// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <wrl/client.h>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/updater/app/server/win/updater_legacy_idl.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
} // namespace base
// These values are used for a histogram. Do not reorder.
enum GoogleUpdateErrorCode {
// The upgrade completed successfully (or hasn't been started yet).
// Google Update only supports upgrading if Chrome is installed in the default
// location. This error will appear for developer builds and with
// installations unzipped to random locations.
// Failed to create Google Update JobServer COM class. DEPRECATED.
// Failed to create Google Update OnDemand COM class.
// Google Update OnDemand COM class reported an error during a check for
// update (or while upgrading).
// A call to GetResults failed. DEPRECATED.
// A call to GetVersionInfo failed. DEPRECATED
// An error occurred while upgrading (or while checking for update).
// Check the Google Update log in %TEMP% for more details.
// Updates can not be downloaded because the administrator has disabled all
// types of updating.
// Updates can not be downloaded because the administrator has disabled
// manual (on-demand) updates. Automatic background updates are allowed.
// A delegate by which a caller of BeginUpdateCheck is notified of the status
// and results of an update check.
class UpdateCheckDelegate {
virtual ~UpdateCheckDelegate() {}
// Invoked following a successful update check. |new_version|, if not empty,
// indicates the new version that is available. Otherwise (if |new_version| is
// empty), Chrome is up to date. This method will only be invoked when
// BeginUpdateCheck is called with |install_update_if_possible| == false.
virtual void OnUpdateCheckComplete(const std::u16string& new_version) = 0;
// Invoked zero or more times during an upgrade. |progress|, a number between
// 0 and 100 (inclusive), is an estimation as to what percentage of the
// upgrade has completed. |new_version| indicates the version that is being
// download and installed. This method will only be invoked when
// BeginUpdateCheck is called with |install_update_if_possible| == true.
virtual void OnUpgradeProgress(int progress,
const std::u16string& new_version) = 0;
// Invoked following a successful upgrade. |new_version| indicates the version
// to which Chrome was updated. This method will only be invoked when
// BeginUpdateCheck is called with |install_update_if_possible| == true.
virtual void OnUpgradeComplete(const std::u16string& new_version) = 0;
// Invoked following an unrecoverable error, indicated by |error_code|.
// |html_error_message|, if not empty, must be a localized string containing
// all information required by users to act on the error as well as for
// support staff to diagnose it (i.e. |error_code| and any other related
// state information). |new_version|, if not empty, indicates the version
// to which an upgrade attempt was made.
virtual void OnError(GoogleUpdateErrorCode error_code,
const std::u16string& html_error_message,
const std::u16string& new_version) = 0;
UpdateCheckDelegate() {}
// Begins an asynchronous update check. If a new version is
// available and |install_update_if_possible| is true, the new version will be
// automatically downloaded and installed. |elevation_window| is the window
// which should own any necessary elevation UI. Methods on |delegate| will be
// invoked on the caller's thread to provide feedback on the operation, with
// messages localized to |locale| if possible.
void BeginUpdateCheck(
const std::string& locale,
bool install_update_if_possible,
gfx::AcceleratedWidget elevation_window,
const base::WeakPtr<UpdateCheckDelegate>& delegate);
// The state from a completed update check.
struct UpdateState {
UpdateState(const UpdateState&);
UpdateState& operator=(UpdateState&&);
// GOOGLE_UPDATE_NO_ERROR if the last check or update succeeded; otherwise,
// the nature of the failure.
GoogleUpdateErrorCode error_code = GOOGLE_UPDATE_NO_ERROR;
// The next version available or an empty string if either no update is
// available or an error occurred before the new version was discovered.
std::u16string new_version;
// S_OK if the last check or update succeeded; otherwise, the failing error
// from Google Update or COM.
HRESULT hresult = S_OK;
// If present, the process exit code from the failed run of the installer.
std::optional<int> installer_exit_code;
// Returns the state from the most recent completed update check or no value if
// no such check has taken place.
std::optional<UpdateState> GetLastUpdateState();
// A type of callback supplied by tests to provide a custom IGoogleUpdate3Web
// implementation (see src/google_update/google_update_idl.idl).
using GoogleUpdate3ClassFactory = base::RepeatingCallback<HRESULT(
// For use by tests that wish to provide a custom IGoogleUpdate3Web
// implementation independent of Google Update's.
void SetGoogleUpdateFactoryForTesting(
GoogleUpdate3ClassFactory google_update_factory);
void SetUpdateDriverTaskRunnerForTesting(
base::SingleThreadTaskRunner* task_runner);