
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <optional>
#include <string>

namespace enterprise_connectors {

// Represents the various policy levels for the Device Trust connector.
enum class DTCPolicyLevel {};

// Various possible outcomes to the attestation step in the overarching Device
// Trust connector attestation flow. These values are persisted to logs and
// should not be renumbered. Please update the DTAttestationResult enum in
// enums.xml when adding a new value here.
enum class DTAttestationResult {};

// Enum representing all possible errors that may cause the generation of a
// challenge response to fail as part of the device identity attestation flow.
enum class DeviceTrustError {};

// Used to convert an attestation `error` to a string. This function will return
// an empty string if `error` represents a success.
const std::string AttestationErrorToString(DTAttestationResult error);

// Returns true if `result` corresponds to one of the successful results.
bool IsSuccessAttestationResult(DTAttestationResult result);

// Used to convert `error` to a string representation.
const std::string DeviceTrustErrorToString(DeviceTrustError error);

// Response payload for the inline flow's attestation step, where the challenge
// response is created and signed.
struct AttestationResponse {};

// Top-level response payload to a request for a challenge response as part of
// a device identity attestation request.
struct DeviceTrustResponse {};

}  // namespace enterprise_connectors