// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(crbug.com/40285824): Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers
#include "ash/color_enhancement/color_enhancement_controller.h"
#include <memory>
#include "ash/shell.h"
#include "cc/paint/filter_operation.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/matrix3_f.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
// Parameters for simulating color vision changes.
// Copied from the Javascript ColorEnhancer extension:
// ui/accessibility/extensions/colorenhancer/src/cvd.js
// Initial source:
// http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/~oliveira/pubs_files/CVD_Simulation/CVD_Simulation.html
// Original Research Paper:
// http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/~oliveira/pubs_files/CVD_Simulation/Machado_Oliveira_Fernandes_CVD_Vis2009_final.pdf
// The first index is ColorVisionCorrectionType enum, so this must be kept in
// that order.
const float kSimulationParams[3][9][3] = {
// ColorVisionCorrectionType::kProtanomaly:
{{0.4720, -1.2946, 0.9857},
{-0.6128, 1.6326, 0.0187},
{0.1407, -0.3380, -0.0044},
{-0.1420, 0.2488, 0.0044},
{0.1872, -0.3908, 0.9942},
{-0.0451, 0.1420, 0.0013},
{0.0222, -0.0253, -0.0004},
{-0.0290, -0.0201, 0.0006},
{0.0068, 0.0454, 0.9990}},
// ColorVisionCorrectionType::kDeuteranomaly:
{{0.5442, -1.1454, 0.9818},
{-0.7091, 1.5287, 0.0238},
{0.1650, -0.3833, -0.0055},
{-0.1664, 0.4368, 0.0056},
{0.2178, -0.5327, 0.9927},
{-0.0514, 0.0958, 0.0017},
{0.0180, -0.0288, -0.0006},
{-0.0232, -0.0649, 0.0007},
{0.0052, 0.0360, 0.9998}},
// ColorVisionCorrectionType::kTritanomaly:
{{0.4275, -0.0181, 0.9307},
{-0.2454, 0.0013, 0.0827},
{-0.1821, 0.0168, -0.0134},
{-0.1280, 0.0047, 0.0202},
{0.0233, -0.0398, 0.9728},
{0.1048, 0.0352, 0.0070},
{-0.0156, 0.0061, 0.0071},
{0.3841, 0.2947, 0.0151},
{-0.3685, -0.3008, 0.9778}}};
// Returns a 3x3 matrix for simulating the given type of CVD with the given
// severity.
// Calculation from CVD.getCvdSimulationMatrix_ in
// ui/accessibility/extensions/colorenhancer/src/cvd.js.
gfx::Matrix3F GetCvdSimulationMatrix(ColorVisionCorrectionType type,
float severity) {
float severity_squared = severity * severity;
gfx::Matrix3F result = gfx::Matrix3F::Zeros();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
int param_row = i * 3 + j;
result.set(i, j,
kSimulationParams[type][param_row][0] * severity_squared +
kSimulationParams[type][param_row][1] * severity +
return result;
// Computes a 3x3 matrix that can be applied to any three-color-channel image
// to shift original colors to be more visible for a simulation with the given
// `type` and `severity`.
gfx::Matrix3F ComputeColorVisionFilterMatrix(ColorVisionCorrectionType type,
float severity) {
// Compute the matrix that could be used to simulate the color vision.
gfx::Matrix3F simulation_matrix = GetCvdSimulationMatrix(type, severity);
// Now use the simulation to calculate a correction matrix. This process is
// called Daltonizing.
// "Daltonizing" an image consists of calculating the error, which is the
// original image minus the simulation and represents the information lost to
// the user, and linearly transforming that error to a color space the user
// can see, then adding it back onto the original image (Fidaner, Lin and
// Ozguven, 2006). The correction matrix is used to map the error between the
// initial image and the simulated image into a color space that can be seen
// by the user based on the type of color deficiency. So for example someone
// with Protanopia can see less of the red channel, so the correction matrix
// could be:
// [0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
// 0.7, 1.0, 0.0,
// 0.7, 0.0, 1.0]
// Multiplying this correction matrix by the error and adding it back to the
// original will have the effect of shifting more of image information lost to
// protanopes back into the image in a part of the spectrum they can see.
// Similarly, for Deuteranopia we correct on the green axis, and for
// Tritanopia we correct on the blue axis.
gfx::Matrix3F correction_matrix = gfx::Matrix3F::Zeros();
switch (type) {
case ColorVisionCorrectionType::kProtanomaly:
// Correct on red axis: Shift colors in the red channel to the other
// channels.
correction_matrix.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 1.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0);
case ColorVisionCorrectionType::kDeuteranomaly:
// Correct on green axis: Shift colors in the green channel to the other
// channels.
correction_matrix.set(1.0, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 1.0);
case ColorVisionCorrectionType::kTritanomaly:
// Correct on blue axis: Shift colors in the blue channel into the other
// channels.
correction_matrix.set(1.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
case ash::ColorVisionCorrectionType::kGrayscale:
NOTREACHED() << "Grayscale should be handled in SetGreyscaleAmount";
// For Daltonization of an image `original_img`, we would calculate the
// Daltonized version based on the `simulated_img` image and the
// `correction_matrix` as:
// result_img = original_img + correction_matrix x (original_img -
// simulated_img)
// We know that simulation_matrix x original_img = simulated_img, and can
// substitute:
// result_image = original_img + correction_matrix x (original_img -
// simulation_matrix x original_img)
// We can factor out `original_img` because matrix multiplication distributes:
// result_image = (Identity + correction_matrix x
// (Identity - simulation_matrix)) x original_img
// This method should return the matrix that multiplies by `original_img` to
// get the result, i.e.
// result_matrix = Identity + correction_matrix x (Identity -
// simulation_matrix)
// Distributing the `correction_matrix` gives us:
// result_matrix = Identity + correction_matrix - correction_matrix x
// simulation_matrix
// Compute this and return it.
return gfx::Matrix3F::Identity() + correction_matrix -
MatrixProduct(correction_matrix, simulation_matrix);
void UpdateNotificationFlashMatrix(const SkColor& original_color,
cc::FilterOperation::Matrix* matrix) {
SkScalar hsv[3];
SkColorToHSV(original_color, hsv);
// We use 30% of the original color, similar to Android's
// packages/apps/Settings/res/values/colors.xml.
hsv[1] *= 0.3;
const SkColor color = SkHSVToColor(hsv);
const float r = SkColorGetR(color);
const float g = SkColorGetG(color);
const float b = SkColorGetB(color);
// `matrix` represents a 5x4 matrix where the top 4x4 matrix is
// r, g, b and alpha. If we were not mutating the color, this 4x4
// should be the identity. When adding a tint, set r, g and b
// based on the desired tint color.
(*matrix)[0] = r / 255.0;
(*matrix)[6] = g / 255.0;
(*matrix)[12] = b / 255.0;
} // namespace
ColorEnhancementController::ColorEnhancementController() {
// Initialize the notification flash matrix with zeros.
notification_flash_matrix_ = std::make_unique<cc::FilterOperation::Matrix>();
for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++) {
(*notification_flash_matrix_)[i] = 0;
// `notification_flash_matrix_` represents a 5x4 matrix where the top 4x4
// matrix is r, g, b and alpha. Use the identity to keep color the same;
// update r, g and b dynamically when the tint changes.
(*notification_flash_matrix_)[0] = (*notification_flash_matrix_)[6] =
(*notification_flash_matrix_)[12] = (*notification_flash_matrix_)[18] = 1;
ColorEnhancementController::~ColorEnhancementController() {
void ColorEnhancementController::SetHighContrastEnabled(bool enabled) {
if (high_contrast_enabled_ == enabled)
high_contrast_enabled_ = enabled;
// Enable cursor compositing so the cursor is also inverted.
void ColorEnhancementController::SetColorCorrectionEnabledAndUpdateDisplays(
bool enabled) {
color_filtering_enabled_ = enabled;
void ColorEnhancementController::SetGreyscaleAmount(float amount) {
if (greyscale_amount_ == amount || amount < 0 || amount > 1)
greyscale_amount_ = amount;
// Note: No need to do cursor compositing since cursors are greyscale already.
void ColorEnhancementController::SetColorVisionCorrectionFilter(
ColorVisionCorrectionType type,
float amount) {
if (type == ColorVisionCorrectionType::kGrayscale) {
if ((amount <= 0 || amount > 1) && cvd_correction_matrix_) {
gfx::Matrix3F filter_matrix = ComputeColorVisionFilterMatrix(type, amount);
// The color matrix used by ui::Layer is a 4 x 5 matrix.
// Convert the 3x3 result into the shape needed for the layer.
cvd_correction_matrix_ = std::make_unique<cc::FilterOperation::Matrix>();
for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < 5; col++) {
int index = row * 5 + col;
if (row < 3 && col < 3) {
(*cvd_correction_matrix_)[index] = filter_matrix.get(row, col);
} else if (index != 18) {
(*cvd_correction_matrix_)[index] = 0;
} else {
(*cvd_correction_matrix_)[index] = 1;
void ColorEnhancementController::FlashScreenForNotification(
bool show_flash,
const SkColor& color) {
if (!show_flash) {
UpdateNotificationFlashMatrix(color, notification_flash_matrix_.get());
for (aura::Window* root_window : Shell::GetAllRootWindows()) {
ui::Layer* layer = root_window->layer();
void ColorEnhancementController::OnRootWindowAdded(aura::Window* root_window) {
void ColorEnhancementController::UpdateAllDisplays() {
for (aura::Window* root_window : Shell::GetAllRootWindows()) {
void ColorEnhancementController::UpdateDisplay(aura::Window* root_window) {
ui::Layer* layer = root_window->layer();
if (!color_filtering_enabled_) {
// Reset layer state to defaults.
if (cvd_correction_matrix_) {
} else {
} // namespace ash