// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.incognito.reauth;
import static org.chromium.chrome.browser.incognito.reauth.IncognitoReauthProperties.createPropertyModel;
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.incognito.R;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.incognito.reauth.IncognitoReauthManager.IncognitoReauthCallback;
import org.chromium.ui.listmenu.ListMenuButtonDelegate;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyModel;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyModelChangeProcessor;
* An abstract base class responsible for setting up the mediator, property model and the re-auth
* view.
abstract class IncognitoReauthCoordinatorBase implements IncognitoReauthCoordinator {
/** The context to use to inflate the re-auth view and access other resources.*/
protected final @NonNull Context mContext;
/** The mediator which is responsible for handling the interaction done within the view.*/
private final IncognitoReauthMediator mIncognitoReauthMediator;
* The model change processor for the re-auth view which triggers the binded method associated
* with the {@link PropertyModel} which got changed.
private PropertyModelChangeProcessor mModelChangeProcessor;
/** The property model container for {@link IncognitoReauthProperties}. */
private PropertyModel mPropertyModel;
/** The actual underlying re-auth view.*/
private View mIncognitoReauthView;
* Test-only method to ignore the assertion on null checks, and use the respective view, model
* and processor override instead.
@VisibleForTesting protected boolean mIgnoreViewAndModelCreationForTesting;
* @param context The {@link Context} to use for inflating the re-auth view.
* @param incognitoReauthManager The {@link IncognitoReauthManager} instance which would be
* used to initiate re-authentication.
* @param incognitoReauthCallback The {@link IncognitoReauthCallback} which would be executed
* after an authentication attempt.
* @param seeOtherTabsRunnable A {@link Runnable} which is run when the user clicks on
* "See other tabs" option.
public IncognitoReauthCoordinatorBase(
@NonNull Context context,
@NonNull IncognitoReauthManager incognitoReauthManager,
@NonNull IncognitoReauthCallback incognitoReauthCallback,
@NonNull Runnable seeOtherTabsRunnable) {
mContext = context;
mIncognitoReauthMediator =
new IncognitoReauthMediator(
incognitoReauthCallback, incognitoReauthManager, seeOtherTabsRunnable);
/** A method to clean-up any unwanted resource. */
public void destroy() {
assert mModelChangeProcessor != null : "Model must be created before its destroyed.";
* A method to responsible for setting up the environment to show before the re-auth view.
* @param menuButtonDelegate The {@link ListMenuButtonDelegate} for the 3 dots menu. Non-null
* for full-screen coordinator.
* @param fullscreen A boolean indicating whether the incognito re-auth view needs to be shown
* fullscreen style or tab-switcher style.
protected void prepareToShow(
@Nullable ListMenuButtonDelegate menuButtonDelegate, boolean fullscreen) {
assert !fullscreen || menuButtonDelegate != null
: "Full screen should provide a valid menu" + " button delegate.";
// Don't create anything below and instead simply return.
// The client should provide the override for the same.
if (mIgnoreViewAndModelCreationForTesting) return;
assert mIncognitoReauthView == null : "Previous view was not removed.";
mIncognitoReauthView =
.inflate(R.layout.incognito_reauth_view, /* root= */ null);
// When the re-auth view is shown, then own all the on touch events happening on it.
// This prevents the touch event to propagate to other children when our re-auth view
// is part of a ViewGroup when shown inside tab-switcher.
(view, motionEvent) -> {
// Consume the click event.
return true;
assert mPropertyModel == null : "Property model must not be reused.";
mPropertyModel =
assert mModelChangeProcessor == null : "Model change processor must not be reused.";
mModelChangeProcessor =
mPropertyModel, mIncognitoReauthView, IncognitoReauthViewBinder::bind);
* @return The underlying incognito re-auth {@link View}. Null, if #show was not previously
* called.
protected @Nullable View getIncognitoReauthView() {
return mIncognitoReauthView;
* Test-only method to set a mock view for testing, instead of inflating the view which is
* not available for unit tests.
* @param incognitoReauthView The mock {@link View} to set instead of the actual re-auth view.
protected void setIncognitoReauthViewForTesting(View incognitoReauthView) {
mIncognitoReauthView = incognitoReauthView;
/** Test-only method to set a mock {@link PropertyModel}. */
protected void setPropertyModelForTesting(PropertyModel propertyModel) {
mPropertyModel = propertyModel;
/** Test-only method to set a mock {@link PropertyModelChangeProcessor}. */
protected void setModelChangeProcessorForTesting(
PropertyModelChangeProcessor modelChangeProcessor) {
mModelChangeProcessor = modelChangeProcessor;