
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package ash;

// The storage proto for the BirchItemRemover class, for storing removed items
// persistently.
message RemovedItemsProto {
  // Versioning information that can be used to discard or migrate on-disk
  // state if an incompatible change is made.
  optional int32 version = 1;

  // All hashed tab urls that should be removed.
  // We only need support for quick key lookup, and we do not care about the
  // (bool) value.
  map<string, bool> removed_tab_items = 2;

  // All hashed calendar event ids that should be removed.
  // We only need support for quick key lookup, and we do not care about the
  // (bool) value.
  map<string, bool> removed_calendar_items = 3;

  // All hashed file ids that should be removed.
  // We only need support for quick key lookup, and we do not care about the
  // (bool) value.
  map<string, bool> removed_file_items = 4;