// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.feed.webfeed;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.jni_zero.CalledByNative;
import org.jni_zero.JNINamespace;
import org.jni_zero.NativeMethods;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.Tab;
import org.chromium.url.GURL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
/** Class providing access to functionality provided by the Web Feed native component. */
public class WebFeedBridge {
// Values from web_feeds.proto:
public static final int CHANGE_REASON_WEB_PAGE_MENU = 1;
public static final int CHANGE_REASON_WEB_PAGE_ACCELERATOR = 2;
public static final int CHANGE_REASON_MANAGEMENT = 3;
public static final int CHANGE_REASON_SINGLE_WEB_FEED = 7;
// Access to JNI test hooks for other libraries. This can go away once more Feed code is
// migrated to chrome/browser/feed.
public static org.jni_zero.JniStaticTestMocker<WebFeedBridge.Natives> getTestHooksForTesting() {
return WebFeedBridgeJni.TEST_HOOKS;
private WebFeedBridge() {}
/** Container for past visit counts. */
public static class VisitCounts {
/** The total number of visits. */
public final int visits;
/** The number of per day boolean visits (days when at least one visit happened) */
public final int dailyVisits;
VisitCounts(int visits, int dailyVisits) {
this.visits = visits;
this.dailyVisits = dailyVisits;
* Obtains visit information for a website within a limited number of days in the past.
* @param url The URL for which the host will be queried for past visits.
* @param callback The callback to receive the past visits query results.
* Upon failure, VisitCounts is populated with 0 visits.
public static void getVisitCountsToHost(GURL url, Callback<VisitCounts> callback) {
url, (result) -> callback.onResult(new VisitCounts(result[0], result[1])));
/** Container for a Web Feed metadata. */
public static class WebFeedMetadata {
/** Unique identifier of this web feed. */
public final byte[] id;
/** The title of the Web Feed. */
public final String title;
/** The URL that best represents this Web Feed. */
public final GURL visitUrl;
/** Subscription status */
public final @WebFeedSubscriptionStatus int subscriptionStatus;
/** Whether the web feed has content available. */
public final @WebFeedAvailabilityStatus int availabilityStatus;
/** Whether the web feed is recommended. */
public final boolean isRecommended;
/** Favicon URL for the Web Feed, if one is provided. */
public final GURL faviconUrl;
public WebFeedMetadata(
byte[] id,
String title,
GURL visitUrl,
@WebFeedSubscriptionStatus int subscriptionStatus,
@WebFeedAvailabilityStatus int availabilityStatus,
boolean isRecommended,
GURL faviconUrl) {
this.id = id;
this.title = title;
this.visitUrl = visitUrl;
this.subscriptionStatus = subscriptionStatus;
this.availabilityStatus = availabilityStatus;
this.isRecommended = isRecommended;
this.faviconUrl = faviconUrl;
* Returns the Web Feed metadata for the web feed associated with this page. May return a
* subscribed, recently subscribed, or recommended Web Feed.
* @param tab The tab showing the page.
* @param url The URL for which the status is being requested.
* @param reason The reason why the information is being requested.
* @param callback The callback to receive the Web Feed metadata, or null if it is not found.
public static void getWebFeedMetadataForPage(
Tab tab,
GURL url,
@WebFeedPageInformationRequestReason int reason,
Callback<WebFeedMetadata> callback) {
.findWebFeedInfoForPage(new WebFeedPageInformation(url, tab), reason, callback);
* Returns the Web Feed id for the web feed associated with this page.
* @param url The URL for which the status is being requested.
* @param callback The callback to receive the Web Feed metadata, or null if it is not found.
public static void queryWebFeed(String url, Callback<QueryResult> callback) {
WebFeedBridgeJni.get().queryWebFeed(url, callback);
* Returns the Web Feed id for the web feed associated with this page.
* @param url The URL for which the status is being requested.
* @param callback The callback to receive the Web Feed metadata, or null if it is not found.
public static void queryWebFeedId(String id, Callback<QueryResult> callback) {
WebFeedBridgeJni.get().queryWebFeedId(id, callback);
* Returns Web Feed metadata respective to the provided identifier. The callback will receive
* `null` if no matching recommended or followed Web Feed is found.
* @param webFeedId The idenfitier of the Web Feed.
* @param callback The callback to receive the Web Feed metadata, or null if it is not found.
public static void getWebFeedMetadata(byte[] webFeedId, Callback<WebFeedMetadata> callback) {
WebFeedBridgeJni.get().findWebFeedInfoForWebFeedId(webFeedId, callback);
* Fetches the list of followed Web Feeds.
* @param callback The callback to receive the list of followed Web Feeds.
public static void getAllFollowedWebFeeds(Callback<List<WebFeedMetadata>> callback) {
(Object[] webFeeds) -> {
ArrayList<WebFeedMetadata> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object o : webFeeds) {
list.add((WebFeedMetadata) o);
* Refreshes the list of followed web feeds from the server. See
* `WebFeedSubscriptions.RefreshSubscriptions`.
public static void refreshFollowedWebFeeds(Callback<Boolean> callback) {
* Refreshes the list of recommended web feeds from the server. See
* `WebFeedSubscriptions.RefreshRecommendedFeeds`.
public static void refreshRecommendedFeeds(Callback<Boolean> callback) {
/** Increase the count of the number of times the user has followed from the web page menu. */
public static void incrementFollowedFromWebPageMenuCount() {
/** Container for results from a follow request. */
public static class FollowResults {
/** Status of follow request. */
public final @WebFeedSubscriptionRequestStatus int requestStatus;
/** The metadata from the followed Web Feed. `null` if the operation was not successful. */
public final @Nullable WebFeedMetadata metadata;
public FollowResults(
@WebFeedSubscriptionRequestStatus int requestStatus, WebFeedMetadata metadata) {
this.requestStatus = requestStatus;
this.metadata = metadata;
/** Container for results from an Unfollow request. */
public static class UnfollowResults {
public UnfollowResults(@WebFeedSubscriptionRequestStatus int requestStatus) {
this.requestStatus = requestStatus;
// Result of the operation.
public final @WebFeedSubscriptionRequestStatus int requestStatus;
/** Container for results from an QueryWebFeed request. */
public static class QueryResult {
public QueryResult(String webFeedId, String title, String url) {
this.webFeedId = webFeedId;
this.title = title;
this.url = url;
// Result of the operation.
public final String webFeedId;
public final String title;
public final String url;
public static boolean isCormorantEnabledForLocale() {
return WebFeedBridgeJni.get().isCormorantEnabledForLocale();
public static boolean isWebFeedEnabled() {
return WebFeedBridgeJni.get().isWebFeedEnabled();
* Requests to follow of the most relevant Web Feed represented by the provided URL.
* @param tab The tab with the loaded page that should be followed.
* @param url The URL that indicates the Web Feed to be followed.
* @param webFeedChangeReason The reason for this change, a WebFeedChangeReason value.
* @param callback The callback to receive the follow results.
public static void followFromUrl(
Tab tab, GURL url, int webFeedChangeReason, Callback<FollowResults> callback) {
.followWebFeed(new WebFeedPageInformation(url, tab), webFeedChangeReason, callback);
* Requests to follow of the Web Feed represented by the provided identifier.
* @param webFeedId The identifier of the Web Feed to be followed.
* @param isDurable Whether the request should be retried if it initially fails.
* @param webFeedChangeReason The reason for this change, a WebFeedChangeReason value.
* @param callback The callback to receive the follow results.
public static void followFromId(
byte[] webFeedId,
boolean isDurable,
int webFeedChangeReason,
Callback<FollowResults> callback) {
.followWebFeedById(webFeedId, isDurable, webFeedChangeReason, callback);
* Requests the unfollowing of the Web Feed subscription from the provided identifier.
* @param webFeedId The Web Feed identifier.
* @param isDurable Whether the request should be retried if it initially fails.
* @param webFeedChangeReason The reason for this change, a WebFeedChangeReason value.
* @param callback The callback to receive the unfollow result.
public static void unfollow(
byte[] webFeedId,
boolean isDurable,
int webFeedChangeReason,
Callback<UnfollowResults> callback) {
WebFeedBridgeJni.get().unfollowWebFeed(webFeedId, isDurable, webFeedChangeReason, callback);
/** This is deprecated, do not use. */
public static class FollowedIds {
/** The follow subscription identifier. */
public final String followId;
/** The identifier of the followed Web Feed. */
public final String webFeedId;
public FollowedIds(String followId, String webFeedId) {
this.followId = followId;
this.webFeedId = webFeedId;
/** Information about a web page, which may be used to identify an associated Web Feed. */
public static class WebFeedPageInformation {
/** The URL of the page. */
public final GURL mUrl;
/** The tab hosting the page. */
public final Tab mTab;
WebFeedPageInformation(GURL url, Tab tab) {
mUrl = url;
mTab = tab;
GURL getUrl() {
return mUrl;
Tab getTab() {
return mTab;
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PACKAGE_PRIVATE)
public interface Natives {
void followWebFeed(
WebFeedPageInformation pageInfo,
int webFeedChangeReason,
Callback<FollowResults> callback);
void followWebFeedById(
byte[] webFeedId,
boolean isDurable,
int webFeedChangeReason,
Callback<FollowResults> callback);
void unfollowWebFeed(
byte[] webFeedId,
boolean isDurable,
int webFeedChangeReason,
Callback<UnfollowResults> callback);
void findWebFeedInfoForPage(
WebFeedPageInformation pageInfo,
@WebFeedPageInformationRequestReason int reason,
Callback<WebFeedMetadata> callback);
void findWebFeedInfoForWebFeedId(byte[] webFeedId, Callback<WebFeedMetadata> callback);
void getAllSubscriptions(Callback<Object[]> callback);
void refreshSubscriptions(Callback<Boolean> callback);
void refreshRecommendedFeeds(Callback<Boolean> callback);
void getRecentVisitCountsToHost(GURL url, Callback<int[]> callback);
void incrementFollowedFromWebPageMenuCount();
void queryWebFeed(String url, Callback<QueryResult> callback);
void queryWebFeedId(String id, Callback<QueryResult> callback);
boolean isCormorantEnabledForLocale();
boolean isWebFeedEnabled();