// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.download.home.list.view;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.StringRes;
import org.chromium.base.MathUtils;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.download.internal.R;
import org.chromium.components.browser_ui.widget.async_image.AutoAnimatorDrawable;
import org.chromium.components.browser_ui.widget.async_image.ForegroundDrawableCompat;
import org.chromium.ui.UiUtils;
import org.chromium.ui.widget.ChromeImageButton;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
* A representation of a progress bar that supports (1) an indeterminate state, (2) a determinate
* state, and (3) running, paused, and retry states.
* The determinate {@link Drawable} will have it's level set via {@link Drawable#setLevel(int)}
* based on the progress (0 - 10,000).
* The indeterminate and determinate {@link Drawable}s support {@link Animatable} drawables and the
* animation will be started/stopped when shown/hidden respectively.
public class CircularProgressView extends ChromeImageButton {
* The value to use with {@link #setProgress(int)} to specify that the indeterminate
* {@link Drawable} should be used.
public static final int INDETERMINATE = -1;
/** The various states this {@link CircularProgressView} can be in. */
@IntDef({UiState.RUNNING, UiState.PAUSED, UiState.RETRY})
public @interface UiState {
/** This progress bar will look like it is actively running based on the XML drawable. */
int RUNNING = 0;
/** This progress bar will look like it is paused based on the XML drawable. */
int PAUSED = 1;
/** This progress bar will look like it is able to be retried based on the XML drawable. */
int RETRY = 2;
private static final int MAX_LEVEL = 10000;
private final Drawable mIndeterminateProgress;
private final Drawable mDeterminateProgress;
private final Drawable mResumeButtonSrc;
private final Drawable mPauseButtonSrc;
private final Drawable mRetryButtonSrc;
private final ForegroundDrawableCompat mForegroundHelper;
* Creates an instance of a {@link CircularProgressView}.
* @param context The {@link Context} to use.
* @param attrs An {@link AttributeSet} instance.
public CircularProgressView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
mForegroundHelper = new ForegroundDrawableCompat(this);
TypedArray types =
attrs == null
? null
: context.obtainStyledAttributes(
attrs, R.styleable.CircularProgressView, 0, 0);
mIndeterminateProgress =
mDeterminateProgress =
mResumeButtonSrc =
UiUtils.getDrawable(context, types, R.styleable.CircularProgressView_resumeSrc);
mPauseButtonSrc =
UiUtils.getDrawable(context, types, R.styleable.CircularProgressView_pauseSrc);
mRetryButtonSrc =
UiUtils.getDrawable(context, types, R.styleable.CircularProgressView_retrySrc);
if (types != null) types.recycle();
* Sets the progress of this {@link CircularProgressView} to {@code progress}. If {@code
* progress} is {@link #INDETERMINATE} an indeterminate {@link Drawable} will be used.
* Otherwise the value will be clamped between 0 and 100 and a determinate {@link Drawable} will
* be used and have it's level set via {@link Drawable#setLevel(int)}.
* @param progress The progress value (0 to 100 or {@link #INDETERMINATE}) to show.
public void setProgress(int progress) {
if (progress == INDETERMINATE) {
} else {
if (mDeterminateProgress != null) {
progress = MathUtils.clamp(progress, 0, 100);
mDeterminateProgress.setLevel(progress * MAX_LEVEL / 100);
* The state this {@link CircularProgressView} should show. This can be one of the three
* UiStates defined above. This will determine what the action drawable is in the view.
* @param state The UiState to use.
public void setState(@UiState int state) {
Drawable imageDrawable;
@StringRes int contentDescription;
switch (state) {
case UiState.RUNNING:
imageDrawable = mPauseButtonSrc;
contentDescription = R.string.download_notification_pause_button;
case UiState.PAUSED:
imageDrawable = mResumeButtonSrc;
contentDescription = R.string.download_notification_resume_button;
case UiState.RETRY:
imageDrawable = mRetryButtonSrc;
contentDescription = R.string.download_notification_resume_button;
// AppCompatImageButton implementation.
public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
protected void onVisibilityChanged(View changedView, int visibility) {
super.onVisibilityChanged(changedView, visibility);
mForegroundHelper.onVisibilityChanged(changedView, visibility);
protected void drawableStateChanged() {
protected boolean verifyDrawable(Drawable dr) {
return super.verifyDrawable(dr) || mForegroundHelper.verifyDrawable(dr);