
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "chrome/browser/enterprise/connectors/device_trust/key_management/core/persistence/linux_key_persistence_delegate.h"

#include <string>
#include <string_view>

#include "base/base64.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/test/metrics/histogram_tester.h"
#include "chrome/browser/enterprise/connectors/device_trust/key_management/core/ec_signing_key.h"
#include "chrome/browser/enterprise/connectors/device_trust/key_management/core/persistence/metrics_utils.h"
#include "chrome/browser/enterprise/connectors/device_trust/key_management/core/signing_key_pair.h"
#include "components/policy/proto/device_management_backend.pb.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"


namespace {

base::FilePath::CharType kFileName[] =);

constexpr char kErrorHistogramFormat[] =;

// Represents gibberish that gets appended to the file.
constexpr char kGibberish[] =;

// Represents an OS key.
constexpr char kValidKeyWrappedBase64[] =;

// String containing invalid base64 characters, like % and the whitespace.
constexpr char kInvalidBase64String[] =;

constexpr char kValidHWKeyFileContent[] =;
constexpr char kValidOSKeyFileContent[] =;
constexpr char kInvalidTrustLevelKeyFileContent[] =;

std::vector<uint8_t> ParseKeyWrapped(std::string_view encoded_wrapped) {}

void ValidateSigningKey(enterprise_connectors::SigningKeyPair* key_pair,
                        BPKUR::KeyTrustLevel trust_level) {}

}  // namespace

namespace enterprise_connectors {

class LinuxKeyPersistenceDelegateTest : public testing::Test {};

// Tests when the file does not exist and a write operation is attempted.
TEST_F(LinuxKeyPersistenceDelegateTest, StoreKeyPair_FileDoesNotExist) {}

// Tests storing a key with an unspecified trust level.
TEST_F(LinuxKeyPersistenceDelegateTest, StoreKeyPair_UnspecifiedKey) {}

// Tests when a OS key is stored and file contents are modified before storing
// a new OS key pair.
TEST_F(LinuxKeyPersistenceDelegateTest, StoreKeyPair_ValidOSKeyPair) {}

// Tests when a hardware key is stored and file contents are modified before
// storing a new hardware key pair.
TEST_F(LinuxKeyPersistenceDelegateTest, StoreKeyPair_ValidHWKeyPair) {}

// Tests trying to load a signing key pair when there is no file.
TEST_F(LinuxKeyPersistenceDelegateTest, LoadKeyPair_NoKeyFile) {}

// Tests loading a valid OS signing key pair from a file.
TEST_F(LinuxKeyPersistenceDelegateTest, LoadKeyPair_ValidOSKeyFile) {}

// Tests that loading a Hardware key pair fails since hardware keys
// are not supported on linux.
TEST_F(LinuxKeyPersistenceDelegateTest, LoadKeyPair_ValidHWKeyFile) {}

// Tests loading a key pair from a key file with an invalid trust level.
TEST_F(LinuxKeyPersistenceDelegateTest, LoadKeyPair_InvalidTrustLevel) {}

// Tests loading a key pair from a key file when the signing key property is
// missing.
TEST_F(LinuxKeyPersistenceDelegateTest, LoadKeyPair_MissingSigningKey) {}

// Tests loading a key pair from a key file when the trust level property is
// missing.
TEST_F(LinuxKeyPersistenceDelegateTest, LoadKeyPair_MissingTrustLevel) {}

// Tests loading a key pair from a key file when the file content is invalid
// (not a JSON dictionary).
TEST_F(LinuxKeyPersistenceDelegateTest, LoadKeyPair_InvalidContent) {}

// Tests loading a key pair from a key file when there is a valid key, but the
// key file contains random trailing values.
TEST_F(LinuxKeyPersistenceDelegateTest, LoadKeyPair_TrailingGibberish) {}

// Tests loading a key pair from a key file when the key value is not a valid
// base64 encoded string.
TEST_F(LinuxKeyPersistenceDelegateTest, LoadKeyPair_KeyNotBase64) {}

// Tests the flow of both storing and loading a key.
TEST_F(LinuxKeyPersistenceDelegateTest, StoreAndLoadKeyPair) {}

// Test creating a key pair returns the correct trust level and a signing key.
TEST_F(LinuxKeyPersistenceDelegateTest, CreateKeyPair) {}

// TODO(b/290068350): Add test coverage for this method.
TEST_F(LinuxKeyPersistenceDelegateTest, PromoteTemporaryKeyPair) {}

// TODO(b/290068350): Add test coverage for this method.
TEST_F(LinuxKeyPersistenceDelegateTest, DeleteKeyPair) {}

}  // namespace enterprise_connectors