// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.download;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import org.jni_zero.CalledByNative;
import org.jni_zero.JniType;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.profiles.OTRProfileID;
import org.chromium.components.download.DownloadState;
import org.chromium.components.offline_items_collection.ContentId;
import org.chromium.components.offline_items_collection.FailState;
import org.chromium.components.offline_items_collection.LegacyHelpers;
import org.chromium.components.offline_items_collection.OfflineItem;
import org.chromium.components.offline_items_collection.OfflineItem.Progress;
import org.chromium.components.offline_items_collection.OfflineItemProgressUnit;
import org.chromium.components.offline_items_collection.OfflineItemState;
import org.chromium.components.offline_items_collection.OfflineItemVisuals;
import org.chromium.components.offline_items_collection.PendingState;
import org.chromium.url.GURL;
/** Class representing the state of a single download. */
public final class DownloadInfo {
private final @NonNull GURL mUrl;
private final String mUserAgent;
private final String mMimeType;
private final String mCookie;
private final String mFileName;
private final String mDescription;
private final String mFilePath;
private final @NonNull GURL mReferrer;
private final @NonNull GURL mOriginalUrl;
private final long mBytesReceived;
private final long mBytesTotalSize;
private final String mDownloadGuid;
private final boolean mHasUserGesture;
private final String mContentDisposition;
private final boolean mIsGETRequest;
private final Progress mProgress;
private final long mTimeRemainingInMillis;
private final boolean mIsResumable;
private final boolean mIsPaused;
private final boolean mIsOffTheRecord;
private final OTRProfileID mOTRProfileId;
private final boolean mIsOfflinePage;
private final int mState;
private final long mLastAccessTime;
private final boolean mIsDangerous;
// New variables to assist with the migration to OfflineItems.
private final ContentId mContentId;
private final boolean mIsOpenable;
private final boolean mIsTransient;
private final boolean mIsParallelDownload;
private final Bitmap mIcon;
@PendingState private final int mPendingState;
@FailState private final int mFailState;
private final boolean mShouldPromoteOrigin;
private DownloadInfo(Builder builder) {
mUrl = builder.mUrl == null ? GURL.emptyGURL() : builder.mUrl;
mUserAgent = builder.mUserAgent;
mMimeType = builder.mMimeType;
mCookie = builder.mCookie;
mFileName = builder.mFileName;
mDescription = builder.mDescription;
mFilePath = builder.mFilePath;
mReferrer = builder.mReferrer == null ? GURL.emptyGURL() : builder.mReferrer;
mOriginalUrl = builder.mOriginalUrl == null ? GURL.emptyGURL() : builder.mOriginalUrl;
mBytesReceived = builder.mBytesReceived;
mBytesTotalSize = builder.mBytesTotalSize;
mDownloadGuid = builder.mDownloadGuid;
mHasUserGesture = builder.mHasUserGesture;
mIsGETRequest = builder.mIsGETRequest;
mContentDisposition = builder.mContentDisposition;
mProgress = builder.mProgress;
mTimeRemainingInMillis = builder.mTimeRemainingInMillis;
mIsResumable = builder.mIsResumable;
mIsPaused = builder.mIsPaused;
mIsOffTheRecord = builder.mIsOffTheRecord;
mOTRProfileId = builder.mOTRProfileId;
mIsOfflinePage = builder.mIsOfflinePage;
mState = builder.mState;
mLastAccessTime = builder.mLastAccessTime;
mIsDangerous = builder.mIsDangerous;
if (builder.mContentId != null) {
mContentId = builder.mContentId;
} else {
mContentId = LegacyHelpers.buildLegacyContentId(mIsOfflinePage, mDownloadGuid);
mIsOpenable = builder.mIsOpenable;
mIsTransient = builder.mIsTransient;
mIsParallelDownload = builder.mIsParallelDownload;
mIcon = builder.mIcon;
mPendingState = builder.mPendingState;
mFailState = builder.mFailState;
mShouldPromoteOrigin = builder.mShouldPromoteOrigin;
public @NonNull GURL getUrl() {
return mUrl;
public String getUserAgent() {
return mUserAgent;
public String getMimeType() {
return mMimeType;
public String getCookie() {
return mCookie;
public String getFileName() {
return mFileName;
public String getDescription() {
return mDescription;
public String getFilePath() {
return mFilePath;
public @NonNull GURL getReferrer() {
return mReferrer;
public @NonNull GURL getOriginalUrl() {
return mOriginalUrl;
public long getBytesReceived() {
return mBytesReceived;
public long getBytesTotalSize() {
return mBytesTotalSize;
public boolean isGETRequest() {
return mIsGETRequest;
public String getDownloadGuid() {
return mDownloadGuid;
public boolean hasUserGesture() {
return mHasUserGesture;
public String getContentDisposition() {
return mContentDisposition;
public Progress getProgress() {
return mProgress;
* @return Remaining download time in milliseconds or -1 if it is unknown.
public long getTimeRemainingInMillis() {
return mTimeRemainingInMillis;
public boolean isResumable() {
return mIsResumable;
public boolean isPaused() {
return mIsPaused;
public boolean isOffTheRecord() {
return mIsOffTheRecord;
public OTRProfileID getOTRProfileId() {
return mOTRProfileId;
public boolean isOfflinePage() {
return mIsOfflinePage;
public int state() {
return mState;
public long getLastAccessTime() {
return mLastAccessTime;
public boolean getIsDangerous() {
return mIsDangerous;
public ContentId getContentId() {
return mContentId;
public boolean getIsOpenable() {
return mIsOpenable;
public boolean getIsTransient() {
return mIsTransient;
public boolean getIsParallelDownload() {
return mIsParallelDownload;
public Bitmap getIcon() {
return mIcon;
public @PendingState int getPendingState() {
return mPendingState;
public @FailState int getFailState() {
return mFailState;
public boolean getShouldPromoteOrigin() {
return mShouldPromoteOrigin;
* Helper method to build a {@link DownloadInfo} from an {@link OfflineItem}.
* @param item The {@link OfflineItem} to mimic.
* @param visuals The {@link OfflineItemVisuals} to mimic.
* @return A {@link DownloadInfo} containing the relevant fields from {@code item}.
public static DownloadInfo fromOfflineItem(OfflineItem item, OfflineItemVisuals visuals) {
return builderFromOfflineItem(item, visuals).build();
* Helper method to build a {@link DownloadInfo.Builder} from an {@link OfflineItem}.
* @param item The {@link OfflineItem} to mimic.
* @param visuals The {@link OfflineItemVisuals} to mimic.
* @return A {@link DownloadInfo.Builder} containing the relevant fields from
* {@code item}.
public static DownloadInfo.Builder builderFromOfflineItem(
OfflineItem item, OfflineItemVisuals visuals) {
int state;
switch (item.state) {
case OfflineItemState.COMPLETE:
state = DownloadState.COMPLETE;
case OfflineItemState.CANCELLED:
state = DownloadState.CANCELLED;
case OfflineItemState.INTERRUPTED:
state = DownloadState.INTERRUPTED;
case OfflineItemState.FAILED:
state = DownloadState.INTERRUPTED; // TODO(dtrainor): Validate what this state is.
case OfflineItemState.PENDING: // TODO(dtrainor): Validate what this state is.
case OfflineItemState.IN_PROGRESS:
case OfflineItemState.PAUSED: // TODO(dtrainor): Validate what this state is.
state = DownloadState.IN_PROGRESS;
return new DownloadInfo.Builder()
.setIsPaused(item.state == OfflineItemState.PAUSED)
.setIcon(visuals == null ? null : visuals.icon)
/** Helper class for building the DownloadInfo object. */
public static class Builder {
private GURL mUrl;
private String mUserAgent;
private String mMimeType;
private String mCookie;
private String mFileName;
private String mDescription;
private String mFilePath;
private GURL mReferrer;
private GURL mOriginalUrl;
private long mBytesReceived;
private long mBytesTotalSize;
private boolean mIsGETRequest;
private String mDownloadGuid;
private boolean mHasUserGesture;
private String mContentDisposition;
private Progress mProgress = Progress.createIndeterminateProgress();
private long mTimeRemainingInMillis;
private boolean mIsResumable = true;
private boolean mIsPaused;
private boolean mIsOffTheRecord;
private OTRProfileID mOTRProfileId;
private boolean mIsOfflinePage;
private int mState = DownloadState.IN_PROGRESS;
private long mLastAccessTime;
private boolean mIsDangerous;
private ContentId mContentId;
private boolean mIsOpenable = true;
private boolean mIsTransient;
private boolean mIsParallelDownload;
private Bitmap mIcon;
@PendingState private int mPendingState;
@FailState private int mFailState;
private boolean mShouldPromoteOrigin;
public Builder setUrl(GURL url) {
mUrl = url;
return this;
public Builder setUserAgent(String userAgent) {
mUserAgent = userAgent;
return this;
public Builder setMimeType(String mimeType) {
mMimeType = mimeType;
return this;
public Builder setCookie(String cookie) {
mCookie = cookie;
return this;
public Builder setFileName(String fileName) {
mFileName = fileName;
return this;
public Builder setDescription(String description) {
mDescription = description;
return this;
public Builder setFilePath(String filePath) {
mFilePath = filePath;
return this;
public Builder setReferrer(GURL referer) {
mReferrer = referer;
return this;
public Builder setOriginalUrl(GURL originalUrl) {
mOriginalUrl = originalUrl;
return this;
public Builder setBytesReceived(long bytesReceived) {
mBytesReceived = bytesReceived;
return this;
public Builder setBytesTotalSize(long bytesTotalSize) {
mBytesTotalSize = bytesTotalSize;
return this;
public Builder setIsGETRequest(boolean isGETRequest) {
mIsGETRequest = isGETRequest;
return this;
public Builder setDownloadGuid(String downloadGuid) {
mDownloadGuid = downloadGuid;
return this;
public Builder setHasUserGesture(boolean hasUserGesture) {
mHasUserGesture = hasUserGesture;
return this;
public Builder setContentDisposition(String contentDisposition) {
mContentDisposition = contentDisposition;
return this;
public Builder setProgress(OfflineItem.Progress progress) {
mProgress = progress;
return this;
public Builder setTimeRemainingInMillis(long timeRemainingInMillis) {
mTimeRemainingInMillis = timeRemainingInMillis;
return this;
public Builder setIsResumable(boolean isResumable) {
mIsResumable = isResumable;
return this;
public Builder setIsPaused(boolean isPaused) {
mIsPaused = isPaused;
return this;
public Builder setOTRProfileId(OTRProfileID otrProfileId) {
mOTRProfileId = otrProfileId;
mIsOffTheRecord = OTRProfileID.isOffTheRecord(otrProfileId);
return this;
public Builder setIsOfflinePage(boolean isOfflinePage) {
mIsOfflinePage = isOfflinePage;
return this;
public Builder setState(int downloadState) {
mState = downloadState;
return this;
public Builder setLastAccessTime(long lastAccessTime) {
mLastAccessTime = lastAccessTime;
return this;
public Builder setIsDangerous(boolean isDangerous) {
mIsDangerous = isDangerous;
return this;
public Builder setContentId(ContentId contentId) {
mContentId = contentId;
return this;
public Builder setIsOpenable(boolean isOpenable) {
mIsOpenable = isOpenable;
return this;
public Builder setIsTransient(boolean isTransient) {
mIsTransient = isTransient;
return this;
public Builder setIsParallelDownload(boolean isParallelDownload) {
mIsParallelDownload = isParallelDownload;
return this;
public Builder setIcon(Bitmap icon) {
mIcon = icon;
return this;
public Builder setPendingState(@PendingState int pendingState) {
mPendingState = pendingState;
return this;
public Builder setFailState(@FailState int failState) {
mFailState = failState;
return this;
public Builder setShouldPromoteOrigin(boolean shouldPromoteOrigin) {
mShouldPromoteOrigin = shouldPromoteOrigin;
return this;
public DownloadInfo build() {
return new DownloadInfo(this);
* Create a builder from the DownloadInfo object.
* @param downloadInfo DownloadInfo object from which builder fields are populated.
* @return A builder initialized with fields from downloadInfo object.
public static Builder fromDownloadInfo(final DownloadInfo downloadInfo) {
Builder builder = new Builder();
return builder;
private static DownloadInfo createDownloadInfo(
@JniType("std::string") String downloadGuid,
@JniType("std::string") String fileName,
@JniType("std::string") String filePath,
@JniType("GURL") GURL url,
@JniType("std::string") String mimeType,
long bytesReceived,
long bytesTotalSize,
OTRProfileID otrProfileId,
int state,
int percentCompleted,
boolean isPaused,
boolean hasUserGesture,
boolean isResumable,
boolean isParallelDownload,
@JniType("GURL") GURL originalUrl,
@JniType("GURL") GURL referrerUrl,
long timeRemainingInMs,
long lastAccessTime,
boolean isDangerous,
@FailState int failState) {
String remappedMimeType = MimeUtils.remapGenericMimeType(mimeType, url.getSpec(), fileName);
Progress progress =
new Progress(
percentCompleted == -1 ? null : bytesTotalSize,
return new DownloadInfo.Builder()