// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/capture_mode/capture_mode_behavior.h"
#include "ash/capture_mode/capture_mode_controller.h"
#include "ash/shell_observer.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer_owner.h"
namespace ash {
// An interface for different kinds of capture mode sessions. This class is a
// LayerOwner and will transfer ownership of its texture layer to a recording
// if/when it starts.
// There are two patterns for the capture mode session:
// - Regular capture mode, also known as `CaptureModeSession`. It creates and
// owns UI widgets such as the capture mode bar widget, the settings menu
// widget, etc.
// - Null object capture mode, also known as `NullCaptureModeSession`. It
// serves as a way to instantly start a capture by bypassing user input and
// the countdown.
class ASH_EXPORT BaseCaptureModeSession : public ui::LayerOwner,
public ShellObserver {
BaseCaptureModeSession(CaptureModeController* controller,
CaptureModeBehavior* active_behavior,
SessionType type);
BaseCaptureModeSession(const BaseCaptureModeSession&) = delete;
BaseCaptureModeSession& operator=(const BaseCaptureModeSession&) = delete;
~BaseCaptureModeSession() override;
SessionType session_type() const { return session_type_; }
aura::Window* current_root() const { return current_root_; }
bool is_drag_in_progress() const { return is_drag_in_progress_; }
CaptureModeBehavior* active_behavior() { return active_behavior_; }
bool is_shutting_down() const { return is_shutting_down_; }
void set_a11y_alert_on_session_exit(bool value) {
a11y_alert_on_session_exit_ = value;
void set_is_stopping_to_start_video_recording(bool value) {
is_stopping_to_start_video_recording_ = value;
void set_can_exit_on_escape(bool value) { can_exit_on_escape_ = value; }
// Initializes the capture mode session. This should be called right after the
// object is created.
void Initialize();
// Shuts down the capture mode session. This should be called right before the
// object is destroyed. Subclass specific shutdown is handled via
// `ShutdownInternal()`.
void Shutdown();
// Returns the current parent window for the on-capture-surface widgets such
// as `CaptureModeCameraController::camera_preview_widget_` and
// `CaptureModeDemoToolsController::key_combo_widget_` when capture mode
// session is active.
aura::Window* GetOnCaptureSurfaceWidgetParentWindow() const;
// Returns the confine bounds for the on-capture-surface widgets (such as the
// camera preview widget and key combo widget) when capture session is active.
gfx::Rect GetCaptureSurfaceConfineBounds() const;
// Gets the CaptureModeBarWidget. Should not be called for a null session, as
// it does not have a bar widget.
virtual views::Widget* GetCaptureModeBarWidget() = 0;
// Gets the current window selected for `kWindow` capture source. Returns
// nullptr if no window is available for selection.
virtual aura::Window* GetSelectedWindow() const = 0;
// Sets the pre-selected window for the capture session. Once set, the window
// can't be altered throughout the entire capture session.
virtual void SetPreSelectedWindow(aura::Window* pre_selected_window) = 0;
// Called when either the capture source, type, recording type, audio
// recording mode or demo tools changes.
virtual void OnCaptureSourceChanged(CaptureModeSource source) = 0;
virtual void OnCaptureTypeChanged(CaptureModeType type) = 0;
virtual void OnRecordingTypeChanged() = 0;
virtual void OnAudioRecordingModeChanged() = 0;
virtual void OnDemoToolsSettingsChanged() = 0;
// When performing capture, or at the end of the 3-second count down, the DLP
// manager is checked for any restricted content. The DLP manager may choose
// to show a system-modal dialog to warn the user about some content they're
// about to capture. This function is called to prepare for this case.
virtual void OnWaitingForDlpConfirmationStarted() = 0;
// This function is called when the DLP manager replies back.
virtual void OnWaitingForDlpConfirmationEnded(bool reshow_uis) = 0;
// Called when the user performs a capture. Records histograms related to this
// session.
virtual void ReportSessionHistograms() = 0;
// Called when starting 3-seconds count down before recording video.
virtual void StartCountDown(
base::OnceClosure countdown_finished_callback) = 0;
// Called when the capture folder may have changed as the settings menu may
// need updating.
virtual void OnCaptureFolderMayHaveChanged() = 0;
// Called when we change the setting to to force-use the default downloads
// folder as the save folder.
virtual void OnDefaultCaptureFolderSelectionChanged() = 0;
// Returns the in-session target value that should be used for the visibility
// of the camera preview (if any). During the session, things like dragging
// the user region may affect the camera preview's visibility, and hence this
// function should be consulted.
virtual bool CalculateCameraPreviewTargetVisibility() const = 0;
virtual void OnCameraPreviewDragStarted() = 0;
virtual void OnCameraPreviewDragEnded(const gfx::Point& screen_location,
bool is_touch) = 0;
// Called every time when camera preview is updated.
// `capture_surface_became_too_small` indicates whether the camera preview
// becomes invisible is due to the capture surface becoming too small.
// `did_bounds_or_visibility_change` determines whether the capture UIs'
// opacity should be updated.
virtual void OnCameraPreviewBoundsOrVisibilityChanged(
bool capture_surface_became_too_small,
bool did_bounds_or_visibility_change) = 0;
virtual void OnCameraPreviewDestroyed() = 0;
// If there's a user nudge currently showing, it will be dismissed forever,
// and will no longer be shown to the user.
virtual void MaybeDismissUserNudgeForever() = 0;
// Handles changing `root_window_`. For example, moving the mouse cursor to
// another display, a display was removed or the game window of the
// `kGameDashboard` session was moved to another display. Moves the capture
// mode widgets to `new_root` depending on the capture mode source and whether
// it was a display removal (`root_window_will_shutdown` will be true in this
// case).
virtual void MaybeChangeRoot(aura::Window* new_root,
bool root_window_will_shutdown) = 0;
// Helper function for `GetTopMostCapturableWindowAtPoint()`. Returns the
// native windows of the widgets associated with the session (bar widget,
// label widget, etc.) that should be ignored as the topmost window.
virtual std::set<aura::Window*> GetWindowsToIgnoreFromWidgets() = 0;
// Shows (if the underlying session type supports it) the results panel with
// the captured region as `image`.
virtual void ShowSearchResultsPanel(const gfx::ImageSkia& image) = 0;
// ShellObserver:
void OnRootWindowWillShutdown(aura::Window* root_window) override;
// Gets the menu container inside |root|.
static aura::Window* GetParentContainer(aura::Window* root);
// Triggers a selfie camera visibility update during capture mode session on
// capture mode type changed.
void MaybeUpdateSelfieCamInSessionVisibility();
// Gets the bounds of current window selected for `kWindow` capture source. It
// can be the actual bounds for the selected window or the transformed bounds
// if the window is in overview session.
gfx::Rect GetSelectedWindowTargetBounds() const;
const raw_ptr<CaptureModeController> controller_;
// The currently active capture mode behavior for this session which will be
// used to configure capture mode session differently with different modes.
const raw_ptr<CaptureModeBehavior> active_behavior_;
// Indicates whether this is a regular (real) session or a null session.
const SessionType session_type_;
// The current root window on which the capture session is active, which may
// change if the user warps the cursor to another display in some situations.
raw_ptr<aura::Window> current_root_;
// Whether pressing the escape key can exit the session. This is used when we
// find capturable content at the end of the 3-second count down, but we need
// to do some extra asynchronous operations before we start the actual
// recording. At this point we don't want the user to be able to bail out.
bool can_exit_on_escape_ = true;
// True when dragging is in progress.
bool is_drag_in_progress_ = false;
// False only when we end the session to start recording.
bool a11y_alert_on_session_exit_ = false;
// True once Shutdown() is called.
bool is_shutting_down_ = false;
// True when the session is being stopped to start video recording, at which
// point, it's guaranteed that recording will start and will not be blocked by
// any errors, DLP restrictions, or any user cancellation.
bool is_stopping_to_start_video_recording_ = false;
// Handles subclass specific setup and cleanup.
virtual void InitInternal() = 0;
virtual void ShutdownInternal() = 0;
} // namespace ash