// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/clock.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/unique_widget_ptr.h"
class PrefRegistrySimple;
namespace ash {
// Controller for showing the different forms of user education for Screen
// Capture entry points. Education is split into three different arms:
// - Arm 1: Shortcut Nudge. A simple system nudge appears with text indicating
// the keyboard shortcut to take a screenshot.
// - Arm 2: Shortcut Tutorial. Similar to Arm 1, but the nudge also appears
// with a button that opens a new popup, showing the keyboard layout of where
// the shortcut keys are found.
// - Arm 3: Quick Settings Nudge. A system nudge anchored to the quick settings
// button in the shelf, with text alerting users to the Screen Capture tile
// in the quick settings menu.
class ASH_EXPORT CaptureModeEducationController {
CaptureModeEducationController(const CaptureModeEducationController&) =
CaptureModeEducationController& operator=(
const CaptureModeEducationController&) = delete;
// Registers prefs related to user education show count and time last shown.
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
// Returns true if the feature flag 'kCaptureModeEducation' is enabled and
// the associated param is 'kShortcutNudge';
static bool IsArm1ShortcutNudgeEnabled();
// Returns true if the feature flag 'kCaptureModeEducation' is enabled and
// the associated param is 'kShortcutTutorial';
static bool IsArm2ShortcutTutorialEnabled();
// Returns true if the feature flag 'kCaptureModeEducation' is enabled and
// the associated param is 'kQuickSettingsNudge';
static bool IsArm3QuickSettingsNudgeEnabled();
// If a form of user education has already been shown 3 times or once in the
// past 24 hours, returns. Otherwise, shows the appropriate form of user
// education based on the enabled arm/feature param.
void MaybeShowEducation();
// Closes any Screen Capture nudges or tutorials that may be open.
void CloseAllEducationNudgesAndTutorials();
views::Widget* tutorial_widget_for_test() { return tutorial_widget_.get(); }
friend class CaptureModeEducationControllerTest;
// Used to control the clock in a test setting.
static void SetOverrideClockForTesting(base::Clock* test_clock);
// Shows Arm 1, an unanchored system nudge indicating the keyboard shortcut to
// take a screenshot.
void ShowShortcutNudge();
// Shows Arm 2, an unanchored system nudge indicating the keyboard shortcut to
// take a screenshot, with a button to open a new tutorial widget.
void ShowTutorialNudge();
// Shows Arm 3, a system nudge anchored to the unified system tray button,
// indicating the location of the screen capture tool in the quick settings
// menu.
void ShowQuickSettingsNudge();
// Creates and shows the system dialog displaying the keyboard shortcut and
// illustration for taking a screenshot.
void CreateAndShowTutorialDialog();
// Closes the nudge and shows the tutorial dialog for Arm 2.
void OnShowMeHowButtonPressed();
// If set to true, ignores the 3 times/24 hours show limit for testing.
bool skip_prefs_for_test_ = false;
// The widget that contains the tutorial dialog view for Arm 2.
views::UniqueWidgetPtr tutorial_widget_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CaptureModeEducationController> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash