// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Next MinVersion: 2
module arc.mojom;
import "components/digital_goods/mojom/digital_goods.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
// Deprecated, replaced with |payments.mojom.PurchaseReference|.
// See https://wicg.github.io/digital-goods/#purchaseDetails-dictionary
[Stable, RenamedFrom="payments.mojom.PurchaseDetails"]
struct PurchaseDetails {
string item_id;
string purchase_token;
bool acknowledged;
PurchaseState purchase_state;
// Microseconds since the Unix epoch.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta purchase_time;
bool will_auto_renew;
// Deprecated: only used by the (also) deprecated PurchaseDetails.
[Extensible, Stable, RenamedFrom="payments.mojom.PurchaseState"]
enum PurchaseState {
// Allows the browser process to forward calls for the Digital Goods API to
// ARC++
// Next method ID: 6
interface DigitalGoodsInstance {
// Queries a specific package for SKU details by item IDs.
[MinVersion=0] GetDetails@0(string package_name,
string scope,
array<string> item_ids)
=> (payments.mojom.BillingResponseCode code,
array<payments.mojom.ItemDetails> item_details_list);
// Informs a package that the purchase identified by |purchase_token| was
// successfully acknowledged. If |make_available_again| is true, indicates
// that the purchase is repeatable (e.g. a consumable item). If it is false,
// indicates that the purchase is one-off (e.g. a permanent upgrade).
[MinVersion=0] Acknowledge@1(string package_name,
string scope,
string purchase_token,
bool make_available_again)
=> (payments.mojom.BillingResponseCode code);
// Queries a package for information on all items that are currently owned by
// the user.
[MinVersion=0] DeprecatedListPurchases@2(string package_name,
string scope)
=> (payments.mojom.BillingResponseCode code,
array<PurchaseDetails> purchase_details_list);
// Queries a package for information on all items that are currently owned by
// the user. May include unconfirmed purchases.
[MinVersion=1] ListPurchases@3(string package_name, string scope)
=> (payments.mojom.BillingResponseCode code,
array<payments.mojom.PurchaseReference> purchase_reference_list);
// Queries a package for information on the latest purchase for each item type
// ever purchased by the user. May include expired or consumed purchases.
[MinVersion=1] ListPurchaseHistory@4(string package_name, string scope)
=> (payments.mojom.BillingResponseCode code,
array<payments.mojom.PurchaseReference> purchase_reference_list);
// Informs a package that the purchase identified by |purchase_token| was used
// up.
[MinVersion=1] Consume@5(string package_name,
string scope,
string purchase_token)
=> (payments.mojom.BillingResponseCode code);