
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


import androidx.annotation.Nullable;

import org.chromium.ui.listmenu.ListMenuButtonDelegate;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyKey;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyModel;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyModel.ReadableBooleanPropertyKey;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyModel.ReadableObjectPropertyKey;

class IncognitoReauthProperties {
    public static final ReadableObjectPropertyKey<Runnable> ON_UNLOCK_INCOGNITO_CLICKED =
            new ReadableObjectPropertyKey<>("on_unlock_incognito_clicked");
    public static final ReadableObjectPropertyKey<Runnable> ON_SEE_OTHER_TABS_CLICKED =
            new ReadableObjectPropertyKey<>("on_see_other_tabs_clicked");
    public static final ReadableBooleanPropertyKey IS_FULL_SCREEN =
            new ReadableBooleanPropertyKey();
    public static final ReadableObjectPropertyKey<ListMenuButtonDelegate> MENU_BUTTON_DELEGATE =
            new ReadableObjectPropertyKey<>();

    public static final PropertyKey[] ALL_KEYS = {

     * Creates an instance of {@link PropertyModel} for the incognito re-auth view.
     * @param unlockIncognitoRunnable The runnable that would be run when the user clicks on the
     *         "Unlock Incognito" button.
     * @param seeOtherTabsRunnable The runnable that would be run when the user clicks on the "See
     *         other tabs" button.
     * @param fullscreen A boolean indicating whether the incognito re-auth view needs to be shown
     *         fullscreen style or tab-switcher style.
     * @param menuButtonDelegate A {@link ListMenuButtonDelegate} which would be
     *         triggered when the user interact with the three dots menu view in fullscreen re-auth
     *         page. This is null when we show the non full-screen re-auth page.
     * @return A {@link PropertyModel} instance for the incognito re-auth view with the above
     *         attributes.
    public static PropertyModel createPropertyModel(
            Runnable unlockIncognitoRunnable,
            Runnable seeOtherTabsRunnable,
            boolean fullscreen,
            @Nullable ListMenuButtonDelegate menuButtonDelegate) {
        return new PropertyModel.Builder(IncognitoReauthProperties.ALL_KEYS)
                .with(IncognitoReauthProperties.ON_SEE_OTHER_TABS_CLICKED, seeOtherTabsRunnable)
                .with(IncognitoReauthProperties.IS_FULL_SCREEN, fullscreen)
                .with(IncognitoReauthProperties.MENU_BUTTON_DELEGATE, menuButtonDelegate)