// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.incognito.reauth;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Build;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.ResettersForTesting;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.device_reauth.DeviceAuthSource;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.device_reauth.ReauthenticatorBridge;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.flags.ChromeFeatureList;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.preferences.Pref;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.profiles.Profile;
import org.chromium.components.user_prefs.UserPrefs;
/** This class is responsible for managing the Incognito re-authentication flow. */
public class IncognitoReauthManager {
private static Boolean sIsIncognitoReauthFeatureAvailableForTesting;
private ReauthenticatorBridge mReauthenticatorBridge;
* A callback interface which is used for re-authentication in {@link
* IncognitoReauthManager#startReauthenticationFlow(IncognitoReauthCallback)}.
public interface IncognitoReauthCallback {
// This is invoked when either the Incognito re-authentication feature is not available or
// the device screen lock is not setup or there's an authentication already in progress.
void onIncognitoReauthNotPossible();
// This is invoked when the Incognito re-authentication resulted in success.
void onIncognitoReauthSuccess();
// This is invoked when the Incognito re-authentication resulted in failure.
void onIncognitoReauthFailure();
public IncognitoReauthManager(Activity activity, Profile profile) {
this(ReauthenticatorBridge.create(activity, profile, DeviceAuthSource.INCOGNITO));
public IncognitoReauthManager(ReauthenticatorBridge reauthenticatorBridge) {
mReauthenticatorBridge = reauthenticatorBridge;
* Starts the authentication flow. This is an asynchronous method call which would invoke the
* passed {@link IncognitoReauthCallback} parameter once executed.
* @param incognitoReauthCallback A {@link IncognitoReauthCallback} callback that
* would be run once the authentication is executed.
public void startReauthenticationFlow(
@NonNull IncognitoReauthCallback incognitoReauthCallback) {
if (!mReauthenticatorBridge.canUseAuthenticationWithBiometricOrScreenLock()
|| !isIncognitoReauthFeatureAvailable()) {
success -> {
if (success) {
} else {
* Cleans up C++ objects owned by this class. Typically, called when the Activity is being
* destroyed.
public void destroy() {
* @return A boolean indicating whether the platform version supports reauth and the
* corresponding Chrome feature flag is on;
* <p>For a more complete check, rely on the method {@link
* IncognitoReauthManager#isIncognitoReauthEnabled(Profile)} instead.
* <p>TODO(crbug.com/40056462): Remove the check on accessibility once the GTS is fully
* rolled out to accessibility users.
public static boolean isIncognitoReauthFeatureAvailable() {
if (sIsIncognitoReauthFeatureAvailableForTesting != null) {
return sIsIncognitoReauthFeatureAvailableForTesting;
// The implementation relies on {@link BiometricManager} which was introduced in API
// level 29. Android Q is not supported due to a potential bug in BiometricPrompt.
&& ChromeFeatureList.sIncognitoReauthenticationForAndroid.isEnabled();
* @param profile The {@link Profile} which is used to query the preference value of the
* Incognito lock setting.
* @return A boolean indicating if Incognito re-authentication is possible or not.
public static boolean isIncognitoReauthEnabled(@NonNull Profile profile) {
return isIncognitoReauthFeatureAvailable()
&& IncognitoReauthSettingUtils.isDeviceScreenLockEnabled()
&& isIncognitoReauthSettingEnabled(profile);
public static void setIsIncognitoReauthFeatureAvailableForTesting(Boolean isAvailable) {
sIsIncognitoReauthFeatureAvailableForTesting = isAvailable;
ResettersForTesting.register(() -> sIsIncognitoReauthFeatureAvailableForTesting = null);
private static boolean isIncognitoReauthSettingEnabled(Profile profile) {
return UserPrefs.get(profile).getBoolean(Pref.INCOGNITO_REAUTHENTICATION_FOR_ANDROID);