
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"

namespace views {
class View;
}  // namespace views

namespace ash {

class CaptureModeSettingsView;
class CaptureModeMenuGroup;
class CaptureModeMenuToggleButton;

// Test APIs to test the UI of the settings menu. Can only be created
// while a capture mode session is active, and the settings menu is shown.
class CaptureModeSettingsTestApi {
  CaptureModeSettingsTestApi(const CaptureModeSettingsTestApi&) = delete;
  CaptureModeSettingsTestApi& operator=(const CaptureModeSettingsTestApi&) =
  ~CaptureModeSettingsTestApi() = default;

  // Returns the content view of the settings widget.
  CaptureModeSettingsView* GetSettingsView();

  // Returns the audio settings menu group and the views for its options.
  CaptureModeMenuGroup* GetAudioInputMenuGroup();
  views::View* GetMicrophoneOption();
  views::View* GetAudioOffOption();
  views::View* GetSystemAudioOption();
  views::View* GetSystemAndMicrophoneAudioOption();

  // Returns the save-to settings menu group and the views for its options.
  CaptureModeMenuGroup* GetSaveToMenuGroup();
  views::View* GetDefaultDownloadsOption();
  views::View* GetCustomFolderOptionIfAny();

  // Returns the view for the "Select folder" menu item which when pressed would
  // open the folder selection dialog.
  views::View* GetSelectFolderMenuItem();

  CaptureModeMenuGroup* GetCameraMenuGroup();
  views::View* GetCameraOption(int option_id);
  views::View* GetCameraMenuHeader();

  // Sets a callback that will be triggered once the settings menu is refreshed.
  void SetOnSettingsMenuRefreshedCallback(base::OnceClosure callback);

  // Returns the demo tools menu with toggle button section in the settings
  // menu.
  CaptureModeMenuToggleButton* GetDemoToolsMenuToggleButton();

  // Valid only while the settings menu is shown.
  const raw_ptr<CaptureModeSettingsView, DanglingUntriaged> settings_view_;

}  // namespace ash