#include "chrome/browser/flag_descriptions.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "flag_descriptions.h"
#include "media/gpu/buildflags.h"
#include "pdf/buildflags.h"
namespace flag_descriptions {
const char kAccelerated2dCanvasName[] = …;
const char kAccelerated2dCanvasDescription[] = …;
const char kCanvasHibernationName[] = …;
const char kCanvasHibernationDescription[] = …;
const char kCanvasOopRasterizationName[] = …;
const char kCanvasOopRasterizationDescription[] = …;
const char kCapturedSurfaceControlName[] = …;
const char kCapturedSurfaceControlDescription[] = …;
const char kAcceleratedVideoDecodeName[] = …;
const char kAcceleratedVideoDecodeDescription[] = …;
const char kAcceleratedVideoEncodeName[] = …;
const char kAcceleratedVideoEncodeDescription[] = …;
const char kAlignWakeUpsName[] = …;
const char kAlignWakeUpsDescription[] = …;
const char kAllowInsecureLocalhostName[] = …;
const char kAllowInsecureLocalhostDescription[] = …;
const char kAndroidAppIntegrationName[] = …;
const char kAndroidAppIntegrationDescription[] = …;
const char kAndroidExtendedKeyboardShortcutsName[] = …;
const char kAndroidExtendedKeyboardShortcutsDescription[] = …;
const char kAndroidNoSurfaceSyncForBrowserControlsName[] = …;
const char kAndroidNoSurfaceSyncForBrowserControlsDescription[] = …;
const char kAndroidBrowserControlsInVizName[] = …;
const char kAndroidBrowserControlsInVizDescription[] = …;
const char kAnimatedImageResumeName[] = …;
const char kAnimatedImageResumeDescription[] = …;
const char kAnnotatorModeName[] = "Enable annotator tool";
const char kAnnotatorModeDescription[] =
"Enables the tool for annotating across the OS.";
const char kAriaElementReflectionName[] = …;
const char kAriaElementReflectionDescription[] = …;
const char kAuxiliarySearchDonationName[] = …;
const char kAuxiliarySearchDonationDescription[] = …;
const char kAuxiliarySearchThridPartyName[] = …;
const char kAuxiliarySearchThridPartyDescription[] = …;
const char kBackgroundResourceFetchName[] = …;
const char kBackgroundResourceFetchDescription[] = …;
const char kBirchWeatherName[] = "Birch weather";
const char kBirchWeatherDescription[] =
"Shows the weather suggestion chip in the birch suggestions UI. Note that "
"the chip only shows certain times of day, so it may not immediately "
"appear after enabling this feature.";
const char kBlinkSchedulerDiscreteInputMatchesResponsivenessMetricsName[] = …;
const char
kBlinkSchedulerDiscreteInputMatchesResponsivenessMetricsDescription[] = …;
const char kCdmStorageDatabaseName[] = …;
const char kCdmStorageDatabaseDescription[] = …;
const char kCdmStorageDatabaseMigrationName[] = …;
const char kCdmStorageDatabaseMigrationDescription[] = …;
const char kClassifyUrlOnProcessResponseEventName[] = …;
const char kClassifyUrlOnProcessResponseEventDescription[] = …;
const char kClearUndecryptablePasswordsName[] = …;
const char kClearUndecryptablePasswordsDescription[] = …;
const char kClickToCallName[] = …;
const char kClickToCallDescription[] = …;
const char kClipboardMaximumAgeName[] = …;
const char kClipboardMaximumAgeDescription[] = …;
const char kComputePressureRateObfuscationMitigationName[] = …;
const char kComputePressureRateObfuscationMitigationDescription[] = …;
const char kContainerName[] = "Container";
const char kContainerDescription[] = "Enables container.";
const char kContainerDebugName[] = "Container Debug";
const char kContainerDebugDescription[] = "Enables container debug.";
const char kContainerDebugContentsName[] = "Container Debug Contents";
const char kContainerDebugContentsDescription[] = "Container debug contents.";
const char kComputePressureBreakCalibrationMitigationName[] = …;
const char kComputePressureBreakCalibrationMitigationDescription[] = …;
const char kContentSettingsPartitioningName[] = …;
const char kContentSettingsPartitioningDescription[] = …;
const char kCoralFeatureKeyName[] = "Secret key for Coral feature.";
const char kCoralFeatureKeyDescription[] =
"Secret key for Coral feature. Incorrect values will cause chrome crashes.";
const char kCrosSwitcherName[] = "ChromeOS Switcher feature.";
const char kCrosSwitcherDescription[] =
"Enable/Disable ChromeOS Switcher feature.";
const char kCssGamutMappingName[] = …;
const char kCssGamutMappingDescription[] = …;
const char kCssTextBoxTrimName[] = …;
const char kCssTextBoxTrimDescription[] = …;
const char kCustomizeChromeSidePanelExtensionsCardName[] = …;
const char kCustomizeChromeSidePanelExtensionsCardDescription[] = …;
const char kCustomizeChromeWallpaperSearchName[] = …;
const char kCustomizeChromeWallpaperSearchDescription[] = …;
const char kCustomizeChromeWallpaperSearchButtonName[] = …;
const char kCustomizeChromeWallpaperSearchButtonDescription[] = …;
const char kCustomizeChromeWallpaperSearchInspirationCardName[] = …;
const char kCustomizeChromeWallpaperSearchInspirationCardDescription[] = …;
const char kDataSharingName[] = …;
const char kDataSharingDescription[] = …;
const char kDeprecateUnloadName[] = …;
const char kDeprecateUnloadDescription[] = …;
const char kDeferRendererTasksAfterInputName[] = …;
const char kDeferRendererTasksAfterInputDescription[] = …;
const char kForceStartupSigninPromoName[] = …;
const char kForceStartupSigninPromoDescription[] = …;
const char kForestFeatureName[] = "Forest";
const char kForestFeatureDescription[] = "Enable Forest experiment.";
const char kFontationsFontBackendName[] = …;
const char kFontationsFontBackendDescription[] = …;
const char kAvifGainmapHdrImagesName[] = …;
const char kAvifGainmapHdrImagesDescription[] = …;
const char kCrabbyAvifName[] = …;
const char kCrabbyAvifDescription[] = …;
const char kTangibleSyncName[] = …;
const char kTangibleSyncDescription[] = …;
const char kDirectSocketsWebApiName[] = …;
const char kDirectSocketsWebApiDescription[] = …;
const char kDisableInstanceLimitName[] = "Disable Instance Limit";
const char kDisableInstanceLimitDescription[] =
"Disable limit on number of app instances allowed (current limit is 5).";
const char kDownloadWarningImprovementsName[] = …;
const char kDownloadWarningImprovementsDescription[] = …;
extern const char kDropUnrecognizedTemplateUrlParametersName[] = …;
extern const char kDropUnrecognizedTemplateUrlParametersDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableBenchmarkingName[] = …;
const char kEnableBenchmarkingDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableBenchmarkingChoiceDisabled[] = …;
const char kEnableBenchmarkingChoiceDefaultFeatureStates[] = …;
const char kEnableBenchmarkingChoiceMatchFieldTrialTestingConfig[] = …;
const char kPreloadingOnPerformancePageName[] = …;
const char kPreloadingOnPerformancePageDescription[] = …;
const char kPrerender2Name[] = …;
const char kPrerender2Description[] = …;
const char kEnableDrDcName[] = …;
const char kEnableDrDcDescription[] = …;
const char kTextBasedAudioDescriptionName[] = …;
const char kTextBasedAudioDescriptionDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableExtensionsPermissionsForSupervisedUsersOnDesktopName[] = …;
const char
kEnableExtensionsPermissionsForSupervisedUsersOnDesktopDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableSupervisedUserSkipParentApprovalToInstallExtensionsName[] = …;
const char
EnableSupervisedUserSkipParentApprovalToInstallExtensionsDescription[] = …;
const char kUpdatedSupervisedUserExtensionApprovalStringsName[] = …;
const char kUpdatedSupervisedUserExtensionApprovalStringsDescription[] = …;
const char kUseAndroidStagingSmdsName[] = …;
const char kUseAndroidStagingSmdsDescription[] = …;
const char kUseFrameIntervalDeciderName[] = …;
const char kUseFrameIntervalDeciderDescription[] = …;
const char kUseSharedImagesForPepperVideoName[] = …;
const char kUseSharedImagesForPepperVideoDescription[] = …;
const char kUseStorkSmdsServerAddressName[] = …;
const char kUseStorkSmdsServerAddressDescription[] = …;
const char kUseWallpaperStagingUrlName[] = …;
const char kUseWallpaperStagingUrlDescription[] = …;
const char kUseMessagesStagingUrlName[] = …;
const char kUseMessagesStagingUrlDescription[] = …;
const char kUseCustomMessagesDomainName[] = …;
const char kUseCustomMessagesDomainDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableFileBackedBlobFactoryName[] = …;
const char kEnableFileBackedBlobFactoryDescription[] = …;
const char kUseDMSAAForTilesName[] = …;
const char kUseDMSAAForTilesDescription[] = …;
const char kUseDMSAAForTilesAndroidGLName[] = …;
const char kUseDMSAAForTilesAndroidGLDescription[] = …;
const char kUseDnsHttpsSvcbAlpnName[] = …;
const char kUseDnsHttpsSvcbAlpnDescription[] = …;
const char kIsolatedSandboxedIframesName[] = …;
const char kIsolatedSandboxedIframesDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableAmountExtractionDesktopName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableAmountExtractionDesktopDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableAndroidNKeyForFidoAuthenticationName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableAndroidNKeyForFidoAuthenticationDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableCvcStorageAndFillingName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableCvcStorageAndFillingDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableCvcStorageAndFillingEnhancementName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableCvcStorageAndFillingEnhancementDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableFpanRiskBasedAuthenticationName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableFpanRiskBasedAuthenticationDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableManualFallbackIPHName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableManualFallbackIPHDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableMerchantDomainInUnmaskCardRequestName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableMerchantDomainInUnmaskCardRequestDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableCardArtImageName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableCardArtImageDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableCardArtServerSideStretchingName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableCardArtServerSideStretchingDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableCardBenefitsForAmericanExpressName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableCardBenefitsForAmericanExpressDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableCardBenefitsForCapitalOneName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableCardBenefitsForCapitalOneDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableCardBenefitsSyncName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableCardBenefitsSyncDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableCardProductNameName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableCardProductNameDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillGranularFillingAvailableName[] = …;
const char kAutofillGranularFillingAvailableDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillForUnclassifiedFieldsAvailableName[] = …;
const char kAutofillForUnclassifiedFieldsAvailableDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableLocalIbanName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableLocalIbanDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableNewCardArtAndNetworkImagesName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableNewCardArtAndNetworkImagesDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableOffersInClankKeyboardAccessoryName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableOffersInClankKeyboardAccessoryDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnablePrefetchingRiskDataForRetrievalName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnablePrefetchingRiskDataForRetrievalDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableRankingFormulaAddressProfilesName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableRankingFormulaAddressProfilesDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableRankingFormulaCreditCardsName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableRankingFormulaCreditCardsDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableSaveCardLoadingAndConfirmationName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableSaveCardLoadingAndConfirmationDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableSaveCardLocalSaveFallbackName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableSaveCardLocalSaveFallbackDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableServerIbanName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableServerIbanDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableSyncingOfPixBankAccountsName[] =
"Sync Pix bank accounts from Google Payments";
const char kAutofillEnableSyncingOfPixBankAccountsDescription[] =
"When enabled, Pix bank accounts are synced from Google Payments backend. "
"These bank account will show up in Chrome settings.";
const char kAutofillEnableVcn3dsAuthenticationName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableVcn3dsAuthenticationDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableVcnGrayOutForMerchantOptOutName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableVcnGrayOutForMerchantOptOutDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableVcnEnrollLoadingAndConfirmationName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableVcnEnrollLoadingAndConfirmationDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableVerveCardSupportName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableVerveCardSupportDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableVirtualCardMetadataName[] = …;
const char kAutofillEnableVirtualCardMetadataDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillHighlightOnlyChangedValuesInPreviewModeName[] = …;
const char kAutofillHighlightOnlyChangedValuesInPreviewModeDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillParseVcnCardOnFileStandaloneCvcFieldsName[] = …;
const char kAutofillParseVcnCardOnFileStandaloneCvcFieldsDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillSkipAndroidBottomSheetForIbanName[] = …;
const char kAutofillSkipAndroidBottomSheetForIbanDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillMoreProminentPopupName[] = …;
const char kAutofillMoreProminentPopupDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillRemovePaymentsButterDropdownName[] = …;
const char kAutofillRemovePaymentsButterDropdownDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillRequireValidLocalCardsInSettingsName[] = …;
const char kAutofillRequireValidLocalCardsInSettingsDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillSharedStorageServerCardDataName[] = …;
const char kAutofillSharedStorageServerCardDataDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillSyncEwalletAccountsName[] =
"Sync eWallet accounts from Google Payments";
const char kAutofillSyncEwalletAccountsDescription[] =
"When enabled, eWallet accounts are synced from the Google Payments "
"servers and displayed on the payment methods settings page.";
const char kAutofillUnmaskCardRequestTimeoutName[] = …;
const char kAutofillUnmaskCardRequestTimeoutDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillUploadCardRequestTimeoutName[] = …;
const char kAutofillUploadCardRequestTimeoutDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillUpstreamUpdatedUiName[] = …;
const char kAutofillUpstreamUpdatedUiDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillVcnEnrollRequestTimeoutName[] = …;
const char kAutofillVcnEnrollRequestTimeoutDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillVirtualViewStructureAndroidName[] = …;
const char kAutofillVirtualViewStructureAndroidDescription[] = …;
const char kAutoPictureInPictureForVideoPlaybackName[] = …;
const char kAutoPictureInPictureForVideoPlaybackDescription[] = …;
const char kAutoPictureInPictureVideoHeuristicsName[] = …;
const char kAutoPictureInPictureVideoHeuristicsDescription[] = …;
const char kBackForwardCacheName[] = …;
const char kBackForwardCacheDescription[] = …;
const char kBackForwardTransitionsName[] = …;
const char kBackForwardTransitionsDescription[] = …;
const char kBiometricReauthForPasswordFillingName[] = …;
const char kBiometricReauthForPasswordFillingDescription[] = …;
const char kBindCookiesToPortName[] = …;
const char kBindCookiesToPortDescription[] = …;
const char kBindCookiesToSchemeName[] = …;
const char kBindCookiesToSchemeDescription[] = …;
const char kFailFastQuietChipName[] = …;
const char kFailFastQuietChipDescription[] = …;
const char kBackgroundListeningName[] = …;
const char kBackgroundListeningDescription[] = …;
const char kBorealisBigGlName[] = …;
const char kBorealisBigGlDescription[] = …;
const char kBorealisDGPUName[] = …;
const char kBorealisDGPUDescription[] = …;
const char kBorealisEnableUnsupportedHardwareName[] = …;
const char kBorealisEnableUnsupportedHardwareDescription[] = …;
const char kBorealisForceBetaClientName[] = …;
const char kBorealisForceBetaClientDescription[] = …;
const char kBorealisForceDoubleScaleName[] = …;
const char kBorealisForceDoubleScaleDescription[] = …;
const char kBorealisLinuxModeName[] = …;
const char kBorealisLinuxModeDescription[] = …;
const char kBorealisPermittedName[] = …;
const char kBorealisPermittedDescription[] = …;
const char kBorealisProvisionName[] = …;
const char kBorealisProvisionDescription[] = …;
const char kBorealisScaleClientByDPIName[] = …;
const char kBorealisScaleClientByDPIDescription[] = …;
const char kBorealisZinkGlDriverName[] = …;
const char kBorealisZinkGlDriverDescription[] = …;
const char kBypassAppBannerEngagementChecksName[] = …;
const char kBypassAppBannerEngagementChecksDescription[] = …;
const char kSearchInCCTName[] = "Search in Chrome Custom Tabs";
const char kSearchInCCTDescription[] =
"Permits apps to create searchable and "
"navigable custom tabs.";
const char kSearchInCCTAlternateTapHandlingName[] =
"Search in Chrome Custom Tabs Alternate Tap Handling";
const char kSearchInCCTAlternateTapHandlingDescription[] =
"Search in Chrome Custom Tabs Alternate Tap Handling";
const char kSeparateWebAppShortcutBadgeIconName[] = …;
const char kSeparateWebAppShortcutBadgeIconDescription[] = …;
const char kCameraMicEffectsName[] = …;
const char kCameraMicEffectsDescription[] = …;
const char kCameraMicPreviewName[] = …;
const char kCameraMicPreviewDescription[] = …;
const char kGetUserMediaDeferredDeviceSettingsSelectionName[] = …;
const char kGetUserMediaDeferredDeviceSettingsSelectionDescription[] = …;
const char kCaptivePortalPopupWindowName[] =
"Captive portal signin uses popup window.";
const char kCaptivePortalPopupWindowDescription[] =
"Use a popup window with proxies disabled for captive portal signin.";
const char kChromeLabsName[] = …;
const char kChromeLabsDescription[] = …;
const char kCommerceHintAndroidName[] = …;
const char kCommerceHintAndroidDescription[] = …;
const char kClearCrossSiteCrossBrowsingContextGroupWindowNameName[] = …;
const char kClearCrossSiteCrossBrowsingContextGroupWindowNameDescription[] = …;
const char kDeviceForceScheduledRebootName[] = …;
const char kDeviceForceScheduledRebootDescription[] = …;
const char kDevicePostureName[] = …;
const char kDevicePostureDescription[] = …;
const char kDocumentPictureInPictureAnimateResizeName[] = …;
const char kDocumentPictureInPictureAnimateResizeDescription[] = …;
const char kViewportSegmentsName[] = …;
const char kViewportSegmentsDescription[] = …;
const char kVisitedURLRankingServiceHistoryVisibilityScoreFilterName[] = …;
const char kVisitedURLRankingServiceHistoryVisibilityScoreFilterDescription[] = …;
const char kDiscountConsentV2Name[] = …;
const char kDiscountConsentV2Description[] = …;
const char kDisruptiveNotificationPermissionRevocationName[] = …;
const char kDisruptiveNotificationPermissionRevocationDescription[] = …;
const char kDoubleBufferCompositingName[] = …;
const char kDoubleBufferCompositingDescription[] = …;
const char kMainThreadCompositingPriorityName[] = …;
const char kMainThreadCompositingPriorityDescription[] = …;
const char kMediaSessionEnterPictureInPictureName[] = …;
const char kMediaSessionEnterPictureInPictureDescription[] = …;
const char kCodeBasedRBDName[] = …;
const char kCodeBasedRBDDescription[] = …;
const char kCompressionDictionaryTransportName[] = …;
const char kCompressionDictionaryTransportDescription[] = …;
const char kCompressionDictionaryTransportBackendName[] = …;
const char kCompressionDictionaryTransportBackendDescription[] = …;
const char kCompressionDictionaryTransportOverHttp1Name[] = …;
const char kCompressionDictionaryTransportOverHttp1Description[] = …;
const char kCompressionDictionaryTransportOverHttp2Name[] = …;
const char kCompressionDictionaryTransportOverHttp2Description[] = …;
const char kCompressionDictionaryTransportRequireKnownRootCertName[] = …;
const char kCompressionDictionaryTransportRequireKnownRootCertDescription[] = …;
const char kContextualSearchWithCredentialsForDebugName[] =
"Contextual Search within credentials for debug";
const char kContextualSearchWithCredentialsForDebugDescription[] =
"When this is enabled, if a user do the contextual search, the credentials "
"mode will be include.";
const char kForceColorProfileSRGB[] = …;
const char kForceColorProfileP3[] = …;
const char kForceColorProfileRec2020[] = …;
const char kForceColorProfileColorSpin[] = …;
const char kForceColorProfileSCRGBLinear[] = …;
const char kForceColorProfileHDR10[] = …;
const char kForceColorProfileName[] = …;
const char kForceColorProfileDescription[] = …;
const char kDynamicColorGamutName[] = …;
const char kDynamicColorGamutDescription[] = …;
const char kCooperativeSchedulingName[] = …;
const char kCooperativeSchedulingDescription[] = …;
const char kDarkenWebsitesCheckboxInThemesSettingName[] = …;
const char kDarkenWebsitesCheckboxInThemesSettingDescription[] = …;
const char kDawnSIRepsUseClientProvidedInternalUsagesName[] = …;
const char kDawnSIRepsUseClientProvidedInternalUsagesDescription[] = …;
const char kDebugPackedAppName[] = …;
const char kDebugPackedAppDescription[] = …;
const char kDebugShortcutsName[] = …;
const char kDebugShortcutsDescription[] = …;
const char kDisableProcessReuse[] = …;
const char kDisableProcessReuseDescription[] = …;
const char kDisallowDocWrittenScriptsUiName[] = …;
const char kDisallowDocWrittenScriptsUiDescription[] = …;
const char kDisallowManagedProfileSignoutName[] = …;
const char kDisallowManagedProfileSignoutDescription[] = …;
const char kViewTransitionOnNavigationName[] = …;
const char kViewTransitionOnNavigationDescription[] = …;
const char kViewTransitionOnNavigationIframeName[] = …;
const char kViewTransitionOnNavigationIframeDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableAutoDisableAccessibilityName[] = …;
const char kEnableAutoDisableAccessibilityDescription[] = …;
const char kImageDescriptionsAlternateRoutingName[] = …;
const char kImageDescriptionsAlternateRoutingDescription[] = …;
const char kImprovedSigninUIOnDesktopName[] = …;
const char kImprovedSigninUIOnDesktopDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableAutofillAddressSavePromptName[] = …;
const char kEnableAutofillAddressSavePromptDescription[] = …;
const char kEnterpriseProfileBadgingName[] = …;
const char kEnterpriseProfileBadgingDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableExperimentalCookieFeaturesName[] = …;
const char kEnableExperimentalCookieFeaturesDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableRawDrawName[] = …;
const char kEnableRawDrawDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableDelegatedCompositingName[] = …;
const char kEnableDelegatedCompositingDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableRenderPassDrawnRectName[] = …;
const char kEnableRenderPassDrawnRectDescription[] = …;
const char kEnablePixPaymentsName[] = "Enable Pix payments";
const char kEnablePixPaymentsDescription[] =
"When enabled, users will be offered to pay for Pix transactions using "
"their bank accounts stored with Google payments.";
const char kEnableRemovingAllThirdPartyCookiesName[] = …;
const char kEnableRemovingAllThirdPartyCookiesDescription[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsAdditionalWindowingControlsName[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsAdditionalWindowingControlsDescription[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsAppTitleName[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsAppTitleDescription[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsElidedExtensionsMenuName[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsElidedExtensionsMenuDescription[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsLaunchHandlerName[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsLaunchHandlerDescription[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripName[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripDescription[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripSettingsName[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripSettingsDescription[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripCustomizationsName[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripCustomizationsDescription[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsSubAppsName[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsSubAppsDescription[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsScopeExtensionsName[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsScopeExtensionsDescription[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsBorderlessName[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsBorderlessDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableTLS13EarlyDataName[] = …;
const char kEnableTLS13EarlyDataDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableTLS13KyberName[] = …;
const char kEnableTLS13KyberDescription[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityAcceleratorName[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityAcceleratorDescription[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityCaretBlinkIntervalSettingName[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityCaretBlinkIntervalSettingDescription[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityDisableTrackpadName[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityDisableTrackpadDescription[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityFlashScreenFeatureName[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityFlashScreenFeatureDescription[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityOverscrollSettingFeatureName[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityOverscrollSettingFeatureDescription[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityServiceName[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityServiceDescription[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityShakeToLocateName[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityShakeToLocateDescription[] = …;
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityColorEnhancementSettingsName[] = …;
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityColorEnhancementSettingsDescription[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityChromeVoxPageMigrationName[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityChromeVoxPageMigrationDescription[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityReducedAnimationsName[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityReducedAnimationsDescription[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityReducedAnimationsInKioskName[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityReducedAnimationsInKioskDescription[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityFaceGazeName[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityFaceGazeDescription[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityFaceGazeGravityWellsName[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityFaceGazeGravityWellsDescription[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityMagnifierFollowsChromeVoxName[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityMagnifierFollowsChromeVoxDescription[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityMagnifierFollowsStsName[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityMagnifierFollowsStsDescription[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityMagnifyAcceleratorDialogName[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityMagnifyAcceleratorDialogDescription[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityMouseKeysName[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityMouseKeysDescription[] = …;
const char kAccessibilitySelectToSpeakShortcutName[] = …;
const char kAccessibilitySelectToSpeakShortcutDescription[] = …;
const char kNewMacNotificationAPIName[] = …;
const char kNewMacNotificationAPIDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableFencedFramesName[] = …;
const char kEnableFencedFramesDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableFencedFramesDeveloperModeName[] = …;
const char kEnableFencedFramesDeveloperModeDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableFencedFramesM120FeaturesName[] = …;
const char kEnableFencedFramesM120FeaturesDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableFencedFramesReportingAttestationsChangeName[] = …;
const char kEnableFencedFramesReportingAttestationsChangeDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableGamepadButtonAxisEventsName[] = …;
const char kEnableGamepadButtonAxisEventsDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableGamepadMultitouchName[] = …;
const char kEnableGamepadMultitouchDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableGenericSensorExtraClassesName[] = …;
const char kEnableGenericSensorExtraClassesDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableGpuServiceLoggingName[] = …;
const char kEnableGpuServiceLoggingDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableIsolatedWebAppsName[] = …;
const char kEnableIsolatedWebAppsDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableIsolatedWebAppAutomaticUpdatesName[] =
"Enable automatic updates of Isolated Web Apps";
const char kEnableIsolatedWebAppAutomaticUpdatesDescription[] =
"Enables experimental support for automatically updating Isolated Web "
const char kEnableIsolatedWebAppUnmanagedInstallName[] =
"Enable Isolated Web App unmanaged installation";
const char kEnableIsolatedWebAppUnmanagedInstallDescription[] =
"Enables the installation of Isolated Web Apps on devices that are not "
"managed by an enterprise.";
const char kEnableIsolatedWebAppManagedGuestSessionInstallName[] =
"Enable Isolated Web App installation in managed guest sessions";
const char kEnableIsolatedWebAppManagedGuestSessionInstallDescription[] =
"Enables the installation of Isolated Web Apps for users that are logged "
"into a managed guest session.";
const char kEnableIsolatedWebAppDevModeName[] = …;
const char kEnableIsolatedWebAppDevModeDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableControlledFrameName[] = …;
const char kEnableControlledFrameDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableFingerprintingProtectionBlocklistName[] = …;
const char kEnableFingerprintingProtectionBlocklistDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableShortcutCustomizationName[] = …;
const char kEnableShortcutCustomizationDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableSearchCustomizableShortcutsInLauncherName[] = …;
const char kEnableSearchCustomizableShortcutsInLauncherDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableSuspendStateMachineName[] = …;
const char kEnableSuspendStateMachineDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableInputDeviceSettingsSplitName[] = …;
const char kEnableInputDeviceSettingsSplitDescription[] = …;
const char kEnablePeripheralCustomizationName[] = …;
const char kEnablePeripheralCustomizationDescription[] = …;
const char kEnablePeripheralNotificationName[] = …;
const char kEnablePeripheralNotificationDescription[] = …;
const char kEnablePeripheralsLoggingName[] = …;
const char kEnablePeripheralsLoggingDescription[] = …;
const char kExperimentalRgbKeyboardPatternsName[] = …;
const char kExperimentalRgbKeyboardPatternsDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableGooglePlayProtectPromptName[] = …;
const char kEnableGooglePlayProtectPromptDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableSearchEngineChoiceName[] = …;
const char kEnableSearchEngineChoiceDescription[] = …;
const char kClayBlockingDialogName[] = …;
const char kClayBlockingDialogDescription[] = …;
const char kTemplateUrlReconciliationName[] = …;
const char kTemplateUrlReconciliationDialogDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableNetworkLoggingToFileName[] = …;
const char kEnableNetworkLoggingToFileDescription[] = …;
const char kDownloadNotificationServiceUnifiedAPIName[] = …;
const char kDownloadNotificationServiceUnifiedAPIDescription[] = …;
const char kDownloadsMigrateToJobsAPIName[] = …;
const char kDownloadsMigrateToJobsAPIDescription[] = …;
const char kEnablePerfettoSystemTracingName[] = …;
const char kEnablePerfettoSystemTracingDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableWindowsGamingInputDataFetcherName[] = …;
const char kEnableWindowsGamingInputDataFetcherDescription[] = …;
const char kBlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsName[] = …;
const char kBlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsDescription[] = …;
const char kPipDoubleTapToResizeName[] = …;
const char kPipDoubleTapToResizeDescription[] = …;
const char kPipTuckName[] = …;
const char kPipTuckDescription[] = …;
const char kPrivateNetworkAccessRespectPreflightResultsName[] = …;
const char kPrivateNetworkAccessRespectPreflightResultsDescription[] = …;
const char kPrivateNetworkAccessPreflightShortTimeoutName[] = …;
const char kPrivateNetworkAccessPreflightShortTimeoutDescription[] = …;
const char kPrivateNetworkAccessPermissionPromptName[] = …;
const char kPrivateNetworkAccessPermissionPromptDescription[] = …;
const char kPrivateNetworkAccessIgnoreWorkerErrorsName[] = …;
const char kPrivateNetworkAccessIgnoreWorkerErrorsDescription[] = …;
const char kPrivateNetworkAccessIgnoreNavigationErrorsName[] = …;
const char kPrivateNetworkAccessIgnoreNavigationErrorsDescription[] = …;
const char kDeprecateAltClickName[] = …;
const char kDeprecateAltClickDescription[] = …;
const char kDeprecateOldKeyboardShortcutsAcceleratorName[] = …;
const char kDeprecateOldKeyboardShortcutsAcceleratorDescription[] = …;
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityLanguageDetectionName[] = …;
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityLanguageDetectionDescription[] = …;
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityLanguageDetectionDynamicName[] = …;
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityLanguageDetectionDynamicDescription[] = …;
const char kMemlogName[] = …;
const char kMemlogDescription[] = …;
const char kMemlogModeMinimal[] = …;
const char kMemlogModeAll[] = …;
const char kMemlogModeAllRenderers[] = …;
const char kMemlogModeRendererSampling[] = …;
const char kMemlogModeBrowser[] = …;
const char kMemlogModeGpu[] = …;
const char kMemlogSamplingRateName[] = …;
const char kMemlogSamplingRateDescription[] = …;
const char kMemlogSamplingRate10KB[] = …;
const char kMemlogSamplingRate50KB[] = …;
const char kMemlogSamplingRate100KB[] = …;
const char kMemlogSamplingRate500KB[] = …;
const char kMemlogSamplingRate1MB[] = …;
const char kMemlogSamplingRate5MB[] = …;
const char kMemlogStackModeName[] = …;
const char kMemlogStackModeDescription[] = …;
const char kMemlogStackModeNative[] = …;
const char kMemlogStackModeNativeWithThreadNames[] = …;
const char kMirrorBackForwardGesturesInRTLName[] = …;
const char kMirrorBackForwardGesturesInRTLDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableLensStandaloneFlagId[] = …;
const char kEnableLensStandaloneName[] = …;
const char kEnableLensStandaloneDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableManagedConfigurationWebApiName[] = …;
const char kEnableManagedConfigurationWebApiDescription[] = …;
const char kEnablePixelCanvasRecordingName[] = …;
const char kEnablePixelCanvasRecordingDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableProcessPerSiteUpToMainFrameThresholdName[] = …;
const char kEnableProcessPerSiteUpToMainFrameThresholdDescription[] = …;
const char kDropInputEventsBeforeFirstPaintName[] = …;
const char kDropInputEventsBeforeFirstPaintDescription[] = …;
const char kBoundaryEventDispatchTracksNodeRemovalName[] = …;
const char kBoundaryEventDispatchTracksNodeRemovalDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableBubbleCornerRadiusUpdateName[] = …;
const char kEnableBubbleCornerRadiusUpdateDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableCssSelectorFragmentAnchorName[] = …;
const char kEnableCssSelectorFragmentAnchorDescription[] = …;
const char kRetailCouponsName[] = …;
const char kRetailCouponsDescription[] = …;
const char kEnablePreferencesAccountStorageName[] = …;
const char kEnablePreferencesAccountStorageDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableResamplingScrollEventsExperimentalPredictionName[] = …;
const char kEnableResamplingScrollEventsExperimentalPredictionDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableSystemEntropyOnPerformanceNavigationTimingName[] = …;
const char kEnableSystemEntropyOnPerformanceNavigationTimingDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableZeroCopyTabCaptureName[] = …;
const char kEnableZeroCopyTabCaptureDescription[] = …;
const char kExperimentalWebAssemblyFeaturesName[] = …;
const char kExperimentalWebAssemblyFeaturesDescription[] = …;
const char kExperimentalWebAssemblyJSPIName[] = …;
const char kExperimentalWebAssemblyJSPIDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableUnrestrictedUsbName[] = …;
const char kEnableUnrestrictedUsbDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableWasmBaselineName[] = …;
const char kEnableWasmBaselineDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableWasmLazyCompilationName[] = …;
const char kEnableWasmLazyCompilationDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableWasmGarbageCollectionName[] = …;
const char kEnableWasmGarbageCollectionDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableWasmMemory64Name[] = …;
const char kEnableWasmMemory64Description[] = …;
const char kEnableWasmRelaxedSimdName[] = …;
const char kEnableWasmRelaxedSimdDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableWasmStringrefName[] = …;
const char kEnableWasmStringrefDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableWasmTieringName[] = …;
const char kEnableWasmTieringDescription[] = …;
const char kEvDetailsInPageInfoName[] = …;
const char kEvDetailsInPageInfoDescription[] = …;
const char kExperimentalWebPlatformFeaturesName[] = …;
const char kExperimentalWebPlatformFeaturesDescription[] = …;
const char kSafeBrowsingAsyncRealTimeCheckName[] = …;
const char kSafeBrowsingAsyncRealTimeCheckDescription[] = …;
const char kSafeBrowsingHashPrefixRealTimeLookupsName[] = …;
const char kSafeBrowsingHashPrefixRealTimeLookupsDescription[] = …;
const char kSafeBrowsingLocalListsUseSBv5Name[] = …;
const char kSafeBrowsingLocalListsUseSBv5Description[] = …;
const char kEnableWebHidInWebViewName[] = …;
const char kEnableWebHidInWebViewDescription[] = …;
const char kExtensionsMenuAccessControlName[] = …;
const char kExtensionsMenuAccessControlDescription[] = …;
const char kIPHExtensionsMenuFeatureName[] = …;
const char kIPHExtensionsMenuFeatureDescription[] = …;
const char kIPHExtensionsRequestAccessButtonFeatureName[] = …;
const char kIPHExtensionsRequestAccessButtonFeatureDescription[] = …;
const char kExtensionManifestV2DeprecationWarningName[] = …;
const char kExtensionManifestV2DeprecationWarningDescription[] = …;
const char kExtensionManifestV2DeprecationDisabledName[] = …;
const char kExtensionManifestV2DeprecationDisabledDescription[] = …;
const char kWebAuthFlowInBrowserTabName[] = …;
const char kWebAuthFlowInBrowserTabDescription[] = …;
const char kCWSInfoFastCheckName[] = …;
const char kCWSInfoFastCheckDescription[] = …;
const char kExtensionTelemetryForEnterpriseName[] = …;
const char kExtensionTelemetryForEnterpriseDescription[] = …;
const char kSafetyCheckExtensionsName[] = …;
const char kSafetyCheckExtensionsDescription[] = …;
const char kExtensionsToolbarZeroStateName[] = …;
const char kExtensionsToolbarZeroStateDescription[] = …;
const char kExtensionsToolbarZeroStateChoicesDisabled[] = …;
const char kExtensionsToolbarZeroStateVistWebStore[] = …;
const char kExtensionsToolbarZeroStateExploreExtensionsByCategory[] = …;
const char kExtensionWebFileHandlersName[] = "Extensions Web File Handlers";
const char kExtensionWebFileHandlersDescription[] =
"Enable Extension Web File Handlers, which allows extensions to operate on "
"the native file system. An extension can register to read and edit files, "
"specified in the manifest, by their file extension or mime type.";
const char kExtensionsOnChromeUrlsName[] = …;
const char kExtensionsOnChromeUrlsDescription[] = …;
const char kFractionalScrollOffsetsName[] = …;
const char kFractionalScrollOffsetsDescription[] = …;
const char kFedCmAuthzName[] = …;
const char kFedCmAuthzDescription[] = …;
const char kFedCmButtonModeName[] = …;
const char kFedCmButtonModeDescription[] = …;
const char kFedCmIdPRegistrationName[] = …;
const char kFedCmIdPRegistrationDescription[] = …;
const char kFedCmMetricsEndpointName[] = …;
const char kFedCmMetricsEndpointDescription[] = …;
const char kFedCmMultiIdpName[] = …;
const char kFedCmMultiIdpDescription[] = …;
const char kFedCmSelectiveDisclosureName[] = …;
const char kFedCmSelectiveDisclosureDescription[] = …;
const char kFedCmWithStorageAccessAPIName[] = …;
const char kFedCmWithStorageAccessAPIDescription[] = …;
const char kFedCmWithoutWellKnownEnforcementName[] = …;
const char kFedCmWithoutWellKnownEnforcementDescription[] = …;
const char kFedCmUseOtherAccountName[] = …;
const char kFedCmUseOtherAccountDescription[] = …;
const char kWebIdentityDigitalCredentialsName[] = …;
const char kWebIdentityDigitalCredentialsDescription[] = …;
const char kFileHandlingIconsName[] = …;
const char kFileHandlingIconsDescription[] = …;
const char kFileSystemAccessPersistentPermissionUpdatedPageInfoName[] = …;
const char kFileSystemAccessPersistentPermissionUpdatedPageInfoDescription[] = …;
const char kFileSystemObserverName[] = …;
const char kFileSystemObserverDescription[] = …;
const char kDrawImmediatelyWhenInteractiveName[] = …;
const char kDrawImmediatelyWhenInteractiveDescription[] = …;
const char kAckOnSurfaceActivationWhenInteractiveName[] = …;
const char kAckOnSurfaceActivationWhenInteractiveDescription[] = …;
const char kFluentOverlayScrollbarsName[] = …;
const char kFluentOverlayScrollbarsDescription[] = …;
const char kFluentScrollbarsName[] = …;
const char kFluentScrollbarsDescription[] = …;
const char kMutationEventsName[] = …;
const char kMutationEventsDescription[] = …;
const char kKeyboardFocusableScrollersName[] = …;
const char kKeyboardFocusableScrollersDescription[] = …;
const char kFillOnAccountSelectName[] = …;
const char kFillOnAccountSelectDescription[] = …;
const char kForceTextDirectionName[] = …;
const char kForceTextDirectionDescription[] = …;
const char kForceDirectionLtr[] = …;
const char kForceDirectionRtl[] = …;
const char kForceUiDirectionName[] = …;
const char kForceUiDirectionDescription[] = …;
const char kGalleryAppLensName[] = …;
const char kGalleryAppLensDescription[] = …;
const char kMediaRemotingWithoutFullscreenName[] = …;
const char kMediaRemotingWithoutFullscreenDescription[] = …;
const char kRemotePlaybackBackendName[] = …;
const char kRemotePlaybackBackendDescription[] = …;
const char kGlobalMediaControlsUpdatedUIName[] = …;
const char kGlobalMediaControlsUpdatedUIDescription[] = …;
const char kGoogleOneOfferFilesBannerName[] = …;
const char kGoogleOneOfferFilesBannerDescription[] = …;
const char kObservableAPIName[] = …;
const char kObservableAPIDescription[] = …;
const char kOutlineSilhouetteIconName[] = …;
const char kOutlineSilhouetteIconDescription[] = …;
const char kAtomicMoveAPIName[] = …;
const char kAtomicMoveAPIDescription[] = …;
const char kCastStreamingAv1Name[] = …;
const char kCastStreamingAv1Description[] = …;
const char kCastStreamingHardwareH264Name[] = …;
const char kCastStreamingHardwareH264Description[] = …;
const char kCastStreamingHardwareVp8Name[] = …;
const char kCastStreamingHardwareVp8Description[] = …;
const char kCastStreamingHardwareVp9Name[] = …;
const char kCastStreamingHardwareVp9Description[] = …;
const char kCastStreamingPerformanceOverlayName[] = …;
const char kCastStreamingPerformanceOverlayDescription[] = …;
const char kCastStreamingVp8Name[] = …;
const char kCastStreamingVp8Description[] = …;
const char kCastStreamingVp9Name[] = …;
const char kCastStreamingVp9Description[] = …;
const char kCastStreamingMacHardwareH264Name[] =
"Enable hardware H264 video encoding on for Cast Streaming on macOS";
const char kCastStreamingMacHardwareH264Description[] =
"Offers the H264 video codec when negotiating Cast Streaming, and uses "
"hardware-accelerated H264 encoding if selected for the session";
const char kUseNetworkFrameworkForLocalDiscoveryName[] =
"Use the Network Framework for local device discovery on Mac";
const char kUseNetworkFrameworkForLocalDiscoveryDescription[] =
"Use the Network Framework to replace the Bonjour API for local device "
"discovery on Mac.";
const char kCastEnableStreamingWithHiDPIName[] = …;
const char kCastEnableStreamingWithHiDPIDescription[] = …;
const char kFlexFirmwareUpdateName[] = "ChromeOS Flex Firmware Updates";
const char kFlexFirmwareUpdateDescription[] =
"Allow firmware updates from LVFS to be installed on ChromeOS Flex.";
const char kGpuRasterizationName[] = …;
const char kGpuRasterizationDescription[] = …;
const char kContextualPageActionsName[] = …;
const char kContextualPageActionsDescription[] = …;
const char kContextualPageActionsReaderModeName[] = …;
const char kContextualPageActionsReaderModeDescription[] = …;
const char kContextualPageActionsShareModelName[] = …;
const char kContextualPageActionsShareModelDescription[] = …;
const char kHardwareMediaKeyHandling[] = …;
const char kHardwareMediaKeyHandlingDescription[] = …;
const char kHeavyAdPrivacyMitigationsName[] = …;
const char kHeavyAdPrivacyMitigationsDescription[] = …;
const char kHideIncognitoMediaMetadataName[] = …;
const char kHideIncognitoMediaMetadataDescription[] = …;
const char kHistoryEmbeddingsName[] = …;
const char kHistoryEmbeddingsDescription[] = …;
const char kTabAudioMutingName[] = …;
const char kTabAudioMutingDescription[] = …;
const char kCrasProcessorDedicatedThreadName[] = …;
const char kCrasProcessorDedicatedThreadDescription[] = …;
const char kCrasProcessorWavDumpName[] = …;
const char kCrasProcessorWavDumpDescription[] = …;
const char kPwaRestoreBackendName[] = …;
const char kPwaRestoreBackendDescription[] = …;
const char kPwaRestoreUiName[] = …;
const char kPwaRestoreUiDescription[] = …;
const char kPwaRestoreUiAtStartupName[] = …;
const char kPwaRestoreUiAtStartupDescription[] = …;
const char kStartSurfaceReturnTimeName[] = …;
const char kStartSurfaceReturnTimeDescription[] = …;
const char kHttpsFirstBalancedModeName[] = …;
const char kHttpsFirstBalancedModeDescription[] = …;
const char kHttpsFirstDialogUiName[] = …;
const char kHttpsFirstDialogUiDescription[] = …;
const char kHttpsFirstModeInterstitialAugust2024RefreshName[] = …;
const char kHttpsFirstModeInterstitialAugust2024RefreshDescription[] = …;
const char kHttpsFirstModeIncognitoName[] = …;
const char kHttpsFirstModeIncognitoDescription[] = …;
const char kHttpsFirstModeIncognitoNewSettingsName[] = …;
const char kHttpsFirstModeIncognitoNewSettingsDescription[] = …;
const char kHttpsFirstModeV2Name[] = …;
const char kHttpsFirstModeV2Description[] = …;
const char kHttpsFirstModeV2ForEngagedSitesName[] = …;
const char kHttpsFirstModeV2ForEngagedSitesDescription[] = …;
const char kHttpsFirstModeForTypicallySecureUsersName[] = …;
const char kHttpsFirstModeForTypicallySecureUsersDescription[] = …;
const char kHttpsUpgradesName[] = …;
const char kHttpsUpgradesDescription[] = …;
const char kIgnoreGpuBlocklistName[] = …;
const char kIgnoreGpuBlocklistDescription[] = …;
const char kImprovedKeyboardShortcutsName[] = …;
const char kImprovedKeyboardShortcutsDescription[] = …;
const char kIncrementLocalSurfaceIdForMainframeSameDocNavigationName[] = …;
const char kIncrementLocalSurfaceIdForMainframeSameDocNavigationDescription[] = …;
const char kIncognitoReauthenticationForAndroidName[] = …;
const char kIncognitoReauthenticationForAndroidDescription[] = …;
const char kIncognitoScreenshotName[] = …;
const char kIncognitoScreenshotDescription[] = …;
const char kIndexedDBDefaultDurabilityRelaxed[] = …;
const char kIndexedDBDefaultDurabilityRelaxedDescription[] = …;
const char kInProductHelpDemoModeChoiceName[] = …;
const char kInProductHelpDemoModeChoiceDescription[] = …;
const char kInProductHelpSnoozeName[] = …;
const char kInProductHelpSnoozeDescription[] = …;
const char kUserEducationExperienceVersion2Name[] = …;
const char kUserEducationExperienceVersion2Description[] = …;
const char kInstallIsolatedWebAppFromUrl[] = …;
const char kInstallIsolatedWebAppFromUrlDescription[] = …;
const char kInstantHotspotRebrandName[] = …;
const char kInstantHotspotRebrandDescription[] = …;
const char kInstantHotspotOnNearbyName[] = …;
const char kInstantHotspotOnNearbyDescription[] = …;
const char kIpProtectionProxyOptOutName[] = …;
const char kIpProtectionProxyOptOutDescription[] = …;
const char kIpProtectionProxyOptOutChoiceDefault[] = …;
const char kIpProtectionProxyOptOutChoiceOptOut[] = …;
const char kAutomaticFullscreenContentSettingName[] = …;
const char kAutomaticFullscreenContentSettingDescription[] = …;
const char kJapaneseOSSettingsName[] = …;
const char kJapaneseOSSettingsDescription[] = …;
const char kJavascriptHarmonyName[] = …;
const char kJavascriptHarmonyDescription[] = …;
const char kJavascriptHarmonyShippingName[] = …;
const char kJavascriptHarmonyShippingDescription[] = …;
const char kJavascriptExperimentalSharedMemoryName[] = …;
const char kJavascriptExperimentalSharedMemoryDescription[] = …;
const char kJourneysName[] = …;
const char kJourneysDescription[] = …;
const char kJourneysShowAllClustersName[] = …;
const char kJourneysShowAllClustersDescription[] = …;
const char kJourneysZeroStateFilteringName[] = …;
const char kJourneysZeroStateFilteringDescription[] = …;
const char kExtractRelatedSearchesFromPrefetchedZPSResponseName[] = …;
const char kExtractRelatedSearchesFromPrefetchedZPSResponseDescription[] = …;
const char kLacrosExtensionPrintingName[] = …;
const char kLacrosExtensionPrintingDescription[] = …;
const char kLanguageDetectionAPIName[] = …;
const char kLanguageDetectionAPIDescription[] = …;
const char kLegacyTechReportEnableCookieIssueReportsName[] = …;
const char kLegacyTechReportEnableCookieIssueReportsDescription[] = …;
const char kLegacyTechReportTopLevelUrlName[] = …;
const char kLegacyTechReportTopLevelUrlDescription[] = …;
const char kLensRegionSearchStaticPageName[] = …;
const char kLensRegionSearchStaticPageDescription[] = …;
const char kLensOverlayName[] = …;
const char kLensOverlayDescription[] = …;
const char kLensImageTranslateName[] = …;
const char kLensImageTranslateDescription[] = …;
const char kLinkedServicesSettingName[] = …;
const char kLinkedServicesSettingDescription[] = …;
const char kCscCompanionEnablePageContentName[] = …;
const char kCscCompanionEnablePageContentDescription[] = …;
const char kCscForceCompanionPinnedStateName[] = …;
const char kCscForceCompanionPinnedStateDescription[] = …;
const char kCscSidePanelCompanionName[] = …;
const char kCscSidePanelCompanionDescription[] = …;
const char kCscVisualQuerySuggestionsName[] = …;
const char kCscVisualQuerySuggestionsDescription[] = …;
const char kLogJsConsoleMessagesName[] = …;
const char kLogJsConsoleMessagesDescription[] = …;
const char kMediaRouterCastAllowAllIPsName[] = …;
const char kMediaRouterCastAllowAllIPsDescription[] = …;
const char kMojoLinuxChannelSharedMemName[] = …;
const char kMojoLinuxChannelSharedMemDescription[] = …;
const char kMostVisitedTilesReselectName[] = …;
const char kMostVisitedTilesReselectDescription[] = …;
const char kCanvas2DLayersName[] = …;
const char kCanvas2DLayersDescription[] = …;
const char kWebMachineLearningNeuralNetworkName[] = …;
const char kWebMachineLearningNeuralNetworkDescription[] = …;
const char kExperimentalWebMachineLearningNeuralNetworkName[] = …;
const char kExperimentalWebMachineLearningNeuralNetworkDescription[] = …;
const char kSystemProxyForSystemServicesName[] = …;
const char kSystemProxyForSystemServicesDescription[] = …;
const char kSystemShortcutBehaviorName[] = …;
const char kSystemShortcutBehaviorDescription[] = …;
const char kNotificationSchedulerName[] = …;
const char kNotificationSchedulerDescription[] = …;
const char kNotificationSchedulerDebugOptionName[] = …;
const char kNotificationSchedulerDebugOptionDescription[] = …;
const char kNotificationSchedulerImmediateBackgroundTaskDescription[] = …;
const char kNotificationsSystemFlagName[] = …;
const char kNotificationsSystemFlagDescription[] = …;
const char kOmitCorsClientCertName[] = …;
const char kOmitCorsClientCertDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxActionsInSuggestName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxActionsInSuggestDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxAdaptiveSuggestionsCountName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxAdaptiveSuggestionsCountDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxAnswerActionsName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxAnswerActionsDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxAsyncViewInflationName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxAsyncViewInflationDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCalcProviderName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCalcProviderDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCR23ActionChipsName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCR23ActionChipsDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCR23ActionChipsIconsName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCR23ActionChipsIconsDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCR23ExpandedStateColorsName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCR23ExpandedStateColorsDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCR23ExpandedStateHeightName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCR23ExpandedStateHeightDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCR23ExpandedStateLayoutName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCR23ExpandedStateLayoutDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCR23ExpandedStateShapeName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCR23ExpandedStateShapeDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCR23ExpandedStateSuggestIconsName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCR23ExpandedStateSuggestIconsDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCR23SteadyStateIconsName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCR23SteadyStateIconsDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCR23SuggestionHoverFillShapeName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxCR23SuggestionHoverFillShapeDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxDomainSuggestionsName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxDomainSuggestionsDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxForceAllowedToBeDefaultName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxForceAllowedToBeDefaultDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxGM3SteadyStateBackgroundColorName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxGM3SteadyStateBackgroundColorDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxGM3SteadyStateHeightName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxGM3SteadyStateHeightDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxGM3SteadyStateTextStyleName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxGM3SteadyStateTextStyleDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxGM3SteadyStateTextColorName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxGM3SteadyStateTextColorDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxGroupingFrameworkZPSName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxGroupingFrameworkNonZPSName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxGroupingFrameworkDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxMostVisitedTilesHorizontalRenderGroupName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxMostVisitedTilesHorizontalRenderGroupDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxZeroSuggestPrefetchDebouncingName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxZeroSuggestPrefetchDebouncingDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxZeroSuggestPrefetchingName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxZeroSuggestPrefetchingDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxZeroSuggestPrefetchingOnSRPName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxZeroSuggestPrefetchingOnSRPDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxZeroSuggestPrefetchingOnWebName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxZeroSuggestPrefetchingOnWebDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxZeroSuggestInMemoryCachingName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxZeroSuggestInMemoryCachingDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxOnDeviceHeadSuggestionsName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxOnDeviceHeadSuggestionsDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxOnDeviceHeadSuggestionsIncognitoName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxOnDeviceHeadSuggestionsIncognitoDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxOnDeviceTailSuggestionsName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxOnDeviceTailSuggestionsDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxPrefBasedDataCollectionConsentHelperName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxPrefBasedDataCollectionConsentHelperDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxRichAutocompletionPromisingName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxRichAutocompletionPromisingDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxLocalHistoryZeroSuggestBeyondNTPName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxLocalHistoryZeroSuggestBeyondNTPDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxMlLogUrlScoringSignalsName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxMlLogUrlScoringSignalsDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxMlUrlPiecewiseMappedSearchBlendingName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxMlUrlPiecewiseMappedSearchBlendingDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxMlUrlScoreCachingName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxMlUrlScoreCachingDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxMlUrlScoringName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxMlUrlScoringDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxMlUrlScoringModelName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxMlUrlScoringModelDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxMlUrlSearchBlendingName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxMlUrlSearchBlendingDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxOnClobberFocusTypeOnContentName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxOnClobberFocusTypeOnContentDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxLimitKeywordModeSuggestionsName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxLimitKeywordModeSuggestionsDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxSuggestionAnswerMigrationName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxSuggestionAnswerMigrationDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxShortcutBoostName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxShortcutBoostDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxSimplifiedUiUniformRowHeightName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxSimplifiedUiUniformRowHeightDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxSimplifiedUiSquareSuggestIconName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxSimplifiedUiSquareSuggestIconDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxMaxZeroSuggestMatchesName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxMaxZeroSuggestMatchesDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxUIMaxAutocompleteMatchesName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxUIMaxAutocompleteMatchesDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxStarterPackExpansionName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxStarterPackExpansionDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxStarterPackIPHName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxStarterPackIPHDescription[] = …;
const char kOmnibox2023RefreshConnectionSecurityIndicatorsName[] =
"Omnibox 2023 refresh connection security indicators";
const char kOmnibox2023RefreshConnectionSecurityIndicatorsDescription[] =
"Use new connection security indicators for https pages in the omnibox. "
"When enabled, the icon shown in the onmibox for secure pages is the same "
"as shown on desktop when the Chrome 2023 refresh flag is active.";
const char kWebUIOmniboxPopupName[] = …;
const char kWebUIOmniboxPopupDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxMaxURLMatchesName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxMaxURLMatchesDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxDynamicMaxAutocompleteName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxDynamicMaxAutocompleteDescription[] = …;
const char kOneTimePermissionName[] = …;
const char kOneTimePermissionDescription[] = …;
const char kOptimizationGuideDebugLogsName[] = …;
const char kOptimizationGuideDebugLogsDescription[] = …;
const char kOptimizationGuideModelExecutionName[] = …;
const char kOptimizationGuideModelExecutionDescription[] = …;
const char kOptimizationGuideEnableDogfoodLoggingName[] = …;
const char kOptimizationGuideEnableDogfoodLoggingDescription[] = …;
const char kOptimizationGuideOnDeviceModelName[] = …;
const char kOptimizationGuideOnDeviceModelDescription[] = …;
const char kOptimizationGuidePersonalizedFetchingName[] = …;
const char kOptimizationGuidePersonalizedFetchingDescription[] = …;
const char kOptimizationGuidePushNotificationName[] = …;
const char kOptimizationGuidePushNotificationDescription[] = …;
const char kOrganicRepeatableQueriesName[] = …;
const char kOrganicRepeatableQueriesDescription[] = …;
const char kOriginAgentClusterDefaultName[] = …;
const char kOriginAgentClusterDefaultDescription[] = …;
const char kOriginKeyedProcessesByDefaultName[] = …;
const char kOriginKeyedProcessesByDefaultDescription[] = …;
const char kOsSettingsAppNotificationsPageName[] = …;
const char kOsSettingsAppNotificationsPageDescription[] = …;
const char kOverlayScrollbarsName[] = …;
const char kOverlayScrollbarsDescription[] = …;
const char kOverlayStrategiesName[] = …;
const char kOverlayStrategiesDescription[] = …;
const char kOverlayStrategiesDefault[] = …;
const char kOverlayStrategiesNone[] = …;
const char kOverlayStrategiesUnoccludedFullscreen[] = …;
const char kOverlayStrategiesUnoccluded[] = …;
const char kOverlayStrategiesOccludedAndUnoccluded[] = …;
const char kOverscrollHistoryNavigationName[] = …;
const char kOverscrollHistoryNavigationDescription[] = …;
const char kOverviewDeskNavigationName[] = …;
const char kOverviewDeskNavigationDescription[] = …;
const char kPageContentAnnotationsName[] = …;
const char kPageContentAnnotationsDescription[] = …;
const char kPageContentAnnotationsPersistSalientImageMetadataName[] = …;
const char kPageContentAnnotationsPersistSalientImageMetadataDescription[] = …;
const char kPageContentAnnotationsRemotePageMetadataName[] = …;
const char kPageContentAnnotationsRemotePageMetadataDescription[] = …;
const char kPageImageServiceOptimizationGuideSalientImagesName[] = …;
const char kPageImageServiceOptimizationGuideSalientImagesDescription[] = …;
const char kPageImageServiceSuggestPoweredImagesName[] = …;
const char kPageImageServiceSuggestPoweredImagesDescription[] = …;
const char kPageInfoAboutThisPagePersistentEntryName[] = …;
const char kPageInfoAboutThisPagePersistentEntryDescription[] = …;
const char kPageInfoCookiesSubpageName[] = …;
const char kPageInfoCookiesSubpageDescription[] = …;
const char kPageInfoHideSiteSettingsName[] = …;
const char kPageInfoHideSiteSettingsDescription[] = …;
const char kPageInfoHistoryDesktopName[] = …;
const char kPageInfoHistoryDesktopDescription[] = …;
const char kPageVisibilityPageContentAnnotationsName[] = …;
const char kPageVisibilityPageContentAnnotationsDescription[] = …;
const char kParallelDownloadingName[] = …;
const char kParallelDownloadingDescription[] = …;
const char kPasswordGenerationExperimentName[] = …;
const char kPasswordGenerationExperimentDescription[] = …;
const char kPasswordGenerationStrongLabelExperimentName[] = …;
const char kPasswordGenerationStrongLabelExperimentDescription[] = …;
const char kPasswordManagerShowSuggestionsOnAutofocusName[] = …;
const char kPasswordManagerShowSuggestionsOnAutofocusDescription[] = …;
const char kPasswordManualFallbackAvailableName[] = …;
const char kPasswordManualFallbackAvailableDescription[] = …;
const char kPasswordParsingOnSaveUsesPredictionsName[] = …;
const char kPasswordParsingOnSaveUsesPredictionsDescription[] = …;
const char kPdfOcrName[] = …;
const char kPdfOcrDescription[] = …;
const char kPdfXfaFormsName[] = …;
const char kPdfXfaFormsDescription[] = …;
const char kAutoWebContentsDarkModeName[] = …;
const char kAutoWebContentsDarkModeDescription[] = …;
const char kForcedColorsName[] = …;
const char kForcedColorsDescription[] = …;
const char kWindowsScrollingPersonalityName[] = …;
const char kWindowsScrollingPersonalityDescription[] = …;
const char kImprovedSemanticsActivityIndicatorsName[] = …;
const char kImprovedSemanticsActivityIndicatorsDescription[] = …;
const char kLeftHandSideActivityIndicatorsName[] = …;
const char kLeftHandSideActivityIndicatorsDescription[] = …;
const char kCrosSystemLevelPermissionBlockedWarningsName[] =
"Chrome OS block warnings";
const char kCrosSystemLevelPermissionBlockedWarningsDescription[] =
"Displays warnings in browser if camera, microphone or geolocation is "
"disabled in the OS.";
const char kPerformanceInterventionUiName[] = …;
const char kPerformanceInterventionUiDescription[] = …;
const char kPerformanceInterventionDemoModeName[] = …;
const char kPerformanceInterventionDemoModeDescription[] = …;
const char kPermissionPredictionsName[] = …;
const char kPermissionPredictionsDescription[] = …;
const char kPermissionQuietChipName[] = …;
const char kPermissionQuietChipDescription[] = …;
const char kShowRelatedWebsiteSetsPermissionGrantsName[] = …;
const char kShowRelatedWebsiteSetsPermissionGrantsDescription[] = …;
const char kPowerBookmarkBackendName[] = …;
const char kPowerBookmarkBackendDescription[] = …;
const char kSpeculationRulesPrerenderingTargetHintName[] = …;
const char kSpeculationRulesPrerenderingTargetHintDescription[] = …;
const char kSupportSearchSuggestionForPrerender2Name[] = …;
const char kSupportSearchSuggestionForPrerender2Description[] = …;
const char kPrerender2EarlyDocumentLifecycleUpdateName[] = …;
const char kPrerender2EarlyDocumentLifecycleUpdateDescription[] = …;
const char kWarmUpCompositorName[] = …;
const char kWarmUpCompositorDescription[] = …;
const char kPrerender2WarmUpCompositorName[] = …;
const char kPrerender2WarmUpCompositorDescription[] = …;
const char kPrerender2ForNewTabPageAndroidName[] = …;
const char kPrerender2ForNewTabPageAndroidDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableOmniboxSearchPrefetchName[] = …;
const char kEnableOmniboxSearchPrefetchDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableOmniboxClientSearchPrefetchName[] = …;
const char kEnableOmniboxClientSearchPrefetchDescription[] = …;
const char kCbdTimeframeRequiredName[] = …;
const char kCbdTimeframeRequiredDescription[] = …;
const char kPriceChangeModuleName[] = …;
const char kPriceChangeModuleDescription[] = …;
const char kPrivacyGuideAndroid3Name[] = …;
const char kPrivacyGuideAndroid3Description[] = …;
const char kPrivacyGuidePreloadAndroidName[] = …;
const char kPrivacyGuidePreloadAndroidDescription[] = …;
const char kPrivacySandboxAdsAPIsOverrideName[] = …;
const char kPrivacySandboxAdsAPIsOverrideDescription[] = …;
const char kPrivacySandboxEnrollmentOverridesName[] = …;
const char kPrivacySandboxEnrollmentOverridesDescription[] = …;
const char kPrivacySandboxInternalsName[] = …;
const char kPrivacySandboxInternalsDescription[] = …;
const char kPrivateStateTokensDevUIName[] = …;
const char kPrivateStateTokensDevUIDescription[] = …;
const char kPrivacySandboxPrivacyGuideAdTopicsName[] = …;
const char kPrivacySandboxPrivacyGuideAdTopicsDescription[] = …;
const char kProtectedAudiencesConsentedDebugTokenName[] = …;
const char kProtectedAudiencesConsentedDebugTokenDescription[] = …;
const char kPullToRefreshName[] = …;
const char kPullToRefreshDescription[] = …;
const char kPullToRefreshEnabledTouchscreen[] = …;
const char kPwaUpdateDialogForAppIconName[] = …;
const char kPwaUpdateDialogForAppIconDescription[] = …;
const char kRenderDocumentName[] = …;
const char kRenderDocumentDescription[] = …;
const char kRelatedWebsiteSetsDevUIName[] = …;
const char kRelatedWebsiteSetsDevUIDescription[] = …;
const char kQuicName[] = …;
const char kQuicDescription[] = …;
const char kQuickAppAccessTestUIName[] = …;
const char kQuickAppAccessTestUIDescription[] = …;
const char kQuickDeleteForAndroidName[] = …;
const char kQuickDeleteForAndroidDescription[] = …;
const char kQuickDeleteAndroidFollowupName[] = …;
const char kQuickDeleteAndroidFollowupDescription[] = …;
const char kQuickDeleteAndroidSurveyName[] = …;
const char kQuickDeleteAndroidSurveyDescription[] = …;
const char kQuickShareV2Name[] = …;
const char kQuickShareV2Description[] = …;
const char kSendTabToSelfIOSPushNotificationsName[] = …;
const char kSendTabToSelfIOSPushNotificationsDescription[] = …;
const char kSensitiveContentName[] =
"Redact sensitive content during screen sharing, screen recording, "
"and similar actions";
const char kSensitiveContentDescription[] =
"When enabled, if sensitive form fields (such as credit cards, passwords) "
"are present on the page, the entire content area is redacted during "
"screen sharing, screen recording, and similar actions. This feature "
"works only on Android V or above.";
const char kSettingsAppNotificationSettingsName[] = …;
const char kSettingsAppNotificationSettingsDescription[] = …;
const char kRecordWebAppDebugInfoName[] = …;
const char kRecordWebAppDebugInfoDescription[] = …;
const char kRecordPermissionExpirationTimestampsName[] =
"Record expiration timestamps for permissions";
const char kRecordPermissionExpirationTimestampsDescription[] =
"When enabled, it will record the expiration timestamp for all permissions "
"granted through prompts.";
const char kReduceIPAddressChangeNotificationName[] =
"Reduce IP address change notification";
const char kReduceIPAddressChangeNotificationDescription[] =
"Reduce the frequency of IP address change notifications that result in "
"TCP and QUIC connection resets.";
const char kReduceAcceptLanguageName[] = …;
const char kReduceAcceptLanguageDescription[] = …;
const char kReduceTransferSizeUpdatedIPCName[] = …;
const char kReduceTransferSizeUpdatedIPCDescription[] = …;
const char kReplaceSyncPromosWithSignInPromosName[] =
"Replace all sync-related UI with sign-in ones";
const char kReplaceSyncPromosWithSignInPromosDescription[] =
"When enabled, all sync-related promos will be replaced by sign-in ones.";
const char kResetShortcutCustomizationsName[] = …;
const char kResetShortcutCustomizationsDescription[] = …;
const char kRestrictGamepadAccessName[] = …;
const char kRestrictGamepadAccessDescription[] = …;
const char kRippleForEnhancedProtectionName[] = …;
const char kRippleForEnhancedProtectionDescription[] = …;
const char kRoundedDisplay[] = …;
const char kRoundedDisplayDescription[] = …;
const char kRoundedWindows[] = …;
const char kRoundedWindowsDescription[] = …;
const char kRubyShortHeuristicsName[] = …;
const char kRubyShortHeuristicsDescription[] = …;
const char kMBIModeName[] = …;
const char kMBIModeDescription[] = …;
const char kSafetyCheckUnusedSitePermissionsName[] = …;
const char kSafetyCheckUnusedSitePermissionsDescription[] = …;
const char kSafetyHubName[] = …;
const char kSafetyHubDescription[] = …;
const char kSafetyHubMagicStackName[] = "Safety Check v2 - Magic Stack";
const char kSafetyHubMagicStackDescription[] =
"When enabled, a magic stack card will be visible for Safety Check v2 if "
"trigger conditions are met.";
const char kSafetyHubFollowupName[] = "Followup for Safety Check v2";
const char kSafetyHubFollowupDescription[] =
"Enables some follow up work for Safety Check v2 if, this includes some "
"enhancements to the passwords module on the Safety Check page and "
"enabling the password card on magic stack.";
const char kSafetyHubAndroidSurveyName[] =
"HaTS for Safety Check v2 on Android";
const char kSafetyHubAndroidSurveyDescription[] =
"Enables control & proactive HaTS surveys for Safety Check v2 on Android.";
const char kSafetyHubAbusiveNotificationRevocationName[] = …;
const char kSafetyHubAbusiveNotificationRevocationDescription[] = …;
const char kSameAppWindowCycleName[] = …;
const char kSameAppWindowCycleDescription[] = …;
const char kTestThirdPartyCookiePhaseoutName[] = …;
const char kTestThirdPartyCookiePhaseoutDescription[] = …;
const char kScrollableTabStripFlagId[] = …;
const char kScrollableTabStripName[] = …;
const char kScrollableTabStripDescription[] = …;
const char kTabStripCollectionStorageFlagId[] = …;
const char kTabStripCollectionStorageName[] = …;
const char kTabStripCollectionStorageDescription[] = …;
const char kTabScrollingButtonPositionFlagId[] = …;
const char kTabScrollingButtonPositionName[] = …;
const char kTabScrollingButtonPositionDescription[] = …;
const char kScrollableTabStripWithDraggingFlagId[] = …;
const char kScrollableTabStripWithDraggingName[] = …;
const char kScrollableTabStripWithDraggingDescription[] = …;
const char kScrollableTabStripOverflowFlagId[] = …;
const char kScrollableTabStripOverflowName[] = …;
const char kScrollableTabStripOverflowDescription[] = …;
const char kSplitTabStripName[] = …;
const char kSplitTabStripDescription[] = …;
const char kDynamicSearchUpdateAnimationName[] = …;
const char kDynamicSearchUpdateAnimationDescription[] = …;
const char kSecurePaymentConfirmationDebugName[] = …;
const char kSecurePaymentConfirmationDebugDescription[] = …;
const char kSecurePaymentConfirmationNetworkAndIssuerIconsName[] = …;
const char kSecurePaymentConfirmationNetworkAndIssuerIconsDescription[] = …;
const char kSeedAccountsRevampName[] = "Seed Accounts Revamp";
const char kSeedAccountsRevampDescription[] =
"Refactors how and when accounts are seeded on Android";
const char kSidePanelJourneysFlagId[] = …;
const char kSidePanelJourneysName[] = …;
const char kSidePanelJourneysDescription[] = …;
const char kSidePanelJourneysQuerylessFlagId[] = …;
const char kSidePanelJourneysQuerylessName[] = …;
const char kSidePanelJourneysQuerylessDescription[] = …;
const char kSharedZstdName[] = …;
const char kSharedZstdDescription[] = …;
const char kSharingDesktopScreenshotsName[] = …;
const char kSharingDesktopScreenshotsDescription[] = …;
const char kShowAutofillSignaturesName[] = …;
const char kShowAutofillSignaturesDescription[] = …;
const char kShowAutofillTypePredictionsName[] = …;
const char kShowAutofillTypePredictionsDescription[] = …;
const char kShowFeaturedEnterpriseSiteSearchName[] = …;
const char kShowFeaturedEnterpriseSiteSearchDescription[] = …;
const char kShowFeaturedEnterpriseSiteSearchIPHName[] = …;
const char kShowFeaturedEnterpriseSiteSearchIPHDescription[] = …;
const char kShowPerformanceMetricsHudName[] = …;
const char kShowPerformanceMetricsHudDescription[] = …;
const char kShowOverdrawFeedbackName[] = …;
const char kShowOverdrawFeedbackDescription[] = …;
const char kSidePanelResizingFlagId[] = …;
const char kSidePanelResizingName[] = …;
const char kSidePanelResizingDescription[] = …;
const char kSiteInstanceGroupsForDataUrlsName[] = …;
const char kSiteInstanceGroupsForDataUrlsDescription[] = …;
const char kSiteSearchSettingsPolicyName[] = …;
const char kSiteSearchSettingsPolicyDescription[] = …;
const char kPwaNavigationCapturingName[] = …;
const char kPwaNavigationCapturingDescription[] = …;
const char kIsolateOriginsName[] = …;
const char kIsolateOriginsDescription[] = …;
const char kIsolationByDefaultName[] = …;
const char kIsolationByDefaultDescription[] = …;
const char kSiteIsolationOptOutName[] = …;
const char kSiteIsolationOptOutDescription[] = …;
const char kSiteIsolationOptOutChoiceDefault[] = …;
const char kSiteIsolationOptOutChoiceOptOut[] = …;
const char kSkiaGraphiteName[] = …;
const char kSkiaGraphiteDescription[] = …;
const char kBackdropFilterMirrorEdgeName[] = …;
const char kBackdropFilterMirrorEdgeDescription[] = …;
const char kSmoothScrollingName[] = …;
const char kSmoothScrollingDescription[] = …;
const char kSplitCacheByNetworkIsolationKeyName[] = …;
const char kSplitCacheByNetworkIsolationKeyDescription[] = …;
const char kStorageAccessHeadersName[] = …;
const char kStorageAccessHeadersDescription[] = …;
const char kStrictOriginIsolationName[] = …;
const char kStrictOriginIsolationDescription[] = …;
const char kSupportTool[] = …;
const char kSupportToolDescription[] = …;
const char kSupportToolScreenshot[] = …;
const char kSupportToolScreenshotDescription[] = …;
const char kSuppressToolbarCapturesName[] = …;
const char kSuppressToolbarCapturesDescription[] = …;
const char kSyncAutofillWalletCredentialDataName[] = …;
const char kSyncAutofillWalletCredentialDataDescription[] = …;
const char kSyncAutofillWalletUsageDataName[] = …;
const char kSyncAutofillWalletUsageDataDescription[] = …;
const char kSyncSandboxName[] = …;
const char kSyncSandboxDescription[] = …;
const char kSyncTrustedVaultPassphrasePromoName[] = …;
const char kSyncTrustedVaultPassphrasePromoDescription[] = …;
const char kSystemKeyboardLockName[] = …;
const char kSystemKeyboardLockDescription[] = …;
const char kTabDragDropName[] = …;
const char kTabDragDropDescription[] = …;
const char kToolbarPhoneCleanupName[] = …;
const char kToolbarPhoneCleanupDescription[] = …;
const char kCommerceDeveloperName[] = …;
const char kCommerceDeveloperDescription[] = …;
const char kTabGroupsSaveV2Id[] = …;
const char kTabGroupsSaveV2Name[] = …;
const char kTabGroupsSaveV2Description[] = …;
const char kCompactModeId[] = …;
const char kCompactModeName[] = …;
const char kCompactModeDescription[] = …;
const char kTabGroupsSaveUIUpdateId[] = …;
const char kTabGroupsSaveUIUpdateName[] = …;
const char kTabGroupsSaveUIUpdateDescription[] = …;
const char kTabGroupSyncServiceDesktopMigrationId[] = …;
const char kTabGroupSyncServiceDesktopMigrationName[] = …;
const char kTabGroupSyncServiceDesktopMigrationDescription[] = …;
const char kTabHoverCardImagesName[] = …;
const char kTabHoverCardImagesDescription[] = …;
const char kTabSearchPositionSettingId[] = …;
const char kTabSearchPositionSettingName[] = …;
const char kTabSearchPositionSettingDescription[] = …;
const char kTearOffWebAppAppTabOpensWebAppWindowName[] = …;
const char kTearOffWebAppAppTabOpensWebAppWindowDescription[] = …;
const char kTextInShelfName[] = …;
const char kTextInShelfDescription[] = …;
const char kTintCompositedContentName[] = …;
const char kTintCompositedContentDescription[] = …;
const char kToolbarPinningFlagId[] = …;
const char kToolbarPinningName[] = …;
const char kToolbarPinningDescription[] = …;
const char kTopChromeToastsName[] = …;
const char kTopChromeToastsDescription[] = …;
const char kTopChromeTouchUiName[] = …;
const char kTopChromeTouchUiDescription[] = …;
const char kTouchDragDropName[] = …;
const char kTouchDragDropDescription[] = …;
const char kTouchSelectionStrategyName[] = …;
const char kTouchSelectionStrategyDescription[] = …;
const char kTouchSelectionStrategyCharacter[] = …;
const char kTouchSelectionStrategyDirection[] = …;
const char kTouchTextEditingRedesignName[] = …;
const char kTouchTextEditingRedesignDescription[] = …;
const char kTranslateForceTriggerOnEnglishName[] = …;
const char kTranslateForceTriggerOnEnglishDescription[] = …;
const char kTreatInsecureOriginAsSecureName[] = …;
const char kTreatInsecureOriginAsSecureDescription[] = …;
const char kTailoredSecurityRetryForSyncUsersName[] = …;
const char kTailoredSecurityRetryForSyncUsersDescription[] = …;
const char kTrustedVaultFrequentDegradedRecoverabilityPollingName[] = …;
const char kTrustedVaultFrequentDegradedRecoverabilityPollingDescription[] = …;
const char kUnifiedPasswordManagerAndroidReenrollmentName[] = …;
const char kUnifiedPasswordManagerAndroidReenrollmentDescription[] = …;
const char kUnsafeWebGPUName[] = …;
const char kUnsafeWebGPUDescription[] = …;
const char kUiPartialSwapName[] = …;
const char kUiPartialSwapDescription[] = …;
const char kUIEnableSharedImageCacheForGpuName[] = …;
const char kUIEnableSharedImageCacheForGpuDescription[] = …;
const char kTPCPhaseOutFacilitatedTestingName[] = …;
const char kTPCPhaseOutFacilitatedTestingDescription[] = …;
const char kTpcdHeuristicsGrantsName[] = …;
const char kTpcdHeuristicsGrantsDescription[] = …;
const char kTpcdMetadataGrantsName[] = …;
const char kTpcdMetadataGrantsDescription[] = …;
const char kTpcdTrialSettingsName[] = …;
const char kTpcdTrialSettingsDescription[] = …;
const char kTopLevelTpcdTrialSettingsName[] = …;
const char kTopLevelTpcdTrialSettingsDescription[] = …;
const char kTrackingProtection3pcdName[] = …;
const char kTrackingProtection3pcdDescription[] = …;
const char kUserNotesSidePanelName[] = …;
const char kUserNotesSidePanelDescription[] = …;
const char kUsernameFirstFlowFallbackCrowdsourcingName[] = …;
const char kUsernameFirstFlowFallbackCrowdsourcingDescription[] = …;
const char kUsernameFirstFlowStoreSeveralValuesName[] = …;
const char kUsernameFirstFlowStoreSeveralValuesDescription[] = …;
const char kUsernameFirstFlowWithIntermediateValuesName[] = …;
const char kUsernameFirstFlowWithIntermediateValuesDescription[] = …;
const char kUsernameFirstFlowWithIntermediateValuesPredictionsName[] = …;
const char kUsernameFirstFlowWithIntermediateValuesPredictionsDescription[] = …;
const char kUsernameFirstFlowWithIntermediateValuesVotingName[] = …;
const char kUsernameFirstFlowWithIntermediateValuesVotingDescription[] = …;
const char kUseSearchClickForRightClickName[] = …;
const char kUseSearchClickForRightClickDescription[] = …;
const char kVcBackgroundReplaceName[] = …;
const char kVcBackgroundReplaceDescription[] = …;
const char kVcRelightingInferenceBackendName[] = …;
const char kVcRelightingInferenceBackendDescription[] = …;
const char kVcSegmentationInferenceBackendName[] = …;
const char kVcSegmentationInferenceBackendDescription[] = …;
const char kVcStudioLookName[] = …;
const char kVcStudioLookDescription[] = …;
const char kVcSegmentationModelName[] = …;
const char kVcSegmentationModelDescription[] = …;
const char kVcTrayMicIndicatorName[] = …;
const char kVcTrayMicIndicatorDescription[] = …;
const char kVcTrayTitleHeaderName[] = …;
const char kVcTrayTitleHeaderDescription[] = …;
const char kVcLightIntensityName[] = …;
const char kVcLightIntensityDescription[] = …;
const char kVcWebApiName[] = …;
const char kVcWebApiDescription[] = …;
const char kVideoPictureInPictureControlsUpdate2024Name[] = …;
const char kVideoPictureInPictureControlsUpdate2024Description[] = …;
const char kV8VmFutureName[] = …;
const char kV8VmFutureDescription[] = …;
const char kGlobalVaapiLockName[] = …;
const char kGlobalVaapiLockDescription[] = …;
const char kWalletServiceUseSandboxName[] = …;
const char kWalletServiceUseSandboxDescription[] = …;
const char kTaskManagerEndProcessDisabledForExtensionName[] = …;
const char kTaskManagerEndProcessDisabledForExtensionDescription[] = …;
const char kWallpaperFastRefreshName[] = …;
const char kWallpaperFastRefreshDescription[] = …;
const char kWallpaperGooglePhotosSharedAlbumsName[] = …;
const char kWallpaperGooglePhotosSharedAlbumsDescription[] = …;
const char kWallpaperPerDeskName[] = …;
const char kWallpaperPerDeskDescription[] = …;
const char kWallpaperSearchSettingsVisibilityName[] = …;
const char kWallpaperSearchSettingsVisibilityDescription[] = …;
const char kWebAuthnEnclaveAuthenticatorName[] = …;
const char kWebAuthnEnclaveAuthenticatorDescription[] = …;
const char kWebBluetoothName[] = …;
const char kWebBluetoothDescription[] = …;
const char kWebBluetoothNewPermissionsBackendName[] = …;
const char kWebBluetoothNewPermissionsBackendDescription[] = …;
const char kWebOtpBackendName[] = …;
const char kWebOtpBackendDescription[] = …;
const char kWebOtpBackendSmsVerification[] = …;
const char kWebOtpBackendUserConsent[] = …;
const char kWebOtpBackendAuto[] = …;
const char kWebglDeveloperExtensionsName[] = …;
const char kWebglDeveloperExtensionsDescription[] = …;
const char kWebglDraftExtensionsName[] = …;
const char kWebglDraftExtensionsDescription[] = …;
const char kWebGpuDeveloperFeaturesName[] = …;
const char kWebGpuDeveloperFeaturesDescription[] = …;
const char kWebPaymentsExperimentalFeaturesName[] = …;
const char kWebPaymentsExperimentalFeaturesDescription[] = …;
const char kAppStoreBillingDebugName[] = …;
const char kAppStoreBillingDebugDescription[] = …;
const char kWebrtcHideLocalIpsWithMdnsName[] = …;
const char kWebrtcHideLocalIpsWithMdnsDecription[] = …;
const char kWebRtcAllowInputVolumeAdjustmentName[] = …;
const char kWebRtcAllowInputVolumeAdjustmentDescription[] = …;
const char kWebRtcApmDownmixCaptureAudioMethodName[] = …;
const char kWebRtcApmDownmixCaptureAudioMethodDescription[] = …;
const char kWebrtcHwDecodingName[] = …;
const char kWebrtcHwDecodingDescription[] = …;
const char kWebrtcHwEncodingName[] = …;
const char kWebrtcHwEncodingDescription[] = …;
const char kWebRtcRemoteEventLogName[] = …;
const char kWebRtcRemoteEventLogDescription[] = …;
const char kWebrtcUseMinMaxVEADimensionsName[] = …;
const char kWebrtcUseMinMaxVEADimensionsDescription[] = …;
const char kWebTransportDeveloperModeName[] = …;
const char kWebTransportDeveloperModeDescription[] = …;
const char kWebUsbDeviceDetectionName[] = …;
const char kWebUsbDeviceDetectionDescription[] = …;
const char kWebXrForceRuntimeName[] = …;
const char kWebXrForceRuntimeDescription[] = …;
const char kWebXrRuntimeChoiceNone[] = …;
const char kWebXrRuntimeChoiceArCore[] = …;
const char kWebXrRuntimeChoiceCardboard[] = …;
const char kWebXrRuntimeChoiceOpenXR[] = …;
const char kWebXrRuntimeChoiceOrientationSensors[] = …;
const char kWebXrIncubationsName[] = …;
const char kWebXrIncubationsDescription[] = …;
const char kZeroCopyName[] = …;
const char kZeroCopyDescription[] = …;
const char kZstdContentEncodingName[] = …;
const char kZstdContentEncodingDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableVulkanName[] = …;
const char kEnableVulkanDescription[] = …;
const char kDefaultAngleVulkanName[] = …;
const char kDefaultAngleVulkanDescription[] = …;
const char kVulkanFromAngleName[] = …;
const char kVulkanFromAngleDescription[] = …;
const char kResponsiveToolbarName[] = …;
const char kResponsiveToolbarDescription[] = …;
const char kSharedHighlightingManagerName[] = …;
const char kSharedHighlightingManagerDescription[] = …;
const char kDraw1PredictedPoint12Ms[] = …;
const char kDraw2PredictedPoints6Ms[] = …;
const char kDraw1PredictedPoint6Ms[] = …;
const char kDraw2PredictedPoints3Ms[] = …;
const char kDrawPredictedPointsDescription[] = …;
const char kDrawPredictedPointsName[] = …;
const char kSanitizerApiName[] = …;
const char kSanitizerApiDescription[] = …;
const char kUsePassthroughCommandDecoderName[] = …;
const char kUsePassthroughCommandDecoderDescription[] = …;
const char kUseGpuSchedulerDfsName[] = …;
const char kUseGpuSchedulerDfsDescription[] = …;
const char kUseIDNA2008NonTransitionalName[] = …;
const char kUseIDNA2008NonTransitionalDescription[] = …;
const char kEnablePasswordSharingName[] = …;
const char kEnablePasswordSharingDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableMantaServiceName[] = …;
const char kEnableMantaServiceDescription[] = …;
const char kRunVideoCaptureServiceInBrowserProcessName[] =
"Run video capture service in browser";
const char kRunVideoCaptureServiceInBrowserProcessDescription[] =
"Run the video capture service in the browser process.";
const char kPromptAPIForGeminiNanoName[] = …;
const char kPromptAPIForGeminiNanoDescription[] = …;
const char* const kAIAPIsForGeminiNanoLinks[2] = …;
const char kSummarizationAPIForGeminiNanoName[] = …;
const char kSummarizationAPIForGeminiNanoDescription[] = …;
const char kWriterAPIForGeminiNanoName[] = …;
const char kWriterAPIForGeminiNanoDescription[] = …;
const char kRewriterAPIForGeminiNanoName[] = …;
const char kRewriterAPIForGeminiNanoDescription[] = …;
const char kAccessibilityIncludeLongClickActionName[] =
"Accessibility Include Long Click Action";
const char kAccessibilityIncludeLongClickActionDescription[] =
"When enabled, the accessibility tree for the web contents will include "
"the ACTION_LONG_CLICK action on all relevant nodes.";
const char kAccessibilityPageZoomName[] = "Accessibility Page Zoom";
const char kAccessibilityPageZoomDescription[] =
"Whether the UI and underlying code for page zoom should be enabled to"
" allow a user to increase/decrease the web contents zoom factor.";
const char kAccessibilityPageZoomEnhancementsName[] =
"Accessibility Page Zoom Enhancements";
const char kAccessibilityPageZoomEnhancementsDescription[] =
"When enabled, will show enhancements to the Page Zoom feature based on "
"user feedback from the v1 version (e.g. reset button, better IPH, etc).";
const char kAccessibilitySnapshotStressTestsName[] =
"Accessibility AXTree Snapshot Stress Tests";
const char kAccessibilitySnapshotStressTestsDescription[] =
"Enable experiment that will disable max node and timeout limits for the "
"AXTreeSnapshotter, and track performance stats.";
const char kAccessibilityUnifiedSnapshotsName[] =
"Accessibility Unified Snapshots";
const char kAccessibilityUnifiedSnapshotsDescription[] =
"When enabled, use the experimental unified code path for AXTree "
const char kAccessibilityManageBroadcastReceiverOnBackgroundName[] =
"Manage accessibility Broadcast Receiver on a background thread";
const char kAccessibilityManageBroadcastReceiverOnBackgroundDescription[] =
"When enabled, registering and un-registering the broadcast "
"receiver will be on the background thread.";
const char kAccountBookmarksAndReadingListBehindOptInName[] =
"Account bookmarks and reading list behind opt-in";
const char kAccountBookmarksAndReadingListBehindOptInDescription[] =
"Make account bookmarks and reading lists available to users that sign in "
"via promo in the bookmark manager.";
const char kAccountPasswordsOnSigninName[] = "Account passwords on sign-in";
const char kAccountPasswordsOnSigninDescription[] =
"Allows saving/filling account passwords when the user is signed-in but "
"not syncing";
const char kAImageReaderName[] = "Android ImageReader";
const char kAImageReaderDescription[] =
" Enables MediaPlayer and MediaCodec to use AImageReader on Android. "
" This feature is only available for android P+ devices. Disabling it also "
" disables SurfaceControl.";
const char kAndroidSurfaceControlName[] = "Android SurfaceControl";
const char kAndroidSurfaceControlDescription[] =
" Enables SurfaceControl to manage the buffer queue for the "
" DisplayCompositor on Android. This feature is only available on "
" android Q+ devices";
const char kAndroidImprovedBookmarksName[] = "Android Visual Bookmark Manager";
const char kAndroidImprovedBookmarksDescription[] =
"More visual changes to the bookmarks surfaces, with more thumbnails and a "
"focus on search instead of folders/hierarchy";
const char kAndroidElegantTextHeightName[] = "Android Elegant Text Height";
const char kAndroidElegantTextHeightDescription[] =
"Enables elegant text height in core BrowserUI theme.";
const char kAndroidGoogleSansTextName[] = "Android Google Sans Text";
const char kAndroidGoogleSansTextDescription[] =
"Enables Google Sans Text as the default font family.";
const char kAndroidHubFloatingActionButtonName[] =
"Android Hub Floating Action Button";
const char kAndroidHubFloatingActionButtonDescription[] =
"Makes the main action button of a pane a floating action button.";
const char kAndroidHubV2Name[] = "Android Hub V2";
const char kAndroidHubV2Description[] = "Improvements to the Hub UI surface.";
const char kAndroidOpenPdfInlineName[] = "Open PDF Inline on Android";
const char kAndroidOpenPdfInlineDescription[] =
"Enable Open PDF Inline on Android.";
const char kChromePageInfoSharingName[] = "Page Info Sharing";
const char kChromePageInfoSharingDescription[] =
"Enable Page Info Sharing on Android.";
const char kAndroidTabDeclutterName[] = "Android Tab Declutter";
const char kAndroidTabDeclutterDescription[] =
"Enables auto-archival and deletion of inactive tabs.";
const char kAndroidTabDeclutterArchiveAllButActiveTabName[] =
"Archive all tabs except active";
const char kAndroidTabDeclutterArchiveAllButActiveTabDescription[] =
"Causes all tabs in model (except the current active one) to be archived. "
"Used for manual testing.";
const char kAnimatedImageDragShadowName[] =
"Enable animated image drag shadow on Android.";
const char kAnimatedImageDragShadowDescription[] =
"Animate the shadow image from its original bound to the touch point. "
"Image drag on Android is available when flag touch-drag-and-context-menu "
"is enabled.";
const char kAnimateSuggestionsListAppearanceName[] =
"Animate appearance of the omnibox suggestions list";
const char kAnimateSuggestionsListAppearanceDescription[] =
"Animate the omnibox suggestions list when it appears instead of "
"immediately setting it to visible";
const char kAppSpecificHistoryName[] = "Allow app specific history";
const char kAppSpecificHistoryDescription[] =
"If enabled, history results will also be categorized by application.";
const char kBackGestureActivityTabProviderName[] =
"Back Gesture Refactor (Activity Tab Provider)";
const char kBackGestureActivityTabProviderDescription[] =
"When enabled, ChromeTabActivity will use getActivityTabProvider to "
"get current tab, rather than getActivityTab if predictive back gesture"
"is disabled.";
const char kBackGestureRefactorAndroidName[] = "Back Gesture Refactor";
const char kBackGestureRefactorAndroidDescription[] =
"Enable Back Gesture Refactor.";
const char kBackToHomeAnimationName[] = "Back to home animation";
const char kBackToHomeAnimationDescription[] =
"Enable Back to home animation on supported devices.";
const char kBoardingPassDetectorName[] = "Boarding Pass Detector";
const char kBoardingPassDetectorDescription[] = "Enable Boarding Pass Detector";
const char kCCTAuthTabName[] = "CCT Auth Tab";
const char kCCTAuthTabDescription[] = "Enable AuthTab used for authentication";
const char kCCTBeforeUnloadName[] = "CCT before unload";
const char kCCTBeforeUnloadDescription[] =
"Kill switch for new CCT before unload behavior during back press";
const char kCCTEphemeralModeName[] =
"Allow CCT embedders to open CCTs in ephemeral mode";
const char kCCTEphemeralModeDescription[] =
"Enabling it would allow apps to open ephemeral mode for "
"Chrome Custom Tabs, on Android.";
const char kCCTIncognitoAvailableToThirdPartyName[] =
"Allow third party to open Custom Tabs Incognito mode";
const char kCCTIncognitoAvailableToThirdPartyDescription[] =
"Enabling it would allow third party apps to open incognito mode for "
"Chrome Custom Tabs, on Android.";
const char kCCTMinimizedName[] = "Allow Custom Tabs to be minimized";
const char kCCTMinimizedDescription[] =
"When enabled, CCTs can be minimized into picture-in-picture (PiP) mode.";
const char kCCTNestedSecurityIconName[] =
"Nest the CCT security icon under the title.";
const char kCCTNestedSecurityIconDescription[] =
"When enabled, the CCT toolbar security icon will be nested under the "
const char kCCTPageInsightsHubName[] = "Page Insights Hub";
const char kCCTPageInsightsHubDescription[] =
"Show Page Insights Hub on Chrome Custom Tabs.";
const char kCCTPageInsightsHubPeekName[] = "Page Insights Hub Peek";
const char kCCTPageInsightsHubPeekDescription[] =
"Enable peek for Page Insights Hub on Chrome Custom Tabs.";
const char kCCTPageInsightsHubBetterScrollName[] =
"Page Insights Hub Scroll improvement";
const char kCCTPageInsightsHubBetterScrollDescription[] =
"Resize Web content in sync with Page Insights sheet.";
const char kCCTGoogleBottomBarName[] = "Google Bottom Bar";
const char kCCTGoogleBottomBarDescription[] =
"Show bottom bar on Custom Tabs opened by the Android Google App.";
const char kCCTGoogleBottomBarVariantLayoutsName[] =
"Google Bottom Bar Variant Layouts";
const char kCCTGoogleBottomBarVariantLayoutsDescription[] =
"Show different layouts on Google Bottom Bar.";
const char kCCTResizableForThirdPartiesName[] =
"Bottom sheet Custom Tabs (third party)";
const char kCCTResizableForThirdPartiesDescription[] =
"Enable bottom sheet Custom Tabs for third party apps.";
const char kCCTRevampedBrandingName[] = "Revamped CCT toolbar branding.";
const char kCCTRevampedBrandingDescription[] =
"Enables a revamped branding animation on the CCT toolbar.";
const char kAccountReauthenticationRecentTimeWindowName[] =
"Account Reauthentication Recent Time Window";
const char kAccountReauthenticationRecentTimeWindowDescription[] =
"Changes the time window after a successful account authentication during "
"which reauthentication challenges are not needed.";
const char kAccountReauthenticationRecentTimeWindowDefault[] =
"10 mins (default)";
const char kAccountReauthenticationRecentTimeWindow0mins[] = "0 mins";
const char kAccountReauthenticationRecentTimeWindow1mins[] = "1 mins";
const char kAccountReauthenticationRecentTimeWindow5mins[] = "5 mins";
const char kBottomBrowserControlsRefactorName[] =
const char kBottomBrowserControlsRefactorDescription[] =
"Use BottomControlsStacker to position bottom controls layers.";
const char kBrowsingDataModelName[] = "Browsing Data Model";
const char kBrowsingDataModelDescription[] = "Enables BDM on Android.";
const char kChimeAlwaysShowNotificationDescription[] =
"A debug flag to always show Chime notification after receiving a payload.";
const char kChimeAlwaysShowNotificationName[] =
"Always show Chime notification";
const char kChimeAndroidSdkDescription[] =
"Enable Chime SDK to receive push notification.";
const char kChimeAndroidSdkName[] = "Use Chime SDK";
const char kClearLoginDatabaseForAllMigratedUPMUsersDescription[] =
"This feature clears LoginDatabase for all users when UPM is properly "
"enabled and the credentials were migrated to GMS Core.";
const char kClearLoginDatabaseForAllMigratedUPMUsersName[] =
"Clear LoginDatabase for all migrated UPM users";
const char kTabStateFlatBufferName[] = "Enable TabState FlatBuffer";
const char kTabStateFlatBufferDescription[] =
"Migrates TabState from a pickle based schema to a FlatBuffer based "
const char kContextualSearchSuppressShortViewName[] =
"Contextual Search suppress short view";
const char kContextualSearchSuppressShortViewDescription[] =
"Contextual Search suppress when the base page view is too short";
const char kConvertTrackpadEventsToMouseName[] =
"Convert trackpad events to mouse events";
const char kConvertTrackpadEventsToMouseDescription[] =
"Convert trackpad events to mouse events to improve gesture support";
const char kDefaultViewportIsDeviceWidthName[] =
"Default viewport width is device width";
const char kDefaultViewportIsDeviceWidthDescription[] =
"Sets the default viewport layout width to be equivalent to "
const char kDeprecatedExternalPickerFunctionName[] =
"Use deprecated External Picker method";
const char kDeprecatedExternalPickerFunctionDescription[] =
"Use the old-style opening of an External Picker when uploading files";
const char kDragDropIntoOmniboxName[] =
"Enable drag and drop into omnibox on Android";
const char kDragDropIntoOmniboxDescription[] =
"Drag urls, text, and images into omnibox to start a search";
const char kDragDropTabTearingName[] = "Drag and drop tab tearing";
const char kDragDropTabTearingDescription[] =
"Allow drag tab from tab strip to create new instances if the drag is not "
const char kDragDropTabTearingEnableOEMName[] =
"Drag and drop tab tearing enabled based on OEM allowlist";
const char kDragDropTabTearingEnableOEMDescription[] =
"Allow drag tab from tab strip on specific OEMs to create new instances if "
"the drag is not handled.";
const char kDrawCutoutEdgeToEdgeName[] = "DrawCutoutEdgeToEdge";
const char kDrawCutoutEdgeToEdgeDescription[] =
"Enables the Android feature Edge-to-Edge Feature to coordinate with the "
"Display Cutout for the notch when drawing below the Nav Bar. Requires "
"DrawEdgeToEdge to also be enabled.";
const char kDrawEdgeToEdgeName[] = "DrawEdgeToEdge";
const char kDrawEdgeToEdgeDescription[] =
"Enables the Android feature Edge-to-Edge to draw below the Nav Bar. "
"Requires DrawCutoutEdgeToEdge to also be enabled.";
const char kDrawKeyNativeEdgeToEdgeName[] = "DrawKeyNativeEdgeToEdge";
const char kDrawKeyNativeEdgeToEdgeDescription[] =
"Enables the Android feature Edge-to-Edge and forces a draw ToEdge on "
"select native pages.";
const char kDrawNativeEdgeToEdgeName[] = "DrawNativeEdgeToEdge";
const char kDrawNativeEdgeToEdgeDescription[] =
"Enables the Android feature Edge-to-Edge and forces a draw ToEdge on all "
"native pages.";
const char kDrawWebEdgeToEdgeName[] = "DrawWebEdgeToEdge";
const char kDrawWebEdgeToEdgeDescription[] =
"Enables the Android feature Edge-to-Edge and forces a draw ToEdge on most "
"web pages.";
const char kEdgeToEdgeBottomChinName[] = "EdgeToEdgeBottomChin";
const char kEdgeToEdgeBottomChinDescription[] =
"Enables the scrollable bottom chin for an intermediate Edge-to-Edge "
const char kDynamicSafeAreaInsetsName[] = "DynamicSafeAreaInsets";
const char kDynamicSafeAreaInsetsDescription[] =
"Dynamically change the safe area insets based on the bottom browser "
"controls visibility.";
const char kDynamicSafeAreaInsetsOnScrollName[] =
const char kDynamicSafeAreaInsetsOnScrollDescription[] =
"Dynamically change the safe area insets as browser controls scrolls. "
"Requires DynamicSafeAreaInsets to also be enabled.";
const char kEducationalTipModuleName[] = "Educational Tip Module";
const char kEducationalTipModuleDescription[] =
"Show educational tip module on magic stack in clank";
const char kEnableCommandLineOnNonRootedName[] =
"Enable command line on non-rooted devices";
const char kEnableCommandLineOnNoRootedDescription[] =
"Enable reading command line file on non-rooted devices (DANGEROUS).";
const char kEnablePixDetectionName[] = "Enable PIX detection";
const char kEnablePixDetectionDescription[] =
"Enables PIX code detection on allow-listed merchant websites.";
const char kEnablePixDetectionOnCopyEventName[] =
"Enable detecting Pix codes when user copies a string to the clipboard";
const char kEnablePixDetectionOnCopyEventDescription[] =
"When enabled, clipboard data will be read on allowlisted webistes to "
"detect Pix codes.";
const char kEnablePixDetectionOnDomContentLoadedName[] =
"Enable triggering PIX code detection when "
"`WebContentsObserver::DOMContentLoaded` is fired";
const char kEnablePixDetectionOnDomContentLoadedDescription[] =
"When enabled, PIX detection will be triggered on allow-listed merchant "
"websites when `WebContentsObserver::DOMContentLoaded` is fired instead of "
const char kEwalletPaymentsName[] = "Enable eWallet payments";
const char kEwalletPaymentsDescription[] =
"When enabled, Chrome will offer to pay with eWallet accounts if a payment "
"link is detected.";
const char kExternalNavigationDebugLogsName[] =
"External Navigation Debug Logs";
const char kExternalNavigationDebugLogsDescription[] =
"Enables detailed logging to logcat about why Chrome is making decisions "
"about whether to allow or block navigation to other apps";
const char kFeedFollowUiUpdateName[] = "UI Update for the Following Feed";
const char kFeedFollowUiUpdateDescription[] =
"Enables showing the updated UI for the following feed.";
const char kFeedLoadingPlaceholderName[] = "Feed loading placeholder";
const char kFeedLoadingPlaceholderDescription[] =
"Enables a placeholder UI in "
"the feed instead of the loading spinner at first load.";
const char kFeedSignedOutViewDemotionName[] = "Feed signed-out view demotion";
const char kFeedSignedOutViewDemotionDescription[] =
"Enables signed-out view demotion for the Discover Feed.";
const char kFeedStampName[] = "StAMP cards in the feed";
const char kFeedStampDescription[] = "Enables StAMP cards in the feed.";
const char kFeedCloseRefreshName[] = "Feed-close refresh";
const char kFeedCloseRefreshDescription[] =
"Enables scheduling a background refresh of the feed following feed use.";
const char kFeedContainmentName[] = "Feed containment";
const char kFeedContainmentDescription[] =
"Enables putting the feed in a container.";
const char kFeedDiscoFeedEndpointName[] =
"Feed using the DiscoFeed backend endpoint";
const char kFeedDiscoFeedEndpointDescription[] =
"Uses the DiscoFeed endpoint for serving the feed instead of GWS.";
const char kFeedDynamicColorsName[] = "Enable dynamic colors in the feed";
const char kFeedDynamicColorsDescription[] =
"Allows feed to fully respect dynamic colors if supported by the client.";
const char kFetchGaiaHashOnSignInName[] =
"Enable Fetching Gaia credentials from SharedPreferences.";
const char kFetchGaiaHashOnSignInDescription[] =
"Enable retrieving email, salt, and hashed password from SharedPreferences "
"for password reuse detection when a user signs in.";
const char kForceListTabSwitcherName[] =
"Force list tab switcher for low-end devices";
const char kForceListTabSwitcherDescription[] =
"Forces the list mode of the tab switcher intended for low-end devices. "
"This flag is intended for debugging only.";
const char kFullscreenInsetsApiMigrationName[] =
"Migrate to the new fullscreen insets APIs";
const char kFullscreenInsetsApiMigrationDescription[] =
"Migration from View#setSystemUiVisibility to WindowInsetsController.";
const char kFullscreenInsetsApiMigrationOnAutomotiveName[] =
"Migrate to the new fullscreen insets APIs on automotive";
const char kFullscreenInsetsApiMigrationOnAutomotiveDescription[] =
"Migration from View#setSystemUiVisibility to WindowInsetsController on "
const char kGtsCloseTabAnimationName[] =
"Grid tab switcher close tab animation";
const char kGtsCloseTabAnimationDescription[] =
"New grid tab switcher close tab animation.";
const char kRefreshFeedOnRestartName[] = "Enable refreshing feed on restart";
const char kRefreshFeedOnRestartDescription[] =
"Refresh feed when Chrome restarts.";
const char kInfoCardAcknowledgementTrackingName[] =
"Info card acknowledgement tracking";
const char kInfoCardAcknowledgementTrackingDescription[] =
"Enable acknowledgement tracking for info cards.";
const char kInterestFeedV2Name[] = "Interest Feed v2";
const char kInterestFeedV2Description[] =
"Show content suggestions on the New Tab Page and Start Surface using the "
"new Feed Component.";
const char kInterestFeedV2HeartsName[] = "Interest Feed v2 Hearts";
const char kInterestFeedV2HeartsDescription[] = "Enable hearts on Feedv2.";
const char kLogoPolishName[] = "Logo Polish";
const char kLogoPolishDescription[] = "Enable bigger doodle size for NTP.";
const char kLogoPolishAnimationKillSwitchName[] =
"Logo Polish Animation Kill Switch";
const char kLogoPolishAnimationKillSwitchDescription[] =
"Enable bigger doodle size with an animation for NTP, this is a kill "
const char kMagicStackAndroidName[] = "Magic Stack Android";
const char kMagicStackAndroidDescription[] =
"Show a magic stack which contains a list of modules on Start surface and "
"NTPs on Android.";
const char kMayLaunchUrlUsesSeparateStoragePartitionName[] =
"MayLaunchUrl Uses Separate Storage Partition";
const char kMayLaunchUrlUsesSeparateStoragePartitionDescription[] =
"Forces MayLaunchUrl to use a new, ephemeral, storage partition for the "
"url given to it. This is an experimental feature and may reduce "
const char kSegmentationPlatformAndroidHomeModuleRankerV2Name[] =
"Segmentation platform Android home module ranker V2";
const char kSegmentationPlatformAndroidHomeModuleRankerV2Description[] =
"Enable on-demand segmentation platform service to rank home modules on "
const char kMediaPickerAdoptionStudyName[] = "Android Media Picker Adoption";
const char kMediaPickerAdoptionStudyDescription[] =
"Controls how to launch the Android Media Picker (note: This flag is "
"ignored as of Android U)";
const char kMessagesForAndroidAdsBlockedName[] = "Ads Blocked Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidAdsBlockedDescription[] =
"When enabled, ads blocked message will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidSaveCardName[] = "Save Card Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidSaveCardDescription[] =
"When enabled, save card prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMigrateSyncingUserToSignedInName[] =
"Migrate syncing user to signed-in";
const char kMigrateSyncingUserToSignedInDescription[] =
"Enables the migration of syncing users to the signed-in, non-syncing "
const char kMouseAndTrackpadDropdownMenuName[] =
"Android Mouse & Trackpad Drop-down Text Selection Menu";
const char kMouseAndTrackpadDropdownMenuDescription[] =
"When enabled, shows a dropdown menu for mouse and trackpad secondary "
"clicks (i.e. right click) with respect to text selection.";
const char kNavBarColorMatchesTabBackgroundName[] =
"Nav bar color matches tab background";
const char kNavBarColorMatchesTabBackgroundDescription[] =
"Matches the OS navigation bar color to the background color of the "
"active tab.";
const char kNotificationOneTapUnsubscribeName[] =
"Notification one-tap unsubscribe";
const char kNotificationOneTapUnsubscribeDescription[] =
"Enables an experimental UX that replaces the [Site settings] button on "
"web push notifications with an [Unsubscribe] button.";
const char kNotificationPermissionRationaleName[] =
"Notification Permission Rationale UI";
const char kNotificationPermissionRationaleDescription[] =
"Configure the dialog shown before requesting notification permission. "
"Only works with builds targeting Android T.";
const char kNotificationPermissionRationaleBottomSheetName[] =
"Notification Permission Rationale Bottom Sheet UI";
const char kNotificationPermissionRationaleBottomSheetDescription[] =
"Enable the alternative bottom sheet UI for the notification permission "
"flow. "
"Only works with builds targeting Android T+.";
const char kOfflineAutoFetchName[] = "Offline Auto Fetch";
const char kOfflineAutoFetchDescription[] =
"Enables auto fetch of content when Chrome is online";
const char kOfflineContentOnNetErrorName[] =
"Offline Content allowed on net errors";
const char kOfflineContentOnNetErrorDescription[] =
"Enables use of Offline Content on network errors";
const char kOmniboxShortcutsAndroidName[] = "Omnibox shortcuts on Android";
const char kOmniboxShortcutsAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables storing successful query/match in the omnibox shortcut database "
"on Android";
const char kPaymentLinkDetectionName[] = "Enable payment link detection";
const char kPaymentLinkDetectionDescription[] =
"Enables payment link detection in the DOM.";
const char kReadAloudName[] = "Read Aloud";
const char kReadAloudDescription[] = "Controls the Read Aloud feature";
const char kReadAloudBackgroundPlaybackName[] =
"Read Aloud Background Playback";
const char kReadAloudBackgroundPlaybackDescription[] =
"Controls background playback for the Read Aloud feature";
const char kReadAloudInCCTName[] = "Read Aloud entrypoint in CCT";
const char kReadAloudInCCTDescription[] =
"Controls the Read Aloud entrypoint in the overflow menu for CCT";
const char kReadAloudTapToSeekName[] = "Read Aloud Tap to Seek";
const char kReadAloudTapToSeekDescription[] =
"Controls the Read Aloud Tap to Seek feature";
const char kReadLaterFlagId[] = "read-later";
const char kReadLaterName[] = "Reading List";
const char kReadLaterDescription[] =
"Allow users to save tabs for later. Enables a new button and menu for "
"accessing tabs saved for later.";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsName[] = "Reader Mode triggering";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsDescription[] =
"Determines what pages the Reader Mode infobar is shown on.";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsMarkup[] = "With article structured markup";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsAdaboost[] = "Non-mobile-friendly articles";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsAllArticles[] = "All articles";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsAlwaysOff[] = "Never";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsAlwaysOn[] = "Always";
const char kReaderModeInCCTName[] = "Reader Mode in CCT";
const char kReaderModeInCCTDescription[] =
"Open Reader Mode in Chrome Custom Tabs.";
const char kReengagementNotificationName[] =
"Enable re-engagement notifications";
const char kReengagementNotificationDescription[] =
"Enables Chrome to use the in-product help system to decide when "
"to show re-engagement notifications.";
const char kRelatedSearchesAllLanguageName[] =
"Enables all the languages for Related Searches on Android";
const char kRelatedSearchesAllLanguageDescription[] =
"Enables requesting related searches suggestions for all the languages.";
const char kRelatedSearchesSwitchName[] =
"Enables an experiment for Related Searches on Android";
const char kRelatedSearchesSwitchDescription[] =
"Enables requesting related searches suggestions.";
const char kRevokeNotificationsPermissionIfDisabledOnAppLevelName[] =
"Revoke site-level notification permission on Android";
const char kRevokeNotificationsPermissionIfDisabledOnAppLevelDescription[] =
"Allow revoking site-level notification permission if Chrome has no "
"app-level notification permission on Android.";
const char kRichAutocompletionAndroidName[] =
"Omnibox rich inline autocompletion on Android";
const char kRichAutocompletionAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables omnibox rich inline autocompletion. Expands inline autocomplete "
"to any type of input that users repeatedly use to get to specific URLs.";
const char kShareCustomActionsInCCTName[] = "Custom Actions in CCT";
const char kShareCustomActionsInCCTDescription[] =
"Display share custom actions Chrome Custom Tabs.";
const char kSecurePaymentConfirmationAndroidName[] =
"Secure Payment Confirmation on Android";
const char kSecurePaymentConfirmationAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables Secure Payment Confirmation on Android.";
const char kSendTabToSelfV2Name[] = "Send tab to self 2.0";
const char kSendTabToSelfV2Description[] =
"Enables new received tab "
"UI shown next to the profile icon instead of using system notifications.";
const char kSetMarketUrlForTestingName[] = "Set market URL for testing";
const char kSetMarketUrlForTestingDescription[] =
"When enabled, sets the market URL for use in testing the update menu "
const char kSiteIsolationForPasswordSitesName[] =
"Site Isolation For Password Sites";
const char kSiteIsolationForPasswordSitesDescription[] =
"Security mode that enables site isolation for sites based on "
"password-oriented heuristics, such as a user typing in a password.";
const char kSmartZoomName[] = "Smart Zoom";
const char kSmartZoomDescription[] =
"Enable the Smart Zoom accessibility feature as an alternative approach "
"to zooming web contents.";
const char kSmartSuggestionForLargeDownloadsName[] =
"Smart suggestion for large downloads";
const char kSmartSuggestionForLargeDownloadsDescription[] =
"Smart suggestion that offers download locations for large files.";
const char kFeedPositionAndroidName[] = "Feed Position";
const char kFeedPositionAndroidDescription[] =
"Enable pushing down or pulling up of Feeds on NTP";
const char kSearchResumptionModuleAndroidName[] = "Search Resumption Module";
const char kSearchResumptionModuleAndroidDescription[] =
"Enable showing search suggestions on NTP";
const char kStrictSiteIsolationName[] = "Strict site isolation";
const char kStrictSiteIsolationDescription[] =
"Security mode that enables site isolation for all sites (SitePerProcess). "
"In this mode, each renderer process will contain pages from at most one "
"site, using out-of-process iframes when needed. "
"Check chrome://process-internals to see the current isolation mode. "
"Setting this flag to 'Enabled' turns on site isolation regardless of the "
"default. Here, 'Disabled' is a legacy value that actually means "
"'Default,' in which case site isolation may be already enabled based on "
"platform, enterprise policy, or field trial. See also "
"#site-isolation-trial-opt-out for how to disable site isolation for "
const char kTabletToolbarReorderingAndroidName[] =
"Tablet Toolbar Reordering Android.";
const char kTabletToolbarReorderingAndroidDescription[] =
"Enable Tablet Toolbar Reordering on Android - Reorder the toolbar by "
"placing the Home button from 1st to the 4th position after the Refresh"
"button to match the Desktop toolbar";
const char kCrossDeviceTabPaneAndroidName[] = "Cross Device Tab Pane Android";
const char kCrossDeviceTabPaneAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables showing a new pane in the hub that displays the pre-existing "
"cross device tabs feature originally located in Recent Tabs.";
const char kTabGroupCreationDialogAndroidName[] =
"Tab Group Creation Dialog Android";
const char kTabGroupCreationDialogAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables showing a dialog for adjusting tab group settings on new tab "
"group creations. The dialog will only show for groups created through "
"drag and drop or bulk selection merge.";
const char kTabGroupPaneAndroidName[] = "Tab Group Pane Android";
const char kTabGroupPaneAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables showing a new pane in the hub that displays and allows "
"interactions with tab groups. These groups may be currently opened in the "
"tab mode or currently hidden.";
const char kTabGroupParityAndroidName[] = "Tab Group Parity Android";
const char kTabGroupParityAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables cross-platform tab group feature parity on Android, which "
"includes colors and required titles.";
const char kTabGroupSyncAndroidName[] = "Tab Group Sync on Android";
const char kTabGroupSyncAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables syncing of tab groups on Android with other devices.";
const char kTabGroupSyncDisableNetworkLayerName[] =
"Tab Group Sync Disable Network Layer";
const char kTabGroupSyncDisableNetworkLayerDescription[] =
"Disables network layer of tab group sync.";
const char kTabGroupSyncForceOffName[] = "Tab Group Sync Force Off";
const char kTabGroupSyncForceOffDescription[] =
"Disables syncing of tab groups on the device even if user has enabled "
"it on other devices.";
const char kTabResumptionModuleAndroidName[] = "Tab Resumption Module";
const char kTabResumptionModuleAndroidDescription[] =
"Enable showing tab suggestions on Android";
const char kTabStripGroupCollapseAndroidName[] =
"Tab Strip Group Collapse Android";
const char kTabStripGroupCollapseAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables tab strip group indicators to be clicked to collapse, temporarily "
"hiding the colored outline, the group title, and the grouped tabs. "
"Collapsed groups can be clicked again to expand. Synced tab groups will "
"immediately be collapsed.";
const char kTabStripGroupContextMenuAndroidName[] =
"Tab Strip Group Context Menu Android";
const char kTabStripGroupContextMenuAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables tab strip group context menu to show when long-pressing on group "
"titles, allowing user to assign colors and names to tab groups, open new "
"tab within the group, ungroup, and close group";
const char kTabStripGroupIndicatorsAndroidName[] =
"Tab Strip Group Indicators Android";
const char kTabStripGroupIndicatorsAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables tab strip to show tab group visual indicators, including outlines "
"for selected tab, tab group title indicator and bottom indicator. This is "
"M1 for Tab Group Parity";
const char kTabStripIncognitoMigrationName[] =
"Tab Strip Incognito switcher migration to toolbar";
const char kTabStripIncognitoMigrationDescription[] =
"Migrates tab strip incognito switcher to toolbar and adds options to tab "
"switcher context menu.";
const char kTabStripLayoutOptimizationName[] = "Tab Strip Layout Optimization";
const char kTabStripLayoutOptimizationDescription[] =
"Allows adding horizontal and vertical margin to the tab strip.";
const char kTabStripStartupRefactoringName[] =
"Refactor for tablet tab strip startup.";
const char kTabStripStartupRefactoringDescription[] =
"Enables refactor for tablet tab strip startup. This creates placeholder "
"tabs before the tab strip is initialized to prevent "
"jank (tabs seeming to quickly flicker / scroll).";
const char kTabStripTransitionInDesktopWindowName[] =
"Tab Strip Transition in Desktop Window";
const char kTabStripTransitionInDesktopWindowDescription[] =
"Allows hiding / showing the tab strip with varying desktop window widths "
"by initiating a fade transition.";
const char kDelayTempStripRemovalName[] =
"Delay temp tab strip removal on startup";
const char kDelayTempStripRemovalDescription[] =
"By delaying the removal of the placeholder tab strip, we mitigate the "
"jank seen as tabs are being restored on startup.";
const char kTouchDragAndContextMenuName[] =
"Simultaneous touch drag and context menu";
const char kTouchDragAndContextMenuDescription[] =
"Enables touch dragging and a context menu to start simultaneously, with"
"the assumption that the menu is non-modal.";
const char kUndoMigrationOfSyncingUserToSignedInName[] =
"Undo the migration of syncing users to signed-in";
const char kUndoMigrationOfSyncingUserToSignedInDescription[] =
"Enables the reverse-migration of syncing users who were previously "
"migrated to the signed-in, non-syncing state.";
const char kUnifiedPasswordManagerLocalPasswordsAndroidAccessLossWarningName[] =
"Access loss warning for unmigrated password manager users";
const char
kUnifiedPasswordManagerLocalPasswordsAndroidAccessLossWarningDescription[] =
"Chrome password manager users who are not enrolled into the new "
"experience of storing local passwords in GMSCore will be warned via "
"various communication channels about data/feature access loss unless "
"they upgrade GMSCore.";
const char kUpdateMenuBadgeName[] = "Force show update menu badge";
const char kUpdateMenuBadgeDescription[] =
"When enabled, a badge will be shown on the app menu button if the update "
"type is Update Available or Unsupported OS Version.";
const char kUpdateMenuItemCustomSummaryDescription[] =
"When this flag and the force show update menu item flag are enabled, a "
"custom summary string will be displayed below the update menu item.";
const char kUpdateMenuItemCustomSummaryName[] =
"Update menu item custom summary";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeName[] =
"Forces the update menu type to a specific type";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeDescription[] =
"When set, forces the update type to be a specific one, which impacts "
"the app menu badge and menu item for updates.";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeNone[] = "None";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeUpdateAvailable[] = "Update Available";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeUnsupportedOSVersion[] = "Unsupported OS Version";
const char kOmahaMinSdkVersionAndroidName[] =
"Forces the minumum Android SDK version to a particular value.";
const char kOmahaMinSdkVersionAndroidDescription[] =
"When set, the minimum Android minimum SDK version is set to a particular "
"value which impact the app menu badge, menu items, and settings about "
"screen regarding whether Chrome can be updated.";
const char kOmahaMinSdkVersionAndroidMinSdk1Description[] = "Minimum SDK = 1";
const char kOmahaMinSdkVersionAndroidMinSdk1000Description[] =
"Minimum SDK = 1000";
const char kVerticalAutomotiveBackButtonToolbarName[] =
"Enable vertical automotive back button toolbar.";
const char kVerticalAutomotiveBackButtonToolbarDescription[] =
"Switches the user from a horizontal automotive back button toolbar above "
"Chrome to a vertical automotive back button toolbar to the left of Chrome "
"if the screen is wide enough.";
const char kVideoTutorialsName[] = "Enable video tutorials";
const char kVideoTutorialsDescription[] = "Show video tutorials in Chrome";
const char kAdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarTranslateName[] =
"Adaptive button in top toolbar - Translate button";
const char kAdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarTranslateDescription[] =
"Enables a translate button in the top toolbar. Must be selected in "
"Settings > Toolbar Shortcut.";
const char kAdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarAddToBookmarksName[] =
"Adaptive button in top toolbar - Add to bookmarks button";
const char kAdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarAddToBookmarksDescription[] =
"Enables an add to bookmarks button in the top toolbar. Must be selected "
"in "
"Settings > Toolbar Shortcut.";
const char kAdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomizationName[] =
"Adaptive button in top toolbar customization";
const char kAdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomizationDescription[] =
"Enables UI for customizing the adaptive action button in the top toolbar";
const char kWebAuthnAndroidCredManName[] =
"Android Credential Management for passkeys";
const char kWebAuthnAndroidCredManDescription[] =
"Use Credential Management API for passkeys. Requires Android 14 or "
const char kWebFeedAwarenessName[] = "Web Feed Awareness";
const char kWebFeedAwarenessDescription[] =
"Helps the user discover the web feed.";
const char kWebFeedOnboardingName[] = "Web Feed Onboarding";
const char kWebFeedOnboardingDescription[] =
"Helps the user understand how to use the web feed.";
const char kWebFeedSortName[] = "Web Feed Sort";
const char kWebFeedSortDescription[] =
"Allows users to sort their web content in the web feed. "
"Only works if Web Feed is also enabled.";
const char kWebXrSharedBuffersName[] = "WebXR Shared Buffers";
const char kWebXrSharedBuffersDescription[] =
"Toggles whether or not WebXR attempts to use SharedBuffers for moving "
"textures from the device to the renderer. When this flag is set to either "
"enabled or default SharedBuffer support will be dependent on what the "
"device can actually support.";
const char kXsurfaceMetricsReportingName[] = "Xsurface Metrics Reporting";
const char kXsurfaceMetricsReportingDescription[] =
"Allows metrics reporting state to be passed to Xsurface";
const char kPasswordSuggestionBottomSheetV2Name[] =
"Refactored password suggestions bottom sheet";
const char kPasswordSuggestionBottomSheetV2Description[] =
"Enables the refactored version of the password suggestions bottom sheet. "
"All the user facing functionality should stay the same.";
const char kEnableAndroidGamepadVibrationName[] = "Gamepad vibration";
const char kEnableAndroidGamepadVibrationDescription[] =
"Enables the ability to play vibration effects on supported gamepads.";
const char kOpenXRExtendedFeaturesName[] =
"WebXR OpenXR Runtime Extended Features";
const char kOpenXRExtendedFeaturesDescription[] =
"Enables the use of the OpenXR runtime to create WebXR sessions with a "
"broader feature set (e.g. features not currently supported on Desktop).";
const char kOpenXRName[] = "Enable OpenXR WebXR Runtime";
const char kOpenXRDescription[] =
"Enables the use of the OpenXR runtime to create WebXR sessions.";
const char kAllowAllSitesToInitiateMirroringName[] = …;
const char kAllowAllSitesToInitiateMirroringDescription[] = …;
const char kDialMediaRouteProviderName[] = …;
const char kDialMediaRouteProviderDescription[] = …;
const char kDelayMediaSinkDiscoveryName[] = …;
const char kDelayMediaSinkDiscoveryDescription[] = …;
const char kShowCastPermissionRejectedErrorName[] = …;
const char kShowCastPermissionRejectedErrorDescription[] = …;
const char kCastMirroringTargetPlayoutDelayName[] = …;
const char kCastMirroringTargetPlayoutDelayDescription[] = …;
const char kCastMirroringTargetPlayoutDelayDefault[] = …;
const char kCastMirroringTargetPlayoutDelay100ms[] = …;
const char kCastMirroringTargetPlayoutDelay150ms[] = …;
const char kCastMirroringTargetPlayoutDelay200ms[] = …;
const char kCastMirroringTargetPlayoutDelay250ms[] = …;
const char kCastMirroringTargetPlayoutDelay300ms[] = …;
const char kCastMirroringTargetPlayoutDelay350ms[] = …;
const char kEnableLiveCaptionMultilangName[] = …;
const char kEnableLiveCaptionMultilangDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableCrOSLiveTranslateName[] = …;
const char kEnableCrOSLiveTranslateDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableCrOSSodaLanguagesName[] = …;
const char kEnableCrOSSodaLanguagesDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableCrOSSodaConchLanguagesName[] = …;
const char kEnableCrOSSodaConchLanguagesDescription[] = …;
const char kEsbDownloadRowPromoFeatureName[] =
"Enable ESB Download Row promotion";
const char kEsbDownloadRowPromoFeatureDescription[] =
"Promotes Enhanced Safe Browsing (ESB) on a user's most recent "
"dangerous/suspicious download by adding an extra row under the download "
"that links to the chrome://settings/security page.";
const char kForceSigninFlowInProfilePickerName[] = …;
const char kForceSigninFlowInProfilePickerDescription[] = …;
const char kFreezingOnEnergySaverName[] = …;
const char kFreezingOnEnergySaverDescription[] = …;
const char kFreezingOnEnergySaverTestingName[] = …;
const char kFreezingOnEnergySaverTestingDescription[] = …;
const char kKeyboardAndPointerLockPromptName[] = …;
const char kKeyboardAndPointerLockPromptDescription[] = …;
const char kPressAndHoldEscToExitBrowserFullscreenName[] = …;
const char kPressAndHoldEscToExitBrowserFullscreenDescription[] = …;
const char kReadAnythingWithScreen2xName[] = …;
const char kReadAnythingWithScreen2xDescription[] = …;
const char kReadAnythingWithAlgorithmName[] = …;
const char kReadAnythingWithAlgorithmDescription[] = …;
const char kReadAnythingImagesViaAlgorithmName[] = …;
const char kReadAnythingImagesViaAlgorithmDescription[] = …;
const char kReadAnythingReadAloudName[] = …;
const char kReadAnythingReadAloudDescription[] = …;
const char kReadAloudAutoVoiceSwitchingName[] = …;
const char kReadAloudAutoVoiceSwitchingDescription[] = …;
const char kReadAnythingReadAloudAutomaticWordHighlightingName[] = …;
const char kReadAnythingReadAloudAutomaticWordHighlightingDescription[] = …;
const char kReadAloudLanguagePackDownloadingName[] = …;
const char kReadAloudLanguagePackDownloadingDescription[] = …;
const char kReadAnythingDocsIntegrationName[] = …;
const char kReadAnythingDocsIntegrationDescription[] = …;
const char kReadAnythingDocsLoadMoreButtonName[] = …;
const char kReadAnythingDocsLoadMoreButtonDescription[] = …;
const char kGlobalMediaControlsCastStartStopName[] = …;
const char kGlobalMediaControlsCastStartStopDescription[] = …;
const char kLinkPreviewName[] = …;
const char kLinkPreviewDescription[] = …;
const char kMuteNotificationSnoozeActionName[] = …;
const char kMuteNotificationSnoozeActionDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpAlphaBackgroundCollectionsName[] = …;
const char kNtpAlphaBackgroundCollectionsDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpBackgroundImageErrorDetectionName[] = …;
const char kNtpBackgroundImageErrorDetectionDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpCalendarModuleName[] = …;
const char kNtpCalendarModuleDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpChromeCartModuleName[] = …;
const char kNtpChromeCartModuleDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpDriveModuleName[] = …;
const char kNtpDriveModuleDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpDriveModuleSegmentationName[] = …;
const char kNtpDriveModuleSegmentationDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpDriveModuleShowSixFilesName[] = …;
const char kNtpDriveModuleShowSixFilesDescription[] = …;
#if !defined(OFFICIAL_BUILD)
const char kNtpDummyModulesName[] = …;
const char kNtpDummyModulesDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpMostRelevantTabResumptionModuleName[] = …;
const char kNtpMostRelevantTabResumptionModuleDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpMostRelevantTabResumptionModuleDeviceIconName[] = …;
const char kNtpMostRelevantTabResumptionModuleDeviceIconDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpMiddleSlotPromoDismissalName[] = …;
const char kNtpMiddleSlotPromoDismissalDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpModulesDragAndDropName[] = …;
const char kNtpModulesDragAndDropDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpModulesHeaderIconName[] = …;
const char kNtpModulesHeaderIconDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpModulesRedesignedName[] = …;
const char kNtpModulesRedesignedDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpPhotosModuleName[] = …;
const char kNtpPhotosModuleDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpPhotosModuleOptInArtWorkName[] = …;
const char kNtpPhotosModuleOptInArtWorkDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpPhotosModuleOptInTitleName[] = …;
const char kNtpPhotosModuleOptInTitleDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpPhotosModuleSoftOptOutName[] = …;
const char kNtpPhotosModuleSoftOptOutDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpOutlookCalendarModuleName[] = …;
const char kNtpOutlookCalendarModuleDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpRealboxContextualAndTrendingSuggestionsName[] = …;
const char kNtpRealboxContextualAndTrendingSuggestionsDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpRealboxCr23ThemingName[] = …;
const char kNtpRealboxCr23ThemingDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpRealboxMatchSearchboxThemeName[] = …;
const char kNtpRealboxMatchSearchboxThemeDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpRealboxPedalsName[] = …;
const char kNtpRealboxPedalsDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpRealboxUseGoogleGIconName[] = …;
const char kNtpRealboxUseGoogleGIconDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpSafeBrowsingModuleName[] = …;
const char kNtpSafeBrowsingModuleDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpSharepointModuleName[] = …;
const char kNtpSharepointModuleDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpWallpaperSearchButtonName[] = …;
const char kNtpWallpaperSearchButtonDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpWallpaperSearchButtonAnimationName[] = …;
const char kNtpWallpaperSearchButtonAnimationDescription[] = …;
const char kNtpWideModulesName[] = …;
const char kNtpWideModulesDescription[] = …;
const char kHappinessTrackingSurveysForDesktopDemoName[] = …;
const char kHappinessTrackingSurveysForDesktopDemoDescription[] = …;
const char kHatsWebUIName[] = …;
const char kHatsWebUIDescription[] = …;
const char kMainNodeAnnotationsName[] = …;
const char kMainNodeAnnotationsDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxDriveSuggestionsName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxDriveSuggestionsDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxDriveSuggestionsNoSettingName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxDriveSuggestionsNoSettingDescription[] = …;
const char kOmniboxDriveSuggestionsNoSyncRequirementName[] = …;
const char kOmniboxDriveSuggestionsNoSyncRequirementDescription[] = …;
const char kProbabilisticMemorySaverName[] = …;
const char kProbabilisticMemorySaverDescription[] = …;
const char kSCTAuditingName[] = …;
const char kSCTAuditingDescription[] = …;
const char kSmartCardWebApiName[] = …;
const char kSmartCardWebApiDescription[] = …;
const char kTabOrganizationName[] = …;
const char kTabOrganizationDescription[] = …;
const char kTabOrganizationSettingsVisibilityName[] = …;
const char kTabOrganizationSettingsVisibilityDescription[] = …;
const char kMultiTabOrganizationName[] = …;
const char kMultiTabOrganizationDescription[] = …;
const char kTabReorganizationName[] = …;
const char kTabReorganizationDescription[] = …;
const char kTabReorganizationDividerName[] = …;
const char kTabReorganizationDividerDescription[] = …;
const char kSettingsEnableGetTheMostOutOfChromeName[] =
"'Get the most out of Chrome' documentation";
const char kSettingsEnableGetTheMostOutOfChromeDescription[] =
"When enabled, the 'Get the most out of Chrome' documentation section "
"will be available.";
const char kIOSPromoRefreshedPasswordBubbleName[] =
"Chrome for iOS promo : passwords";
const char kIOSPromoRefreshedPasswordBubbleDescription[] =
"When enabled, the new Contextual Chrome for iOS promo will be shown to"
"the eligible users when they save/update their passwords.";
const char kIOSPromoAddressBubbleName[] = "Chrome for iOS promo : addresses";
const char kIOSPromoAddressBubbleDescription[] =
"When enabled, the Contextual Chrome for iOS promo will be shown to"
"the eligible users when they save/update their address.";
const char kIOSPromoBookmarkBubbleName[] = "Chrome for iOS promo : bookmarks";
const char kIOSPromoBookmarkBubbleDescription[] =
"When enabled, the Contextual Chrome for iOS promo will be shown to"
"the eligible users when they add/update their bookmarks.";
const char kIOSPromoPaymentBubbleName[] = "Chrome for iOS promo : payments";
const char kIOSPromoPaymentBubbleDescription[] =
"When enabled, the Contextual Chrome for iOS promo will be shown to"
"the eligible users when they save/update their payments.";
const char kWebAppSyncGeneratedIconBackgroundFixName[] = …;
const char kWebAppSyncGeneratedIconBackgroundFixDescription[] = …;
const char kWebAppSyncGeneratedIconRetroactiveFixName[] = …;
const char kWebAppSyncGeneratedIconRetroactiveFixDescription[] = …;
const char kWebAppSyncGeneratedIconUpdateFixName[] = …;
const char kWebAppSyncGeneratedIconUpdateFixDescription[] = …;
const char kWebAppUniversalInstallName[] = …;
const char kWebAppUniversalInstallDescription[] = …;
const char kShortcutsNotAppsName[] = …;
const char kShortcutsNotAppsDescription[] = …;
const char kTranslateOpenSettingsName[] = …;
const char kTranslateOpenSettingsDescription[] = …;
const char kUserDisplayModeSyncBrowserMitigationName[] = …;
const char kUserDisplayModeSyncBrowserMitigationDescription[] = …;
const char kUserDisplayModeSyncStandaloneMitigationName[] = …;
const char kUserDisplayModeSyncStandaloneMitigationDescription[] = …;
const char kWebAppSystemMediaControlsName[] = "Web App System Media Controls";
const char kWebAppSystemMediaControlsDescription[] =
"Enable instanced system media controls for web apps";
const char kWebAuthenticationPermitEnterpriseAttestationName[] = …;
const char kWebAuthenticationPermitEnterpriseAttestationDescription[] = …;
const char kDevToolsTabTargetLiteralName[] = …;
const char kDevToolsTabTargetLiteralDescription[] = …;
const char kAuthenticateUsingUserConsentVerifierInteropApiName[] =
"OS authentication will use IUserConsentVerifierInterop api if available.";
const char kAuthenticateUsingUserConsentVerifierInteropApiDescription[] =
"If user has Windows Hello configured, OS authentication will use "
"IUserConsentVerifierInterop api with explicit window passing, otherwise "
"Wincred will be used.";
const char kAuthenticateUsingUserConsentVerifierApiName[] =
"OS authentication will use UserConsentVerifier api if available.";
const char kAuthenticateUsingUserConsentVerifierApiDescription[] =
"If user has Windows Hello configured, OS authentication will use "
"UserConsentVerifier api, otherwise Wincred will be used.";
const char kCalculateNativeWinOcclusionName[] =
"Calculate window occlusion on Windows";
const char kCalculateNativeWinOcclusionDescription[] =
"Calculate window occlusion on Windows will be used in the future "
"to throttle and potentially unload foreground tabs in occluded windows";
const char kEnableMediaFoundationVideoCaptureName[] =
"MediaFoundation Video Capture";
const char kEnableMediaFoundationVideoCaptureDescription[] =
"Enable/Disable the usage of MediaFoundation for video capture. Fall back "
"to DirectShow if disabled.";
const char kHardwareSecureDecryptionName[] = "Hardware Secure Decryption";
const char kHardwareSecureDecryptionDescription[] =
"Enable/Disable the use of hardware secure Content Decryption Module (CDM) "
"for protected content playback.";
const char kHidGetFeatureReportFixName[] =
"Adjust feature reports received with WebHID";
const char kHidGetFeatureReportFixDescription[] =
"Enable/Disable a fix for a bug that caused feature reports to be offset "
"by one byte when received from devices that do not use numbered reports.";
const char kHardwareSecureDecryptionExperimentName[] =
"Hardware Secure Decryption Experiment";
const char kHardwareSecureDecryptionExperimentDescription[] =
"Enable/Disable the use of hardware secure Content Decryption Module (CDM) "
"for experimental protected content playback.";
const char kHardwareSecureDecryptionFallbackName[] =
"Hardware Secure Decryption Fallback";
const char kHardwareSecureDecryptionFallbackDescription[] =
"Allows automatically disabling hardware secure Content Decryption Module "
"(CDM) after failures or crashes. Subsequent playback may use software "
"secure CDMs. If this feature is disabled, the fallback will never happen "
"and users could be stuck with playback failures.";
const char kMediaFoundationClearName[] = "Media Foundation for Clear";
const char kMediaFoundationClearDescription[] =
"Enable/Disable the use of MediaFoundation for non-protected content "
"playback on supported systems.";
const char kMediaFoundationClearStrategyName[] =
"Media Foundation for Clear Rendering Strategy";
const char kMediaFoundationClearStrategyDescription[] =
"Sets the rendering strategy to be used when Media Foundation for Clear is "
"in use. The "
"Direct Composition rendering strategy enforces presentation to a Direct "
"Composition surface "
"from the Media Foundation Media Engine. The Frame Server rendering "
"strategy produces video "
"frames from the Media Foundation Media Engine which are fed through "
"Chromium's frame painting "
"pipeline. The Dynamic rendering strategy allows changing between the two "
"modes based on the "
"current operating conditions. Other options will result in a default "
"rendering strategy.";
const char kRawAudioCaptureName[] = "Raw audio capture";
const char kRawAudioCaptureDescription[] =
"Enable/Disable the usage of WASAPI raw audio capture. When enabled, the "
"audio stream is a 'raw' stream that bypasses all signal processing except "
"for endpoint specific, always-on processing in the Audio Processing Object"
" (APO), driver, and hardware.";
const char kUseAngleDescriptionWindows[] =
"Choose the graphics backend for ANGLE. D3D11 is used on most Windows "
"computers by default. Using the OpenGL driver as the graphics backend may "
"result in higher performance in some graphics-heavy applications, "
"particularly on NVIDIA GPUs. It can increase battery and memory usage of "
"video playback.";
const char kUseAngleD3D11[] = "D3D11";
const char kUseAngleD3D9[] = "D3D9";
const char kUseAngleD3D11on12[] = "D3D11on12";
const char kUseWaitableSwapChainName[] = "Use waitable swap chains";
const char kUseWaitableSwapChainDescription[] =
"Use waitable swap chains to reduce presentation latency (effective only "
"Windows 8.1 or later). If enabled, specify the maximum number of frames "
"that can be queued, ranging from 1-3. 1 has the lowest delay but is most "
"likely to drop frames, while 3 has the highest delay but is least likely "
"to drop frames.";
const char kUseWinrtMidiApiName[] = "Use Windows Runtime MIDI API";
const char kUseWinrtMidiApiDescription[] =
"Use Windows Runtime MIDI API for WebMIDI (effective only on Windows 10 or "
const char kWebRtcAllowWgcScreenCapturerName[] =
"Use Windows WGC API for screen capture";
const char kWebRtcAllowWgcScreenCapturerDescription[] =
"Use Windows.Graphics.Capture API based screen capturer in combination "
"with the WebRTC based Web API getDisplayMedia. Requires Windows 10, "
"version 1803 or higher. Adds a thin yellow border around the captured "
"screen area. The DXGI API is used as screen capture API when this flag is "
const char kWebRtcAllowWgcWindowCapturerName[] =
"Use Windows WGC API for window capture";
const char kWebRtcAllowWgcWindowCapturerDescription[] =
"Use Windows.Graphics.Capture API based windows capturer in combination "
"with the WebRTC based Web API getDisplayMedia. Requires Windows 10, "
"version 1803 or higher. Adds a thin yellow border around the captured "
"window area. The GDI API is used as window capture API when this flag is "
const char kWindows11MicaTitlebarName[] = "Windows 11 Mica titlebar";
const char kWindows11MicaTitlebarDescription[] =
"Use the DWM system-drawn Mica titlebar on Windows 11, version 22H2 (build "
"22621) and above.";
const char kLaunchWindowsNativeHostsDirectlyName[] =
"Force Native Host Executables to Launch Directly";
const char kLaunchWindowsNativeHostsDirectlyDescription[] =
"Force Native Host executables to launch directly via CreateProcess.";
const char kPrintWithPostScriptType42FontsName[] =
"Print with PostScript Type 42 fonts";
const char kPrintWithPostScriptType42FontsDescription[] =
"When using PostScript level 3 printing, render text with Type 42 fonts if "
const char kPrintWithReducedRasterizationName[] =
"Print with reduced rasterization";
const char kPrintWithReducedRasterizationDescription[] =
"When using GDI printing, avoid rasterization if possible.";
const char kReadPrinterCapabilitiesWithXpsName[] =
"Read printer capabilities with XPS";
const char kReadPrinterCapabilitiesWithXpsDescription[] =
"When enabled, utilize XPS interface to read printer capabilities.";
const char kUseXpsForPrintingName[] = "Use XPS for printing";
const char kUseXpsForPrintingDescription[] =
"When enabled, use XPS printing API instead of the GDI print API.";
const char kUseXpsForPrintingFromPdfName[] = "Use XPS for printing from PDF";
const char kUseXpsForPrintingFromPdfDescription[] =
"When enabled, use XPS printing API instead of the GDI print API when "
"printing PDF documents.";
const char kEnableExtensibleEnterpriseSSOName[] = "Extensible Enterprise SSO";
const char kEnableExtensibleEnterpriseSSODescription[] =
"Enables support for extensible enterprise SSO in Chrome";
const char kImmersiveFullscreenName[] = "Immersive Fullscreen Toolbar";
const char kImmersiveFullscreenDescription[] =
"Automatically hide and show the toolbar in fullscreen.";
const char kMacImeLiveConversionFixName[] = "Mac IME Live Conversion";
const char kMacImeLiveConversionFixDescription[] =
"A fix for the Live Conversion feature of Japanese IME.";
const char kMacLoopbackAudioForScreenShareName[] =
"Mac System Audio Loopback for Screen Sharing";
const char kMacLoopbackAudioForScreenShareDescription[] =
"Enable system audio sharing when screen sharing on macOS 13.0+.";
const char kMacPWAsNotificationAttributionName[] =
"Mac PWA notification attribution";
const char kMacPWAsNotificationAttributionDescription[] =
"Route notifications for PWAs on Mac through the app shim, attributing "
"notifications to the correct apps.";
const char kMacSyscallSandboxName[] = "Mac Syscall Filtering Sandbox";
const char kMacSyscallSandboxDescription[] =
"Controls whether the macOS sandbox filters syscalls.";
const char kRetryGetVideoCaptureDeviceInfosName[] =
"Retry capture device enumeration on crash";
const char kRetryGetVideoCaptureDeviceInfosDescription[] =
"Enables retries when enumerating the available video capture devices "
"after a crash. The capture service is restarted without loading external "
"DAL plugins which could have caused the crash.";
const char kSonomaAccessibilityActivationRefinementsName[] =
"Sonoma Accessibility Activation Refinements";
const char kSonomaAccessibilityActivationRefinementsDescription[] =
"Refines how Chrome responds to accessibility activation signals on macOS "
const char kUseAngleDescriptionMac[] =
"Choose the graphics backend for ANGLE. The OpenGL backend is soon to be "
"deprecated on Mac, and may contain driver bugs that are not planned to be "
"fixed. The Metal backend is still experimental, and may contain bugs that "
"are still being worked on. The Metal backend should be more performant, "
"but may still be behind the OpenGL backend until fully released.";
const char kUseAngleMetal[] = "Metal";
const char kUseAdHocSigningForWebAppShimsName[] =
"Use Ad-hoc Signing for Web App Shims";
const char kUseAdHocSigningForWebAppShimsDescription[] =
"Ad-hoc code signing ensures that each PWA app shim has a unique identity. "
"This allows macOS subsystems to correctly distinguish between multiple "
"PWAs. Only enabled on macOS 11.7 and later.";
const char kLocationProviderManagerName[] =
"Enable location provider manager for Geolocation API";
const char kLocationProviderManagerDescription[] =
"Enables usage of the location provider manager to select between "
"the operating system's location API or the network-based provider "
"as the data source for Geolocation API.";
const char kUseAngleName[] = "Choose ANGLE graphics backend";
const char kUseAngleDefault[] = "Default";
const char kUseAngleGL[] = "OpenGL";
const char kAcceleratedMjpegDecodeName[] =
"Hardware-accelerated mjpeg decode for captured frame";
const char kAcceleratedMjpegDecodeDescription[] =
"Enable hardware-accelerated mjpeg decode for captured frame where "
const char kAccessibilityFilterKeysName[] = "Filter keys";
const char kAccessibilityFilterKeysDescription[] =
"Enables settings to filter key presses in various ways, such as slow keys "
"and bounce keys.";
const char kAdaptiveChargingForTestingName[] =
"Show adaptive charging notifications for testing";
const char kAdaptiveChargingForTestingDescription[] =
"Show adaptive charging notifications and nudges for testing. This is "
"meant to be used by developers to test the feature UI only. The "
"notifications will be shown after the device is plugged in to the "
"charger. Please DO NOT enable this if you're not a developer who wants to "
"test the UI of the adaptive charging feature.";
const char kAdaptiveChargingName[] = "Enable adaptive charging feature";
const char kAdaptiveChargingDescription[] =
"Show settings to enable/disable adaptive charging feature.";
const char kAllowApnModificationPolicyName[] =
"Allow APN Modification by Policy";
const char kAllowApnModificationPolicyDescription[] =
"Enables the ChromeOS APN Allow APN Modification policy, which gives "
"admins the ability to allow or prohibit managed users from modifying "
const char kAllowCrossDeviceFeatureSuiteName[] =
"Allow the use of Cross-Device features";
const char kAllowCrossDeviceFeatureSuiteDescription[] =
"Allow features such as Nearby Share, PhoneHub, Fast Pair, and Smart Lock, "
"that require communication with a nearby device. This should be enabled "
"by default on most platforms, and only disabled in cases where we cannot "
"guarantee a good experience with the stock Bluetooth hardware (e.g. "
"ChromeOS Flex). If disabled, this removes all Cross-Device features and "
"their entries in the Settings app.";
const char kLinkCrossDeviceInternalsName[] =
"Link Cross-Device internals logging to Feedback reports.";
const char kLinkCrossDeviceInternalsDescription[] =
"Improves debugging of Cross-Device features by recording more verbose "
"logs and attaching these logs to filed Feedback reports.";
const char kAllowDevtoolsInSystemUIName[] = "Enable DevTools in System UI";
const char kAllowDevtoolsInSystemUIDescription[] =
"Enable the developer tools (DevTools) including the page source viewer "
"(view-source) in Ash. By default, these tools are disabled if Lacros is "
"the only browser, so as not to confuse the user by opening an Ash window. "
"By enabling this flag, you can access them via the context menu or "
"shortcuts to debug the system UI.";
const char kAllowFpmcuBetaFirmwareName[] =
"Allow using beta firmware for the FPMCU";
const char kAllowFpmcuBetaFirmwareDescription[] =
"Allow using beta firmware for the Fingerprint MCU if available";
const char kAllowScrollSettingsName[] =
"Allow changes to scroll acceleration/sensitivity for mice.";
const char kAllowScrollSettingsDescription[] =
"Shows settings to enable/disable scroll acceleration and to adjust the "
"sensitivity for scrolling.";
const char kAltClickAndSixPackCustomizationName[] =
"Allow users to customize Alt-Click and 6-pack key remapping.";
const char kAltClickAndSixPackCustomizationDescription[] =
"Shows settings to customize Alt-Click and 6-pack key remapping in the "
"keyboard settings page.";
const char kAlwaysEnableHdcpName[] = "Always enable HDCP for external displays";
const char kAlwaysEnableHdcpDescription[] =
"Enables the specified type for HDCP whenever an external display is "
"connected. By default, HDCP is only enabled when required.";
const char kAlwaysEnableHdcpDefault[] = "Default";
const char kAlwaysEnableHdcpType0[] = "Type 0";
const char kAlwaysEnableHdcpType1[] = "Type 1";
const char kApnPoliciesName[] = "APN Policies";
const char kApnPoliciesDescription[] =
"Enables the ChromeOS APN Policies, which gives admins the ability to set "
"APN policies for managed eSIM networks and pSIMs. Note that the 'APN "
"Revamp' flag should be enabled as well for this feature to work as "
const char kApnRevampName[] = "APN Revamp";
const char kApnRevampDescription[] =
"Enables the ChromeOS APN Revamp, which updates cellular network APN "
"system UI and related infrastructure.";
const char kAppInstallServiceUriBorealisName[] =
"Enable app install service URI for Borealis";
const char kAppInstallServiceUriBorealisDescription[] =
"If the app install service URI is enabled, enable it for Borealis "
"as well.";
const char kAppLaunchAutomationName[] = "Enable app launch automation";
const char kAppLaunchAutomationDescription[] =
"Allows groups of apps to be launched.";
const char kArcArcOnDemandExperimentName[] = "Enable ARC on Demand";
const char kArcArcOnDemandExperimentDescription[] =
"Delay ARC activation if no apps is installed.";
const char kArcCustomTabsExperimentName[] =
"Enable Custom Tabs experiment for ARC";
const char kArcCustomTabsExperimentDescription[] =
"Allow Android apps to use Custom Tabs."
"This feature only works on the Canary and Dev channels.";
const char kArcDocumentsProviderUnknownSizeName[] =
"Enable ARC DocumentsProvider unknown file size handling";
const char kArcDocumentsProviderUnknownSizeDescription[] =
"Allow opening DocumentsProvider files where size is not reported.";
const char kArcEnableAttestationName[] = "Enable ARC attestation";
const char kArcEnableAttestationDescription[] =
"Allow key and ID attestation to run for keymint";
const char kArcExtendInputAnrTimeoutName[] =
"Extend input event ANR timeout time";
const char kArcExtendInputAnrTimeoutDescription[] =
"When enabled, the default input event ANR timeout time will be extended"
" from 5 seconds to 8 seconds.";
const char kArcExtendIntentAnrTimeoutName[] =
"Extend broadcast of intent ANR timeout time";
const char kArcExtendIntentAnrTimeoutDescription[] =
"When enabled, the default broadcast of intent ANR timeout time will be"
" extended from 10 seconds to 15 seconds for foreground broadcasts, 60"
" seconds to 90 seconds for background broadcasts.";
const char kArcExtendServiceAnrTimeoutName[] =
"Extend executing service ANR timeout time";
const char kArcExtendServiceAnrTimeoutDescription[] =
"When enabled, the default executing service ANR timeout time will be"
" extended from 20 seconds to 30 seconds for foreground services, 200"
" seconds to 300 seconds for background services.";
const char kArcFilePickerExperimentName[] =
"Enable file picker experiment for ARC";
const char kArcFilePickerExperimentDescription[] =
"Enables using ChromeOS file picker in ARC.";
const char kArcFriendlierErrorDialogName[] =
"Enable friendlier error dialog for ARC";
const char kArcFriendlierErrorDialogDescription[] =
"Replaces disruptive error dialogs with Chrome notifications for some ANR "
"and crash events.";
const char kArcIdleManagerName[] = "Enable ARC Idle Manager";
const char kArcIdleManagerDescription[] =
"ARC will turn on Android's doze mode when idle.";
const char kArcIgnoreHoverEventAnrName[] =
"Ignore ANR triggered by hover event in ARC";
const char kArcIgnoreHoverEventAnrDescription[] =
"When enabled, ANR triggered by hover input event will be ignored. Noted"
" that ANR triggered by other types of input event will not be ignored.";
const char kArcInstantResponseWindowOpenName[] =
"Enable Instance Response for ARC app window open";
const char kArcInstantResponseWindowOpenDescription[] =
"In some devices the placeholder window will popup immediately after the "
"user attempts to launch apps.";
const char kArcKeyboardShortcutHelperIntegrationName[] =
"Enable keyboard shortcut helper integration for ARC";
const char kArcKeyboardShortcutHelperIntegrationDescription[] =
"Shows keyboard shortcuts from Android apps in ChromeOS Shortcut Viewer";
const char kArcNativeBridgeToggleName[] =
"Toggle between native bridge implementations for ARC";
const char kArcNativeBridgeToggleDescription[] =
"Toggle between native bridge implementations for ARC.";
const char kArcPerAppLanguageName[] =
"Enable ARC Per-App Language setting integration";
const char kArcPerAppLanguageDescription[] =
"When enabled, ARC Per-App Language settings will be surfaced in ChromeOS "
const char kArcResizeCompatName[] = "Enable ARC Resize Compatibility features";
const char kArcResizeCompatDescription[] =
"Enable resize compatibility features for ARC++ apps";
const char kArcRoundedWindowCompatName[] = "ARC Rounded Window Compatibility";
const char kArcRoundedWindowCompatDescription[] =
"Enable rounded window compatibility feature for ARC++ apps";
const char kArcRtVcpuDualCoreName[] =
"Enable ARC real time vcpu on a device with 2 logical cores online.";
const char kArcRtVcpuDualCoreDesc[] =
"Enable ARC real time vcpu on a device with 2 logical cores online to "
"reduce media playback glitch.";
const char kArcRtVcpuQuadCoreName[] =
"Enable ARC real time vcpu on a device with 3+ logical cores online.";
const char kArcRtVcpuQuadCoreDesc[] =
"Enable ARC real time vcpu on a device with 3+ logical cores online to "
"reduce media playback glitch.";
const char kArcS2IdleName[] = "Enable ARC sleep";
const char kArcS2IdleDescription[] =
"ARC will try to sleep while Android's doze mode is active.";
const char kArcSwitchToKeyMintDaemonName[] = "Switch to KeyMint Daemon.";
const char kArcSwitchToKeyMintDaemonDesc[] =
"Switch from Keymaster Daemon to KeyMint Daemon. Must be switched on/off "
"at the same time with \"Switch To KeyMint on ARC-T\"";
const char kArcSwitchToKeyMintOnTName[] = "Switch to KeyMint on ARC-T.";
const char kArcSwitchToKeyMintOnTDesc[] =
"Switch from Keymaster to KeyMint on ARC-T. Must be switched on/off at the "
"same time with \"Switch to KeyMint Daemon\"";
const char kArcSwitchToKeyMintOnTOverrideName[] =
"Override switch to KeyMint on ARC-T.";
const char kArcSwitchToKeyMintOnTOverrideDesc[] =
"Override the block on certain boards to switch from Keymaster to KeyMint";
const char kArcSyncInstallPriorityName[] =
"Enable supporting install priority for synced ARC apps.";
const char kArcSyncInstallPriorityDescription[] =
"Enable supporting install priority for synced ARC apps. Pass install "
"priority to Play instead of using default install priority specified "
"in Play";
const char kArcTouchscreenEmulationName[] =
"Enable touchscreen emulation for compatibility on specific ARC apps.";
const char kArcTouchscreenEmulationDesc[] =
"Enable touchscreen emulation for compatibility on specific ARC apps.";
const char kArcVmMemorySizeName[] = "Enable custom ARCVM memory size";
const char kArcVmMemorySizeDesc[] =
"Enable custom ARCVM memory size, "
"\"shift\" controls the amount to shift system RAM when sizing ARCVM.";
const char kArcVmmSwapKBShortcutName[] =
"Keyboard shortcut trigger for ARCVM"
" vmm swap feature";
const char kArcVmmSwapKBShortcutDesc[] =
"Alt + Ctrl + Shift + O/P to enable / disable ARCVM vmm swap. Only for "
"experimental usage.";
const char kArcAAudioMMAPLowLatencyName[] =
"Enable ARCVM AAudio MMAP low latency";
const char kArcAAudioMMAPLowLatencyDescription[] =
"When enabled, ARCVM AAudio MMAP will use low latency setting.";
const char kArcEnableVirtioBlkForDataName[] =
"Enable virtio-blk for ARCVM /data";
const char kArcEnableVirtioBlkForDataDesc[] =
"If enabled, ARCVM uses virtio-blk for /data in Android storage.";
const char kArcExternalStorageAccessName[] = "External storage access by ARC";
const char kArcExternalStorageAccessDescription[] =
"Allow Android apps to access external storage devices like USB flash "
"drives and SD cards";
const char kArcUnthrottleOnActiveAudioName[] = "Unthrottle ARC on active audio";
const char kArcUnthrottleOnActiveAudioDescription[] =
"Do not throttle ARC when there is an active audio stream running.";
const char kAshEnableUnifiedDesktopName[] = "Unified desktop mode";
const char kAshEnableUnifiedDesktopDescription[] =
"Enable unified desktop mode which allows a window to span multiple "
const char kAshModifierSplitName[] = "Modifier split feature";
const char kAshModifierSplitDescription[] =
"Enable new modifier split feature on ChromeOS.";
const char kAshModifierSplitFeatureKeyName[] =
"Feature key for modifier split feature";
const char kAshModifierSplitFeatureKeyDescription[] =
"Feature key to use the new modifier split feature on ChromeOS.";
const char kAshPickerName[] = "Picker feature";
const char kAshPickerDescription[] = "Enable new Picker feature on ChromeOS.";
const char kAshPickerAlwaysShowFeatureTourName[] = "Picker feature tour";
const char kAshPickerAlwaysShowFeatureTourDescription[] =
"Always show the feature tour for debugging.";
const char kAshPickerCloudName[] = "Picker cloud search";
const char kAshPickerCloudDescription[] =
"Enable cloud-based search for the Picker feature on ChromeOS.";
const char kAshPickerFeatureKeyName[] = "Feature key for Picker feature";
const char kAshPickerFeatureKeyDescription[] =
"Feature key to use the new Picker feature on ChromeOS.";
const char kAshSplitKeyboardRefactorName[] = "Split keyboard refactor";
const char kAshSplitKeyboardRefactorDescription[] =
"Enable split keyboard refactor on ChromeOS.";
const char kAssistantIphName[] = "Assistant IPH";
const char kAssistantIphDescription[] =
"Enables showing Assistant IPH on ChromeOS.";
const char kAudioA2DPAdvancedCodecsName[] = "BT A2DP advanced codecs support";
const char kAudioA2DPAdvancedCodecsDescription[] =
"Enable BT A2DP advanced codecs support";
const char kAudioAPNoiseCancellationName[] = "Audio noise cancellation on AP";
const char kAudioAPNoiseCancellationDescription[] =
"Enable noise cancellation on AP";
const char kAudioHFPMicSRToggleName[] = "Audio toggle for hfp-mic-sr";
const char kAudioHFPMicSRToggleDescription[] =
"Enable the ui to show the toggle for controlling hfp-mic-sr.";
const char kAudioHFPOffloadName[] =
"Audio Bluetooth HFP offloaded to DSP if supported";
const char kAudioHFPOffloadDescription[] =
"While enabled, HFP Audio data is transmitted via the offloaded path "
"in DSP if supported by device.";
const char kAudioHFPSwbName[] = "Audio Bluetooth HFP Super-wide-band support";
const char kAudioHFPSwbDescription[] =
"Enable Bluetooth HFP Super-wide-band codec if supported.";
const char kAudioOffloadCrasDSPToSOFName[] =
"Offload CRAS DSP modules to Audio FW if supported";
const char kAudioOffloadCrasDSPToSOFDescription[] =
"While enabled, CRAS DSP modules are offloaded to Audio Firmware (SOF) "
"if supported by device.";
const char kAudioStyleTransferName[] = "Audio style transfer";
const char kAudioStyleTransferDescription[] = "Enable audio style transfer";
const char kAudioAecRequiredForCrasProcessorName[] =
"Require AEC to be active for an audio stream to run CrasProcessor";
const char kAudioAecRequiredForCrasProcessorDescription[] =
"Require AEC to be active for an audio stream to run CrasProcessor. For "
"debug purpose only.";
const char kAudioSelectionImprovementName[] =
"Enable audio selection improvement algorithm";
const char kAudioSelectionImprovementDescription[] =
"Enable set-based audio selection improvement algorithm.";
const char kResetAudioSelectionImprovementPrefName[] =
"Reset audio selection improvement user preference";
const char kResetAudioSelectionImprovementPrefDescription[] =
"Reset audio selection improvement user preference for testing purpose.";
const char kAudioSuppressSetRTCAudioActiveName[] =
"Suppress calling the SetRTCAudioActive D-Bus method";
const char kAudioSuppressSetRTCAudioActiveDescription[] =
"Don't call the SetRTCAudioActive D-Bus method in CRAS.";
const char kAutoFramingOverrideName[] = "Auto-framing control override";
const char kAutoFramingOverrideDescription[] =
"Overrides the default to forcibly enable or disable the auto-framing "
const char kAutocorrectByDefaultName[] = "CrOS autocorrect by default";
const char kAutocorrectByDefaultDescription[] =
"Enables autocorrect by default experiment on ChromeOS";
const char kAutocorrectParamsTuningName[] = "CrOS autocorrect params tuning";
const char kAutocorrectParamsTuningDescription[] =
"Enables params tuning experiment for autocorrect on ChromeOS.";
const char kAutocorrectToggleName[] = "CrOS autocorrect toggle";
const char kAutocorrectToggleDescription[] =
"Enables using a toggle for enabling autocorrect on ChromeOS.";
const char kAutocorrectUseReplaceSurroundingTextName[] =
"Use ReplaceSurroundingText API for autocorrect.";
const char kAutocorrectUseReplaceSurroundingTextDescription[] =
"When autocorrect is enabled, use the ReplaceSurroundingText API "
"for better app compatibility.";
const char kBatteryBadgeIconName[] = "Enables smaller battery badge icon";
const char kBatteryBadgeIconDescription[] =
"Enables smaller battery badge icons for increased legibility of the "
"battery percentage.";
const char kBluetoothAudioLEAudioOnlyName[] = "Bluetooth Audio LE Audio Only";
const char kBluetoothAudioLEAudioOnlyDescription[] =
"Enable Bluetooth LE audio and disable classic profiles "
"(A2DP, HFP, AVRCP). This is used for prototyping and demonstration "
const char kBluetoothBtsnoopInternalsName[] =
"Enables btsnoop collection in chrome://bluetooth-internals";
const char kBluetoothBtsnoopInternalsDescription[] =
"Enables bluetooth traffic (btsnoop) collection via the page "
"chrome://bluetooth-internals. Btsnoop logs are essential for debugging "
"bluetooth issues.";
const char kBluetoothFlossTelephonyName[] = "Bluetooth Floss Telephony";
const char kBluetoothFlossTelephonyDescription[] =
"Enable Floss to create a Bluetooth HID device that allows applications to "
"access Bluetooth telephony functions through WebHID.";
const char kBluetoothDisconnectWarningName[] = "Bluetooth Disconnect Warning";
const char kBluetoothDisconnectWarningDescription[] =
"Enables Bluetooth Disconnect Warning feature. When enabled, a "
"warning dialog will be shown when a user tries to disable Bluetooth "
"while only Bluetooth input devices are connected to the host.";
const char kBluetoothCoredumpName[] = "Enable Bluetooth Device Coredump";
const char kBluetoothCoredumpDescription[] =
"Enable Bluetooth coredump collection if supported. Please note that "
"coredumps are only collected when hardware exceptions occur and are "
"used for debugging such exceptions.";
const char kBluetoothFlossCoredumpName[] =
"Enable Bluetooth Device Coredump for Floss";
const char kBluetoothFlossCoredumpDescription[] =
"Enable Bluetooth coredump collection if supported. Please note that "
"coredumps are only collected when hardware exceptions occur and are "
"used for debugging such exceptions.";
const char kBluetoothUseFlossName[] = "Use Floss instead of BlueZ";
const char kBluetoothUseFlossDescription[] =
"Enables using Floss (also known as Fluoride, Android's Bluetooth stack) "
"instead of Bluez. This is meant to be used by developers and is not "
"guaranteed to be stable";
const char kBluetoothWifiQSPodRefreshName[] =
"Enable better bluetooth and wifi UI";
const char kBluetoothWifiQSPodRefreshDescription[] =
"Enables better quick settings UI for bluetooth and wifi error states";
const char kBluetoothFlossIsAvailabilityCheckNeededName[] =
"Floss availability check";
const char kBluetoothFlossIsAvailabilityCheckNeededDescription[] =
"Floss availability is determined by each machine. If the machine set "
"Floss is unavailable, Floss won't be enabled no matter what "
"bluetooth-use-floss is set. Enable this flag will bypass the check so "
"that users can still enable Floss by bluetooth-use-floss.";
const char kBluetoothUseLLPrivacyName[] = "Enable LL Privacy in Floss";
const char kBluetoothUseLLPrivacyDescription[] =
"Enable address resolution offloading to Bluetooth Controller if "
"supported. Modifying this flag will cause Bluetooth Controller to reset.";
const char kCampbellGlyphName[] = "Enable glyph for Campbell";
const char kCampbellGlyphDescription[] = "Enables a Campbell glyph.";
const char kCampbellKeyName[] = "Key to enable glyph for Campbell";
const char kCampbellKeyDescription[] =
"Secret key to enable glyph for Campbell";
const char kCaptureModeEducationName[] = "Enable Capture Mode Education";
const char kCaptureModeEducationDescription[] =
"Enables the Capture Mode Education nudges and tutorials that inform users "
"of the screenshot keyboard shortcut and the screen capture tool in the "
"quick settings menu.";
const char kCaptureModeEducationBypassLimitsName[] =
"Enable Capture Mode Education bypass limits";
const char kCaptureModeEducationBypassLimitsDescription[] =
"Enables bypassing the 3 times / 24 hours show limit for Capture Mode "
"Education nudges and tutorials, so they can be viewed repeatedly for "
"testing purposes.";
const char kCaptureModeGifRecordingName[] =
"Enable GIF recording in screen capture";
const char kCaptureModeGifRecordingDescription[] =
"Enables the ability to record the screen into animated GIFs.";
const char kDeskButtonName[] = "Desk button in shelf";
const char kDeskButtonDescription[] =
"Show a desk button that provides quick access to the desk menu in the "
"shelf in clamshell mode when there is more than one desk.";
const char kCrosBatterySaverAlwaysOnName[] =
"Make ChromeOS Battery Saver on all the time";
const char kCrosBatterySaverAlwaysOnDescription[] =
"Turns on ChomeOS Battery Saver all the time, even when charging or fully "
"charged. Used for testing ChromeOS Battery Saver Mode.";
const char kCrosContentAdjustedRefreshRateName[] =
"Content Adjusted Refresh Rate";
const char kCrosContentAdjustedRefreshRateDescription[] =
"Allows the display to adjust the refresh rate in order to match content.";
const char kCrosSoulName[] = "CrOS SOUL";
const char kCrosSoulDescription[] = "Enable the CrOS SOUL feature.";
const char kCrosSoulGravediggerName[] = "CrOS SOUL Gravedigger";
const char kCrosSoulGravediggerDescription[] = "Use Gravedigger.";
const char kCrosBatterySaverName[] =
"Enable ChromeOS Battery Saver Mode Support";
const char kCrosBatterySaverDescription[] =
"Enables the ability to turn on battery saver mode in the ChromeOS Power "
const char kDesksTemplatesName[] = "Desk Templates";
const char kDesksTemplatesDescription[] =
"Streamline workflows by saving a group of applications and windows as a "
"launchable template in a new desk";
const char kPreferConstantFrameRateName[] = "Prefer Constant Frame Rate";
const char kPreferConstantFrameRateDescription[] =
"Enables this flag to prefer using constant frame rate for camera when "
const char kForceControlFaceAeName[] = "Force control face AE";
const char kForceControlFaceAeDescription[] =
"Control this flag to force enable or disable face AE for camera";
const char kCellularBypassESimInstallationConnectivityCheckName[] =
"Bypass eSIM installation connectivity check";
const char kCellularBypassESimInstallationConnectivityCheckDescription[] =
"Bypass the non-cellular internet connectivity check during eSIM "
const char kCellularUseSecondEuiccName[] = "Use second Euicc";
const char kCellularUseSecondEuiccDescription[] =
"When enabled Cellular Setup and Settings UI will use the second available "
"Euicc that's exposed by Hermes.";
const char kClipboardHistoryLongpressName[] =
"Hold Ctrl+V to paste an item from clipboard history";
const char kClipboardHistoryLongpressDescription[] =
"Enables an experimental behavior change where long-pressing Ctrl+V shows "
"the clipboard history menu. If an item is selected to paste, it replaces "
"the content initially pasted by Ctrl+V.";
const char kClipboardHistoryRefreshName[] = "Clipboard history refresh";
const char kClipboardHistoryRefreshDescription[] =
"Enables the following updates to the clipboard history feature: a new "
"educational nudge, refreshed menu UI, and a clipboard history submenu "
"embedded in context menus.";
const char kClipboardHistoryUrlTitlesName[] =
"Show page titles for copied URLs in the clipboard history menu";
const char kClipboardHistoryUrlTitlesDescription[] =
"When clipboard-history-refresh is also enabled, this flag enables an "
"annotation for copied URLs in the clipboard history menu: If the URL has "
"been visited, its page title will appear as part of the URL's menu item.";
const char kCloudGamingDeviceName[] = "Enable cloud game search";
const char kCloudGamingDeviceDescription[] =
"Enables cloud game search results in the launcher.";
const char kCampaignsComponentUpdaterTestTagName[] = "Campaigns test tag";
const char kCampaignsComponentUpdaterTestTagDescription[] =
"Tags used for component updater to selet Omaha cohort for Growth "
const char kCampaignsOverrideName[] = "Campaigns override";
const char kCampaignsOverrideDescription[] =
"Base64 encoded Growth campaigns used for testing.";
const char kComponentUpdaterTestRequestName[] =
"Enable the component updater check 'test-request' parameter";
const char kComponentUpdaterTestRequestDescription[] =
"Enables the 'test-request' parameter for component updater check requests."
" Overrides any other component updater check request parameters that may "
"have been specified.";
const char kCrosOnDeviceGrammarCheckName[] = "On-device Grammar Check";
const char kCrosOnDeviceGrammarCheckDescription[] =
"Enable new on-device grammar check component.";
const char kEnableServiceWorkersForChromeUntrustedName[] =
"Enable chrome-untrusted:// Service Workers";
const char kEnableServiceWorkersForChromeUntrustedDescription[] =
"When enabled, allows chrome-untrusted:// WebUIs to use service workers.";
const char kEnterpriseReportingUIName[] =
"Enable chrome://enterprise-reporting";
const char kEnterpriseReportingUIDescription[] =
"When enabled, allows for chrome://enterprise-reporting to be visited";
const char kPermissiveUsbPassthroughName[] =
"Enable more permissive passthrough for USB Devices";
const char kPermissiveUsbPassthroughDescription[] =
"When enabled, applies more permissive rules passthrough of USB devices.";
const char kCameraAngleBackendName[] = "Camera service ANGLE backend";
const char kCameraAngleBackendDescription[] =
"When enabled, uses ANGLE as the GL driver in the camera service.";
const char kCameraSuperResOverrideName[] =
"Camera super resolution control override";
const char kCameraSuperResOverrideDescription[] =
"Overrides the default to enable or disable the single frame super "
"resolution feature.";
const char kCrostiniContainerInstallName[] =
"Debian version for new Crostini containers";
const char kCrostiniContainerInstallDescription[] =
"New Crostini containers will use this debian version";
const char kCrostiniGpuSupportName[] = "Crostini GPU Support";
const char kCrostiniGpuSupportDescription[] = "Enable Crostini GPU support.";
const char kCrostiniResetLxdDbName[] = "Crostini Reset LXD DB on launch";
const char kCrostiniResetLxdDbDescription[] =
"Recreates the LXD database every time we launch it";
const char kCrostiniMultiContainerName[] = "Allow multiple Crostini containers";
const char kCrostiniMultiContainerDescription[] =
"Experimental UI for creating and managing multiple Crostini containers";
const char kCrostiniQtImeSupportName[] =
"Crostini IME support for Qt applications";
const char kCrostiniQtImeSupportDescription[] =
"Experimental support for IMEs (excluding VK) in Crostini for applications "
"built with Qt.";
const char kCrostiniVirtualKeyboardSupportName[] =
"Crostini Virtual Keyboard Support";
const char kCrostiniVirtualKeyboardSupportDescription[] =
"Experimental support for the Virtual Keyboard on Crostini.";
const char kCameraAppDigitalZoomName[] = "Camera App Digital Zoom";
const char kCameraAppDigitalZoomDescription[] =
"Enable this flag to use digital zoom in Camera app.";
const char kCameraAppPdfOcrName[] = "Camera App PDF OCR";
const char kCameraAppPdfOcrDescription[] =
"Enable this flag to make text on PDFs saved from Camera app accessible.";
const char kCameraAppPreviewOcrName[] = "Camera App Preview OCR";
const char kCameraAppPreviewOcrDescription[] =
"Enable this flag to use OCR features on preview in Camera app.";
const char kConchName[] = "Conch feature";
const char kConchDescription[] = "Enable Conch on ChromeOS.";
const char kConchFeatureKeyName[] = "Feature key for Conch";
const char kConchFeatureKeyDescription[] =
"Feature key to use the Conch on ChromeOS.";
const char kDemoModeComponentUpdaterTestTagName[] = "Demo Mode test tag";
const char kDemoModeComponentUpdaterTestTagDescription[] =
"Tags used for component updater to select Omaha cohort for Demo Mode.";
const char kDeskProfilesName[] = "Desk profiles";
const char kDeskProfilesDescription[] =
"Enable association of lacros profiles with desks.";
const char kDisableCameraFrameRotationAtSourceName[] =
"Disable camera frame rotation at source";
const char kDisableCameraFrameRotationAtSourceDescription[] =
"Disable camera frame rotation to the upright display orientation in the "
"video capture device";
const char kDisableCancelAllTouchesName[] = "Disable CancelAllTouches()";
const char kDisableCancelAllTouchesDescription[] =
"If enabled, a canceled touch will not force all other touches to be "
const char kDisableExplicitDmaFencesName[] = "Disable explicit dma-fences";
const char kDisableExplicitDmaFencesDescription[] =
"Always rely on implicit syncrhonization between GPU and display "
"controller instead of using dma-fences explcitily when available.";
const char kDisplayAlignmentAssistanceName[] =
"Enable Display Alignment Assistance";
const char kDisplayAlignmentAssistanceDescription[] =
"Show indicators on shared edges of the displays when user is "
"attempting to move their mouse over to another display. Show preview "
"indicators when the user is moving a display in display layouts.";
const char kEnableLibinputToHandleTouchpadName[] =
"Enable libinput to handle touchpad.";
const char kEnableLibinputToHandleTouchpadDescription[] =
"Use libinput instead of the gestures library to handle touchpad."
"Libgesures works very well on modern devices but fails on legacy"
"devices. Use libinput if an input device doesn't work or is not working"
const char kEnableFakeKeyboardHeuristicName[] =
"Enable Fake Keyboard Heuristic";
const char kEnableFakeKeyboardHeuristicDescription[] =
"Enable heuristic to prevent non-keyboard devices from pretending "
"to be keyboards. Primarily assists in preventing the virtual keyboard "
"from being disabled unintentionally.";
const char kEnableFakeMouseHeuristicName[] = "Enable Fake Mouse Heuristic";
const char kEnableFakeMouseHeuristicDescription[] =
"Enable heuristic to prevent non-mouse devices from pretending "
"to be mice. Primarily assists in preventing fake entries "
"appearing in the input settings menu.";
const char kEnableRuntimeCountersTelemetryName[] =
"Enable Runtime Counters Telemetry";
const char kEnableRuntimeCountersTelemetryDescription[] =
"Allow admins to collect runtime counters telemetry (Intel Gen 14+ only).";
const char kFastPairDebugMetadataName[] = "Enable Fast Pair Debug Metadata";
const char kFastPairDebugMetadataDescription[] =
"Enables Fast Pair to use Debug metadata when checking device "
"advertisements, allowing notifications to pop up for debug-mode only "
const char kFaceRetouchOverrideName[] =
"Enable face retouch using the relighting button in the VC panel";
const char kFaceRetouchOverrideDescription[] =
"Enables or disables the face retouch feature using the relighting button "
"in the VC panel.";
const char kFastPairHandshakeLongTermRefactorName[] =
"Enable Fast Pair Handshake Long Term Refactor";
const char kFastPairHandshakeLongTermRefactorDescription[] =
"Enables long term refactored handshake logic for Google Fast Pair "
const char kFastPairHIDName[] = "Enable Fast Pair HID";
const char kFastPairHIDDescription[] =
"Enables prototype support for Fast Pair HID (non-keyboard).";
const char kFastPairKeyboardsName[] = "Enable Fast Pair Keyboards";
const char kFastPairKeyboardsDescription[] =
"Enables prototype support for Fast Pair for keyboards.";
const char kFastPairPwaCompanionName[] = "Enable Fast Pair Web Companion";
const char kFastPairPwaCompanionDescription[] =
"Enables Fast Pair Web Companion link after device pairing.";
const char kFastPairSoftwareScanningSupportName[] =
"Enable Fast Pair Software Scanning Support";
const char kFastPairSoftwareScanningSupportDescription[] =
"Enable support for software-based scanning on devices that don't support "
"hardware-based BLE advertisement filtering.";
const char kFastPairDevicesBluetoothSettingsName[] =
"Enable Fast Pair Devices in Bluetooth Settings";
const char kFastPairDevicesBluetoothSettingsDescription[] =
"Enables the Fast Pair Bluetooth Settings page to display a list of the "
"user's devices available for Subsequent Pairing.";
const char kFrameSinkDesktopCapturerInCrdName[] =
"Enable FrameSinkDesktopCapturer in CRD";
const char kFrameSinkDesktopCapturerInCrdDescription[] =
"Enables the use of FrameSinkDesktopCapturer in the video streaming for "
"CRD, "
"replacing the use of AuraDesktopCapturer";
const char kUseHDRTransferFunctionName[] =
"Monitor/Display HDR transfer function";
const char kUseHDRTransferFunctionDescription[] =
"Allows using the HDR transfer functions of any connected monitor that "
"supports it";
const char kEnableExternalDisplayHdr10Name[] =
"Enable HDR10 support on external monitors";
const char kEnableExternalDisplayHdr10Description[] =
"Allows using HDR10 mode on any external monitor that supports it";
const char kDoubleTapToZoomInTabletModeName[] =
"Double-tap to zoom in tablet mode";
const char kDoubleTapToZoomInTabletModeDescription[] =
"If Enabled, double tapping in webpages while in tablet mode will zoom the "
const char kQuickSettingsPWANotificationsName[] =
"Enable setting of PWA notification permissions in quick settings ";
const char kQuickSettingsPWANotificationsDescription[] =
"Replace website notification permissions with PWA notification "
"permissions in the quick settings menu. Website notification permissions "
"settings will be migrated to the lacros - chrome browser.";
const char kDriveFsMirroringName[] = "Enable local to Drive mirror sync";
const char kDriveFsMirroringDescription[] =
"Enable mirror sync between local files and Google Drive";
const char kDriveFsShowCSEFilesName[] = "Enable listing of CSE files";
const char kDriveFsShowCSEFilesDescription[] =
"Enable listing of CSE files in DriveFS, which will result in these files "
"being visible in the Files App's Google Drive item.";
const char kEnableBackgroundBlurName[] = "Enable background blur.";
const char kEnableBackgroundBlurDescription[] =
"Enables background blur for the Launcher, Shelf, Unified System Tray etc.";
const char kEnableBrightnessControlInSettingsName[] =
"Enable brightness controls in Settings";
const char kEnableBrightnessControlInSettingsDescription[] =
"Enables brightness slider and auto-brightness toggle for internal display "
"in Settings";
const char kEnableDisplayPerformanceModeName[] =
"Enable Display Performance Mode";
const char kEnableDisplayPerformanceModeDescription[] =
"This option enables toggling different display features based on user "
"setting and power state";
const char kDisableDnsProxyName[] = "Disable DNS proxy service for ChromeOS";
const char kDisableDnsProxyDescription[] =
"Turns off DNS proxying and SecureDNS for ChromeOS (only). Does not impact "
"Chrome browser.";
const char kDisconnectWiFiOnEthernetConnectedName[] =
"Disconnect WiFi on Ethernet";
const char kDisconnectWiFiOnEthernetConnectedDescription[] =
"Automatically disconnect WiFi and prevent it from auto connecting when "
"the device gets an Ethernet connection. User are still allowed to connect "
"to WiFi manually.";
const char kEnableRFC8925Name[] =
"Enable RFC8925 (prefer IPv6-only on IPv6-only-capable network)";
const char kEnableRFC8925Description[] =
"Let ChromeOS DHCPv4 client voluntarily drop DHCPv4 lease and prefer to"
"operate IPv6-only, if the network is also IPv6-only capable.";
const char kPasspointSettingsName[] = "Enable Passpoint settings";
const char kPasspointSettingsDescription[] =
"Enables displaying Passpoint subscription information in network "
const char kEnableEdidBasedDisplayIdsName[] = "Enable EDID-based display IDs";
const char kEnableEdidBasedDisplayIdsDescription[] =
"When enabled, a display's ID will be produced by hashing certain values "
"in the display's EDID blob. EDID-based display IDs allow ChromeOS to "
"consistently identify previously connected displays, regardless of the "
"physical port they were connected to, and load user display layouts more "
const char kTiledDisplaySupportName[] = "Enable tile display support";
const char kTiledDisplaySupportDescription[] =
"When enabled, tiled displays will be represented by a single display in "
"ChromeOS, rather than each tile being a separate display.";
const char kEnableExternalKeyboardsInDiagnosticsAppName[] =
"Enable external keyboards in the Diagnostics App";
const char kEnableExternalKeyboardsInDiagnosticsAppDescription[] =
"Shows external keyboards in the Diagnostics App's input section. Requires "
"#enable-input-in-diagnostics-app to be enabled.";
const char kEnableFastInkForSoftwareCursorName[] =
"Enable fast ink for software cursor";
const char kEnableFastInkForSoftwareCursorDescription[] =
"When enabled, software cursor will use fast ink to display cursor with "
"minimal latency. "
"However, it might also cause tearing artifacts.";
const char kEnableHostnameSettingName[] = "Enable setting the device hostname";
const char kEnableHostnameSettingDescription[] =
"Enables the ability to set the ChromeOS hostname, the name of the device "
"that is exposed to the local network";
const char kEnableGesturePropertiesDBusServiceName[] =
"Enable gesture properties D-Bus service";
const char kEnableGesturePropertiesDBusServiceDescription[] =
"Enable a D-Bus service for accessing gesture properties, which are used "
"to configure input devices.";
const char kEnableGoogleAssistantDspName[] =
"Enable Google Assistant with hardware-based hotword";
const char kEnableGoogleAssistantDspDescription[] =
"Enable an experimental feature that uses hardware-based hotword detection "
"for Assistant. Only a limited number of devices have this type of "
"hardware support.";
const char kEnableGoogleAssistantStereoInputName[] =
"Enable Google Assistant with stereo audio input";
const char kEnableGoogleAssistantStereoInputDescription[] =
"Enable an experimental feature that uses stereo audio input for hotword "
"and voice to text detection in Google Assistant.";
const char kEnableGoogleAssistantAecName[] = "Enable Google Assistant AEC";
const char kEnableGoogleAssistantAecDescription[] =
"Enable an experimental feature that removes local feedback from audio "
"input to help hotword and ASR when background audio is playing.";
const char kEnableInputEventLoggingName[] = "Enable input event logging";
const char kEnableInputEventLoggingDescription[] =
"Enable detailed logging of input events from touchscreens, touchpads, and "
"mice. These events include the locations of all touches as well as "
"relative pointer movements, and so may disclose sensitive data. They "
"will be included in feedback reports and system logs, so DO NOT ENTER "
"SENSITIVE INFORMATION with this flag enabled.";
const char kEnableKeyboardBacklightControlInSettingsName[] =
"Enable Keyboard Backlight Control In Settings.";
const char kEnableKeyboardBacklightControlInSettingsDescription[] =
"Enable control of keyboard backlight directly from ChromeOS Settings";
const char kEnableKeyboardBacklightToggleName[] =
"Enable Keyboard Backlight Toggle.";
const char kEnableKeyboardBacklightToggleDescription[] =
"Enable toggling of the keyboard backlight. By "
"default, this flag is enabled.";
const char kEnableKeyboardRewriterFixName[] = "Use new Keyboard Rewriter.";
const char kEnableKeyboardRewriterFixDescription[] =
"Enable new Keyboard Rewriter.";
const char kEnableNeuralPalmAdaptiveHoldName[] = "Palm Rejection Adaptive Hold";
const char kEnableNeuralPalmAdaptiveHoldDescription[] =
"Enable adaptive hold in palm rejection. Not compatible with all devices.";
const char kEnableHeatmapPalmDetectionName[] = "Enable Heatmap Palm Detection";
const char kEnableHeatmapPalmDetectionDescription[] =
"Experimental: Enable Heatmap Palm detection. Not compatible with all "
const char kEnableNeuralStylusPalmRejectionName[] =
"Enable Neural Palm Detection";
const char kEnableNeuralStylusPalmRejectionDescription[] =
"Experimental: Enable Neural Palm detection. Not compatible with all "
const char kEnablePalmSuppressionName[] =
"Enable Palm Suppression with Stylus.";
const char kEnablePalmSuppressionDescription[] =
"If enabled, suppresses touch when a stylus is on a touchscreen.";
const char kEnableEdgeDetectionName[] = "Enable Edge Detection.";
const char kEnableEdgeDetectionDescription[] =
"If enabled, suppresses edge touch based on sensors' info.";
const char kEnableFastTouchpadClickName[] = "Enable Fast Touchpad Click";
const char kEnableFastTouchpadClickDescription[] =
"If enabled, reduce the time after touchpad click before cursor can move.";
const char kEnableRemoveStalePolicyPinnedAppsFromShelfName[] =
"Enable removing stale policy-pinned apps from shelf.";
const char kEnableRemoveStalePolicyPinnedAppsFromShelfDescription[] =
"If enabled, allows the system to remove apps that were once pinned to the "
"shelf by PinnedLauncherApps policy but are no longer listed in it.";
const char kEnableSeamlessRefreshRateSwitchingName[] =
"Seamless Refresh Rate Switching";
const char kEnableSeamlessRefreshRateSwitchingDescription[] =
"This option enables seamlessly changing the refresh rate based on power "
"state on devices with supported hardware and drivers.";
const char kEnableTouchpadsInDiagnosticsAppName[] =
"Enable touchpad cards in the Diagnostics App";
const char kEnableTouchpadsInDiagnosticsAppDescription[] =
"Shows touchpad cards in the Diagnostics App's input section. Requires "
"#enable-input-in-diagnostics-app to be enabled.";
const char kEnableTouchscreensInDiagnosticsAppName[] =
"Enable touchscreen cards in the Diagnostics App";
const char kEnableTouchscreensInDiagnosticsAppDescription[] =
"Shows touchscreen cards in the Diagnostics App's input section. Requires "
"#enable-input-in-diagnostics-app to be enabled.";
const char kEnableWifiQosName[] = "Enable WiFi QoS";
const char kEnableWifiQosDescription[] =
"If enabled the system will start automatic prioritization of egress "
"traffic with WiFi QoS/WMM.";
const char kPanelSelfRefresh2Name[] = "Enable Panel Self Refresh 2";
const char kPanelSelfRefresh2Description[] =
"Enable Panel Self Refresh 2/Selective-Update where supported. "
"Allows the display driver to only update regions of the screen that have "
const char kEnableVariableRefreshRateName[] = "Enable Variable Refresh Rate";
const char kEnableVariableRefreshRateDescription[] =
"Enable the variable refresh rate (Adaptive Sync) setting for capable "
const char kEapGtcWifiAuthenticationName[] = "EAP-GTC WiFi Authentication";
const char kEapGtcWifiAuthenticationDescription[] =
"Allows configuration of WiFi networks using EAP-GTC authentication";
const char kEcheSWAName[] = "Enable Eche feature";
const char kEcheSWADescription[] = "This is the main flag for enabling Eche.";
const char kEcheLauncherName[] = "Enable the Eche launcher";
const char kEcheLauncherDescription[] =
"Enables the launcher for all apps for Eche.";
const char kEcheLauncherListViewName[] = "Enable Eche launcher list view";
const char kEcheLauncherListViewDescription[] =
"Convert Eche launcher from grid view to list view";
const char kEcheLauncherIconsInMoreAppsButtonName[] =
"Enable app icons in the Eche launcher more apps button";
const char kEcheLauncherIconsInMoreAppsButtonDescription[] =
"Show app icons in the Eche launcher more apps button";
const char kEcheSWADebugModeName[] = "Enable Eche Debug Mode";
const char kEcheSWADebugModeDescription[] =
"Save console logs of Eche in the system log";
const char kEcheSWAMeasureLatencyName[] = "Measure Eche E2E Latency";
const char kEcheSWAMeasureLatencyDescription[] =
"Measure Eche E2E Latency and print all E2E latency logs of Eche in "
const char kEcheSWASendStartSignalingName[] =
"Enable Eche Send Start Signaling";
const char kEcheSWASendStartSignalingDescription[] =
"Allows sending start signaling action to establish Eche's WebRTC "
const char kEcheSWADisableStunServerName[] = "Disable Eche STUN server";
const char kEcheSWADisableStunServerDescription[] =
"Allows disabling the stun servers when establishing a WebRTC connection "
"to Eche";
const char kEcheSWACheckAndroidNetworkInfoName[] = "Check Android network info";
const char kEcheSWACheckAndroidNetworkInfoDescription[] =
"Allows CrOS to analyze Android network information to provide more "
"context on connection errors";
const char kEcheSWAProcessAndroidAccessibilityTreeName[] =
"Process Android Application Accessibility Tree";
const char kEcheSWAProcessAndroidAccessibilityTreeDescription[] =
"Allows CrOS to process the Android accessibility tree information of the "
"currently streaming app.";
const char kEnableNotificationImageDragName[] =
"Enable notification image drag";
const char kEnableNotificationImageDragDescription[] =
"Enable users to drag the image shown on the notification and drop it to "
"directly paste or share";
const char kEnableOAuthIppName[] =
"Enable OAuth when printing via the IPP protocol";
const char kEnableOAuthIppDescription[] =
"Enable OAuth when printing via the IPP protocol";
const char kEnableOngoingProcessesName[] = "Enable Ongoing Processes";
const char kEnableOngoingProcessesDescription[] =
"Enables use of the new PinnedNotificationView for all ash pinned "
"notifications, which are now referred to as Ongoing Processes";
const char kEnforceAshExtensionKeeplistName[] =
"Enforce Ash extension keeplist";
const char kEnforceAshExtensionKeeplistDescription[] =
"Enforce the Ash extension keeplist. Only the extensions and Chrome apps on"
" the keeplist are enabled in Ash.";
const char kEnterOverviewFromWallpaperName[] =
"Enable entering overview from wallpaper";
const char kEnterOverviewFromWallpaperDescription[] =
"Experimental feature. Enable entering overview by clicking wallpaper with "
"mouse click";
const char kEolResetDismissedPrefsName[] =
"Reset end of life notification prefs";
const char kEolResetDismissedPrefsDescription[] =
"Reset the end of life notification prefs to their default value, at the "
"start of the user session. This is meant to make manual testing easier.";
const char kEolIncentiveName[] = "Enable end of life incentives";
const char kEolIncentiveDescription[] =
"Allows end of life incentives to be shown within the system ui.";
const char kEventBasedLogUpload[] = "Enable event based log uploads";
const char kEventBasedLogUploadDescription[] =
"Uploads relevant logs to device management server when unexpected events "
"(e.g. crashes) occur on the device. The feature is guarded by "
"LogUploadEnabled policy.";
const char kExoGamepadVibrationName[] = "Gamepad Vibration for Exo Clients";
const char kExoGamepadVibrationDescription[] =
"Allow Exo clients like Android to request vibration events for gamepads "
"that support it.";
const char kExoOrdinalMotionName[] =
"Raw (unaccelerated) motion for Linux applications";
const char kExoOrdinalMotionDescription[] =
"Send unaccelerated values as raw motion events to linux applications.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityDictationContextCheckingName[] =
"Experimental accessibility dictation using context checking.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityDictationContextCheckingDescription[] =
"Enables experimental dictation context checking.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityGoogleTtsHighQualityVoicesName[] =
"Experimental accessibility Google TTS High Quality Voices.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityGoogleTtsHighQualityVoicesDescription[] =
"Enables downloading Google TTS High Quality Voices.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityManifestV3Name[] =
"Changes accessibility features from extension manifest v2 to v3.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityManifestV3Description[] =
"Experimental migration of accessibility features from extension manifest "
"v2 to v3. Likely to break accessibility access while experimental.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilitySwitchAccessTextName[] =
"Enable enhanced Switch Access text input.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilitySwitchAccessTextDescription[] =
"Enable experimental or in-progress Switch Access features for improved "
"text input";
const char kExposeOutOfProcessVideoDecodingToLacrosName[] =
"Expose out-of-process video decoding (OOP-VD) to LaCrOS.";
const char kExposeOutOfProcessVideoDecodingToLacrosDescription[] =
"Accept media.stable.mojom.StableVideoDecoderFactory connection requests "
"from LaCrOS and host said factories in utility processes.";
const char kFileTransferEnterpriseConnectorName[] =
"Enable Files Transfer Enterprise Connector.";
const char kFileTransferEnterpriseConnectorDescription[] =
"Enable the File Transfer Enterprise Connector.";
const char kFileTransferEnterpriseConnectorUIName[] =
"Enable UI for Files Transfer Enterprise Connector.";
const char kFileTransferEnterpriseConnectorUIDescription[] =
"Enable the UI for the File Transfer Enterprise Connector.";
const char kFilesConflictDialogName[] = "Files app conflict dialog";
const char kFilesConflictDialogDescription[] =
"When enabled, the conflict dialog will be shown during file transfers "
"if a file entry in the transfer exists at the destination.";
const char kFilesExtractArchiveName[] = "Extract archive in Files app";
const char kFilesExtractArchiveDescription[] =
"Enable the simplified archive extraction feature in Files app";
const char kFilesLocalImageSearchName[] = "Search local images by query.";
const char kFilesLocalImageSearchDescription[] =
"Enable searching local images by query.";
const char kFilesMaterializedViewsName[] = "Files app materialized views";
const char kFilesMaterializedViewsDescription[] =
"Enable materialized views in Files App.";
const char kFilesSinglePartitionFormatName[] =
"Enable Partitioning of Removable Disks.";
const char kFilesSinglePartitionFormatDescription[] =
"Enable partitioning of removable disks into single partition.";
const char kFilesTrashDriveName[] = "Enable Files Trash for Drive.";
const char kFilesTrashDriveDescription[] =
"Enable trash for Drive volume in Files App.";
const char kFileSystemProviderCloudFileSystemName[] =
"Enable CloudFileSystem for FileSystemProvider extensions.";
const char kFileSystemProviderCloudFileSystemDescription[] =
"Enable the ability for individual FileSystemProvider extensions to "
"be serviced by a CloudFileSystem.";
const char kFileSystemProviderContentCacheName[] =
"Enable content caching for FileSystemProvider extensions.";
const char kFileSystemProviderContentCacheDescription[] =
"Enable the ability for individual FileSystemProvider extensions being "
"serviced by CloudFileSystem to leverage a content cache.";
const char kFirmwareUpdateUIV2Name[] =
"Enables the v2 version of the Firmware Updates app";
const char kFirmwareUpdateUIV2Description[] =
"Enable the v2 version of the Firmware Updates App.";
const char kFirstPartyVietnameseInputName[] =
"First party Vietnamese Input Method";
const char kFirstPartyVietnameseInputDescription[] =
"Use first party input method for Vietnamese VNI and Telex";
const char kFocusFollowsCursorName[] = "Focus follows cursor";
const char kFocusFollowsCursorDescription[] =
"Enable window focusing by moving the cursor.";
const char kFocusModeName[] = "Focus Mode on ChromeOS";
const char kFocusModeDescription[] =
"Focus mode on the OS with timer, music, and task management "
const char kFocusModeYTMName[] = "Focus Mode YTM on ChromeOS";
const char kFocusModeYTMDescription[] = "Focus mode YouTube Music integration.";
const char kForceReSyncDriveName[] = "Force resync drive";
const char kForceReSyncDriveDescription[] =
"Enable Drive to forcibly resync office files.";
const char kFSPsInRecentsName[] =
"Enable chrome.fileSystemProviders in Recents";
const char kFSPsInRecentsDescription[] =
"Enable chrome.fileSystemProvider file systems in Files app Recents view";
const char kFuseBoxDebugName[] = "Debugging UI for ChromeOS FuseBox service";
const char kFuseBoxDebugDescription[] =
"Show additional debugging UI for ChromeOS FuseBox service.";
const char kGameDashboard[] = "Game Dashboard";
const char kGameDashboardDescription[] = "Enables the Game Dashboard.";
const char kGameDashboardGamePWAs[] = "Game Dashboard Game PWAs";
const char kGameDashboardGamePWAsDescription[] =
"Enables Game Dashboard for an additional set of game PWAs.";
const char kGameDashboardUtilities[] = "Game Dashboard Utilities";
const char kGameDashboardUtilitiesDescription[] =
"Enables utility features in the Game Dashboard.";
const char kGlanceablesTimeManagementClassroomStudentViewName[] =
"Glanceables > Time Management > Classroom Student";
const char kGlanceablesTimeManagementClassroomStudentViewDescription[] =
"Enables Google Classroom integration for students on the Time Management "
"Glanceables surface (via Calendar entry point).";
const char kGlanceablesTimeManagementTasksViewName[] =
"Glanceables > Time Management > Tasks";
const char kGlanceablesTimeManagementTasksViewDescription[] =
"Enables Google Tasks integration on the Time Management Glanceables "
"surface (via Calendar entry point).";
const char kHelpAppAppDetailPageName[] = "Help App app detail page";
const char kHelpAppAppDetailPageDescription[] =
"If enabled, the Help app will render the App Detail Page and entry point.";
const char kHelpAppAppsListName[] = "Help App apps list";
const char kHelpAppAppsListDescription[] =
"If enabled, the Help app will render the Apps List page and entry point.";
const char kHelpAppAutoTriggerInstallDialogName[] =
"Help App Auto Trigger Install Dialog";
const char kHelpAppAutoTriggerInstallDialogDescription[] =
"Enables the logic that auto triggers the install dialog during the web "
"app install flow initiated from the Help App.";
const char kHelpAppHomePageAppArticlesName[] =
"Help App home page app articles";
const char kHelpAppHomePageAppArticlesDescription[] =
"If enabled, the home page of the Help App will show a section containing"
"articles about apps.";
const char kHelpAppLauncherSearchName[] = "Help App launcher search";
const char kHelpAppLauncherSearchDescription[] =
"Enables showing search results from the help app in the launcher.";
const char kHelpAppOnboardingRevampName[] = "Help App onboarding revamp";
const char kHelpAppOnboardingRevampDescription[] =
"Enables a new onboarding flow in the Help App";
const char kHelpAppOpensInsteadOfReleaseNotesNotificationName[] =
"Help App opens instead of release notes notification";
const char kHelpAppOpensInsteadOfReleaseNotesNotificationDescription[] =
"Enables opening the Help App's What's New page immediately instead of "
"showing a notification to open the help app.";
const char kDiacriticsOnPhysicalKeyboardLongpressName[] =
"Enable diacritics and variant character selection on PK longpress.";
const char kDiacriticsOnPhysicalKeyboardLongpressDescription[] =
"Enable diacritics and other varient character selection on physical "
"keyboard longpress.";
const char kDiacriticsUseReplaceSurroundingTextName[] =
"Use ReplaceSurroundingText API for longpress diacritics.";
const char kDiacriticsUseReplaceSurroundingTextDescription[] =
"When longpress diacritics is enabled, use the ReplaceSurroundingText API "
"for better app compatibility.";
const char kHoldingSpaceSuggestionsName[] = "Enable holding space suggestions";
const char kHoldingSpaceSuggestionsDescription[] =
"Enables pinned file suggestions in holding space to help the user "
"understand and discover the ability to pin.";
const char kHotspotName[] = "Hotspot";
const char kHotspotDescription[] =
"Enables the Chromebook to share its cellular internet connection to other "
"devices through WiFi. While this feature is under development, enabling "
"this flag may cause your device's non-tethering traffic to use a "
"tethering APN, which can result in carrier limits or fees.";
const char kImeAssistEmojiEnhancedName[] = "Enable enhanced assistive emojis";
const char kImeAssistEmojiEnhancedDescription[] =
"Enable enhanced assistive emoji suggestion features for native IME";
const char kImeAssistMultiWordName[] =
"Enable assistive multi word suggestions";
const char kImeAssistMultiWordDescription[] =
"Enable assistive multi word suggestions for native IME";
const char kImeAssistMultiWordExpandedName[] =
"Enable expanded assistive multi word suggestions";
const char kImeAssistMultiWordExpandedDescription[] =
"Enable expanded assistive multi word suggestions for native IME";
const char kImeFstDecoderParamsUpdateName[] =
"Enable FST Decoder parameters update";
const char kImeFstDecoderParamsUpdateDescription[] =
"Enable updated parameters for the FST decoder.";
const char kImeKoreanModeSwitchDebugName[] =
"Korean input method's mode switch debug";
const char kImeKoreanModeSwitchDebugDescription[] =
"Enables debug info UI for Korean input method's internal-mode switch";
const char kImeKoreanOnlyModeSwitchOnRightAltName[] =
"Only internal-mode switch on right-Alt in Korean input method";
const char kImeKoreanOnlyModeSwitchOnRightAltDescription[] =
"When enabled and in Korean input method, right-Alt key location solely "
"toggles internal Korean/English mode, without Alt modifier functionality";
const char kIppFirstSetupForUsbPrintersName[] =
"Try to setup USB printers with IPP first";
const char kIppFirstSetupForUsbPrintersDescription[] =
"When enabled, ChromeOS attempts to setup USB printers via IPP Everywhere "
"first, then falls back to PPD-based setup.";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerClipboardName[] =
"System emoji picker clipboard";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerClipboardDescription[] =
"Emoji picker will insert emoji into clipboard if they can't be inserted "
"into a text field";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerExtensionName[] =
"System emoji picker extension";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerExtensionDescription[] =
"Emoji picker extension allows users to select emoticons and symbols to "
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerGIFSupportName[] =
"System emoji picker gif support";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerGIFSupportDescription[] =
"Emoji picker gif support allows users to select gifs to input.";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerJellySupportName[] =
"Enable jelly colors for the System Emoji Picker";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerJellySupportDescription[] =
"Enable jelly colors for the System Emoji Picker. Requires "
"jelly-colors flag to be enabled.";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerMojoSearchName[] =
"Enable mojo search for the System Emoji Picker";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerMojoSearchDescription[] =
"Enable mojo search for the System Emoji Picker.";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerSearchExtensionName[] =
"System emoji picker search extension";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerSearchExtensionDescription[] =
"Emoji picker search extension enhances current emoji search by "
"introducing multi-word prefix search.";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerVariantGroupingName[] =
"System emoji picker global variant grouping";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerVariantGroupingDescription[] =
"Emoji picker global variant grouping syncs skin tone and gender "
"preferences across emojis in each group.";
const char kImeStylusHandwritingName[] = "Stylus Handwriting";
const char kImeStylusHandwritingDescription[] =
"Enable VK UI for stylus in text fields";
const char kImeUsEnglishModelUpdateName[] =
"Enable US English IME model update";
const char kImeUsEnglishModelUpdateDescription[] =
"Enable updated US English IME language models for native IME";
const char kJellyColorsName[] = "Jelly Colors";
const char kJellyColorsDescription[] = "Enable Jelly coloring";
const char kCrosComponentsName[] = "Cros Components";
const char kCrosComponentsDescription[] =
"Enable cros-component UI elements, replacing other elements.";
const char kLacrosAvailabilityIgnoreName[] =
"Ignore lacros-availability policy";
const char kLacrosAvailabilityIgnoreDescription[] =
"Makes the lacros-availability policy have no effect on Google-internal "
"accounts. Instead, Lacros availability will be controlled by experiment "
"and/or user flags for such accounts.";
const char kLacrosStabilityName[] = "Lacros stability";
const char kLacrosStabilityDescription[] = "Lacros update channel.";
const char kLacrosSelectionName[] = "Lacros selection";
const char kLacrosSelectionDescription[] =
"Choosing between rootfs or stateful Lacros.";
const char kLacrosSelectionRootfsDescription[] = "Rootfs";
const char kLacrosSelectionStatefulDescription[] = "Stateful";
const char kLacrosSelectionPolicyIgnoreName[] =
"Ignore lacros-selection policy";
const char kLacrosSelectionPolicyIgnoreDescription[] =
"Makes the lacros-selection policy have no effect. Instead Lacros "
"selection will be controlled by experiment and/or user flags.";
const char kLacrosWaylandLoggingName[] = "Lacros wayland logging";
const char kLacrosWaylandLoggingDescription[] =
"Enables wayland logging for Lacros. This generates a significant amount "
"of logs on disk. Logs are cleared after two restarts.";
const char kLacrosProfileMigrationForceOffName[] = "Disable profile migration";
const char kLacrosProfileMigrationForceOffDescription[] =
"Disables lacros profile migration. Lacros profile migration is being "
"rolled out to internal users first. Once lacros profile migration becomes "
"available to the user, the completion of profile migration becomes a "
"requirement to use lacros i.e. if profile migration gets rolled out to "
"the user and the migration fails, then lacros becomes unavailable until "
"the migration is completed. By enabling this flag, even if profile "
"migration is rolled out to the user, the migration will not run and the "
"user can continue to use lacros without profile migration.";
const char kLacrosProfileBackwardMigrationName[] =
"Trigger Lacros profile backward migration";
const char kLacrosProfileBackwardMigrationDescription[] =
"Trigger data migration back from the Lacros profile directory to the Ash "
"profile directory on next restart. Set this flag only together with "
"disabling the Lacros availability flag, otherwise it has no effect.";
const char kLanguagePacksInSettingsName[] = "Language Packs in Settings";
const char kLanguagePacksInSettingsDescription[] =
"Enables the UI and logic to manage Language Packs in Settings. This is "
"used for languages and input methods.";
const char kUseMlServiceForNonLongformHandwritingOnAllBoardsName[] =
"Use ML Service for non-Longform handwriting on all boards";
const char kUseMlServiceForNonLongformHandwritingOnAllBoardsDescription[] =
"Use ML Service (and DLC Language Packs) for non-Longform handwriting in "
"Chrome OS 1P Virtual Keyboard on all boards. When this flag is OFF, such "
"usage exists on certain boards only.";
const char kLauncherContinueSectionWithRecentsName[] =
"Launcher continue section with recent drive files";
const char kLauncherContinueSectionWithRecentsDescription[] =
"Adds Google Drive file suggestions based on users' recent activity to "
"\"Continue where you left off\" section in Launcher.";
const char kLauncherAppsCollectionsName[] = "Launcher Apps Collections";
const char kLauncherAppsCollectionsDescription[] =
"Enables the Launcher Apps Collection UI in ChromeOS. By enabling this "
"flag, the apps list will be substituted by a modular view with different "
"categories filled with predefined apps.";
const char kLauncherAppsCollectionsForceUserEligibilityName[] =
"Force Launcher Apps Collections user eligibility";
const char kLauncherAppsCollectionsForceUserEligibilityDescription[] =
"Forces user eligibility for the Launcher Apps Collection UI in ChromeOS. "
"Enabling this flag has no effect unless the Apps Collections "
"is also enabled";
const char kLauncherItemSuggestName[] = "Launcher ItemSuggest";
const char kLauncherItemSuggestDescription[] =
"Allows configuration of experiment parameters for ItemSuggest in the "
const char kLimitShelfItemsToActiveDeskName[] =
"Limit Shelf items to active desk";
const char kLimitShelfItemsToActiveDeskDescription[] =
"Limits items on the shelf to the ones associated with windows on the "
"active desk";
const char kListAllDisplayModesName[] = "List all display modes";
const char kListAllDisplayModesDescription[] =
"Enables listing all external displays' modes in the display settings.";
const char kEnableHardwareMirrorModeName[] = "Enable Hardware Mirror Mode";
const char kEnableHardwareMirrorModeDescription[] =
"Enables hardware support when multiple displays are set to mirror mode.";
const char kHindiInscriptLayoutName[] = "Hindi Inscript Layout on CrOS";
const char kHindiInscriptLayoutDescription[] =
"Enables Hindi Inscript Layout on ChromeOS.";
const char kLockScreenNotificationName[] = "Lock screen notification";
const char kLockScreenNotificationDescription[] =
"Enable notifications on the lock screen.";
const char kMahiName[] = "Mahi feature";
const char kMahiDescription[] = "Enable Mahi feature on ChromeOS.";
const char kMahiDebuggingName[] = "Mahi Debugging";
const char kMahiDebuggingDescription[] = "Enable debugging for mahi.";
const char kMahiFeatureKeyName[] = "Feature key for Mahi feature";
const char kMahiFeatureKeyDescription[] =
"Feature key to use the Mahi feature on ChromeOS.";
const char kMediaAppPdfMahiName[] = "Mahi feature on Media App PDF";
const char kMediaAppPdfMahiDescription[] =
"Enable Mahi feature on PDF files in Gallery app.";
const char kMeteredShowToggleName[] = "Show Metered Toggle";
const char kMeteredShowToggleDescription[] =
"Shows a Metered toggle in the Network settings UI for WiFI and Cellular. "
"The toggle allows users to set whether a network should be considered "
"metered for purposes of bandwith usage (e.g. for automatic updates).";
const char kMicrophoneMuteSwitchDeviceName[] = "Microphone Mute Switch Device";
const char kMicrophoneMuteSwitchDeviceDescription[] =
"Support for detecting the state of hardware microphone mute toggle. Only "
"effective on devices that have a microphone mute toggle. Enabling the "
"flag does not affect the toggle functionality, it only affects how the "
"System UI handles the mute toggle state.";
const char kMultiCalendarSupportName[] =
"Multi-Calendar Support in Quick Settings";
const char kMultiCalendarSupportDescription[] =
"Enables the Quick Settings Calendar to display Google Calendar events for "
"up to 10 of the user's calendars.";
const char kMultiZoneRgbKeyboardName[] =
"Enable multi-zone RGB keyboard customization";
const char kMultiZoneRgbKeyboardDescription[] =
"Enable multi-zone RGB keyboard customization on supported devices.";
const char kNotificationWidthIncreaseName[] =
"Notification Width Increase Feature";
const char kNotificationWidthIncreaseDescription[] =
"Enables increased notification width for pop-up notifications and "
"notifications in the message center.";
const char kEnableNearbyBleV2Name[] = "Nearby BLE v2";
const char kEnableNearbyBleV2Description[] = "Enables Nearby BLE v2.";
const char kEnableNearbyBleV2ExtendedAdvertisingName[] =
"Nearby BLE v2 Extended Advertising";
const char kEnableNearbyBleV2ExtendedAdvertisingDescription[] =
"Enables extended advertising functionality over BLE when using Nearby BLE "
const char kEnableNearbyBleV2GattServerName[] = "Nearby BLE v2 GATT Server";
const char kEnableNearbyBleV2GattServerDescription[] =
"Enables GATT server functionality over BLE when using Nearby BLE "
const char kEnableNearbyBluetoothClassicAdvertisingName[] =
"Nearby Bluetooth Classic Advertising";
const char kEnableNearbyBluetoothClassicAdvertisingDescription[] =
"Enables Nearby advertising over Bluetooth Classic.";
const char kEnableNearbyMdnsName[] = "Nearby mDNS Discovery";
const char kEnableNearbyMdnsDescription[] =
"Enables Nearby discovery over mDNS.";
const char kEnableNearbyWebRtcName[] = "Nearby WebRTC";
const char kEnableNearbyWebRtcDescription[] =
"Enables Nearby transfers over WebRTC.";
const char kEnableNearbyWifiDirectName[] = "Nearby WiFi Direct";
const char kEnableNearbyWifiDirectDescription[] =
"Enables Nearby transfers over WiFi Direct.";
const char kEnableNearbyWifiLanName[] = "Nearby WiFi LAN";
const char kEnableNearbyWifiLanDescription[] =
"Enables Nearby transfers over WiFi LAN.";
const char kNearbyPresenceName[] = "Nearby Presence";
const char kNearbyPresenceDescription[] =
"Enables Nearby Presence for scanning and discovery of nearby devices.";
const char kNotificationsIgnoreRequireInteractionName[] =
"Notifications always timeout";
const char kNotificationsIgnoreRequireInteractionDescription[] =
"Always timeout notifications, even if they are set with "
const char kOnDeviceAppControlsName[] = "On-device controls for apps";
const char kOnDeviceAppControlsDescription[] =
"Enables the on-device controls UI for blocking apps.";
const char kOrcaKeyName[] = "Secret key for Orca feature";
const char kOrcaKeyDescription[] =
"Secret key for Orca feature. Incorrect values will cause chrome crashes.";
const char kOsFeedbackDialogName[] =
"OS Feedback dialog on OOBE and login screen";
const char kOsFeedbackDialogDescription[] =
"Enable the OS Feedback dialog on OOBE and login screen.";
const char kOsSettingsRevampWayfindingName[] =
"ChromeOS Settings Revamp: Wayfinding Improvements";
const char kOsSettingsRevampWayfindingDescription[] =
"Enables wayfinding improvements in the ChromeOS Settings UI.";
const char kPcieBillboardNotificationName[] = "Pcie billboard notification";
const char kPcieBillboardNotificationDescription[] =
"Enable Pcie peripheral billboard notification.";
const char kPerformantSplitViewResizing[] = "Performant Split View Resizing";
const char kPerformantSplitViewResizingDescription[] =
"If enabled, windows may be moved instead of scaled when resizing split "
"view in tablet mode.";
const char kPhoneHubCallNotificationName[] =
"Incoming call notification in Phone Hub";
const char kPhoneHubCallNotificationDescription[] =
"Enables the incoming/ongoing call feature in Phone Hub.";
const char kPreferDcheckName[] = "Prefer DCHECK-enabled build";
const char kPreferDcheckDescription[] =
"Use a DCHECK-enabled build when available.";
const char kPrintingPpdChannelName[] = "Printing PPD channel";
const char kPrintingPpdChannelDescription[] =
"The channel from which PPD index "
"is loaded when matching PPD files during printer setup.";
const char kPrintPreviewCrosAppName[] = "Enable ChromeOS print preview";
const char kPrintPreviewCrosAppDescription[] =
"Enables ChromeOS print preview app.";
const char kProductivityLauncherName[] =
"Productivity experiment: App Launcher";
const char kProductivityLauncherDescription[] =
"To evaluate an enhanced Launcher experience that aims to improve app "
"workflows by optimizing access to apps, app content, and app actions.";
const char kProductivityLauncherImageSearchName[] =
"Productivity Launcher experiment: Launcher Image Search";
const char kProductivityLauncherImageSearchDescription[] =
"To evaluate the viability of image search as part of Productivity "
"Launcher Search.";
const char kProjectorAppDebugName[] = "Enable Projector app debug";
const char kProjectorAppDebugDescription[] =
"Adds more informative error messages to the Projector app for debugging";
const char kProjectorGm3Name[] = "Enable Screencast GM3";
const char kProjectorGm3Description[] =
"Adds updated styles and dynamic colors to the Screencast app.";
const char kProjectorServerSideSpeechRecognitionName[] =
"Enable server side speech recognition for Projector";
const char kProjectorServerSideSpeechRecognitionDescription[] =
"Adds server side speech recognition capability to Projector.";
const char kProjectorServerSideUsmName[] =
"Enable USM for Projector server side speech recognition";
const char kProjectorServerSideUsmDescription[] =
"Allows Screencast to ues the latest model for server side speech "
const char kReleaseNotesNotificationAllChannelsName[] =
"Release Notes Notification All Channels";
const char kReleaseNotesNotificationAllChannelsDescription[] =
"Enables the release notes notification for all ChromeOS channels";
const char kReleaseNotesNotificationAlwaysEligibleName[] =
"Release Notes Notification always eligible";
const char kReleaseNotesNotificationAlwaysEligibleDescription[] =
"Makes the release notes notification always appear regardless of channel, "
"profile type, and whether or not the notification had already been shown "
"this milestone. For testing.";
const char kRenderArcNotificationsByChromeName[] =
"Render ARC notifications by ChromeOS";
const char kRenderArcNotificationsByChromeDescription[] =
"Enables rendering ARC notifications using ChromeOS notification framework "
"if supported";
const char kArcWindowPredictorName[] = "Enable ARC window predictor";
const char kArcWindowPredictorDescription[] =
"Enables the window state and bounds predictor for ARC task windows";
const char kScalableIphDebugName[] = "Scalable Iph Debug";
const char kScalableIphDebugDescription[] =
"Enables debug feature of Scalable Iph";
const char kSeaPenName[] = "SeaPen";
const char kSeaPenDescription[] = "Enable SeaPen Wallpaper";
const char kSeaPenEnterpriseName[] = "SeaPenEnterprise";
const char kSeaPenEnterpriseDescription[] =
"Enable SeaPen Features for managed users";
const char kSealKeyName[] = "Secret key for Seal feature";
const char kSealKeyDescription[] = "Secret key for Seal feature.";
const char kShelfAutoHideSeparationName[] =
"Enable separate shelf auto-hide preferences.";
const char kShelfAutoHideSeparationDescription[] =
"Allows for the shelf's auto-hide preference to be specified separately "
"for clamshell and tablet mode.";
const char kShimlessRMAAproUpdateRootfsName[] =
"Enable APRO update from RootFS in Shimless RMA";
const char kShimlessRMAAproUpdateRootfsDescription[] =
"Updates APRO from RootFS first in the Shimless RMA flow and fallbacks to "
"USB drive when it fails.";
const char kShimlessRMAOsUpdateName[] = "Enable OS updates in shimless RMA";
const char kShimlessRMAOsUpdateDescription[] =
"Turns on OS updating in Shimless RMA";
const char kSchedulerConfigurationName[] = "Scheduler Configuration";
const char kSchedulerConfigurationDescription[] =
"Instructs the OS to use a specific scheduler configuration setting.";
const char kSchedulerConfigurationConservative[] =
"Disables Hyper-Threading on relevant CPUs.";
const char kSchedulerConfigurationPerformance[] =
"Enables Hyper-Threading on relevant CPUs.";
const char kSnapGroupsName[] = "Enable Snap Groups feature";
const char kSnapGroupsDescription[] =
"Enables the ability to accelerate the window layout setup process and "
"access the window layout as a group";
const char kMediaDynamicCgroupName[] = "Media Dynamic Cgroup";
const char kMediaDynamicCgroupDescription[] =
"Dynamic Cgroup allows tasks from media workload to be consolidated on "
"limited cpuset";
const char kMissiveStorageName[] = "Missive Daemon Storage Configuration";
const char kMissiveStorageDescription[] =
"Provides missive daemon with custom storage configuration parameters";
const char kShowBluetoothDebugLogToggleName[] =
"Show Bluetooth debug log toggle";
const char kShowBluetoothDebugLogToggleDescription[] =
"Enables a toggle which can enable debug (i.e., verbose) logs for "
const char kShowTapsName[] = "Show taps";
const char kShowTapsDescription[] =
"Draws a circle at each touch point, which makes touch points more obvious "
"when projecting or mirroring the display. Similar to the Android OS "
"developer option.";
const char kShowTouchHudName[] = "Show HUD for touch points";
const char kShowTouchHudDescription[] =
"Shows a trail of colored dots for the last few touch points. Pressing "
"Ctrl-Alt-I shows a heads-up display view in the top-left corner. Helps "
"debug hardware issues that generate spurious touch events.";
const char kContinuousOverviewScrollAnimationName[] =
"Makes the gesture for Overview continuous";
const char kContinuousOverviewScrollAnimationDescription[] =
"When a user does the Overview gesture (3 finger swipe), smoothly animates "
"the transition into Overview as the gesture is done. Allows for the user "
"to scrub (move forward and backward) through Overview.";
const char kSparkyName[] = "Sparky feature";
const char kSparkyDescription[] = "Enable Sparky feature on ChromeOS.";
const char kSparkyFeatureKeyName[] = "Feature key for Sparky feature";
const char kSparkyFeatureKeyDescription[] =
"Feature key to use the Sparky feature on ChromeOS.";
const char kSparkyServerUrlName[] = "Server Url for Sparky feature";
const char kSparkyServerUrlDescription[] =
"The Url of the server which the Sparky feature will call on ChromeOS.";
const char kSpectreVariant2MitigationName[] = "Spectre variant 2 mitigation";
const char kSpectreVariant2MitigationDescription[] =
"Controls whether Spectre variant 2 mitigation is enabled when "
"bootstrapping the Seccomp BPF sandbox. Can be overridden by "
const char kSystemJapanesePhysicalTypingName[] =
"Use system IME for Japanese typing";
const char kSystemJapanesePhysicalTypingDescription[] =
"Use the system input engine instead of the Chrome extension for physical "
"typing in Japanese. This also replaces the Japanese extension settings "
"page with one built into the UI and migrates the data to a new location.";
const char kSupportF11AndF12ShortcutsName[] = "F11/F12 Shortcuts";
const char kSupportF11AndF12ShortcutsDescription[] =
"Enables settings that "
"allow users to use shortcuts to remap to the F11 and F12 keys in the "
"Customize keyboard keys "
const char kTerminalDevName[] = "Terminal dev";
const char kTerminalDevDescription[] =
"Enables Terminal System App to load from Downloads for developer testing. "
"Only works in dev and canary channels.";
const char kTetherName[] = "Instant Tethering";
const char kTetherDescription[] =
"Enables Instant Tethering. Instant Tethering allows your nearby Google "
"phone to share its Internet connection with this device.";
const char kTilingWindowResizeName[] = "CrOS Labs - Tiling Window Resize";
const char kTilingWindowResizeDescription[] =
"Enables tile-like resizing of windows.";
const char kTouchscreenCalibrationName[] =
"Enable/disable touchscreen calibration option in material design settings";
const char kTouchscreenCalibrationDescription[] =
"If enabled, the user can calibrate the touch screen displays in "
const char kTouchscreenMappingName[] =
"Enable/disable touchscreen mapping option in material design settings";
const char kTouchscreenMappingDescription[] =
"If enabled, the user can map the touch screen display to the correct "
"input device in chrome://settings/display.";
const char kTrafficCountersEnabledName[] = "Traffic counters enabled";
const char kTrafficCountersEnabledDescription[] =
"If enabled, data usage will be visible in the Cellular Settings UI and "
"traffic counters will be automatically reset if that setting is enabled.";
const char kTrafficCountersForWiFiTestingName[] =
"Traffic counters enabled for WiFi networks";
const char kTrafficCountersForWiFiTestingDescription[] =
"If enabeld, data usage will be visible in the Settings UI for WiFi "
const char kUploadOfficeToCloudName[] = "Enable Office files upload workflow.";
const char kUploadOfficeToCloudDescription[] =
"Some file handlers for Microsoft Office files are only available on the "
"the cloud. Enables the cloud upload workflow for Office file handling.";
const char kUpstreamTrustedReportsFirmwareName[] =
"Enable firmware updates from upstream";
const char kUpstreamTrustedReportsFirmwareDescription[] =
"Enables firmware updates for firmwares that have been uploaded to LVFS "
"and have been tested with ChromeOS.";
const char kUseAnnotatedAccountIdName[] =
"Use AccountId based mapping between User and BrowserContext";
const char kUseAnnotatedAccountIdDescription[] =
"Uses AccountId annotated for BrowserContext to look up between ChromeOS "
"User and BrowserContext, a.k.a. Profile.";
const char kUseFakeDeviceForMediaStreamName[] = "Use fake video capture device";
const char kUseFakeDeviceForMediaStreamDescription[] =
"Forces Chrome to use a fake video capture device (a rolling pacman with a "
"timestamp) instead of the system audio/video devices, for debugging "
const char kUiDevToolsName[] = "Enable native UI inspection";
const char kUiDevToolsDescription[] =
"Enables inspection of native UI elements. For local inspection use "
const char kUiSlowAnimationsName[] = "Slow UI animations";
const char kUiSlowAnimationsDescription[] = "Makes all UI animations slow.";
const char kVcDlcUiName[] = "VC DLC UI";
const char kVcDlcUiDescription[] =
"Enable UI for video conference effect toggle tiles in the video "
"conference controls bubble that indicates when required DLC is "
const char kVirtualKeyboardName[] = "Virtual Keyboard";
const char kVirtualKeyboardDescription[] =
"Always show virtual keyboard regardless of having a physical keyboard "
const char kVirtualKeyboardDisabledName[] = "Disable Virtual Keyboard";
const char kVirtualKeyboardDisabledDescription[] =
"Always disable virtual keyboard regardless of device mode. Workaround for "
"virtual keyboard showing with some external keyboards.";
const char kVirtualKeyboardGlobalEmojiPreferencesName[] =
"Virtual Keyboard Global Emoji Preferences";
const char kVirtualKeyboardGlobalEmojiPreferencesDescription[] =
"Enable global preferences for skin tone and gender in the virtual "
"keyboard emoji picker.";
const char kVirtualKeyboardRoundCornersName[] =
"Virtual Keyboard Round Corners";
const char kVirtualKeyboardRoundCornersDescription[] =
"Enables round corners on the virtual keyboard.";
const char kWakeOnWifiAllowedName[] = "Allow enabling wake on WiFi features";
const char kWakeOnWifiAllowedDescription[] =
"Allows wake on WiFi features in shill to be enabled.";
const char kWelcomeExperienceName[] = "Welcome Experience";
const char kWelcomeExperienceDescription[] =
"Enables a new Welcome Experience for first-time peripheral connections.";
const char kWelcomeExperienceTestUnsupportedDevicesName[] =
"Welcome Experience test unsupported devices";
const char kWelcomeExperienceTestUnsupportedDevicesDescription[] =
"kWelcomeExperienceTestUnsupportedDevices enables the new device Welcome "
"Experience to be tested on external devices that are not officially "
"supported. When enabled, users will be able to initiate and complete "
"the enhanced Welcome Experience flow using these unsupported external "
"devices. This flag is intended for testing purposes and should be "
"disabled in production environments.";
const char kWelcomeTourName[] = "Welcome Tour";
const char kWelcomeTourDescription[] =
"Enables the Welcome Tour that walks new users through ChromeOS System UI.";
const char kWelcomeTourForceUserEligibilityName[] =
"Force Welcome Tour user eligibility";
const char kWelcomeTourForceUserEligibilityDescription[] =
"Forces user eligibility for the Welcome Tour that walks new users through "
"ChromeOS System UI. Enabling this flag has no effect unless the Welcome "
"Tour is also enabled.";
const char kWifiConnectMacAddressRandomizationName[] =
"MAC address randomization";
const char kWifiConnectMacAddressRandomizationDescription[] =
"Randomize MAC address when connecting to unmanaged (non-enterprise) "
"WiFi networks.";
const char kWifiConcurrencyName[] = "WiFi Concurrency";
const char kWifiConcurrencyDescription[] =
"When enabled, it uses new WiFi concurrency Shill APIs to start station "
"WiFi and tethering.";
const char kWifiDirectName[] = "Wifi Direct";
const char kWifiDirectDescription[] =
"Enables the WiFi direct functionalities in ChromeOS";
const char kWindowSplittingName[] = "CrOS Labs - Window splitting";
const char kWindowSplittingDescription[] =
"Enables splitting windows by dragging one over another.";
const char kLacrosLaunchAtLoginScreenName[] =
"Pre-launch Lacros at login screen";
const char kLacrosLaunchAtLoginScreenDescription[] =
"When enabled, it causes Lacros to be pre-launched at login screen.";
const char kLauncherGameSearchName[] = "Enable launcher game search";
const char kLauncherGameSearchDescription[] =
"Enables cloud game search results in the launcher.";
const char kLauncherKeyShortcutInBestMatchName[] =
"Enable keyshortcut results in best match";
const char kLauncherKeyShortcutInBestMatchDescription[] =
"When enabled, it allows key shortcut results to appear in best match and "
"answer card in launcher.";
const char kLauncherKeywordExtractionScoring[] =
"Query keyword extraction and scoring in launcher";
const char kLauncherKeywordExtractionScoringDescription[] =
"Enables extraction of keywords from query then calculate score from "
"extracted keyword in the launcher.";
const char kLauncherLocalImageSearchName[] =
"Enable launcher local image search";
const char kLauncherLocalImageSearchDescription[] =
"Enables on-device local image search in the launcher.";
const char kLauncherLocalImageSearchOnCoreName[] =
"Enable launcher local image search on core devices";
const char kLauncherLocalImageSearchOnCoreDescription[] =
"Enables on-device local image search in the launcher on core devices.";
const char kLauncherLocalImageSearchConfidenceName[] =
"Launcher Local Image Search Confidence";
const char kLauncherLocalImageSearchConfidenceDescription[] =
"Allows configurations of the experiment parameters for local image search "
"confidence threshold in the launcher.";
const char kLauncherLocalImageSearchRelevanceName[] =
"Launcher Local Image Search Relevance";
const char kLauncherLocalImageSearchRelevanceDescription[] =
"Allows configurations of the experiment parameters for local image search "
"Relevance threshold in the launcher.";
const char kLauncherLocalImageSearchOcrName[] =
"Enable OCR for local image search";
const char kLauncherLocalImageSearchOcrDescription[] =
"Enables on-device Optical Character Recognition for local image search in "
"the launcher.";
const char kLauncherLocalImageSearchIcaName[] =
"Enable ICA for local image search";
const char kLauncherLocalImageSearchIcaDescription[] =
"Enables on-device Image Content-based Annotation for local image search "
"in the launcher.";
const char kLauncherFuzzyMatchAcrossProvidersName[] =
"Enable fuzzy match for relevance scores";
const char kLauncherFuzzyMatchAcrossProvidersDescription[] =
"Change relevance score in Drive Files, Local Files, Help App, Keyboard "
"shortcuts, OS Settings and personalization app to all be based on a fuzzy "
const char kLauncherFuzzyMatchForOmniboxName[] =
"Omnibox Results Fuzzy match experiment";
const char kLauncherFuzzyMatchForOmniboxDescription[] =
"To evaluate the viability of a Fuzzy match on Omnibox results to "
"downweight search sugestions";
const char kLauncherSearchControlName[] = "Enable launcher search control";
const char kLauncherSearchControlDescription[] =
"Enable search control in launcher so that users can custmize the result "
"results provided.";
const char kLauncherNudgeSessionResetName[] =
"Enable resetting launcher nudge data";
const char kLauncherNudgeSessionResetDescription[] =
"When enabled, this will reset the launcher nudge shown data on every new "
"user session, allowing the nudge to be shown again.";
const char kLauncherSystemInfoAnswerCardsName[] =
"System Info Answer Cards in launcher";
const char kLauncherSystemInfoAnswerCardsDescription[] =
"Enables System info answer cards in the launcher to provide system "
"performance metrics";
const char kMacAddressRandomizationName[] = "MAC address randomization";
const char kMacAddressRandomizationDescription[] =
"Feature to allow MAC address randomization to be enabled for WiFi "
const char kSysUiShouldHoldbackDriveIntegrationName[] =
"Holdback for Drive Integration on chromeOS";
const char kSysUiShouldHoldbackDriveIntegrationDescription[] =
"Enables holdback for Drive Integration.";
const char kSysUiShouldHoldbackFocusModeName[] =
"Holdback for Focus Mode on chromeOS";
const char kSysUiShouldHoldbackFocusModeDescription[] =
"Enables holdback for Focus Mode.";
const char kSysUiShouldHoldbackForestName[] = "Holdback for Forest on chromeOS";
const char kSysUiShouldHoldbackForestDescription[] =
"Enables holdback for Forest.";
const char kSysUiShouldHoldbackGifRecordingName[] =
"Holdback for GIF recording on chromeOS";
const char kSysUiShouldHoldbackGifRecordingDescription[] =
"Enables holdback for GIF recording.";
const char kSysUiShouldHoldbackTaskManagementName[] =
"Holdback for Task Management on chromeOS";
const char kSysUiShouldHoldbackTaskManagementDescription[] =
"Enables holdback for Task Management.";
const char kTetheringExperimentalFunctionalityName[] =
"Tethering Allow Experimental Functionality";
const char kTetheringExperimentalFunctionalityDescription[] =
"Feature to enable Chromebook hotspot functionality for experimental "
"carriers, modem and modem FW.";
const char kExperimentalWebAppStoragePartitionIsolationName[] =
"Enable experimental web app stroage partition isolation";
const char kExperimentalWebAppStoragePartitionIsolationDescription[] =
"This is highly experimental. Enabling this flag could break things. And a "
"factory reset might be needed to fully recover the state.";
const char kBlinkExtensionName[] = "Experimental Blink Extension";
const char kBlinkExtensionDescription[] =
"Enable the experimental Blink Extension.";
const char kBlinkExtensionDiagnosticsName[] =
"Experimental Diagnostics Blink Extension";
const char kBlinkExtensionDiagnosticsDescription[] =
"Enable the experimental Diagnostics Blink Extension.";
const char kGetAllScreensMediaName[] = …;
const char kGetAllScreensMediaDescription[] = …;
const char kAddPrinterViaPrintscanmgrName[] =
"Uses printscanmgr to add printers";
const char kAddPrinterViaPrintscanmgrDescription[] =
"Changes the daemon used to add printers from debugd to printscanmgr.";
const char kCrosAppsBackgroundEventHandlingName[] =
"Experimental Background Events for CrOS Apps";
const char kCrosAppsBackgroundEventHandlingDescription[] =
"Enable key events for CrOS Apps running in background.";
const char kRunOnOsLoginName[] = "Run on OS login";
const char kRunOnOsLoginDescription[] =
"When enabled, allows PWAs to be automatically run on OS login.";
const char kPreventCloseName[] = "Prevent close";
const char kPreventCloseDescription[] =
"When enabled, allow-listed PWAs cannot be closed manually.";
const char kFileSystemAccessGetCloudIdentifiersName[] =
"Cloud identifiers for FileSystemAccess API";
const char kFileSystemAccessGetCloudIdentifiersDescription[] =
"Enables the FileSystemHandle.getCloudIdentifiers() method. See"
"for more information.";
const char kCrOSDspBasedAecAllowedName[] =
"Allow CRAS to use a DSP-based AEC if available";
const char kCrOSDspBasedAecAllowedDescription[] =
"Allows the system variant of the AEC in CRAS to be run on DSP ";
const char kCrOSDspBasedNsAllowedName[] =
"Allow CRAS to use a DSP-based NS if available";
const char kCrOSDspBasedNsAllowedDescription[] =
"Allows the system variant of the NS in CRAS to be run on DSP ";
const char kCrOSDspBasedAgcAllowedName[] =
"Allow CRAS to use a DSP-based AGC if available";
const char kCrOSDspBasedAgcAllowedDescription[] =
"Allows the system variant of the AGC in CRAS to be run on DSP ";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecName[] = "Enforce using the system AEC in CrAS";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecDescription[] =
"Enforces using the system variant in CrAS of the AEC";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecAgcName[] =
"Enforce using the system AEC and AGC in CrAS";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecAgcDescription[] =
"Enforces using the system variants in CrAS of the AEC and AGC.";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecNsName[] =
"Enforce using the system AEC and NS in CrAS";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecNsDescription[] =
"Enforces using the system variants in CrAS of the AEC and NS.";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecNsAgcName[] =
"Enforce using the system AEC, NS and AGC in CrAS";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecNsAgcDescription[] =
"Enforces using the system variants in CrAS of the AEC, NS and AGC.";
const char kIgnoreUiGainsName[] = "Ignore UI Gains in system mic gain setting";
const char kIgnoreUiGainsDescription[] =
"Ignore UI Gains in system mic gain setting";
const char kShowForceRespectUiGainsToggleName[] =
"Enable a setting toggle to force respect UI gains";
const char kShowForceRespectUiGainsToggleDescription[] =
"Enable a setting toggle to force respect UI gains.";
const char kCrOSSystemVoiceIsolationOptionName[] =
"Enable the options of setting system voice isolation per stream";
const char kCrOSSystemVoiceIsolationOptionDescription[] =
"Enable the options of setting system voice isolation per stream.";
const char kAudioFlexibleLoopbackForSystemLoopbackName[] =
const char kAudioFlexibleLoopbackForSystemLoopbackDescription[] =
"Request a FLEXIBLE_LOOPBACK instead of POST_MIX_LOOPBACK for system "
const char kCrosMallName[] = "ChromeOS App Mall";
const char kCrosMallDescription[] =
"Enables an app to discover and install other apps.";
const char kCrosMallSwaName[] = "ChromeOS App Mall System App";
const char kCrosMallSwaDescription[] =
"Use System Web App for ChromeOS App Mall.";
const char kCrosPrivacyHubName[] = "Enable ChromeOS Privacy Hub";
const char kCrosPrivacyHubDescription[] = "Enables ChromeOS Privacy Hub.";
const char kCrosPrivacyHubAppPermissionsName[] =
"Enable app permissions view inside Priacy Hub";
const char kCrosPrivacyHubAppPermissionsDescription[] =
"When enabled, the user will be able to see the list of apps, sites and "
"system services affected by the privacy hub toggles.";
const char kCrosPrivacyHubAppPermissionsV2Name[] =
"Add privacy controls to app specific subpages";
const char kCrosPrivacyHubAppPermissionsV2Description[] =
"When enabled, the user will be able to manage system access of sensors "
"from the app specific subpages under the OS Apps section.";
const char kDisableIdleSocketsCloseOnMemoryPressureName[] =
"Disable closing idle sockets on memory pressure";
const char kDisableIdleSocketsCloseOnMemoryPressureDescription[] =
"If enabled, idle sockets will not be closed when chrome detects memory "
"pressure. This applies to web pages only and not to internal requests.";
const char kDisableOfficeEditingComponentAppName[] =
"Disable Office Editing for Docs, Sheets & Slides";
const char kDisableOfficeEditingComponentAppDescription[] =
"Disables Office Editing for Docs, Sheets & Slides component app so "
"handlers won't be registered, making it possible to install another "
"version for testing.";
const char kLacrosColorManagementName[] = "Enable Chrome Color Management.";
const char kLacrosColorManagementDescription[] =
"Uses chrome-color-management wayland protocol to manage color spaces "
"for lacros. This is necessary for enabling HDR on compatible devices.";
const char kLockedModeName[] = "Enable the Locked Mode API.";
const char kLockedModeDescription[] =
"Enabled the Locked Mode Web API which allows admin-allowlisted sites "
"to enter a locked down fullscreen mode.";
const char kOneGroupPerRendererName[] =
"Use one cgroup for each foreground renderer";
const char kOneGroupPerRendererDescription[] =
"Places each Chrome foreground renderer into its own cgroup";
const char kPlatformKeysAesEncryptionName[] = "Platform Keys AES encryption";
const char kPlatformKeysAesEncryptionDescription[] =
"Enables AES keys support in the chrome.enterprise.platformKeys and "
"chrome.platformKeys APIs. For instance, the new operations include sign, "
"encrypt, and decrypt.";
const char kPrintPreviewCrosPrimaryName[] =
"Enables the ChromeOS print preview to be the primary print preview.";
const char kPrintPreviewCrosPrimaryDescription[] =
"Allows the ChromeOS print preview to be opened instead of the browser "
" print preview.";
const char kDisableQuickAnswersV2TranslationName[] =
"Disable Quick Answers Translation";
const char kDisableQuickAnswersV2TranslationDescription[] =
"Disable translation services of the Quick Answers.";
const char kQuickAnswersRichCardName[] = "Enable Quick Answers Rich Card";
const char kQuickAnswersRichCardDescription[] =
"Enable rich card views of the Quick Answers feature.";
const char kQuickAnswersMaterialNextUIName[] =
"Enable Quick Answers Material Next UI";
const char kQuickAnswersMaterialNextUIDescription[] =
"Enable Material Next UI for the Quick Answers feature. This is effective "
"only if Magic Boost flag is off. Note that this will be changed as this "
"is effective only if a device is eligible to Magic Boost when the Magic "
"Boost flag gets flipped.";
const char kSyncChromeOSExplicitPassphraseSharingName[] =
"Sync passphrase sharing";
const char kSyncChromeOSExplicitPassphraseSharingDescription[] =
"Allows sharing custom sync passphrase between OS and Browser on ChromeOS";
const char kQuickOfficeForceFileDownloadName[] =
"Basic Office Editor File Download";
const char kQuickOfficeForceFileDownloadDescription[] =
"Forces the Basic Office Editor to download files instead of intercepting "
"navigations to document types it can handle.";
const char kWebPrintingApiName[] = "Web Printing API";
const char kWebPrintingApiDescription[] =
"Enable access to the Web Printing API. See "
"https://github.com/WICG/web-printing for details.";
const char kChromeOSHWVBREncodingName[] =
"ChromeOS Hardware Variable Bitrate Encoding";
const char kChromeOSHWVBREncodingDescription[] =
"Enables the hardware-accelerated variable bitrate (VBR) encoding on "
"ChromeOS. If the hardware encoder supports VBR for a specified codec, a "
"video is recorded in VBR encoding in MediaRecoder API automatically and "
"WebCodecs API if configured so.";
#if defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY)
const char kUseGLForScalingName[] = "Use GL image processor for scaling";
const char kUseGLForScalingDescription[] =
"Use the GL image processor for scaling over libYUV implementations.";
const char kPreferGLImageProcessorName[] = "Prefer GL image processor";
const char kPreferGLImageProcessorDescription[] =
"Prefers the GL image processor for format conversion of video frames over"
" both the libYUV and hardware implementations";
const char kPreferSoftwareMT21Name[] = "Prefer software MT21 conversion";
const char kPreferSoftwareMT21Description[] =
"Prefer using the software MT21 conversion instead of the MDP hardware "
"conversion on MT8173 devices.";
const char kEnableProtectedVulkanDetilingName[] =
"Enable Protected Vulkan Detiling";
const char kEnableProtectedVulkanDetilingDescription[] =
"Use a Vulkan shader for protected Vulkan detiling.";
const char kEnableArmHwdrm10bitOverlaysName[] =
"Enable ARM HW DRM 10-bit Overlays";
const char kEnableArmHwdrm10bitOverlaysDescription[] =
"Enable 10-bit overlays for ARM HW DRM content. If disabled, 10-bit "
"HW DRM content will be subsampled to 8-bit before scanout. This flag "
"has no effect on 8-bit content.";
const char kEnableArmHwdrmName[] = "Enable ARM HW DRM";
const char kEnableArmHwdrmDescription[] = "Enable HW backed Widevine L1 DRM";
const char kV4L2FlatStatefulVideoDecoderName[] =
"ChromeOS V4L2 Flat Video Decoder";
const char kV4L2FlatStatefulVideoDecoderDescription[] =
"Enables the new (flat) hardware-accelerated ChromeOS media::VideoDecoder "
"implementation. Note that this only has an effect on platforms supporting "
"the V4L2 Stateful video decoding API, currently Hana MT8173 and Trogdor "
const char kOzonePlatformHintChoiceDefault[] = …;
const char kOzonePlatformHintChoiceAuto[] = …;
const char kOzonePlatformHintChoiceX11[] = …;
const char kOzonePlatformHintChoiceWayland[] = …;
const char kOzonePlatformHintName[] = …;
const char kOzonePlatformHintDescription[] = …;
const char kPulseaudioLoopbackForCastName[] = …;
const char kPulseaudioLoopbackForCastDescription[] = …;
const char kPulseaudioLoopbackForScreenShareName[] = …;
const char kPulseaudioLoopbackForScreenShareDescription[] = …;
const char kSimplifiedTabDragUIName[] = …;
const char kSimplifiedTabDragUIDescription[] = …;
const char kWaylandPerWindowScalingName[] = …;
const char kWaylandPerWindowScalingDescription[] = …;
const char kWaylandTextInputV3Name[] = …;
const char kWaylandTextInputV3Description[] = …;
#if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS)
const char kSideSearchName[] = …;
const char kSideSearchDescription[] = …;
const char kSearchWebInSidePanelName[] = …;
const char kSearchWebInSidePanelDescription[] = …;
const char kZeroCopyVideoCaptureName[] = "Enable Zero-Copy Video Capture";
const char kZeroCopyVideoCaptureDescription[] =
"Camera produces a gpu friendly buffer on capture and, if there is, "
"hardware accelerated video encoder consumes the buffer";
const char kFollowingFeedSidepanelName[] = …;
const char kFollowingFeedSidepanelDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableNetworkServiceSandboxName[] = …;
const char kEnableNetworkServiceSandboxDescription[] = …;
const char kUseOutOfProcessVideoDecodingName[] = …;
const char kUseOutOfProcessVideoDecodingDescription[] = …;
const char kWebShareName[] = "Web Share";
const char kWebShareDescription[] =
"Enables the Web Share (navigator.share) APIs on experimentally supported "
const char kWebBluetoothConfirmPairingSupportName[] = …;
const char kWebBluetoothConfirmPairingSupportDescription[] = …;
const char kSkipUndecryptablePasswordsName[] = …;
const char kSkipUndecryptablePasswordsDescription[] = …;
const char kRestartToGainAccessToKeychainName[] = …;
const char kRestartToGainAccessToKeychainDescription[] = …;
const char kCupsIppPrintingBackendName[] = …;
const char kCupsIppPrintingBackendDescription[] = …;
const char kScreenlockReauthPromoCardName[] =
"Enables screenlock reauth before filling promo card in settings";
const char kScreenlockReauthPromoCardDescription[] =
"Enables promo card in settings encouraging users to enable screenlock "
"reauth before filling passwords.";
const char kChromeWideEchoCancellationName[] = …;
const char kChromeWideEchoCancellationDescription[] = …;
const char kDcheckIsFatalName[] = "DCHECKs are fatal";
const char kDcheckIsFatalDescription[] =
"By default Chrome will evaluate in this build, but only log failures, "
"rather than crashing. If enabled, DCHECKs will crash the calling process.";
const char kNaclName[] = "Native Client";
const char kNaclDescription[] =
"Support Native Client for all web applications, even those that were not "
"installed from the Chrome Web Store.";
const char kVerboseLoggingInNaclName[] = "Verbose logging in Native Client";
const char kVerboseLoggingInNaclDescription[] =
"Control the level of verbose logging in Native Client modules for "
"debugging purposes.";
const char kVerboseLoggingInNaclChoiceDefault[] = "Default";
const char kVerboseLoggingInNaclChoiceLow[] = "Low";
const char kVerboseLoggingInNaclChoiceMedium[] = "Medium";
const char kVerboseLoggingInNaclChoiceHigh[] = "High";
const char kVerboseLoggingInNaclChoiceHighest[] = "Highest";
const char kVerboseLoggingInNaclChoiceDisabled[] = "Disabled";
const char kEnableOopPrintDriversName[] = …;
const char kEnableOopPrintDriversDescription[] = …;
const char kPaintPreviewDemoName[] = "Paint Preview Demo";
const char kPaintPreviewDemoDescription[] =
"If enabled a menu item is added to the Android main menu to demo paint "
const char kAccessiblePDFFormName[] = …;
const char kAccessiblePDFFormDescription[] = …;
const char kPdfCr23Name[] = …;
const char kPdfCr23Description[] = …;
const char kPdfInk2Name[] = …;
const char kPdfInk2Description[] = …;
const char kWinPdfUseFontProxyName[] = "PDF Font Proxy";
const char kWinPdfUseFontProxyDescription[] =
"Use Skia/IPC to lookup fallback fonts on Windows.";
const char kPdfOopifName[] = …;
const char kPdfOopifDescription[] = …;
const char kPdfPortfolioName[] = …;
const char kPdfPortfolioDescription[] = …;
const char kPdfUseSkiaRendererName[] = …;
const char kPdfUseSkiaRendererDescription[] = …;
const char kWebXrHandInputName[] = …;
const char kWebXrHandInputDescription[] = …;
const char kWebXrInternalsName[] = …;
const char kWebXrInternalsDescription[] = …;
const char kWebUITabStripFlagId[] = …;
const char kWebUITabStripName[] = …;
const char kWebUITabStripDescription[] = …;
const char kWebUITabStripContextMenuAfterTapName[] = …;
const char kWebUITabStripContextMenuAfterTapDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillCreditCardUploadName[] = …;
const char kAutofillCreditCardUploadDescription[] = …;
const char kElasticOverscrollName[] = "Elastic Overscroll";
const char kElasticOverscrollDescription[] =
"Enables Elastic Overscrolling on touchscreens and precision touchpads.";
const char kElementCaptureName[] = …;
const char kElementCaptureDescription[] = …;
const char kUIDebugToolsName[] = …;
const char kUIDebugToolsDescription[] = …;
const char kWebrtcPipeWireCameraName[] = …;
const char kWebrtcPipeWireCameraDescription[] = …;
const char kChromeKioskEnableLacrosName[] =
"Enables Lacros in the chrome app Kiosk";
const char kChromeKioskEnableLacrosDescription[] =
"Uses Lacros-chrome as the web browser in the chrome app Kiosk session on "
"ChromeOS. When disabled, the Ash-chrome will be used";
const char kWebKioskEnableLacrosName[] =
"Enables Lacros in the web (PWA) Kiosk";
const char kWebKioskEnableLacrosDescription[] =
"Uses Lacros-chrome as the web browser in the web (PWA) Kiosk session on "
"ChromeOS. When disabled, the Ash-chrome will be used";
const char kDisableLacrosTtsSupportName[] = "Disable lacros tts support";
const char kDisableLacrosTtsSupportDescription[] =
"Disable lacros support for text to speech.";
const char kPromiseIconsName[] = "Promise Icons";
const char kPromiseIconsDescription[] =
"Enables promise icons in the Launcher and Shelf (if the app is pinned) "
"for app installations.";
const char kEnableAudioFocusEnforcementName[] = "Audio Focus Enforcement";
const char kEnableAudioFocusEnforcementDescription[] =
"Enables enforcement of a single media session having audio focus at "
"any one time. Requires #enable-media-session-service to be enabled too.";
const char kComposeId[] = …;
const char kComposeName[] = …;
const char kComposeDescription[] = …;
const char kComposeTextSelectionName[] = …;
const char kComposeTextSelectionDescription[] = …;
const char kComposeUiRefinementName[] = …;
const char kComposeUiRefinementDescription[] = …;
const char kComposeProactiveNudgeName[] = …;
const char kComposeProactiveNudgeDescription[] = …;
const char kComposeNudgeAtCursorName[] = …;
const char kComposeNudgeAtCursorDescription[] = …;
const char kComposePoliteNudgeName[] = …;
const char kComposePoliteNudgeDescription[] = …;
const char kComposeSelectionNudgeName[] = …;
const char kComposeSelectionNudgeDescription[] = …;
const char kAutofillCaretExtractionName[] = …;
const char kAutofillCaretExtractionDescription[] = …;
const char kThirdPartyProfileManagementName[] = …;
const char kThirdPartyProfileManagementDescription[] = …;
const char kOidcAuthProfileManagementName[] = …;
const char kOidcAuthProfileManagementDescription[] = …;
const char kUnoDesktopName[] = …;
const char kUnoDesktopDescription[] = …;
const char kExplicitBrowserSigninUIOnDesktopName[] = …;
const char kExplicitBrowserSigninUIOnDesktopDescription[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsUserLinkCapturingScopeExtensionsName[] = …;
const char kDesktopPWAsUserLinkCapturingScopeExtensionsDescription[] = …;
const char kSyncEnableBookmarksInTransportModeName[] = …;
const char kSyncEnableBookmarksInTransportModeDescription[] = …;
const char kSyncEnableContactInfoDataTypeInTransportModeName[] = …;
const char kSyncEnableContactInfoDataTypeInTransportModeDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableGenericOidcAuthProfileManagementName[] = …;
const char kEnableGenericOidcAuthProfileManagementDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableBuiltinHlsName[] = "Builtin HLS player";
const char kEnableBuiltinHlsDescription[] =
"Enables chrome's builtin HLS player instead of Android's MediaPlayer";
const char kProfilesReorderingName[] = …;
const char kProfilesReorderingDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableBoundSessionCredentialsName[] = …;
const char kEnableBoundSessionCredentialsDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableBoundSessionCredentialsSoftwareKeysForManualTestingName[] = …;
const char
kEnableBoundSessionCredentialsSoftwareKeysForManualTestingDescription[] = …;
const char kEnableStandardBoundSessionCredentialsName[] =
"Device Bound Session Credentials (Standard)";
const char kEnableStandardBoundSessionCredentialsDescription[] =
"Enables the official version of Device Bound Session Credentials. For "
"more information see https://github.com/WICG/dbsc.";
const char kEnableCertManagementV2UIName[] = …;
const char kEnableCertManagementV2UIDescription[] = …;
const char kSupervisedProfileHideGuestName[] = …;
const char kSupervisedProfileHideGuestDescription[] = …;
const char kSupervisedProfileSafeSearchName[] = …;
const char kSupervisedProfileSafeSearchDescription[] = …;
const char kSupervisedProfileReauthForYouTubeName[] = …;
const char kSupervisedProfileReauthForYouTubeDescription[] = …;
const char kSupervisedProfileReauthForBlockedSiteName[] = …;
const char kSupervisedProfileReauthForBlockedSiteDescription[] = …;
const char kSupervisedProfileFilteringFallbackName[] = …;
const char kSupervisedProfileFilteringFallbackDescription[] = …;