// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.incognito.reauth;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import androidx.activity.OnBackPressedCallback;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.supplier.OneshotSupplier;
import org.chromium.base.supplier.OneshotSupplierImpl;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.hub.HubManager;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.hub.PaneId;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.incognito.reauth.IncognitoReauthManager.IncognitoReauthCallback;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.layouts.LayoutManager;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.layouts.LayoutType;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab_ui.TabSwitcherCustomViewManager;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.IncognitoTabHostUtils;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.TabModelSelector;
import org.chromium.ui.modaldialog.ModalDialogManager;
/** A factory to create an {@link IncognitoReauthCoordinator} instance. */
public class IncognitoReauthCoordinatorFactory {
/** The context to use in order to inflate the re-auth view and fetch the resources. */
private final @NonNull Context mContext;
* The {@link TabModelSelector} instance used for providing functionality to toggle between tab
* models and to close Incognito tabs.
private final @NonNull TabModelSelector mTabModelSelector;
/** The manager responsible for showing the full screen Incognito re-auth dialog. */
private final @NonNull ModalDialogManager mModalDialogManager;
/** The manager responsible for invoking the underlying native re-authentication. */
private final @NonNull IncognitoReauthManager mIncognitoReauthManager;
* A boolean to distinguish between tabbedActivity or CCT, during coordinator creation.
* <p>TODO(crbug.com/40056462): Remove the need for this and instead populate the various {@link
* Runnable} that we create here at the client site directly.
private final boolean mIsTabbedActivity;
* This allows to pass the re-auth view to the tab switcher. Non-null contents for {@link
* TabSwitcherIncognitoReauthCoordinator}.
private final OneshotSupplierImpl<TabSwitcherCustomViewManager>
mTabSwitcherCustomViewManagerSupplier = new OneshotSupplierImpl<>();
* This allows to show the regular overview mode.
* Non-null for {@link FullScreenIncognitoReauthCoordinator}.
private @Nullable LayoutManager mLayoutManager;
/** Supplier for the HubManager. Non-null for tabbed mode. */
private final @Nullable OneshotSupplier<HubManager> mHubManagerSupplier;
/** An {@link Intent} which allows to opens regular overview mode from a non-tabbed Activity. */
private @Nullable Intent mShowRegularOverviewIntent;
/** A test-only variable used to mock the menu delegate instead of creating one. */
@VisibleForTesting IncognitoReauthMenuDelegate mIncognitoReauthMenuDelegateForTesting;
* @param context The {@link Context} to use for fetching the re-auth resources.
* @param tabModelSelector The {@link TabModelSelector} to use for toggling between regular and
* incognito model and to close all Incognito tabs.
* @param modalDialogManager The {@link ModalDialogManager} to use for firing the dialog
* containing the Incognito re-auth view.
* @param incognitoReauthManager The {@link IncognitoReauthManager} instance which would be used
* to initiate re-authentication.
* @param layoutManager {@link LayoutManager} to use for showing the regular overview mode.
* @param hubManagerSupplier The supplier of the {@link HubManager}.
* @param showRegularOverviewIntent An {@link Intent} to show the regular overview mode.
* @param isTabbedActivity A boolean to indicate if the re-auth screen being fired from
public IncognitoReauthCoordinatorFactory(
@NonNull Context context,
@NonNull TabModelSelector tabModelSelector,
@NonNull ModalDialogManager modalDialogManager,
@NonNull IncognitoReauthManager incognitoReauthManager,
@Nullable LayoutManager layoutManager,
@Nullable OneshotSupplier<HubManager> hubManagerSupplier,
@Nullable Intent showRegularOverviewIntent,
boolean isTabbedActivity) {
mContext = context;
mTabModelSelector = tabModelSelector;
mModalDialogManager = modalDialogManager;
mIncognitoReauthManager = incognitoReauthManager;
mLayoutManager = layoutManager;
mHubManagerSupplier = hubManagerSupplier;
mShowRegularOverviewIntent = showRegularOverviewIntent;
mIsTabbedActivity = isTabbedActivity;
assert isTabbedActivity || mShowRegularOverviewIntent != null
: "A valid intent is required to be able to"
+ " open regular overview mode from inside non-tabbed Activity.";
* @param tabSwitcherCustomViewManager {@link TabSwitcherCustomViewManager} to use for
* communicating with tab switcher to show the re-auth screen.
public void setTabSwitcherCustomViewManager(
@NonNull TabSwitcherCustomViewManager tabSwitcherCustomViewManager) {
* Returns the {@link OneshotSupplier<TabSwitcherCustomViewManager>} that is used to pass the
* re-auth screen to tab switcher.
public OneshotSupplier<TabSwitcherCustomViewManager> getTabSwitcherCustomViewManagerSupplier() {
return mTabSwitcherCustomViewManagerSupplier;
* This method is responsible for clean-up work. Typically, called when the Activity is being
* destroyed.
void destroy() {
private IncognitoReauthMenuDelegate getIncognitoReauthMenuDelegate() {
if (mIncognitoReauthMenuDelegateForTesting != null) {
return mIncognitoReauthMenuDelegateForTesting;
return new IncognitoReauthMenuDelegate(mContext, getCloseAllIncognitoTabsRunnable());
* @return {@link Runnable} to use when the user click on "See other tabs".
Runnable getSeeOtherTabsRunnable() {
if (mIsTabbedActivity) {
return () -> {
mTabModelSelector.selectModel(/* incognito= */ false);
if (mLayoutManager.isLayoutVisible(LayoutType.TAB_SWITCHER)) {
mLayoutManager.showLayout(LayoutType.TAB_SWITCHER, /* animate= */ false);
} else {
return () -> mContext.startActivity(mShowRegularOverviewIntent);
* @return {@link Runnable} to use when the user clicks on "Close all Incognito tabs" option.
Runnable getCloseAllIncognitoTabsRunnable() {
return IncognitoTabHostUtils::closeAllIncognitoTabs;
* @return {@link Runnable} to use when the user presses back while the re-auth is being shown.
Runnable getBackPressRunnable() {
// Both "See other tabs" and back-press shares the same logic.
return getSeeOtherTabsRunnable();
* @return True, if the re-auth is being triggered from a tabbed Activity, false otherwise.
boolean getIsTabbedActivity() {
return mIsTabbedActivity;
* @param showFullScreen The type of dependency to check for.
* @return whether the factory has all the dependencies ready to produce the requested type of
* coordinator.
boolean areDependenciesReadyFor(boolean showFullScreen) {
return showFullScreen || mTabSwitcherCustomViewManagerSupplier.hasValue();
* @param incognitoReauthCallback The {@link IncognitoReauthCallback}
* which would be executed after an authentication attempt.
* @param showFullScreen A boolean indicating whether to show a fullscreen or tab switcher
* Incognito reauth.
* @param backPressedCallback {@link OnBackPressedCallback} which would be called when a user
* presses back while the fullscreen re-auth is shown.
* @return {@link IncognitoReauthCoordinator} instance spliced on fullscreen/tab-switcher and
* tabbedActivity/CCT.
IncognitoReauthCoordinator createIncognitoReauthCoordinator(
@NonNull IncognitoReauthCallback incognitoReauthCallback,
boolean showFullScreen,
@NonNull OnBackPressedCallback backPressedCallback) {
assert areDependenciesReadyFor(showFullScreen)
: "Dependencies for the IncognitoReauthCoordinator were not ready.";
return (showFullScreen)
? new FullScreenIncognitoReauthCoordinator(
: new TabSwitcherIncognitoReauthCoordinator(