
// This file lists metadata for chrome://flags entries. This metadata is used to
// automatically expire flags, as part of the review process, and to clean up
// flags that have become obsolete or unused. For more details, see:
// This file is a list of json objects; each object contains these keys:
//   name: the internal name of the flag, as present in chrome://flags. This is
//   used as a primary key. The value is a string.
//   owners: the person(s) or team(s) responsible for this flag. The value is a
//   nonempty list of strings, in order of specificity (i.e., the first entry
//   on the list is the best contact). Each entry is either:
//     - A string containing '@', which is treated as an email address;
//     - A string beginning with '//', which is treated as a path to a file
//       containing a list of owners for this flag (commonly an OWNERS file);
//   expiry_milestone: the last milestone in which this flag should be present.
//   Specifically, once the trunk milestone number is larger than this
//   milestone, the flag may be freely hidden or deleted. The special value -1
//   means "never expires", which should only be used in consultation with
//   top-level OWNERS. The use of the -1 value must be accompanied by a comment
//   explaining why the flag must not expire and an entry in
//   flag-never-expire-list.json.

    "name": "accessible-pdf-form",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 110
    "name": "account-passwords-on-signin",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "name": "account-reauthentication-recent-time-window",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "name": "ack-on-surface-activation-when-interactive",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "adaptive-button-in-top-toolbar-add-to-bookmarks",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "adaptive-button-in-top-toolbar-customization",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "adaptive-button-in-top-toolbar-translate",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "adaptive-charging",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 122
    "name": "adaptive-charging-for-testing",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 122
    "name": "add-printer-via-printscanmgr",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "align-wakeups",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]", "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 107
    "name": "allow-all-sites-to-initiate-mirroring",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used in regular manual QA and should not be removed.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "allow-apn-modification-policy",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "allow-cross-device-feature-suite",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Used by developers to enable Cross-Device for testing on platforms where
    // it is disabled by default due to lack of hardware support.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "allow-devtools-in-system-ui",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is needed as debugging tool for ChromeOS developers.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "allow-dsp-based-aec",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 128
    "name": "allow-dsp-based-agc",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 128
    "name": "allow-dsp-based-ns",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 128
    "name": "allow-fpmcu-beta-firmware",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "allow-insecure-localhost",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "allow-scroll-settings",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "alt-click-and-six-pack-customization",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "always-enable-hdcp",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used for HDCP compliance testing on ChromeOS so should not
    // be removed.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "android-app-integration",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "android-browser-controls-in-viz",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "android-elegant-text-height",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "android-extended-keyboard-shortcuts",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 119
    "name": "android-google-sans-text",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "android-hub-floating-action-button",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "android-hub-v2",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "android-improved-bookmarks",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "android-no-surface-sync-for-browser-controls",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "android-open-pdf-inline",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "android-tab-declutter",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "android-tab-declutter-archive-all-but-active-tab",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "animate-suggestions-list-appearance",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "animated-image-drag-shadow",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "animated-image-resume",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 93
    "name": "apn-policies",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "apn-revamp",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "app-background-refresh-ios",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "app-install-service-uri-borealis",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "app-launch-automation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 123
    "name": "app-specific-history",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 142
    "name": "app-store-rating-loosened-triggers",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "arc-aaudio-mmap-low-latency",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "arc-arc-on-demand",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "arc-custom-tabs-experiment",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 95
    "name": "arc-documents-provider-unknown-size",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 98
    "name": "arc-enable-attestation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "arc-enable-virtio-blk-for-data",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "arc-extend-input-anr-timeout",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "arc-extend-intent-anr-timeout",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "arc-extend-service-anr-timeout",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "arc-external-storage-access",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "arc-file-picker-experiment",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "arc-friendlier-error-dialog",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 139
    "name": "arc-idle-manager",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "arc-ignore-hover-event-anr",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
  { "name": "arc-instant-response-window-open",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "arc-keyboard-shortcut-helper-integration",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "arc-native-bridge-toggle",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // Used on ChromeOS to compare and debug different ARC native-bridge
    // implementations which are normally used on different platforms.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "arc-per-app-language",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "arc-resize-compat",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "arc-rounded-window-compat",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "arc-rt-vcpu-dual-core",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 100
    "name": "arc-rt-vcpu-quad-core",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 100
    "name": "arc-sleep",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "arc-switch-to-keymint-daemon",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 123
    "name": "arc-switch-to-keymint-on-t",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 123
    "name": "arc-switch-to-keymint-on-t-override",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 123
    "name": "arc-sync-install-priority",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 126
    "name": "arc-touchscreen-emulation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "arc-unthrottle-on-active-audio",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "arc-vm-memory-size",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "arc-vmm-swap-keyboard-shortcut",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "arc-window-predictor",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "ash-capture-mode-education",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 127
    "name": "ash-capture-mode-education-bypass-limits",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 122
    "name": "ash-capture-mode-gif-recording",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "ash-debug-shortcuts",
    "owners": [ "//ash/OWNERS" ],
    // Used by developers for debugging and to dump extra information to logs
    // in official builds.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "ash-enable-unified-desktop",
    "owners": [ "//ash/OWNERS" ],
    // Unified desktop can be enabled by enterprise policy. The switch exists in
    // about:flags so QA can more easily test the feature.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "ash-forest-feature",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "ash-limit-shelf-items-to-active-desk",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "ash-modifier-split",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "ash-modifier-split-feature-key",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "ash-picker",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "ash-picker-always-show-feature-tour",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "ash-picker-cloud",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "ash-picker-feature-key",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "ash-snap-groups",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 137
    "name": "ash-split-keyboard-refactor",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "assistant-iph",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 126
    "name": "atomic-move",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "audio-a2dp-advanced-codecs",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "audio-aec-required-for-cras-processor",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "audio-ap-noise-cancellation",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "audio-flexible-loopback-for-system-loopback",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "audio-hfp-mic-sr-toggle",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "audio-hfp-offload",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "audio-hfp-swb",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "audio-offload-cras-dsp-to-sof",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "audio-selection-improvement",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "audio-style-transfer",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "audio-suppress-set-rtc-audio-active",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "authenticate-using-user-consent-verifier-api",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "authenticate-using-user-consent-verifier-interop-api",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "auto-framing-override",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 116
    "name": "auto-picture-in-picture-for-video-playback",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "auto-picture-in-picture-video-heuristics",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "autofill-across-iframes",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "autofill-caret-extraction",
    "owners": ["//components/compose/OWNERS", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "autofill-content-editables",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "autofill-disable-profile-updates",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "autofill-disable-silent-profile-updates",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "autofill-enable-admin-level-2",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 126
    "name": "autofill-enable-amount-extraction-desktop",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "autofill-enable-android-n-key-for-fido-authentication",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "autofill-enable-between-streets",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 126
    "name": "autofill-enable-card-art-image",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "autofill-enable-card-art-server-side-stretching",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 122
    "name": "autofill-enable-card-benefits-for-american-express",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "autofill-enable-card-benefits-for-capital-one",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "autofill-enable-card-benefits-sync",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "autofill-enable-card-product-name",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "autofill-enable-cvc-storage-and-filling",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "autofill-enable-cvc-storage-and-filling-enhancement",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "autofill-enable-dynamically-loading-fields-on-input",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 129
    "name": "autofill-enable-fpan-risk-based-authentication",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "autofill-enable-landmark",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 126
    "name": "autofill-enable-local-iban",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 136
    "name": "autofill-enable-manual-fallback-iph",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "autofill-enable-merchant-domain-in-unmask-card-request",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "autofill-enable-new-card-art-and-network-images",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "autofill-enable-offers-in-clank-keyboard-accessory",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 116
    "name": "autofill-enable-prefetching-risk-data-for-retrieval",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "autofill-enable-ranking-formula-address-profiles",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "autofill-enable-ranking-formula-credit-cards",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "autofill-enable-save-card-loading-and-confirmation",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "autofill-enable-save-card-local-save-fallback",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "autofill-enable-server-iban",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 136
    "name": "autofill-enable-syncing-of-pix-bank-accounts",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "autofill-enable-vcn-3ds-authentication",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "autofill-enable-vcn-enroll-loading-and-confirmation",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "autofill-enable-vcn-gray-out-for-merchant-opt-out",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "autofill-enable-verve-card-support",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "autofill-enable-virtual-card-metadata",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "autofill-enable-virtual-cards",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 128
    "name": "autofill-for-unclassified-fields-available",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "autofill-granular-filling-available",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "autofill-highlight-only-changed-value-in-preview-mode",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "autofill-isolated-world-ios",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "autofill-more-prominent-popup",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 123
    "name": "autofill-parse-vcn-card-on-file-standalone-cvc-fields",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "autofill-remove-payments-butter-dropdown",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "autofill-require-valid-local-cards-in-settings",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "autofill-shared-storage-server-card-data",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "autofill-show-manual-fill-for-virtual-cards",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "autofill-skip-android-bottom-sheet-for-iban",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 136
    "name": "autofill-sticky-infobar",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 127
    "name": "autofill-sync-ewallet-accounts",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "autofill-unmask-card-request-timeout",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "expiry_milestone": 160
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
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    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "bind-cookies-to-scheme",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
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    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "blink-extension-diagnostics",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "bluetooth-coredump",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 136
    "name": "bluetooth-floss-coredump",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 124
    "name": "bluetooth-floss-telephony",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "bluetooth-use-floss",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 136
    "name": "bluetooth-use-llprivacy",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 136
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "boarding-pass-detector",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 126
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    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 115
    "name": "bookmarks-refresh",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 115
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "borealis-dgpu",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "borealis-enable-unsupported-hardware",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag does not expire because it is an escape hatch for running
    // borealis on certain hardware. That hardware will never be "supported"
    // so those users will always need to acknowledge via the flag.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "borealis-enabled",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "borealis-force-beta-client",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "borealis-force-double-scale",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "borealis-linux-mode",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "borealis-provision",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "borealis-scale-client-by-dpi",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "borealis-web-ui-installer",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "borealis-zink-gl-driver",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "bottom-browser-controls-refactor",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "bottom-omnibox-default-setting",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 127
    "name": "bottom-omnibox-promo-default-position",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 127
    "name": "bottom-omnibox-promo-fre",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 127
    "name": "bottom-omnibox-promo-region-filter",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 127
    "name": "boundary-event-dispatch-tracks-node-removal",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "browsing-data-model-clank",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"],
      "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "bypass-app-banner-engagement-checks",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 139
    "name": "calculate-native-win-occlusion",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "calendar-jelly",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 119
    "name": "camera-angle-backend",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "camera-app-digital-zoom",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "camera-app-pdf-ocr",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "camera-app-preview-ocr",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "camera-mic-effects",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "camera-mic-preview",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "camera-super-res-override",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "campaigns-test-tag",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "campbell-glyph",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 124
    "name": "campbell-key",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 124
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "canvas-2d-layers",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "canvas-oop-rasterization",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "captive-portal-popup-window",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 126
    "name": "captured-surface-control",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "cast-mirroring-target-playout-delay",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "cast-streaming-hardware-h264",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "cast-streaming-hardware-vp8",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "cast-streaming-hardware-vp9",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "cast-streaming-performance-overlay",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "cbd-timeframe-required",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "CCO",
    "owners": ["//components/compose/OWNERS", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "cct-before-unload",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 142
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/customtabs/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "cct-google-bottom-bar",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "cct-google-bottom-bar-variant-layouts",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]","[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/customtabs/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "cct-minimized",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "cct-nested-security-icon",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "cct-page-insights-hub",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "cct-page-insights-hub-better-scroll",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "cct-page-insights-hub-peek",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "cct-prevent-touches",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "cct-resizable-90-maximum-height",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 110
    "name": "cct-resizable-for-third-parties",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 110
    "name": "cct-revamped-branding",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "cdm-storage-database",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "cdm-storage-database-migration",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "cellular-bypass-esim-installation-connectivity-check",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag does not expire because it allows some test cases that host a local SM-DP+ server
    // on a network without an external connection to the internet to be able to install eSIM.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "cellular-use-second-euicc",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Never expires. This used in ChromeOS to switch to removable EUICC for
    // all eSIM operations. This is useful for debugging with test SIM cards.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "cert-management-v2-ui",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "chrome-cart-dom-based-heuristics",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 122
    "name": "chrome-labs",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    // Never expires. The Chrome Labs features is rolled out to 99% of
    // pre-stable users which is its full launch. Because we are not
    // launching to stable we want to keep this flag.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "chrome-wide-echo-cancellation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // TODO( remove when we have a proper solution.
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "classify-url-on-process-response-event",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "clay-blocking-dialog",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 115
    "name": "clear-device-data-on-signout-for-managed-users",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "clear-login-database-for-all-migrated-upm-users",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 129
    "name": "clear-undecryptable-passwords",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "click-to-call",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 115
    "name": "clipboard-history-longpress",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "clipboard-history-refresh",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "clipboard-history-url-titles",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "clipboard-maximum-age",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "cloud-gaming-device",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 126
    "name": "compact-mode",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "owners": ["//components/compose/OWNERS", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "compose-polite-nudge",
    "owners": ["//components/compose/OWNERS", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "compose-proactive-nudge",
    "owners": ["//components/compose/OWNERS", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "compose-selection-nudge",
    "owners": ["//components/compose/OWNERS", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "compose-text-selection",
    "owners": ["//components/compose/OWNERS", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "compose-ui-refinement",
    "owners": ["//components/compose/OWNERS", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "conch",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "conch-key",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "container",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "container-debug",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "container-debug-contents",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "content-notification-experiment",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "content-notification-provisional-ignore-conditions",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "content-push-notifications",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "content-settings-partitioning",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "content-suggestions-magic-stack",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "contextual-nudges",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 83
    "name": "contextual-page-actions-share-model",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "contextual-panel",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "contextual-panel-force-show-entrypoint",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "contextual-search-debug",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/contextualsearch/OWNERS" ],
    // This is used to enable debugging of server and backend code.
    "expiry_milestone": 110
    "name": "contextual-search-suppress-short-view",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/contextualsearch/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 110
    "name": "contextual-search-with-credentials-for-debug",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/contextualsearch/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 160
    "name": "convert-trackpad-events-to-mouse",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 124
    "name": "coral-feature-key",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "cormorant",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 119
    "name": "cpe-performance-improvements",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "crabbyavif",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "cras-processor-dedicated-thread",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "cras-processor-wav-dump",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "cros-apps-background-event-handling",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "cros-battery-saver",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 138
    "name": "cros-battery-saver-always-on",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 122
    "name": "cros-block-warnings",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "cros-components",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 137
    "name": "cros-content-adjusted-refresh-rate",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "cros-focus-mode",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "cros-focus-mode-ytm",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "cros-labs-continuous-overview-animation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "cros-labs-enable-overview-from-wallpaper",
    "owners": ["[email protected]","[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "cros-labs-overview-desk-navigation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 136
    "name": "cros-labs-tiling-window-resize",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "cros-labs-window-cycle-shortcut",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "cros-labs-window-splitting",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "cros-locked-mode",
    "owners": [
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "cros-mall",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "cros-mall-swa",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "cros-privacy-hub-app-permissions",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 128
    "name": "cros-privacy-hub-app-permissions-v2",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "cros-shortstand",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "cros-soul",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "cros-soul-gd",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "cros-switcher",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "cross-device-tab-pane-android",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "crostini-container-install",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "crostini-gpu-support",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "crostini-multi-container",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "crostini-qt-ime-support",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "crostini-reset-lxd-db",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "crostini-virtual-keyboard-support",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "csc-companion-enable-page-content",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "csc-force-companion-pinned-state",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "csc-side-panel-companion",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "css-gamut-mapping",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 126
    "name": "cups-ipp-printing-backend",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//printing/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "customize-chrome-side-panel-extensions-card",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "customize-chrome-wallpaper-search",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "customize-chrome-wallpaper-search-button",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "customize-chrome-wallpaper-search-inspiration-card",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "cws-info-fast-check",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    // Used by developers and for manual testing & debugging to fetch
    // extension metadata from CWS more frequently.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "darken-websites-checkbox-in-themes-setting",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "data-sharing",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "dawn-si-reps-use-client-provided-internal-usages",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "dcheck-is-fatal",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // Used to debug failed assertions in environments where debug builds cannot
    // be used.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "debug-chime-notification",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 100
    "name": "debug-packed-apps",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "default-angle-vulkan",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "default-browser-intents-show-settings",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "default-browser-promo-ipad-experimental-string",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "default-browser-promo-trigger-criteria-experiment",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
  {  "name": "default-browser-video-in-settings",
     "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
     "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "default-browser-video-promo",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "default-viewport-is-device-width",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 124
    "name": "defer-renderer-tasks-after-input",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "delay-media-sink-discovery",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "demo-mode-test-tag",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "deprecate-alt-click",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]",
                "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "deprecate-old-keyboard-shortcuts-accelerator",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]",
                "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "deprecate-unload",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    // The schedule for unload events being fully removed is unknown. We expect
    // it to take several years. This milestone is a placeholder and may be revisted.
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "deprecated-external-picker-function",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "desk-profiles",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "device-force-scheduled-reboot",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 105
    "name": "device-posture",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "devtools-tab-target",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "disable-accelerated-2d-canvas",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "disable-accelerated-mjpeg-decode",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag does not expire because it allows users to disable HW mjpeg
    // decoding for debugging purpose and temporary workaround for some issues.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "disable-accelerated-video-decode",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag does not expire because it allows users to disable HW video
    // decoding for debugging purpose and temporary workaround for some issues.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "disable-accelerated-video-encode",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag does not expire because it allows users to disable HW video
    // encoding for debugging purpose and temporary workaround for some issues.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "disable-buffer-bw-compression",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used for QA & debugging on ChromeOS, which has no way to
    // customize switches.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "disable-camera-frame-rotation-at-source",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "disable-cancel-all-touches",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is use to disable CancelAllTouches() function, which enable the
    // testing for implementation of canceling single touches.
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "disable-dns-proxy",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "disable-explicit-dma-fences",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used for QA & debugging on ChromeOS, which has no way to
    // customize switches.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "disable-fullscreen-scrolling",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "disable-idle-sockets-close-on-memory-pressure",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 112
    "name": "disable-instance-limit",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 137
    "name": "disable-javascript-harmony-shipping",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used for field debugging along with
    // enable-javascript-harmony.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "disable-lacros-tts-support",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "disable-lens-camera",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "disable-office-editing-component-app",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "disable-process-reuse",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "disable-quick-answers-v2-translation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 100
    "name": "disable-virtual-keyboard",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 116
    "name": "disallow-doc-written-script-loads",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/browser/data_saver/OWNERS" ],
    // This is a web-developer facing flag and should not be removed.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "disallow-managed-profile-signout",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//chrome/browser/data_saver/OWNERS" ],
    // This is a web-developer facing flag and should not be removed.
    "expiry_milestone": 116
    "name": "disconnect-wifi-on-ethernet-connected",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]", "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 145
    "name": "discount-on-navigation",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "display-alignment-assistance",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "disruptive-notification-permission-revocation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "document-picture-in-picture-animate-resize",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "double-buffer-compositing",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 100
    "name": "double-tap-to-zoom-in-tablet-mode",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 85
    "name": "download-notification-service-unified-api",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "download-warning-improvements",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "downloaded-pdf-opening-ios",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "downloads-migrate-to-jobs-api",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "drag-drop-into-omnibox",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "drag-drop-tab-tearing",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "drag-drop-tab-tearing-enable-oem",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "draw-cutout-edge-to-edge",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "draw-edge-to-edge",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "draw-immediately-when-interactive",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "draw-key-native-edge-to-edge",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 142
    "name": "draw-native-edge-to-edge",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "draw-predicted-ink-point",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 98
    "name": "draw-web-edge-to-edge",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "drive-fs-mirroring",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "drive-fs-show-cse-files",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "drop-input-events-before-first-paint",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "dynamic-color-gamut",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 90
    "name": "dynamic-safe-area-insets",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]","[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "dynamic-safe-area-insets-on-scroll",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "dynamic-search-update-animation",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 103
    "name": "eap-gtc-wifi-authentication",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "early-document-swap-for-back-forward-transitions",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "eche-launcher",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "eche-launcher-app-icon-in-more-apps-button",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "eche-launcher-list-view",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "eche-swa",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "eche-swa-check-android-network-info",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "eche-swa-debug-mode",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "eche-swa-disable-stun-server",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "eche-swa-measure-latency",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "eche-swa-process-android-accessibility-tree",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 126
    "name": "eche-swa-send-start-signaling",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "edge-to-edge-bottom-chin",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "elastic-overscroll",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "element-capture",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-accessibility-accelerator",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ash/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 143
    "name": "enable-accessibility-caret-blink-interval-setting",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ash/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 142
    "name": "enable-accessibility-disable-trackpad",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ash/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 142
    "name": "enable-accessibility-facegaze",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ash/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-accessibility-facegaze-gravity-wells",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ash/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-accessibility-filter-keys",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ash/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-accessibility-flash-screen-feature",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ash/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 149
    "name": "enable-accessibility-include-long-click-action",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "//ui/accessibility/OWNERS"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-accessibility-magnifier-follows-chromevox",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ash/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 146
    "name": "enable-accessibility-magnifier-follows-sts",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ash/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 142
    "name": "enable-accessibility-magnify-accelerator-dialog",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ash/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 142
    "name": "enable-accessibility-manage-broadcast-recevier-on-background",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "//ui/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 145
    "name": "enable-accessibility-mousekeys",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ash/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 142
    "name": "enable-accessibility-overscroll-setting",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ash/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 145
    "name": "enable-accessibility-page-zoom",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "//ui/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-accessibility-page-zoom-enhancements",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "//ui/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-accessibility-reduced-animations",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ash/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 142
    "name": "enable-accessibility-reduced-animations-in-kiosk",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ash/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 142
    "name": "enable-accessibility-select-to-speak-shortcut",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ash/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "enable-accessibility-service",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ui/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-accessibility-shake-to-locate",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ash/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 146
    "name": "enable-accessibility-snapshot-stress-tests",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ui/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-accessibility-unified-snapshots",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ui/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-android-gamepad-vibration",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-annotator-mode",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-app-service-in-kiosk",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-aria-element-reflection",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 105
    "name": "enable-assistant-aec",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 88
    "name": "enable-assistant-dsp",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 95
    "name": "enable-assistant-stereo-input",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 88
    "name": "enable-audio-focus-enforcement",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-auto-disable-accessibility",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ui/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-autofill-credit-card-upload",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is heavily used by the testing team that can't easily use the
    // commandline, especially in India.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-autofill-virtual-view-structure",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "enable-background-blur",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 86
    "name": "enable-benchmarking",
    "owners": [ "//components/variations/OWNERS" ],
    // This is used by testers and developers to determine whether a bug is
    // caused by a non-default feature configuration.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-bound-session-credentials",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-bound-session-credentials-software-keys-for-manual-testing",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-brightness-control-in-settings",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 128
    "name": "enable-builtin-hls",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-cast-streaming-av1",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-cast-streaming-mac-hardware-h264",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 148
    "name": "enable-cast-streaming-vp8",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "enable-cast-streaming-vp9",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-cast-streaming-with-hidpi",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-cct-text-fragment-lookup-api",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
  {"name": "enable-chromeos-live-translate",
   "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
   "expiry_milestone": 145
  {"name": "enable-chromeos-soda-conch",
   "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
   "expiry_milestone": 149
  {"name": "enable-chromeos-soda-languages",
   "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
   "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-cloud-identifiers",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-code-based-rbd",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 116
    "name": "enable-color-lens-and-voice-icons-in-home-screen-widget",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-command-line-on-non-rooted-devices",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used for debugging on Android; it causes Android Chromium
    // builds to read command-line arguments from a writable location on disk.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-commerce-developer",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "enable-commerce-hint-android",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 108
    "name": "enable-commerce-price-tracking",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 108
    "name": "enable-component-updater-test-request",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used by the test team for Lacros release candidate testing
    // when Lacros is pushed to a test cohort and must not be expired.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-compression-dictionary-transport",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-compression-dictionary-transport-allow-http1",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-compression-dictionary-transport-allow-http2",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-compression-dictionary-transport-backend",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-compression-dictionary-transport-require-known-root-cert",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-compute-pressure-break-calibration-mitigation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-compute-pressure-rate-obfuscation-mitigation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-controlled-frame",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-cooperative-scheduling",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 85
    "name": "enable-cros-autocorrect-by-default",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-cros-autocorrect-params-tuning",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 116
    "name": "enable-cros-autocorrect-toggle",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "enable-cros-autocorrect-use-replace-surrounding-text",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-cros-diacritics-on-physical-keyboard-longpress",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 116
    "name": "enable-cros-diacritics-use-replace-surrounding-text",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "enable-cros-first-party-vietnamese-input",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 122
    "name": "enable-cros-hindi-inscript-layout",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 250
    "name": "enable-cros-ime-assist-emoji-enhanced",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 110
    "name": "enable-cros-ime-assist-multi-word",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-cros-ime-assist-multi-word-expanded",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 110
    "name": "enable-cros-ime-fst-decoder-params-update",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "enable-cros-ime-korean-mode-switch-debug",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 122
    "name": "enable-cros-ime-korean-only-mode-switch-on-right-alt",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 123
    "name": "enable-cros-ime-stylus-handwriting",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone" : 116
    "name": "enable-cros-ime-system-emoji-picker-clipboard",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 116
    "name": "enable-cros-ime-system-emoji-picker-extension",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 110
    "name": "enable-cros-ime-system-emoji-picker-gif-support",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-cros-ime-system-emoji-picker-jelly-support",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-cros-ime-system-emoji-picker-mojo-search",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-cros-ime-system-emoji-picker-search-extension",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 116
    "name": "enable-cros-ime-system-emoji-picker-variant-grouping",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 128
    "name": "enable-cros-ime-tray-hide-voice-button",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 115
    "name": "enable-cros-ime-us-english-model-update",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "enable-cros-japanese-os-settings",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "enable-cros-on-device-grammar-check",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 116
    "name": "enable-cros-privacy-hub",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-cros-system-japanese-physical-typing",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-cros-touch-text-editing-redesign",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-cros-virtual-keyboard-global-emoji-preferences",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 128
    "name": "enable-cros-virtual-keyboard-round-corners",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 115
    "name": "enable-cros-vm-memory-management-service",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-debug-for-secure-payment-confirmation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 136
    "name": "enable-debug-for-store-billing",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is to allow developers to develop their app-billing capable
    // TWA apps locally, without having to upload the apps to the Play Store.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-delay-temp-strip-removal",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "enable-delegated-compositing",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-desk-button",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-desks-templates",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "enable-desktop-pwas-additional-windowing-controls",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "enable-desktop-pwas-app-title",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-desktop-pwas-borderless",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "enable-desktop-pwas-elided-extensions-menu",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-desktop-pwas-scope-extensions",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-desktop-pwas-sub-apps",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "enable-desktop-pwas-tab-strip",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "enable-desktop-pwas-tab-strip-customizations",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "enable-desktop-pwas-tab-strip-settings",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "enable-direct-sockets-web-api",
    "owners": [ "//content/browser/direct_sockets/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-disco-feed-endpoint",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-discount-consent-v2",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 106
    "name": "enable-discover-feed-top-sync-promo",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-display-performance-mode",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-download-service-foreground-session",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 116
    "name": "enable-drdc",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-edge-detection",
    "owners": ["[email protected]","[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "enable-edid-based-display-ids",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ui/display/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-educational-tip-module",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-enterprise-profile-badging",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "enable-eol-notification-reset-dismissed-prefs",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 116
    "name": "enable-experimental-accessibility-dictation-context-checking",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-experimental-accessibility-google-tts-high-quality-voices",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "//ui/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-experimental-accessibility-language-detection",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ui/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-experimental-accessibility-language-detection-dynamic",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ui/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-experimental-accessibility-manifest-v3",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ui/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 145
    "name": "enable-experimental-accessibility-switch-access-text",
    "owners": [ "//ui/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-experimental-cookie-features",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//net/cookies/OWNERS" ],
    // This should expire once all cookie handling changes have been enabled by
    // default. This is expected to take a while, and this expiry will probably
    // need to be extended.
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "enable-experimental-rgb-keyboard-patterns",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-experimental-web-platform-features",
    "owners": [ "//third_party/blink/renderer/OWNERS" ],
    // Used by developers to activate experimental features in blink.
    // See //third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.json5.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-experimental-webassembly-features",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used by web developers to test upcoming WebAssembly
    // features.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-experimental-webassembly-jspi",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used by developers and partners to test
    // stack switching features in WebAssembly.
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-expkit-text-classifier",
    // This flags is use for 'confidence_score_threshold' only.
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-expkit-text-classifier-address",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-expkit-text-classifier-date",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-expkit-text-classifier-email",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-expkit-text-classifier-phonenumber",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-extensible-enterprise-sso",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-external-display-hdr10",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-external-keyboards-in-diagnostics-app",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-fake-keyboard-heuristic",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-fake-mouse-heuristic",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-family-link-extensions-permissions",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-fast-ink-for-software-cursor",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-fast-touchpad-click",
    "owners": ["[email protected]","[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-feed-ablation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-feed-position-on-ntp",
    "owners": ["[email protected]","[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-fenced-frames",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-fenced-frames-cross-origin-automatic-beacons",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-fenced-frames-developer-mode",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-fenced-frames-reporting-attestations-changes",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-file-backed-blob-factory",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-fingerprinting-protection-blocklist",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-follow-IPH-exp-params",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-follow-ui-update",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
      "name": "enable-fontations-backend",
      "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
      "expiry_milestone": 136
    "name": "enable-force-dark",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 136
    "name": "enable-future-v8-vm-features",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag enables the rolling set of upcoming V8 features, for early
    // testing by JavaScript developers.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-gamepad-button-axis-events",
    "owners": [ "//device/gamepad/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 98
    "name": "enable-gamepad-multitouch",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "enable-generic-oidc-auth-profile-management",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 137
    "name": "enable-generic-sensor-extra-classes",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "enable-get-all-screens-media",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-global-vaapi-lock",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-google-play-protect-prompts",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "enable-gpu-rasterization",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // A debugging flag intended for end-users where there may not be any other
    // way to turn off graphics features.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-gpu-service-logging",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // A debugging flag intended for end-users where there may not be any other
    // way to turn off graphics features.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-hardware_mirror-mode",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
    // A temporary flag to control hardware mirroring until it is decided
    // whether to permanently remove hardware mirroring. See
    // for more details.
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "enable-hardware-secure-decryption",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]", "[email protected]"
    // This flag does not expire because the feature depends on the OS, GPU
    // driver and hardware, and the flag allows users to disable HW secure
    // decryption for debugging purpose and/or temporarily working around OS
    // or driver issues.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-hardware-secure-decryption-experiment",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]", "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-hardware-secure-decryption-fallback",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]", "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-heatmap-palm-detection",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-holding-space-suggestions",
    "owners": [ "//ash/public/cpp/holding_space/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-hostname-setting",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-image-reader",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "enable-immersive-fullscreen-toolbar",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-input-device-settings-split",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-input-event-logging",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Used to attach input device debugging information to feedback reports.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-input-in-diagnostics-app",
    "owners": [ "//ash/webui/diagnostics_ui/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-instant-start",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-ipad-feed-ghost-cards",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-isolated-sandboxed-iframes",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "enable-isolated-web-app-automatic-updates",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-isolated-web-app-dev-mode",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-isolated-web-app-managed-guest-session-install",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-isolated-web-app-unmanaged-install",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-isolated-web-apps",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-javascript-experimental-shared-memory",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-javascript-harmony",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used by web developers to test upcoming javascript features.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-keyboard-backlight-control-in-settings",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-keyboard-backlight-toggle",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 105
    "name": "enable-keyboard-rewriter-fix",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-lacros-in-chrome-kiosk",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-lacros-in-web-kiosk",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-lens-image-translate",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "enable-lens-in-omnibox-copied-image",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "enable-lens-overlay",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-lens-region-search-static-page",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 126
    "name": "enable-lens-standalone",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 124
    "name": "enable-libinput-to-handle-touchpad",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Used for testing libinput to check if it works better than the gestures
    // library to handle touchpad.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
  {"name": "enable-live-caption-multilang",
   "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
   "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-location-provider-manager",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "enable-lock-screen-notification",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 80
    "name": "enable-logging-js-console-messages",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // Never expires because it is used by developers to enable logging JS
    // console messages in system logs for debugging purposes. It's disabled by
    // default because logs may contain PII.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-logo-polish",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-logo-polish-animation-kill-switch",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-mac-ime-live-conversion-fix",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "enable-mac-pwas-notification-attribution",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-machine-learning-model-loader-web-platform-api",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-magic-stack-android",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-managed-configuration-web-api",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 92
    "name": "enable-manta-service",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-media-dynamic-cgroup",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "enable-media-foundation-clear",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-media-foundation-clear-rendering-strategy",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-media-foundation-video-capture",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-missive-storage-config",
    "owners" : [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-most-visited-tiles-reselect",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-nacl",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-nav-bar-matches-tab-android",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-network-and-issuer-icons-for-secure-payment-confirmation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 143
    "name": "enable-network-logging-to-file",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used to capture early-browser network logging on platforms
    // without easy access to startup time configuration.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-network-service-sandbox",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-neural-palm-adaptive-hold",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-neural-stylus-palm-rejection",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // We add a neural net to change how fingers are handled. We set a milestone
    // deep into the future to allow for experiments.
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-new-base-url-inheritance-behavior",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "enable-new-download-backend",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 97
    "name": "enable-new-mac-notification-api",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 98
    "name": "enable-notification-image-drag",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-oauth-ipp",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "enable-ongoing-processes",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "enable-oop-print-drivers",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-openxr-android",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-openxr-extended",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-palm-suppression",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Added feature, for testing. expiry deep in future.
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-parallel-downloading",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used by dev teams on Android to disable this feature, since
    // it can badly break pages under test.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-perfetto-system-tracing",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used for recording system traces on Chrome for Android.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-peripheral-customization",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-peripheral-notification",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-peripherals-logging",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-phone-hub-call-notification",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "enable-pip-double-tap-to-resize",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-pip-tuck",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-pix-detection",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-pix-detection-on-copy-event",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-pix-detection-on-dom-content-loaded",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-pix-payments",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-pixel-canvas-recording",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 116
    "name": "enable-preferences-account-storage",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "enable-prevent-close",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-process-per-site-up-to-main-frame-threshold",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-projector-app-debug",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 108
    "name": "enable-projector-gm3",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "enable-projector-server-side-speech-recognition",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 115
    "name": "enable-projector-server-side-usm",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 128
    "name": "enable-quic",
    "owners": [ "//net/quic/OWNERS" ],
    // This flag is used by network administrators to debug
    // network issues related to QUIC. It must not be removed.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-raw-draw",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 114
    "name": "enable-reader-mode-in-cct",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is a utility for disabling Reader Mode in CCT without using
    // low-end devices.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-reading-list-sign-in-promo",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 119
    "name": "enable-remove-stale-policy-pinned-apps-from-shelf",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "enable-render-pass-drawn-rect",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-resampling-scroll-events-experimental-prediction",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 95
    "name": "enable-retail-coupons",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 100
     "name": "enable-retry-capture-device-enumeration-on-crash",
     "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
     "expiry_milestone": 118
    "name": "enable-rfc-8925",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This is used by network administrators to debug potential network issues
    // related to IPv6-only capability.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-run-on-os-login",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-save-to-drive",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 128
    "name": "enable-save-to-photos",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 128
    "name": "enable-save-to-photos-improvements",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-seamless-refresh-rate-switching",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "enable-search-customizable-shortcuts-in-launcher",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-search-engine-choice",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-search-resumption-module",
    "owners": ["[email protected]","[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-segmentation-platform-android-home-module-ranker-v2",
    "owners": ["[email protected]",  "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-service-workers-for-chrome-untrusted",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 110
    "name": "enable-session-serialization-optimizations",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-share-custom-actions-in-cct",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-shared-zstd",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-shortcut-customization",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-show-autofill-signatures",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // Used for debugging and QA by the autofill team for the indefinite future.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-signed-out-view-demotion",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-site-isolation-for-password-sites",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Note: while password-triggered site isolation launched in M77, it only
    // affected devices above a predefined memory threshold.  This flag is kept
    // around because it allows users of low-memory devices to opt in.
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-site-per-process",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Even after shipping some form of Site Isolation on Android, we want to
    // give users the ability to opt into a stricter, more secure Site
    // Isolation.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-skip-parent-approval-to-install-extensions",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-smart-card-web-api",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-smart-zoom",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-speculation-rules-prerendering-target-hint",
    "owners": [ "//content/browser/preloading/prerender/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-standard-device-bound-session-credentials",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]",  "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "enable-start-surface-return-time",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-surface-control",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "enable-suspend-state-machine",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-suspend-to-disk",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-suspend-to-disk-allow-s4",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-system-entropy",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "enable-system-notifications",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "enable-system-proxy-for-system-services",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 94
    "name": "enable-tab-audio-muting",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-tab-engagement-reporting",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 90
    "name": "enable-tab-resumption-module",
    "owners": ["[email protected]","[email protected]","[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-tab-strip-startup-refactoring",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "enable-tablet-toolbar-reordering",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "enable-tabstate-flatbuffer",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "enable-tailored-security-retry-for-sync-users",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "enable-task-manager-end-process-disabled-for-extension",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-tflite-language-detection",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "enable-tflite-language-detection-ignore",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "enable-tls13-early-data",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 160
    "name": "enable-tls13-kyber",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "enable-touch-drag-drop",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 142
    "name": "enable-touchpads-in-diagnostics-app",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-touchscreen-calibration",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used for testing new touchscreen ChromeOS hardware, both by
    // dev and QA.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-touchscreen-mapping",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-touchscreens-in-diagnostics-app",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-trait-collection-registration",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 141
    "name": "enable-ui-devtools",
    "owners": [ "//components/ui_devtools/OWNERS" ],
    // Convenience debugging flag for non-stable ChromeOS Builds.
    // Devtools spins up a server which is not appropriate in the default case.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-unrestricted-usb",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "enable-unsafe-webgpu",
    "owners": [ "//third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webgpu/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-updated-supervised-user-extension-approval-strings",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-user-link-capturing-scope-extensions-pwa",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "enable-user-navigation-capturing-pwa",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "enable-variable-refresh-rate",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-vbr-encode-acceleration",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "enable-vertical-automotive-back-button-toolbar",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "enable-virtual-keyboard",
    "owners": [ "//ash/keyboard/OWNERS" ],
    // Useful for debugging the virtual keyboard on non-tablet devices.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-vulkan",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-waitable-swap-chain",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "enable-web-app-system-media-controls",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-web-bluetooth",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "enable-web-bluetooth-confirm-pairing-support",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "enable-web-bluetooth-new-permissions-backend",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "enable-web-payments-experimental-features",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used by early adoption partners to test new Web Payments
    // features in each release.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-web-printing-api",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/browser/printing/web_api/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-webassembly-baseline",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is often used by developers and partners to test
    // WebAssembly peak performance or impact on startup time if
    // Liftoff (the baseline compiler) is disabled.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-webassembly-lazy-compilation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is often used by developers and partners to test
    // impact on performance or startup time if lazy compilation is
    // disabled and thus all code is compiled ahead of time.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-webassembly-memory64",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used by developers and partners to experiment with
    // the WebAssembly Memory64 proposal which enables 64-bit indices
    // on Wasm memory.
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-webassembly-tiering",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is often used by developers and partners to test
    // impact on performance or startup time if tiering is disabled
    // and thus all WebAssembly code runs in Liftoff (if enabled) or
    // TurboFan (if Liftoff is disabled).
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-webgl-developer-extensions",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is the only way for developers to use
    // development-time WebGL extensions on Android and ChromeOS. It
    // must not be removed.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-webgl-draft-extensions",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is the only way for end users to test upcoming WebGL
    // extensions on Android. It must not be removed.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-webgpu-developer-features",
    "owners": [ "//third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webgpu/OWNERS" ],
    // This flag is the only way for developers to use WebGPU features
    // that are development-centric.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-webrtc-allow-input-volume-adjustment",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-webrtc-apm-downmix-capture-audio-method",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-webrtc-hide-local-ips-with-mdns",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-webrtc-pipewire-camera",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-webrtc-remote-event-log",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 105
    "name": "enable-webrtc-use-min-max-vea-dimensions",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 88
    "name": "enable-webusb-device-detection",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-welcome-experience",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "enable-welcome-experience-test-unsupported-devices",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-welcome-tour",
    "owners": [ "//ash/user_education/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-welcome-tour-force-user-eligibility",
    "owners": [ "//ash/user_education/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "enable-wifi-qos",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enable-windows-gaming-input-data-fetcher",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag selects the platform API used for Xbox-compatible gamepads on
    // Windows. When disabled, the older XInput API is used which has better
    // compatibility with unofficial controllers. The flag can be removed once
    // Windows.Gaming.Input API supports all XInput-compatible gamepads, or
    // when Chrome removes support for versions of Windows that ship with
    // XInput. See
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-zero-copy",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is commonly used when asking users to help gather debug info.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "enable-zram-writeback",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "enable-zstd-content-encoding",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enforce-ash-extension-keeplist",
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 128
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    "expiry_milestone": 128
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    "expiry_milestone": 128
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    "expiry_milestone": 128
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      "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
      "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "enterprise-reporting-ui",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 116
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 129
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 90
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "exo-surrounding-text-offset",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "experimental-web-app-storage-partition-isolation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 128
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 133
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
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    "owners": [ "//extensions/OWNERS" ],
    // This enables the use of extensions on chrome:// URLs. This is useful for
    // a11y extensions as well as for debugging.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "extensions-toolbar-zero-state-variation",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "external-navigation-debug-logs",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Used by developers for debugging why Chrome fails to launch their app, by
    // dumping extra information to logs in official builds.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "face-retouch-override",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "fast-pair-devices-bluetooth-settings",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "fast-pair-hid",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "fast-pair-keyboards",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "fast-pair-pwa-companion",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "fast-pair-software-scanning-support",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 110
    "name": "feature-notification-guide-skip-check-for-low-engaged-users",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 110
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "fedcm-idp-registration",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "fedcm-metrics-endpoint",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "fedcm-multi-idp",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "fedcm-use-other-account",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "fedcm-with-storage-access-api",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "fedcm-without-well-known-enforcement",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "owners": [ "//chrome/android/feed/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 105
    "name": "feed-background-refresh-ios",
    "owners": ["//ios/chrome/browser/discover_feed/model/OWNERS", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "feed-close-refresh",
    "owners": ["//chrome/android/feed/OWNERS", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 112
    "name": "feed-containment",
    "owners": ["//chrome/android/feed/OWNERS", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [ "//chrome/android/feed/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "feed-dynamic-colors",
    "owners": ["//chrome/android/feed/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "feed-follow-ui-update",
    "owners": ["//chrome/android/feed/OWNERS", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": ["//ios/chrome/browser/discover_feed/model/OWNERS", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "feed-header-stick-to-top",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/android/feed/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 115
    "name": "feed-loading-placeholder",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/android/feed/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "feed-signed-out-view-demotion",
    "owners": ["//components/feed/OWNERS", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "feed-v2-hearts",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/android/feed/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 115
    "name": "fetch-gaia-hash-on-sign-in",
    "owners":["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 110
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "file-system-provider-cloud-file-system",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "file-system-provider-content-cache",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "file-transfer-enterprise-connector-ui",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "files-conflict-dialog",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ui/file_manager/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "files-local-image-search",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ui/file_manager/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "files-materialized-views",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 104
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 149
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "flex-firmware-update",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 136
    "name": "fluent-overlay-scrollbars",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "fluent-scrollbars",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 150
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "force-color-profile",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // Used by developers and manual testing to test custom color profiles.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "force-control-face-ae",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
     "name": "force-list-tab-switcher",
     "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
     "expiry_milestone": 136
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "force-show-update-menu-badge",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/omaha/OWNERS" ],
    // This is required by test teams to verify functionality on devices which
    // have no access to commandline flags.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "force-signin-flows-profile-picker",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 126
    "name": "force-startup-signin-promo",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This is required by test teams and dev teams to verify the startup
    // sign-in promo functionality.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "force-text-direction",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used for developers who don't speak an RTL language to QA
    // RTL text regardless of UI layout direction. This for instance impacts the
    // Omnibox where arbitrary text directions may be entered.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "force-ui-direction",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used for developers who don't speak an RTL language to QA
    // RTL UI layout.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "force-update-menu-type",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/omaha/OWNERS" ],
    // This is required by test teams to verify functionality on devices which
    // have no access to commandline flags.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "forced-colors",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 81
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "freezing-on-energy-saver-testing",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "fsps-in-recents",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "fullscreen-improvement",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "fullscreen-promos-manager-skip-internal-limits",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Used by developers for testing their promos' display behavior locally, without being restricted by the Promos Manager's internal impression limits.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "fullscreen-viewport-adjustment-experiment",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Needed for manual testing of fallback flow on iOS.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "fuse-box-debug",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 138
    "name": "game-dashboard",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "game-dashboard-game-pwas",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "game-dashboard-utilities",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "gesture-properties-dbus-service",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Used by developers for debugging and input device tuning.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "get-user-media-deferred-device-settings-selection",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "glanceables-time-management-classroom-student-view",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ash/glanceables/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "glanceables-time-management-tasks-view",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ash/glanceables/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "glanceables-v2",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": ["[email protected]","[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 116
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
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    "owners": [ "//chrome/browser/ui/hats/OWNERS" ],
    // A debugging and demo flag to allow UI/dev/testing team to always show the UI
    // components for the survey without being limited by the triggering mechanism.
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "hardware-media-key-handling",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "hats-webui",
    "owners": [
    "expiry_milestone": 126
    "name": "heavy-ad-privacy-mitigations",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 127
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    "owners": [ "//ash/webui/help_app_ui/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 126
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    "owners": [ "//ash/webui/help_app_ui/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
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    "owners": [ "//ash/webui/help_app_ui/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 117
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    "owners": [ "//ash/webui/help_app_ui/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
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    "owners": [ "//ash/webui/help_app_ui/OWNERS", "//chrome/browser/ash/app_list/search/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 119
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    "owners": [ "//ash/webui/help_app_ui/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 136
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    "owners": [ "//ash/webui/help_app_ui/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "history-embeddings",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 95
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 133
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 133
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "https-first-mode-incognito-new-settings",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 133
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "https-first-mode-v2",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 118
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "https-upgrades",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 122
    "name": "https-upgrades-ios",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 125
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    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "identity-disc-account-menu",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "ignore-gpu-blocklist",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // A debugging flag intended for end-users where there may not be any other
    // way to turn off graphics features.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "ignore-ui-gains",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "image-descriptions-alternative-routing",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ui/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "improve-parcel-detection",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "improved-keyboard-shortcuts",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]",
                "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "improved-semantics-activity-indicators",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "improved-signin-ui-on-desktop",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
    "expiry_milestone": 136
    "name": "in-product-help-demo-mode-choice",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used by teams as they develop in-product help integrations,
    // as well as by QA; this feature is difficult to test without this.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "in-product-help-use-client-config",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used by teams as they develop in-product help integrations,
    // as well as by QA; this feature is difficult to test without this.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "inactive-tab-button-refactoring",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 136
    "name": "incognito-reauthentication-for-android",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "incognito-screenshot",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "increment-local-surface-id-for-mainframe-same-doc-navigation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "info-card-acknowledgement-tracking",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/android/feed/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "insecure-download-warnings",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "install-isolated-web-app-from-url",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "instance-switcher",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 100
    "name": "instant-hotspot-on-nearby",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 146
    "name": "instant-hotspot-rebrand",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "instant-tethering",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Though Instant Tethering is now a launched feature, it is only marked enabled on select,
    // approved boards which have passed hardware verification and received server config seeds
    // marking it as enabled. This means it is actually disabled-by-default, and since test machines
    // don't receive server config seeds, we depend on this flag to flip the feature to enabled on
    // test machines for debug purposes.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "intents-on-measurements",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "intents-on-viewport",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "ios-breadcrumbs",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Breadcrumbs is not a launching feature, but rather a tool used on
    // pre-stable channels for diagnosing crashes.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "ios-browser-edit-menu-metrics",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "ios-choose-from-drive",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "ios-docking-promo",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "ios-edit-menu-hide-search-web",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "ios-edit-menu-partial-translate",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "ios-edit-menu-search-with",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "ios-iph-for-safari-switcher",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 121
    "name": "ios-keyboard-accessory-upgrade",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "ios-large-fakebox",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "ios-magic-stack-segmentation-ranking",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 126
    "name": "ios-magic-stack-segmentation-ranking-caching",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "ios-magic-stack-segmentation-ranking-split-by-surface",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "ios-page-info-last-visited",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "ios-password-bottom-sheet-autofocus",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "ios-proactive-password-generation-bottom-sheet",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "ios-promo-address-bubble",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "ios-promo-bookmark-bubble",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "ios-promo-payment-bubble",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "ios-promo-refreshed-password-bubble",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "ios-quick-delete",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "ios-shared-highlighting-color-change",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 95
    "name": "ios-shared-highlighting-v2",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 109
    "name": "ios-tips-notifications",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "ip-protection-proxy-opt-out",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//chrome/browser/ip_protection/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 136
    "name": "iph-extensions-menu-feature",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "iph-extensions-request-access-button-feature",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
      "name": "iph-price-notifications-while-browsing",
      "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
      "expiry_milestone": 118
      "name": "ipp-first-setup-for-usb-printers",
      "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
      "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "isolate-origins",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This is useful for isolating additional origins beyond the normal site
    // isolation policy, as well as for diagnosing problems when site isolation
    // only applies to some sites.
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "isolation-by-default",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 95
    "name": "jelly-colors",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 122
    "name": "keyboard-and-pointer-lock-prompt",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "keyboard-focusable-scrollers",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "lacros-availability-ignore",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Once Lacros is launched, this flag can be removed. Until then, this
    // absolutely must not expire. We do not yet have a launch milestone.
    // TODO(
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "lacros-availability-policy",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Once Lacros is launched, and all users switch to use lacros fully,
    // this flag can be removed. Until then, this absolutely must not expire.
    // We do not yet have a launch milestone.
    // TODO(,
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "lacros-color-management",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used for chrome color management
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "lacros-data-backward-migration-policy",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Once Lacros is launched, and all users switch to use lacros fully,
    // this flag can be removed. Backward migration itself will be removed
    // when Ash is no longer a browser.
    // TODO(
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "lacros-extension-printing",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "lacros-fork-zygotes-at-login-screen",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "lacros-launch-at-login-screen",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "lacros-merge-icu-data-file",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "lacros-only",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Once Lacros is launched, this flag can be removed. Until then, this
    // absolutely must not expire. We do not yet have a launch milestone.
    // TODO(
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "lacros-profile-migration-force-off",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    // Once Lacros is launched, this flag can be removed. Until then, this
    // absolutely must not expire. We do not yet have a launch milestone.
    // TODO(
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "lacros-selection",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "lacros-selection-ignore",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "lacros-stability",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Once Lacros is launched, this flag can be removed. Until then, this
    // absolutely must not expire. We do not yet have a launch milestone.
    // TODO(
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "lacros-trigger-profile-backward-migration",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    // TODO(http://b/243125048): Once the Ash browser is removed, this flag
    // should be removed as well. Until then, this absolutely must not expire.
    // We do not yet know when the Ash browser will be removed.
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "lacros-wayland-logging",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Once Lacros is launched, this flag can be removed. Until then, this
    // absolutely must not expire. We do not yet have a launch milestone.
    // TODO(
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "language-detection-api",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "language-packs-in-settings",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 126
    "name": "large-favicon-from-google",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 105
    "name": "launch-windows-native-hosts-directly",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "launcher-apps-collections",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 128
    "name": "launcher-apps-collections-force-user-eligibility",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 128
    "name": "launcher-continue-section-with-recents",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "launcher-fuzzy-match-across-providers",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "launcher-fuzzy-match-for-omnibox",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "launcher-game-search",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 115
    "name": "launcher-item-suggest",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 115
    "name": "launcher-key-shortcut-in-best-match",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "launcher-keyword-extraction-scoring",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "launcher-local-image-search",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "launcher-local-image-search-confidence",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "launcher-local-image-search-ica",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "launcher-local-image-search-ocr",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "launcher-local-image-search-on-core",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "launcher-local-image-search-relevance",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "launcher-manatee-for-keyboard-shortcuts",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "launcher-nudge-session-reset",
    "owners":["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 124
    "name": "launcher-search-control",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "launcher-system-info-answer-cards",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "left-hand-side-activity-indicators",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//components/permissions/PERMISSIONS_OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "legacy-tech-report-enable-cookie-issue-reports",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 129
    "name": "lens-filters-ablation-mode-enabled",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "lens-translate-toogle-mode-enabled",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "lens-web-page-load-optimization-enabled",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "link-cross-device-internals",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "link-preview",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/browser/preloading/preview/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "linked-services-setting",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "linked-services-setting-ios",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "list-all-display-modes",
    "owners": [ "//ui/display/OWNERS" ],
    // This flag is used for debugging and development purposes to list all
    // external displays' modes without any exclusions.'
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "local-pdp-detection",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 124
    "name": "mac-address-randomization",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "mac-loopback-audio-for-screen-share",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "mac-syscall-sandbox",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 88
    "name": "mahi",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "mahi-debugging",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "mahi-feature-key",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "main-node-annotations",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ui/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "main-thread-compositing-priority",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "maylaunchurl-uses-separate-storage-partition",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "mbi-mode",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "media-app-lens",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "media-app-pdf-a11y-ocr",
    "owners": [ "//ash/webui/media_app_ui/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "media-app-pdf-mahi",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "media-picker-adoption",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "media-remoting-without-fullscreen",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "media-route-dial-provider",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 124
    "name": "media-router-cast-allow-all-ips",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used by users with unusual network configurations to allow
    // cast to work, but enabling this behavior has security implications that
    // aren't easily understood. It is primarily used by support to help
    // individual users get cast working.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "media-session-enter-picture-in-picture",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "memlog",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Memlog is Chrome's heap profiler. It is used for both automated and
    // manual performance analysis. This flag allows a user or developer to
    // capture a memlog without disturbing the situation under test by
    // restarting to apply a switch. It should not be removed.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "memlog-sampling-rate",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Memlog is Chrome's heap profiler. It is used for both automated and
    // manual performance analysis. This flag allows a user or developer to
    // capture a memlog without disturbing the situation under test by
    // restarting to apply a switch. It should not be removed.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "memlog-stack-mode",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Memlog is Chrome's heap profiler. It is used for both automated and
    // manual performance analysis. This flag allows a user or developer to
    // capture a memlog without disturbing the situation under test by
    // restarting to apply a switch. It should not be removed.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "messages-for-android-ads-blocked",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 99
    "name": "messages-for-android-infrastructure",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "messages-for-android-popup-blocked",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 97
    "name": "messages-for-android-pwa-install",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "messages-for-android-save-card",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 112
    "name": "metal",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 83
    "name": "metrickit-non-crash-reports",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "microphone-mute-notifications",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 94
    "name": "microphone-mute-switch-device",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 94
    "name": "migrate-syncing-user-to-signed-in",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "minor-mode-restrictions-for-history-sync-opt-in",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 127
    "name": "minutes-delay-to-restore-gaia-cookies-if-deleted",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    // Used for automated testing of Gaia cookie restoration in iOS.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "mirror-back-forward-gestures-in-rtl",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "mixed-content-autoupgrade-ios",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 114
    "name": "modern-tab-strip",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "mojo-linux-sharedmem",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 99
    "name": "mouse-and-trackpad-dropdown-menu",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 124
    "name": "multi-calendar-in-quick-settings",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 128
    "name": "multi-tab-organization",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "multi-zone-rgb-keyboard",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "mutation-events",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "mute-notification-snooze-action",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 96
    "name": "nearby-ble-v2",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "nearby-ble-v2-extended-adv",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "nearby-ble-v2-gatt-server",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "nearby-bluetooth-classic-adv",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "nearby-mdns",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "nearby-presence",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "nearby-webrtc",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "nearby-wifi-direct",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "nearby-wifi-lan",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "new-ntp-omnibox-layout",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 116
    "name": "notification-one-tap-unsubscribe",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 126
    "name": "notification-permission-rationale-bottom-sheet",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 114
    "name": "notification-permission-rationale-dialog",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 114
    "name": "notification-scheduler",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/browser/notifications/scheduler/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 102
    "name": "notification-scheduler-debug-options",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/browser/notifications/scheduler/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 106
      "name": "notification-settings-menu-item",
      "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
      "expiry_milestone": 116
    "name": "notification-width-increase",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
      "name": "notifications-ignore-require-interaction",
      "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
      "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "ntp-alpha-background-collections",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "ntp-background-image-error-detection",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "ntp-calendar-module",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "ntp-chrome-cart-in-journeys-module",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 122
    "name": "ntp-chrome-cart-journeys-module-coexist",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 122
    "name": "ntp-chrome-cart-module",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 122
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 108
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    "expiry_milestone": 111
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 108
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 115
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 122
    "name": "ntp-modules-redesigned",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 129
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 108
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    "name": "ntp-photos-opt-in-title",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "name": "ntp-photos-soft-opt-out",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
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    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
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    "expiry_milestone": 120
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    "expiry_milestone": 125
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "expiry_milestone": 123
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 105
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "//components/search/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 123
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "//components/search/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 122
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
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    "expiry_milestone": 137
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Provides a way for changing how Chrome behaves on old and new Android SDK
    // versions. Exists in about:flags so QA can more easily test behavior.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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      "[email protected]", "[email protected]"
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]", "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 120
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
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    "expiry_milestone": 120
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "omnibox-cr23-expanded-state-shape",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
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    "expiry_milestone": 125
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
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    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "omnibox-drive-suggestions",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "omnibox-drive-suggestions-no-sync-requirement",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
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    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "omnibox-gm3-steady-state-height",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "omnibox-gm3-steady-state-text-style",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
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    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "omnibox-grouping-framework-zps",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 110
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "omnibox-inspire-me-signed-out",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "omnibox-max-zps-matches",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone" : 130
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    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "omnibox-ml-url-search-blending",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "omnibox-report-searchbox-stats",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130

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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 115
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    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "omnibox-search-prefetch",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
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      "[email protected]", "[email protected]"
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "omnibox-zero-suggest-prefetching",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    // This flag is used to manually test the feature and should not be removed.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "one-group-per-renderer",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "one-tap-experience-maps",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
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    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 127
    "name": "optimization-guide-debug-logs",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used by regular debugging by developers and internal users
    // and should not be removed.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "optimization-guide-enable-dogfood-logging",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used in regular manual QA and should not be removed.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "optimization-guide-model-execution",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "optimization-guide-on-device-model",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "optimization-guide-personalized-fetching",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "origin-agent-cluster-default",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "origin-keyed-processes-by-default",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]", "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "os-settings-app-notifications-page",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 99
    "name": "os-settings-revamp-wayfinding",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "outline-silhouette-icon",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
    "expiry_milestone": 136
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 127
    "name": "overlay-scrollbars",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used by users to improve the accessibility of scroll bars
    // and should not be allowed to expire until is
    // resolved.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "overlay-strategies",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used for QA & debugging on ChromeOS, which has no way to
    // customize switches.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    // This flag is used by ChromeOS for some accessibility users.
    // TODO(b/172341945): Fix this asap.
    "name": "overscroll-history-navigation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 118
    // Suggests the Ozone platform to use (desktop Linux only).  Can be set on
    // chrome://flags.  See
    "name": "ozone-platform-hint",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "page-content-annotations",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "page-content-annotations-remote-page-metadata",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//components/page_image_service/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "page-image-service-suggest-powered-images",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//components/page_image_service/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "page-info-about-this-page-persistent-side-panel-entry",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 119
    "name": "page-info-hide-site-settings",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 119
    "name": "page-info-history-desktop",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 112
    "name": "page-info-sharing",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "page-visibility-page-content-annotations",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "panel-self-refresh-2",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "parcel-tracking-test-data",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "passpoint-settings",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "password-generation-experiment",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "password-generation-strong-label-experiment",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "password-manager-detect-username-in-uff",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 128
    "name": "password-manual-fallback-available",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "password-suggestion-bottom-sheet-v2",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "payment-link-detection",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "pcie-billboard-notification",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "pdf-cr23",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//pdf/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "pdf-ink2",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "pdf-ocr",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ui/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "pdf-oopif",
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    "expiry_milestone": 136
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This is a long-lived flag to allow users to opt in to receive a
    // DCHECK-enabled build from the updater.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//content/browser/preloading/prerender/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [
    // This flag is used for QA & debugging on ChromeOS, which has no way to
    // customize switches. See
    "expiry_milestone": -1
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
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      "[email protected]",
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    "expiry_milestone": 134
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 128
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
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    "owners": [
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      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [
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      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "expiry_milestone": 132
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    "expiry_milestone": 132
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    // This flag allows our testers and partners test PPD files before they are
    // published in production channel.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 123
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      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"],
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 134
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "private-network-access-ignore-worker-errors",
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 126
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 134
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    "expiry_milestone": 132
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "expiry_milestone": 106
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    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": ["//chrome/browser/ai/OWNERS"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
    // This is a debug flag to opt-in to providing debug information
    // to operators of Bidding And Auction API Trusted Servers.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
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    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "expiry_milestone": 150
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    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
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    "expiry_milestone": 131
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "expiry_milestone": 93
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
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    "expiry_milestone": 120
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    "expiry_milestone": 120
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    "expiry_milestone": 120
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      "[email protected]"
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      "[email protected]"
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      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
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    "expiry_milestone": 133
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    "expiry_milestone": 133
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    "expiry_milestone": 133
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    "expiry_milestone": 133
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    "expiry_milestone": 133
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    "expiry_milestone": 133
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    "expiry_milestone": 133
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    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "//ui/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "read-printer-capabilities-with-xps",
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    "expiry_milestone": 134
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is a utility for testing Reader Mode heuristics or force
    // enabling the feature on every page.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "record-permissions-expiration-timestamp",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "record-web-app-debug-info",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used for in-the-field debugging of preinstalled web apps on
    // Chrome OS.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "reduce-accept-language",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "reduce-ip-address-change-notification",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "reduce-transfer-size-updated-ipc",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "expiry_milestone": 90
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    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 160
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      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 134
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      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"],
    // This flag is required to make it easier for web developers to test out
    // their usage of Related Website Sets.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "release-notes-notification-all-channels",
    "owners": [ "//ash/webui/help_app_ui/OWNERS" ],
    // This is required by test teams to verify functionality on dev/beta
    // channels on devices which have no access to commandline flags.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "release-notes-notification-always-eligible",
    "owners": [ "//ash/webui/help_app_ui/OWNERS" ],
    // This is required by test teams to verify functionality on dev/beta
    // channels on devices which have no access to commandline flags.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "expiry_milestone": 134
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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      "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
      "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "expiry_milestone" : 130
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    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
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    "expiry_milestone": 96
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    "expiry_milestone": 129
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    "owners": ["//chrome/browser/ai/OWNERS", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "expiry_milestone": 133
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "ruby-short-heuristics",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 138
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 129
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "safe-browsing-local-lists-use-sbv5",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "safe-browsing-ripple-effect",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "safety-check-extensions",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "safety-check-magic-stack",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "safety-check-notifications",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "safety-check-unused-site-permissions",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "safety-hub",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "safety-hub-abusive-notification-revocation",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "safety-hub-android-survey",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "safety-hub-followup",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 135
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    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
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    "owners": [ "//third_party/blink/renderer/modules/sanitizer_api/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "scalable-iph-debug",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "scheduler-configuration",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag never expires because some users need to override CPU security
    // settings for performance gains, at their own risk. Chrome OS users cannot
    // modify the command line, so a flag is the publicly documented mechanism
    // exposed to users.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "screen-time-integration-ios",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 92
    "name": "screenlock-reauth-promo-card",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 115
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "scrollable-tabstrip-overflow",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "scrollable-tabstrip-with-dragging",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "sct-auditing",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 92
    "name": "sea-pen",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "sea-pen-enterprise",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "seal-key",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "search-in-cct",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
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    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "search-suggestion-for-prerender2",
    "owners": [ "//content/browser/preloading/prerender/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 122
    "name" : "search-web-in-side-panel",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone" : 115
    "name" : "seed-accounts-revamp",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "name": "segmented-default-browser-promo",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "send-tab-ios-push-notifications",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "send-tab-to-self-v2",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 119
    "name": "sensitive-content",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 145
    "name": "separate-web-app-shortcut-badge-icon",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "service-worker-static-router",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "set-market-url-for-testing",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/omaha/OWNERS" ],
    // This is required by test teams to verify functionality on devices which
    // have no access to commandline flags.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "settings-app-notification-settings",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 96
    "name": "settings-enable-get-the-most-out-of-chrome",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "share-in-web-context-menu-ios",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "shared-highlighting-amp",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "shared-highlighting-ios",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 101
    "name": "shared-highlighting-manager",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 111
    "name": "shared-tab-groups",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "sharing-desktop-screenshots",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "shelf-auto-hide-separation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "//ash/shelf/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 114
    "name": "shimless-rma-apro-update-rootfs",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "shimless-rma-os-update",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
  "name": "shopping-icon-color-variant",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 126
    "name": "shopping-list",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 122
    "name": "shopping-page-types",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "shortcuts-not-apps",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "show-autofill-type-predictions",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This is used by autofill devs to debug on Android.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "show-bluetooth-debug-log-toggle",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This is a debug tool used to help in the field with Bluetooth issues
    // caused by specific hardware, noisy environments, etc. Thus, it should not
    // expire.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "show-cast-permission-rejected-error",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "show-featured-enterprise-site-search",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "show-featured-enterprise-site-search-iph",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "show-force-respect-ui-gains-toggle",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "show-metered-toggle",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 127
    "name": "show-overdraw-feedback",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This is a debug flag to visualize compositing and rendering issues in
    // the field.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "show-performance-metrics-hud",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This is a debug flag to show performance metrics in a heads up display.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "show-taps",
    "owners": [ "//ash/OWNERS" ],
    // This is a debug flag, so that video bug reports can show input taps to
    // aid in getting clear bug reports.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "show-touch-hud",
    "owners": [ "//ash/OWNERS" ],
    // This is a debug tool to help in the field with hardware issues that
    // generate spurious touch events.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name" : "side-panel-improved-clobbering",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone" : 110
    "name" : "side-panel-journeys",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone" : 115
    "name" : "side-panel-journeys-queryless",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone" : 115
    "name" : "side-panel-resizing",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone" : 135
    "name" : "side-search",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"  ],
    "expiry_milestone" : 120
    "name" : "side-search-dse-support",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone" : 110
    "name": "simplified-tab-drag-ui",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 138
    "name": "site-instance-groups-for-data-urls",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "_comment1": "Shipping some form of Site Isolation to Android is tracked",
    "_comment2": "in",
    "name": "site-isolation-trial-opt-out",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "site-search-settings-policy",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "skia-graphite",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "skip-undecryptable-passwords",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "smart-suggestion-for-large-downloads",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 100
    "name": "smooth-scrolling",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is needed for debugging scrolling issues. However, it can be
    // removed if and when we add it as a UI setting (
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "sparky",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "sparky-feature-key",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 142
    "name": "sparky-server-url",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 144
    "name": "spectre-v2-mitigation",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "split-tabstrip",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 115
    "name": "spotlight-never-retain-index",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "start-surface",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 94
    "name": "storage-access-headers",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "strict-origin-isolation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This can be used to opt in to origin isolation which isolates full
    // origins rather than sites.  Note that this breaks document.domain and is
    // therefore unlikely to ship anytime soon, but this allows experimenting
    // with a stronger isolation policy for users who may not care about
    // breaking compatibility with document.domain.
    // This flag is useful for developers testing origin isolation, so it
    // doesn't expire.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "stylus-battery-status",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 93
    "name": "summarization-api-for-gemini-nano",
    "owners": ["//chrome/browser/ai/OWNERS", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "supervised-profile-blocked-site-reauth",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "supervised-profile-filtering-fallback",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "supervised-profile-hide-guest",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "supervised-profile-safe-search",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "supervised-profile-youtube-reauth",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 131
    "name": "support-f11-and-f12-shortcuts",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "support-tool",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/browser/support_tool/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "support-tool-screenshot",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/browser/support_tool/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "suppress-toolbar-captures",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "sync-autofill-wallet-credential-data",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "sync-autofill-wallet-usage-data",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "sync-chromeos-explicit-passphrase-sharing",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "sync-enable-bookmarks-in-transport-mode",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 136
    "name": "sync-enable-contact-info-data-type-in-transport-mode",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "sync-webauthn-credentials",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 136
    "name": "sys-ui-holdback-drive-integration",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "sys-ui-holdback-focus-mode",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "sys-ui-holdback-forest",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "sys-ui-holdback-gif-recording",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "sys-ui-holdback-task-management",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "system-keyboard-lock",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag allows users to prevent the keyboard-lock API from capturing
    // system keys (e.g. by using low-level hooks) which might interfere with
    // their workflows or other apps running on the machine. It is also needed
    // for browsertests as the test framework relies on low-level keyboard hooks
    // which prevents testing this feature if this flag is not disabled.
    // Note that there is a second version of this API being discussed which
    // allows the caller to select whether system hooks are enabled.
    // See:
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "system-shortcut-behavior",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "system-voice-isolation-option",
    "owners": ["[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "tab-drag-drop",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "tab-grid-new-transitions",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "tab-group-creation-dialog-android",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "tab-group-indicator",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "tab-group-pane-android",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "tab-group-parity-android",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "tab-group-sync",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "tab-group-sync-android",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "tab-group-sync-disable-network-layer",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "tab-group-sync-force-off",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "tab-group-sync-service-desktop-migration",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "tab-groups-in-grid",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "tab-groups-on-ipad",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "tab-groups-save",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "tab-groups-save-ui-update",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "tab-groups-save-v2",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "tab-hover-card-images",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "tab-inactivity-threshold",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "tab-organization",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "tab-organization-settings-visibility",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "tab-reorganization",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "tab-reorganization-divider",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "tab-resumption",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "tab-resumption-2",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "tab-resumption1-5",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "tab-scrolling-button-position",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "tab-search-position-setting",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "tab-strip-group-collapse-android",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "tab-strip-group-context-menu-android",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "tab-strip-group-indicators-android",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "tab-strip-incognito-migration",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "tab-strip-layout-optimization",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "tab-strip-transition-in-desktop-window",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name" : "tabstrip-collection-storage",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone" : 135
    "name": "tangible-sync",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "tear-off-web-app-tab-opens-web-app-window",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "template-url-reconciliation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "terminal-dev",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//chrome/browser/ash/guest_os/OWNERS" ],
    // This flag is used by CrOS Terminal developers for testing SSH on devices
    // with valid machine certs and should not be removed.  Only works in dev
    // and canary channels.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "test-third-party-cookie-phaseout",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" , "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "tethering-experimental-functionality",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" , "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used for developing and testing tethering on experimental
    // carriers, modem and modem FW.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "text-based-audio-descriptions",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "//ui/accessibility/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 138
    "name": "text-box-trim",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"  ],
    "expiry_milestone": 138
    "name": "text-in-shelf",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ash/shelf/OWNERS"  ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "third-party-cookie-deprecation-trial",
    "owners": [
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "third-party-profile-management",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "throttle-ambient-animations",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 114
    "name": "tiled-display-support",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "//ui/display/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "time-of-day-dlc",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 123
    "name": "tint-composited-content",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used for QA & development on ChromeOS, which has no way to
    // customize switches.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "toolbar-phone-cleanup",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name" : "toolbar-pinning",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone" : 135
    "name": "top-chrome-toasts",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "top-chrome-touch-ui",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used to easily swap into touch-mode for UI development where
    // the UI differs significantly between touch/non-touch modes. This is
    // exposed in chrome://flags to allow QA and UXers to verify touch-related
    // behavior without access to touch devices.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "top-level-third-party-cookie-deprecation-trial",
    "owners": [
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "top-toolbar-theme-color",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "touch-drag-and-context-menu",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "touch-selection-strategy",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 99
    "owners": ["//chrome/browser/tpcd/experiment/OWNERS"],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "tpcd-heuristics-grants",
    "owners": [
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "tpcd-metadata-grants",
    "owners": [
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "track-by-default-mobile",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "tracking-protection-3pcd",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "traffic-counters",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "traffic-counters-for-wifi-testing",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "translate-force-trigger-on-english",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used to manually trigger a Finch controlled, India only
    // feature.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "translate-open-settings",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "trusted-vault-frequent-degraded-recoverability-polling",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "ui-debug-tools",
    "owners": [ "//ui/views/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "ui-disable-partial-swap",
    "owners": [ "//components/viz/OWNERS" ],
    // This flag is used for in-the-field debugging of rendering issues,
    // especially on Chrome OS.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "ui-enable-shared-image-cache-for-gpu",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 127
    "name": "ui-slow-animations",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used for in-the-field debugging of animation issues on
    // Chrome OS.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "undo-migration-of-syncing-user-to-signed-in",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is supported for bypassing security restrictions on HTTP pages,
    // and is required for Android/ChromeOS devices where setting commandline
    // flags is difficult or impossible.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "update-menu-item-custom-summary",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/omaha/OWNERS" ],
    // This is required by test teams to verify functionality on devices which
    // have no access to commandline flags.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "upload-office-to-cloud",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "upstream-trusted-reports-firmware",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 127
    "name": "use-adhoc-signing-for-web-app-shims",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "use-android-staging-smds",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    // This flag is required for cellular tests that involve SM-DS to be able
    // to test against the Android staging SM-DS.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "use-angle",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used by certain customers to set ANGLE to use its OpenGL
    // backend on Windows. Its usage is small enough that it isn't worth
    // promoting this to a chrome://settings entry, but it needs to be readily
    // available.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "use-annotated-account-id",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "use-chime-android-sdk",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 102
    "name": "use-client-gmb-interface",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "use-custom-messages-domain",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used for QA and development.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "use-dmsaa-for-tiles",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "use-dmsaa-for-tiles-android-gl",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "use-dns-https-svcb-alpn",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "use-fake-device-for-media-stream",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used for ChromeOS media testing to mock a source device.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "use-frame-interval-decider",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "use-fullscreen-insets-api",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "use-fullscreen-insets-api-on-automotive",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "use-gpu-scheduler-dfs",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "use-hdr-transfer-function",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 125
    "name": "use-idna2008-non-transitional",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 112
    "name": "use_messages_staging_url",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is required for QA and dogfood testing.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "use-ml-service-for-non-longform-handwriting-on-all-boards",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "use-network-framework-for-local-discovery",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "use-out-of-process-video-decoding",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 128
    "name": "use-passthrough-command-decoder",
    "owners": [ "//third_party/angle/OWNERS" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "use-search-click-for-right-click",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "use-stork-smds-server-address",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    // This flag is required for dev testing via Stork profiles which can be quickly
    // created at go/stork-profile and managed at go/stork-batch.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "use-sync-sandbox",
    "owners": [ "//components/sync/OWNERS" ],
    // This flag is required for testing with the related
    // wallet-service-use-sandbox on Android.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "use-v4l2-flat-stateful-video-decoder",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "use-wallpaper-staging-url",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is required for QA and dogfood testing.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "use-winrt-midi-api",
    "owners": [ "//third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webaudio/OWNERS", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 142
    "name": "use-xps-for-printing",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "use-xps-for-printing-from-pdf",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 134
    "name": "user-education-experience-v2",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "user-notes-side-panel",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 118
    "name": "username-first-flow-store-several-values",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "username-first-flow-with-intermediate-values",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "username-first-flow-with-intermediate-values-predictions",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "username-first-flow-with-intermediate-values-voting",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "vc-background-replace",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 126
    "name": "vc-dlc-ui",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "vc-light-intensity",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "vc-relighting-inference-backend",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "vc-segmentation-inference-backend",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "vc-segmentation-model",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 116
    "name": "vc-studio-look",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "vc-tray-mic-indicator",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "vc-tray-title-header",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "vc-web-api",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "verbose-logging-in-nacl",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is useful for debugging NaCl-related issues.
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "video-conference",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 129
    "name": "video-picture-in-picture-controls-update-2024",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 145
    "name": "view-transition-on-navigation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone" : 130
    "name": "view-transition-on-navigation-iframe",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone" : 130
    "name": "viewport-segments",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "visited-url-ranking-service-history-visibility-score-filter",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 133
    "name": "vulkan-from-angle",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "wait-threshold-seconds-for-capabilities-api",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // Used for manual testing to extend the wait time for capabilities fetching on iOS devices.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "wake-on-wifi-allowed",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 95
    "name": "wallet-service-use-sandbox",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag is used by testing teams to run Google Payments calls against
    // the development server environment.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "wallpaper-fast-refresh",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "wallpaper-google-photos-shared-albums",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "wallpaper-search-settings-visibility",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]","[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "warm-up-compositor",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "wayland-per-window-scaling",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 138
    "name": "wayland-text-input-v3",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "web-app-sync-generated-icon-background-fix",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "web-app-sync-generated-icon-retroactive-fix",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "web-app-sync-generated-icon-update-fix",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "web-app-universal-install",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "web-app-user-display-mode-sync-browser-mitigation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "web-app-user-display-mode-sync-standalone-mitigation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "web-authentication-android-credential-management",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "web-authentication-enclave-authenticator",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 132
    "name": "web-authentication-permit-enterprise-attestation",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag lets end users enroll security keys with an enterprise that
    // requires individual attestation on a device that is not enterprised
    // managed (e.g. during onboarding).
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "web-feed",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/android/feed/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "web-feed-awareness",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/android/feed/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "web-feed-feedback-reroute",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 122
    "name": "web-feed-ios",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "web-feed-onboarding",
    "owners": ["//chrome/android/feed/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "web-feed-sort",
    "owners": ["//chrome/android/feed/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "web-hid-in-web-view",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "web-identity-digital-credentials",
    "owners": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "web-machine-learning-neural-network",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "web-otp-backend",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 138
    "name": "web-share",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "webpage-alternative-text-zoom",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 127
    "name": "webpage-default-zoom-from-dynamic-type",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 127
    "name": "webpage-text-zoom-ipad",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 127
    "name": "webrtc-allow-wgc-screen-capturer",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 139
    "name": "webrtc-allow-wgc-window-capturer",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 139
    "name": "webrtc-hw-decoding",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag does not expire because it allows users to enable or disable
    // HW video decoding only in webrtc usecase for debugging purpose and
    // temporary workaround for some issues.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "webrtc-hw-encoding",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag does not expire because it allows users to enable or disable
    // HW video encoding only in webrtc usecase for debugging purpose and
    // temporary workaround for some issues.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "webtransport-developer-mode",
    "owners": [ "//net/quic/OWNERS" ],
    // This flag is used by developers to debug applications
    // using WebTransport locally.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "webui-omnibox-popup",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "webui-tab-strip",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 116
    "name" : "webui-tab-strip-context-menu-after-tap",
    "owners": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 116
    "name": "webxr-hand-input",
    "owners": [ "//components/webxr/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 136
    "name": "webxr-incubations",
    "owners": [ "//third_party/blink/renderer/modules/xr/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 142
    "name": "webxr-internals",
    "owners": [ "//components/webxr/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 142
    "name": "webxr-runtime",
    "owners": [ "//third_party/blink/renderer/modules/xr/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag allows QA and Developers to force running on a particular
    // runtime, even if ordinarily Chrome would prefer a different runtime for
    // the particular hardware. Useful to debug user issues or multiple runtimes
    // with a single headset.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "webxr-shared-buffers",
    "owners": [ "//components/webxr/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    // This flag allows QA and Developers to forcibly disable shared buffer
    // support, which is otherwise dependent entirely on either the OS version
    // (less than O), or on errors thrown by the GPU, that are not feasible to
    // trigger or recreate any other way.
    "expiry_milestone": -1
    "name": "whats-new-ios-m116",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 122
    "name": "wifi-concurrency",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 137
    "name": "wifi-connect-mac-address-randomization",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 130
    "name": "wifi-direct",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 135
    "name": "windows-scrolling-personality",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 150
    "name": "windows11-mica-titlebar",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "writer-api-for-gemini-nano",
    "owners": ["//chrome/browser/ai/OWNERS", "[email protected]"],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "xsurface-metrics-reporting",
    "owners": [ "//chrome/android/feed/OWNERS", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 120
    "name": "zero-copy-tab-capture",
    "owners": [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ],
    "expiry_milestone": 140
    "name": "zero-copy-video-capture",
    "owners": [
      // For CrOS
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      // For MacOS and Windows
      "[email protected]"
    "expiry_milestone": 130