07c78001 /* 00001f1e - 00001f1f [ 2] */, 0x07d18001 /* 00001f46 - 00001f47 [ 2] */, 0x07d38001 /* 00001f4e - 00001f4f [ 2] */, 0x07d60000 /* 00001f58 - 00001f58 [ 1] */, 0x07d68000 /* 00001f5a - 00001f5a [ 1] */, 0x07d70000 /* 00001f5c - 00001f5c [ 1] */, 0x07d78000 /* 00001f5e - 00001f5e [ 1] */, 0x07df8001 /* 00001f7e - 00001f7f [ 2] */, 0x07ed4000 /* 00001fb5 - 00001fb5 [ 1] */, 0x07f14000 /* 00001fc5 - 00001fc5 [ 1] */, 0x07f50001 /* 00001fd4 - 00001fd5 [ 2] */, 0x07f70000 /* 00001fdc - 00001fdc [ 1] */, 0x07fc0001 /* 00001ff0 - 00001ff1 [ 2] */, 0x07fd4000 /* 00001ff5 - 00001ff5 [ 1] */, 0x07ffc010 /* 00001fff - 0000200f [ 17] */, 0x080a0007 /* 00002028 - 0000202f [ 8] */, 0x0817c010 /* 0000205f - 0000206f [ 17] */, 0x081c8001 /* 00002072 - 00002073 [ 2] */, 0x0823c000 /* 0000208f - 0000208f [ 1] */, 0x08274002 /* 0000209d - 0000209f [ 3] */, 0x0830400e /* 000020c1 - 000020cf [ 15] */, 0x083c400e /* 000020f1 - 000020ff [ 15] */, 0x08630003 /* 0000218c - 0000218f [ 4] */, 0x0909c018 /* 00002427 - 0000243f [ 25] */, 0x0912c014 /* 0000244b - 0000245f [ 21] */, 0x0add0001 /* 00002b74 - 00002b75 [ 2] */, 0x0ae58000 /* 00002b96 - 00002b96 [ 1] */, 0x0b3d0004 /* 00002cf4 - 00002cf8 [ 5] */, 0x0b498000 /* 00002d26 - 00002d26 [ 1] */, 0x0b4a0004 /* 00002d28 - 00002d2c [ 5] */, 0x0b4b8001 /* 00002d2e - 00002d2f [ 2] */, 0x0b5a0006 /* 00002d68 - 00002d6e [ 7] */, 0x0b5c400d /* 00002d71 - 00002d7e [ 14] */, 0x0b65c008 /* 00002d97 - 00002d9f [ 9] */, 0x0b69c000 /* 00002da7 - 00002da7 [ 1] */, 0x0b6bc000 /* 00002daf - 00002daf [ 1] */, 0x0b6dc000 /* 00002db7 - 00002db7 [ 1] */, 0x0b6fc000 /* 00002dbf - 00002dbf [ 1] */, 0x0b71c000 /* 00002dc7 - 00002dc7 [ 1] */, 0x0b73c000 /* 00002dcf - 00002dcf [ 1] */, 0x0b75c000 /* 00002dd7 - 00002dd7 [ 1] */, 0x0b77c000 /* 00002ddf - 00002ddf [ 1] */, 0x0b978021 /* 00002e5e - 00002e7f [ 34] */, 0x0ba68000 /* 00002e9a - 00002e9a [ 1] */, 0x0bbd000b /* 00002ef4 - 00002eff [ 12] */, 0x0bf58019 /* 00002fd6 - 00002fef [ 26] */, 0x0c000000 /* 00003000 - 00003000 [ 1] */, 0x0c100000 /* 00003040 - 00003040 [ 1] */, 0x0c25c001 /* 00003097 - 00003098 [ 2] */, 0x0c400004 /* 00003100 - 00003104 [ 5] */, 0x0c4c0000 /* 00003130 - 00003130 [ 1] */, 0x0c63c000 /* 0000318f - 0000318f [ 1] */, 0x0c79000a /* 000031e4 - 000031ee [ 11] */, 0x0c87c000 /* 0000321f - 0000321f [ 1] */, 0x29234002 /* 0000a48d - 0000a48f [ 3] */, 0x2931c008 /* 0000a4c7 - 0000a4cf [ 9] */, 0x298b0013 /* 0000a62c - 0000a63f [ 20] */, 0x29be0007 /* 0000a6f8 - 0000a6ff [ 8] */, 0x29f2c004 /* 0000a7cb - 0000a7cf [ 5] */, 0x29f48000 /* 0000a7d2 - 0000a7d2 [ 1] */, 0x29f50000 /* 0000a7d4 - 0000a7d4 [ 1] */, 0x29f68017 /* 0000a7da - 0000a7f1 [ 24] */, 0x2a0b4002 /* 0000a82d - 0000a82f [ 3] */, 0x2a0e8005 /* 0000a83a - 0000a83f [ 6] */, 0x2a1e0007 /* 0000a878 - 0000a87f [ 8] */, 0x2a318007 /* 0000a8c6 - 0000a8cd [ 8] */, 0x2a368005 /* 0000a8da - 0000a8df [ 6] */, 0x2a55000a /* 0000a954 - 0000a95e [ 11] */, 0x2a5f4002 /* 0000a97d - 0000a97f [ 3] */, 0x2a738000 /* 0000a9ce - 0000a9ce [ 1] */, 0x2a768003 /* 0000a9da - 0000a9dd [ 4] */, 0x2a7fc000 /* 0000a9ff - 0000a9ff [ 1] */, 0x2a8dc008 /* 0000aa37 - 0000aa3f [ 9] */, 0x2a938001 /* 0000aa4e - 0000aa4f [ 2] */, 0x2a968001 /* 0000aa5a - 0000aa5b [ 2] */, 0x2ab0c017 /* 0000aac3 - 0000aada [ 24] */, 0x2abdc009 /* 0000aaf7 - 0000ab00 [ 10] */, 0x2ac1c001 /* 0000ab07 - 0000ab08 [ 2] */, 0x2ac3c001 /* 0000ab0f - 0000ab10 [ 2] */, 0x2ac5c008 /* 0000ab17 - 0000ab1f [ 9] */, 0x2ac9c000 /* 0000ab27 - 0000ab27 [ 1] */, 0x2acbc000 /* 0000ab2f - 0000ab2f [ 1] */, 0x2adb0003 /* 0000ab6c - 0000ab6f [ 4] */, 0x2afb8001 /* 0000abee - 0000abef [ 2] */, 0x2afe8005 /* 0000abfa - 0000abff [ 6] */, 0x35e9000b /* 0000d7a4 - 0000d7af [ 12] */, 0x35f1c003 /* 0000d7c7 - 0000d7ca [ 4] */, 0x35ff2103 /* 0000d7fc - 0000f8ff [ 8452] */, 0x3e9b8001 /* 0000fa6e - 0000fa6f [ 2] */, 0x3eb68025 /* 0000fada - 0000faff [ 38] */, 0x3ec1c00b /* 0000fb07 - 0000fb12 [ 12] */, 0x3ec60004 /* 0000fb18 - 0000fb1c [ 5] */, 0x3ecdc000 /* 0000fb37 - 0000fb37 [ 1] */, 0x3ecf4000 /* 0000fb3d - 0000fb3d [ 1] */, 0x3ecfc000 /* 0000fb3f - 0000fb3f [ 1] */, 0x3ed08000 /* 0000fb42 - 0000fb42 [ 1] */, 0x3ed14000 /* 0000fb45 - 0000fb45 [ 1] */, 0x3ef0c00f /* 0000fbc3 - 0000fbd2 [ 16] */, 0x3f640001 /* 0000fd90 - 0000fd91 [ 2] */, 0x3f720006 /* 0000fdc8 - 0000fdce [ 7] */, 0x3f74001f /* 0000fdd0 - 0000fdef [ 32] */, 0x3f868005 /* 0000fe1a - 0000fe1f [ 6] */, 0x3f94c000 /* 0000fe53 - 0000fe53 [ 1] */, 0x3f99c000 /* 0000fe67 - 0000fe67 [ 1] */, 0x3f9b0003 /* 0000fe6c - 0000fe6f [ 4] */, 0x3f9d4000 /* 0000fe75 - 0000fe75 [ 1] */, 0x3fbf4003 /* 0000fefd - 0000ff00 [ 4] */, 0x3fefc002 /* 0000ffbf - 0000ffc1 [ 3] */, 0x3ff20001 /* 0000ffc8 - 0000ffc9 [ 2] */, 0x3ff40001 /* 0000ffd0 - 0000ffd1 [ 2] */, 0x3ff60001 /* 0000ffd8 - 0000ffd9 [ 2] */, 0x3ff74002 /* 0000ffdd - 0000ffdf [ 3] */, 0x3ff9c000 /* 0000ffe7 - 0000ffe7 [ 1] */, 0x3ffbc00c /* 0000ffef - 0000fffb [ 13] */, 0x3fff8001 /* 0000fffe - 0000ffff [ 2] */, 0x40030000 /* 0001000c - 0001000c [ 1] */, 0x4009c000 /* 00010027 - 00010027 [ 1] */, 0x400ec000 /* 0001003b - 0001003b [ 1] */, 0x400f8000 /* 0001003e - 0001003e [ 1] */, 0x40138001 /* 0001004e - 0001004f [ 2] */, 0x40178021 /* 0001005e - 0001007f [ 34] */, 0x403ec004 /* 000100fb - 000100ff [ 5] */, 0x4040c003 /* 00010103 - 00010106 [ 4] */, 0x404d0002 /* 00010134 - 00010136 [ 3] */, 0x4063c000 /* 0001018f - 0001018f [ 1] */, 0x40674002 /* 0001019d - 0001019f [ 3] */, 0x4068402e /* 000101a1 - 000101cf [ 47] */, 0x407f8081 /* 000101fe - 0001027f [ 130] */, 0x40a74002 /* 0001029d - 0001029f [ 3] */, 0x40b4400e /* 000102d1 - 000102df [ 15] */, 0x40bf0003 /* 000102fc - 000102ff [ 4] */, 0x40c90008 /* 00010324 - 0001032c [ 9] */, 0x40d2c004 /* 0001034b - 0001034f [ 5] */, 0x40dec004 /* 0001037b - 0001037f [ 5] */, 0x40e78000 /* 0001039e - 0001039e [ 1] */, 0x40f10003 /* 000103c4 - 000103c7 [ 4] */, 0x40f58029 /* 000103d6 - 000103ff [ 42] */, 0x41278001 /* 0001049e - 0001049f [ 2] */, 0x412a8005 /* 000104aa - 000104af [ 6] */, 0x41350003 /* 000104d4 - 000104d7 [ 4] */, 0x413f0003 /* 000104fc - 000104ff [ 4] */, 0x414a0007 /* 00010528 - 0001052f [ 8] */, 0x4159000a /* 00010564 - 0001056e [ 11] */, 0x415ec000 /* 0001057b - 0001057b [ 1] */, 0x4162c000 /* 0001058b - 0001058b [ 1] */, 0x4164c000 /* 00010593 - 00010593 [ 1] */, 0x41658000 /* 00010596 - 00010596 [ 1] */, 0x41688000 /* 000105a2 - 000105a2 [ 1] */, 0x416c8000 /* 000105b2 - 000105b2 [ 1] */, 0x416e8000 /* 000105ba - 000105ba [ 1] */, 0x416f4042 /* 000105bd - 000105ff [ 67] */, 0x41cdc008 /* 00010737 - 0001073f [ 9] */, 0x41d58009 /* 00010756 - 0001075f [ 10] */, 0x41da0017 /* 00010768 - 0001077f [ 24] */, 0x41e18000 /* 00010786 - 00010786 [ 1] */, 0x41ec4000 /* 000107b1 - 000107b1 [ 1] */, 0x41eec044 /* 000107bb - 000107ff [ 69] */, 0x42018001 /* 00010806 - 00010807 [ 2] */, 0x42024000 /* 00010809 - 00010809 [ 1] */, 0x420d8000 /* 00010836 - 00010836 [ 1] */, 0x420e4002 /* 00010839 - 0001083b [ 3] */, 0x420f4001 /* 0001083d - 0001083e [ 2] */, 0x42158000 /* 00010856 - 00010856 [ 1] */, 0x4227c007 /* 0001089f - 000108a6 [ 8] */, 0x422c002f /* 000108b0 - 000108df [ 48] */, 0x423cc000 /* 000108f3 - 000108f3 [ 1] */, 0x423d8004 /* 000108f6 - 000108fa [ 5] */, 0x42470002 /* 0001091c - 0001091e [ 3] */, 0x424e8004 /* 0001093a - 0001093e [ 5] */, 0x4250003f /* 00010940 - 0001097f [ 64] */, 0x426e0003 /* 000109b8 - 000109bb [ 4] */, 0x42740001 /* 000109d0 - 000109d1 [ 2] */, 0x42810000 /* 00010a04 - 00010a04 [ 1] */, 0x4281c004 /* 00010a07 - 00010a0b [ 5] */, 0x42850000 /* 00010a14 - 00010a14 [ 1] */, 0x42860000 /* 00010a18 - 00010a18 [ 1] */, 0x428d8001 /* 00010a36 - 00010a37 [ 2] */, 0x428ec003 /* 00010a3b - 00010a3e [ 4] */, 0x42924006 /* 00010a49 - 00010a4f [ 7] */, 0x42964006 /* 00010a59 - 00010a5f [ 7] */, 0x42a8001f /* 00010aa0 - 00010abf [ 32] */, 0x42b9c003 /* 00010ae7 - 00010aea [ 4] */, 0x42bdc008 /* 00010af7 - 00010aff [ 9] */, 0x42cd8002 /* 00010b36 - 00010b38 [ 3] */, 0x42d58001 /* 00010b56 - 00010b57 [ 2] */, 0x42dcc004 /* 00010b73 - 00010b77 [ 5] */, 0x42e48006 /* 00010b92 - 00010b98 [ 7] */, 0x42e7400b /* 00010b9d - 00010ba8 [ 12] */, 0x42ec004f /* 00010bb0 - 00010bff [ 80] */, 0x43124036 /* 00010c49 - 00010c7f [ 55] */, 0x432cc00c /* 00010cb3 - 00010cbf [ 13] */, 0x433cc006 /* 00010cf3 - 00010cf9 [ 7] */, 0x434a0007 /* 00010d28 - 00010d2f [ 8] */, 0x434e8125 /* 00010d3a - 00010e5f [ 294] */, 0x439fc000 /* 00010e7f - 00010e7f [ 1] */, 0x43aa8000 /* 00010eaa - 00010eaa [ 1] */, 0x43ab8001 /* 00010eae - 00010eaf [ 2] */, 0x43ac804a /* 00010eb2 - 00010efc [ 75] */, 0x43ca0007 /* 00010f28 - 00010f2f [ 8] */, 0x43d68015 /* 00010f5a - 00010f6f [ 22] */, 0x43e28025 /* 00010f8a - 00010faf [ 38] */, 0x43f30013 /* 00010fcc - 00010fdf [ 20] */, 0x43fdc008 /* 00010ff7 - 00010fff [ 9] */, 0x44138003 /* 0001104e - 00011051 [ 4] */, 0x441d8008 /* 00011076 - 0001107e [ 9] */, 0x442f4000 /* 000110bd - 000110bd [ 1] */, 0x4430c00c /* 000110c3 - 000110cf [ 13] */, 0x443a4006 /* 000110e9 - 000110ef [ 7] */, 0x443e8005 /* 000110fa - 000110ff [ 6] */, 0x444d4000 /* 00011135 - 00011135 [ 1] */, 0x44520007 /* 00011148 - 0001114f [ 8] */, 0x445dc008 /* 00011177 - 0001117f [ 9] */, 0x44780000 /* 000111e0 - 000111e0 [ 1] */, 0x447d400a /* 000111f5 - 000111ff [ 11] */, 0x44848000 /* 00011212 - 00011212 [ 1] */, 0x4490803d /* 00011242 - 0001127f [ 62] */, 0x44a1c000 /* 00011287 - 00011287 [ 1] */, 0x44a24000 /* 00011289 - 00011289 [ 1] */, 0x44a38000 /* 0001128e - 0001128e [ 1] */, 0x44a78000 /* 0001129e - 0001129e [ 1] */, 0x44aa8005 /* 000112aa - 000112af [ 6] */, 0x44bac004 /* 000112eb - 000112ef [ 5] */, 0x44be8005 /* 000112fa - 000112ff [ 6] */, 0x44c10000 /* 00011304 - 00011304 [ 1] */, 0x44c34001 /* 0001130d - 0001130e [ 2] */, 0x44c44001 /* 00011311 - 00011312 [ 2] */, 0x44ca4000 /* 00011329 - 00011329 [ 1] */, 0x44cc4000 /* 00011331 - 00011331 [ 1] */, 0x44cd0000 /* 00011334 - 00011334 [ 1] */, 0x44ce8000 /* 0001133a - 0001133a [ 1] */, 0x44d14001 /* 00011345 - 00011346 [ 2] */, 0x44d24001 /* 00011349 - 0001134a [ 2] */, 0x44d38001 /* 0001134e - 0001134f [ 2] */, 0x44d44005 /* 00011351 - 00011356 [ 6] */, 0x44d60004 /* 00011358 - 0001135c [ 5] */, 0x44d90001 /* 00011364 - 00011365 [ 2] */, 0x44db4002 /* 0001136d - 0001136f [ 3] */, 0x44dd408a /* 00011375 - 000113ff [ 139] */, 0x45170000 /* 0001145c - 0001145c [ 1] */, 0x4518801d /* 00011462 - 0001147f [ 30] */, 0x45320007 /* 000114c8 - 000114cf [ 8] */, 0x453680a5 /* 000114da - 0001157f [ 166] */, 0x456d8001 /* 000115b6 - 000115b7 [ 2] */, 0x45778021 /* 000115de - 000115ff [ 34] */, 0x4591400a /* 00011645 - 0001164f [ 11] */, 0x45968005 /* 0001165a - 0001165f [ 6] */, 0x459b4012 /* 0001166d - 0001167f [ 19] */, 0x45ae8005 /* 000116ba - 000116bf [ 6] */, 0x45b28035 /* 000116ca - 000116ff [ 54] */, 0x45c6c001 /* 0001171b - 0001171c [ 2] */, 0x45cb0003 /* 0001172c - 0001172f [ 4] */, 0x45d1c0b8 /* 00011747 - 000117ff [ 185] */, 0x460f0063 /* 0001183c - 0001189f [ 100] */, 0x463cc00b /* 000118f3 - 000118fe [ 12] */, 0x4641c001 /* 00011907 - 00011908 [ 2] */, 0x46428001 /* 0001190a - 0001190b [ 2] */, 0x46450000 /* 00011914 - 00011914 [ 1] */, 0x4645c000 /* 00011917 - 00011917 [ 1] */, 0x464d8000 /* 00011936 - 00011936 [ 1] */, 0x464e4001 /* 00011939 - 0001193a [ 2] */, 0x4651c008 /* 00011947 - 0001194f [ 9] */, 0x46568045 /* 0001195a - 0001199f [ 70] */, 0x466a0001 /* 000119a8 - 000119a9 [ 2] */, 0x46760001 /* 000119d8 - 000119d9 [ 2] */, 0x4679401a /* 000119e5 - 000119ff [ 27] */, 0x46920007 /* 00011a48 - 00011a4f [ 8] */, 0x46a8c00c /* 00011aa3 - 00011aaf [ 13] */, 0x46be4006 /* 00011af9 - 00011aff [ 7] */, 0x46c280f5 /* 00011b0a - 00011bff [ 246] */, 0x47024000 /* 00011c09 - 00011c09 [ 1] */, 0x470dc000 /* 00011c37 - 00011c37 [ 1] */, 0x47118009 /* 00011c46 - 00011c4f [ 10] */, 0x471b4002 /* 00011c6d - 00011c6f [ 3] */, 0x47240001 /* 00011c90 - 00011c91 [ 2] */, 0x472a0000 /* 00011ca8 - 00011ca8 [ 1] */, 0x472dc048 /* 00011cb7 - 00011cff [ 73] */, 0x4741c000 /* 00011d07 - 00011d07 [ 1] */, 0x47428000 /* 00011d0a - 00011d0a [ 1] */, 0x474dc002 /* 00011d37 - 00011d39 [ 3] */, 0x474ec000 /* 00011d3b - 00011d3b [ 1] */, 0x474f8000 /* 00011d3e - 00011d3e [ 1] */, 0x47520007 /* 00011d48 - 00011d4f [ 8] */, 0x47568005 /* 00011d5a - 00011d5f [ 6] */, 0x47598000 /* 00011d66 - 00011d66 [ 1] */, 0x475a4000 /* 00011d69 - 00011d69 [ 1] */, 0x4763c000 /* 00011d8f - 00011d8f [ 1] */, 0x47648000 /* 00011d92 - 00011d92 [ 1] */, 0x47664006 /* 00011d99 - 00011d9f [ 7] */, 0x476a8135 /* 00011daa - 00011edf [ 310] */, 0x47be4006 /* 00011ef9 - 00011eff [ 7] */, 0x47c44000 /* 00011f11 - 00011f11 [ 1] */, 0x47cec002 /* 00011f3b - 00011f3d [ 3] */, 0x47d68055 /* 00011f5a - 00011faf [ 86] */, 0x47ec400e /* 00011fb1 - 00011fbf [ 15] */, 0x47fc800c /* 00011ff2 - 00011ffe [ 13] */, 0x48e68065 /* 0001239a - 000123ff [ 102] */, 0x491bc000 /* 0001246f - 0001246f [ 1] */, 0x491d400a /* 00012475 - 0001247f [ 11] */, 0x49510a4b /* 00012544 - 00012f8f [ 2636] */, 0x4bfcc00c /* 00012ff3 - 00012fff [ 13] */, 0x4d0c000f /* 00013430 - 0001343f [ 16] */, 0x4d158fa9 /* 00013456 - 000143ff [ 4010] */, 0x5191e1b8 /* 00014647 - 000167ff [ 8633] */, 0x5a8e4006 /* 00016a39 - 00016a3f [ 7] */, 0x5a97c000 /* 00016a5f - 00016a5f [ 1] */, 0x5a9a8003 /* 00016a6a - 00016a6d [ 4] */, 0x5aafc000 /* 00016abf - 00016abf [ 1] */, 0x5ab28005 /* 00016aca - 00016acf [ 6] */, 0x5abb8001 /* 00016aee - 00016aef [ 2] */, 0x5abd8009 /* 00016af6 - 00016aff [ 10] */, 0x5ad18009 /* 00016b46 - 00016b4f [ 10] */, 0x5ad68000 /* 00016b5a - 00016b5a [ 1] */, 0x5ad88000 /* 00016b62 - 00016b62 [ 1] */, 0x5ade0004 /* 00016b78 - 00016b7c [ 5] */, 0x5ae402af /* 00016b90 - 00016e3f [ 688] */, 0x5ba6c064 /* 00016e9b - 00016eff [ 101] */, 0x5bd2c003 /* 00016f4b - 00016f4e [ 4] */, 0x5be20006 /* 00016f88 - 00016f8e [ 7] */, 0x5be8003f /* 00016fa0 - 00016fdf [ 64] */, 0x5bf9400a /* 00016fe5 - 00016fef [ 11] */, 0x5bfc800d /* 00016ff2 - 00016fff [ 14] */, 0x61fe0007 /* 000187f8 - 000187ff [ 8] */, 0x63358029 /* 00018cd6 - 00018cff [ 42] */, 0x634262e6 /* 00018d09 - 0001afef [ 8935] */, 0x6bfd0000 /* 0001aff4 - 0001aff4 [ 1] */, 0x6bff0000 /* 0001affc - 0001affc [ 1] */, 0x6bffc000 /* 0001afff - 0001afff [ 1] */, 0x6c48c00e /* 0001b123 - 0001b131 [ 15] */, 0x6c4cc01c /* 0001b133 - 0001b14f [ 29] */, 0x6c54c001 /* 0001b153 - 0001b154 [ 2] */, 0x6c55800d /* 0001b156 - 0001b163 [ 14] */, 0x6c5a0007 /* 0001b168 - 0001b16f [ 8] */, 0x6cbf0903 /* 0001b2fc - 0001bbff [ 2308] */, 0x6f1ac004 /* 0001bc6b - 0001bc6f [ 5] */, 0x6f1f4002 /* 0001bc7d - 0001bc7f [ 3] */, 0x6f224006 /* 0001bc89 - 0001bc8f [ 7] */, 0x6f268001 /* 0001bc9a - 0001bc9b [ 2] */, 0x6f28125f /* 0001bca0 - 0001ceff [ 4704] */, 0x73cb8001 /* 0001cf2e - 0001cf2f [ 2] */, 0x73d1c008 /* 0001cf47 - 0001cf4f [ 9] */, 0x73f1003b /* 0001cfc4 - 0001cfff [ 60] */, 0x743d8009 /* 0001d0f6 - 0001d0ff [ 10] */, 0x7449c001 /* 0001d127 - 0001d128 [ 2] */, 0x745cc007 /* 0001d173 - 0001d17a [ 8] */, 0x747ac014 /* 0001d1eb - 0001d1ff [ 21] */, 0x74918079 /* 0001d246 - 0001d2bf [ 122] */, 0x74b5000b /* 0001d2d4 - 0001d2df [ 12] */, 0x74bd000b /* 0001d2f4 - 0001d2ff [ 12] */, 0x74d5c008 /* 0001d357 - 0001d35f [ 9] */, 0x74de4086 /* 0001d379 - 0001d3ff [ 135] */, 0x75154000 /* 0001d455 - 0001d455 [ 1] */, 0x75274000 /* 0001d49d - 0001d49d [ 1] */, 0x75280001 /* 0001d4a0 - 0001d4a1 [ 2] */, 0x7528c001 /* 0001d4a3 - 0001d4a4 [ 2] */, 0x7529c001 /* 0001d4a7 - 0001d4a8 [ 2] */, 0x752b4000 /* 0001d4ad - 0001d4ad [ 1] */, 0x752e8000 /* 0001d4ba - 0001d4ba [ 1] */, 0x752f0000 /* 0001d4bc - 0001d4bc [ 1] */, 0x75310000 /* 0001d4c4 - 0001d4c4 [ 1] */, 0x75418000 /* 0001d506 - 0001d506 [ 1] */, 0x7542c001 /* 0001d50b - 0001d50c [ 2] */, 0x75454000 /* 0001d515 - 0001d515 [ 1] */, 0x75474000 /* 0001d51d - 0001d51d [ 1] */, 0x754e8000 /* 0001d53a - 0001d53a [ 1] */, 0x754fc000 /* 0001d53f - 0001d53f [ 1] */, 0x75514000 /* 0001d545 - 0001d545 [ 1] */, 0x7551c002 /* 0001d547 - 0001d549 [ 3] */, 0x75544000 /* 0001d551 - 0001d551 [ 1] */, 0x75a98001 /* 0001d6a6 - 0001d6a7 [ 2] */, 0x75f30001 /* 0001d7cc - 0001d7cd [ 2] */, 0x76a3000e /* 0001da8c - 0001da9a [ 15] */, 0x76a80000 /* 0001daa0 - 0001daa0 [ 1] */, 0x76ac044f /* 0001dab0 - 0001deff [ 1104] */, 0x77c7c005 /* 0001df1f - 0001df24 [ 6] */, 0x77cac0d4 /* 0001df2b - 0001dfff [ 213] */, 0x7801c000 /* 0001e007 - 0001e007 [ 1] */, 0x78064001 /* 0001e019 - 0001e01a [ 2] */, 0x78088000 /* 0001e022 - 0001e022 [ 1] */, 0x78094000 /* 0001e025 - 0001e025 [ 1] */, 0x780ac004 /* 0001e02b - 0001e02f [ 5] */, 0x781b8020 /* 0001e06e - 0001e08e [ 33] */, 0x7824006f /* 0001e090 - 0001e0ff [ 112] */, 0x784b4002 /* 0001e12d - 0001e12f [ 3] */, 0x784f8001 /* 0001e13e - 0001e13f [ 2] */, 0x78528003 /* 0001e14a - 0001e14d [ 4] */, 0x7854013f /* 0001e150 - 0001e28f [ 320] */, 0x78abc010 /* 0001e2af - 0001e2bf [ 17] */, 0x78be8004 /* 0001e2fa - 0001e2fe [ 5] */, 0x78c001cf /* 0001e300 - 0001e4cf [ 464] */, 0x793e82e5 /* 0001e4fa - 0001e7df [ 742] */, 0x79f9c000 /* 0001e7e7 - 0001e7e7 [ 1] */, 0x79fb0000 /* 0001e7ec - 0001e7ec [ 1] */, 0x79fbc000 /* 0001e7ef - 0001e7ef [ 1] */, 0x79ffc000 /* 0001e7ff - 0001e7ff [ 1] */, 0x7a314001 /* 0001e8c5 - 0001e8c6 [ 2] */, 0x7a35c028 /* 0001e8d7 - 0001e8ff [ 41] */, 0x7a530003 /* 0001e94c - 0001e94f [ 4] */, 0x7a568003 /* 0001e95a - 0001e95d [ 4] */, 0x7a580310 /* 0001e960 - 0001ec70 [ 785] */, 0x7b2d404b /* 0001ecb5 - 0001ed00 [ 76] */, 0x7b4f80c1 /* 0001ed3e - 0001edff [ 194] */, 0x7b810000 /* 0001ee04 - 0001ee04 [ 1] */, 0x7b880000 /* 0001ee20 - 0001ee20 [ 1] */, 0x7b88c000 /* 0001ee23 - 0001ee23 [ 1] */, 0x7b894001 /* 0001ee25 - 0001ee26 [ 2] */, 0x7b8a0000 /* 0001ee28 - 0001ee28 [ 1] */, 0x7b8cc000 /* 0001ee33 - 0001ee33 [ 1] */, 0x7b8e0000 /* 0001ee38 - 0001ee38 [ 1] */, 0x7b8e8000 /* 0001ee3a - 0001ee3a [ 1] */, 0x7b8f0005 /* 0001ee3c - 0001ee41 [ 6] */, 0x7b90c003 /* 0001ee43 - 0001ee46 [ 4] */, 0x7b920000 /* 0001ee48 - 0001ee48 [ 1] */, 0x7b928000 /* 0001ee4a - 0001ee4a [ 1] */, 0x7b930000 /* 0001ee4c - 0001ee4c [ 1] */, 0x7b940000 /* 0001ee50 - 0001ee50 [ 1] */, 0x7b94c000 /* 0001ee53 - 0001ee53 [ 1] */, 0x7b954001 /* 0001ee55 - 0001ee56 [ 2] */, 0x7b960000 /* 0001ee58 - 0001ee58 [ 1] */, 0x7b968000 /* 0001ee5a - 0001ee5a [ 1] */, 0x7b970000 /* 0001ee5c - 0001ee5c [ 1] */, 0x7b978000 /* 0001ee5e - 0001ee5e [ 1] */, 0x7b980000 /* 0001ee60 - 0001ee60 [ 1] */, 0x7b98c000 /* 0001ee63 - 0001ee63 [ 1] */, 0x7b994001 /* 0001ee65 - 0001ee66 [ 2] */, 0x7b9ac000 /* 0001ee6b - 0001ee6b [ 1] */, 0x7b9cc000 /* 0001ee73 - 0001ee73 [ 1] */, 0x7b9e0000 /* 0001ee78 - 0001ee78 [ 1] */, 0x7b9f4000 /* 0001ee7d - 0001ee7d [ 1] */, 0x7b9fc000 /* 0001ee7f - 0001ee7f [ 1] */, 0x7ba28000 /* 0001ee8a - 0001ee8a [ 1] */, 0x7ba70004 /* 0001ee9c - 0001eea0 [ 5] */, 0x7ba90000 /* 0001eea4 - 0001eea4 [ 1] */, 0x7baa8000 /* 0001eeaa - 0001eeaa [ 1] */, 0x7baf0033 /* 0001eebc - 0001eeef [ 52] */, 0x7bbc810d /* 0001eef2 - 0001efff [ 270] */, 0x7c0b0003 /* 0001f02c - 0001f02f [ 4] */, 0x7c25000b /* 0001f094 - 0001f09f [ 12] */, 0x7c2bc001 /* 0001f0af - 0001f0b0 [ 2] */, 0x7c300000 /* 0001f0c0 - 0001f0c0 [ 1] */, 0x7c340000 /* 0001f0d0 - 0001f0d0 [ 1] */, 0x7c3d8009 /* 0001f0f6 - 0001f0ff [ 10] */, 0x7c6b8037 /* 0001f1ae - 0001f1e5 [ 56] */, 0x7c80c00c /* 0001f203 - 0001f20f [ 13] */, 0x7c8f0003 /* 0001f23c - 0001f23f [ 4] */, 0x7c924006 /* 0001f249 - 0001f24f [ 7] */, 0x7c94800d /* 0001f252 - 0001f25f [ 14] */, 0x7c998099 /* 0001f266 - 0001f2ff [ 154] */, 0x7db60003 /* 0001f6d8 - 0001f6db [ 4] */, 0x7dbb4002 /* 0001f6ed - 0001f6ef [ 3] */, 0x7dbf4002 /* 0001f6fd - 0001f6ff [ 3] */, 0x7dddc003 /* 0001f777 - 0001f77a [ 4] */, 0x7df68005 /* 0001f7da - 0001f7df [ 6] */, 0x7dfb0003 /* 0001f7ec - 0001f7ef [ 4] */, 0x7dfc400e /* 0001f7f1 - 0001f7ff [ 15] */, 0x7e030003 /* 0001f80c - 0001f80f [ 4] */, 0x7e120007 /* 0001f848 - 0001f84f [ 8] */, 0x7e168005 /* 0001f85a - 0001f85f [ 6] */, 0x7e220007 /* 0001f888 - 0001f88f [ 8] */, 0x7e2b8001 /* 0001f8ae - 0001f8af [ 2] */, 0x7e2c804d /* 0001f8b2 - 0001f8ff [ 78] */, 0x7e95000b /* 0001fa54 - 0001fa5f [ 12] */, 0x7e9b8001 /* 0001fa6e - 0001fa6f [ 2] */, 0x7e9f4002 /* 0001fa7d - 0001fa7f [ 3] */, 0x7ea24006 /* 0001fa89 - 0001fa8f [ 7] */, 0x7eaf8000 /* 0001fabe - 0001fabe [ 1] */, 0x7eb18007 /* 0001fac6 - 0001facd [ 8] */, 0x7eb70003 /* 0001fadc - 0001fadf [ 4] */, 0x7eba4006 /* 0001fae9 - 0001faef [ 7] */, 0x7ebe4006 /* 0001faf9 - 0001faff [ 7] */, 0x7ee4c000 /* 0001fb93 - 0001fb93 [ 1] */, 0x7ef2c024 /* 0001fbcb - 0001fbef [ 37] */, 0x7efe8405 /* 0001fbfa - 0001ffff [ 1030] */, 0xa9b8001f /* 0002a6e0 - 0002a6ff [ 32] */, 0xadce8005 /* 0002b73a - 0002b73f [ 6] */, 0xae078001 /* 0002b81e - 0002b81f [ 2] */, 0xb3a8800d /* 0002cea2 - 0002ceaf [ 14] */, 0xbaf8400e /* 0002ebe1 - 0002ebef [ 15] */, 0xbb9789a1 /* 0002ee5e - 0002f7ff [ 2466] */, 0xbe8785e1 /* 0002fa1e - 0002ffff [ 1506] */, 0xc4d2c004 /* 0003134b - 0003134f [ 5] */}; /// Returns whether the code unit needs to be escaped. /// /// At the end of the valid Unicode code points space a lot of code points are /// either reserved or a noncharacter. Adding all these entries to the /// lookup table would greatly increase the size of the table. Instead these /// entries are manually processed. In this large area of reserved code points, /// there is a small area of extended graphemes that should not be escaped /// unconditionally. This is also manually coded. See the generation script for /// more details. /// /// \\pre The code point is a valid Unicode code point. [[nodiscard]] _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr bool __needs_escape(const char32_t __code_point) noexcept { // The entries in the gap at the end. if(__code_point >= 0x000e0100 && __code_point <= 0x000e01ef) return false; // The entries at the end. if (__code_point >= 0x000323b0) return true; ptrdiff_t __i = std::ranges::upper_bound(__entries, (__code_point << 14) | 0x3fffu) - __entries; if (__i == 0) return false; --__i; uint32_t __upper_bound = (__entries[__i] >> 14) + (__entries[__i] & 0x3fffu); return __code_point <= __upper_bound; } // clang-format on } // namespace __escaped_output_table #endif // _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23 _LIBCPP_END_NAMESPACE_STD #endif // _LIBCPP___FORMAT_ESCAPED_OUTPUT_TABLE_H