
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_action_runner.h"

class Browser;
class GURL;
class Profile;

namespace base {
class RunLoop;

namespace content {
class WebContents;

namespace extensions {

class Extension;

namespace browsertest_util {

// On chromeos, the extension cache directory must be initialized before
// extensions can be installed in some situations (e.g. policy force installs
// via update urls). The chromeos device setup scripts take care of this in
// actual production devices, but some tests need to do it manually.
void CreateAndInitializeLocalCache();

// Launches a new app window for |app| in |profile|.
Browser* LaunchAppBrowser(Profile* profile, const Extension* app);

// Adds a tab to |browser| and returns the newly added WebContents.
content::WebContents* AddTab(Browser* browser, const GURL& url);

// Returns whether the given `web_contents` has the associated
// `changed_title`. If the web contents has neither `changed_title`
// nor `original_title `, adds a failure to the test (for an unexpected
// title).
bool DidChangeTitle(content::WebContents& web_contents,
                    const std::u16string& original_title,
                    const std::u16string& changed_title);

// Can be used to wait for blocked actions (pending scripts, web requests, etc.)
// to be noticed in tests. Blocked actions recording initiates in the renderer
// so this helps when waiting from the browser side. This should be used on the
// stack for proper destruction.
class BlockedActionWaiter : public ExtensionActionRunner::TestObserver {};

}  // namespace browsertest_util
}  // namespace extensions