// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Next MinVersion: 25
module arc.mojom;
import "ash/components/arc/mojom/app.mojom";
import "ash/components/arc/mojom/bitmap.mojom";
import "ash/components/arc/mojom/gfx.mojom";
import "ash/components/arc/mojom/intent_common.mojom";
import "ash/components/arc/mojom/video_common.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file_path.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// TODO(b/193097194): Use structured types (e.g., url.mojom.Url for URLs).
// Reminder: The input strings from ARC (e.g., authority, root_id and
// document_id) cannot be trusted and must NOT be used without appropriate
// escaping or validation, especially when constructing file paths from them.
// Represents a document in Android DocumentsProvider.
// See Android docs of DocumentsContract.Document for details.
struct Document {
// Opaque ID of the document.
string document_id;
// Display name of the document.
string display_name;
// MIME type of the document.
// A directory is represented by a document having MIME_TYPE_DIR MIME type.
string mime_type;
// Size of the document in bytes. If the size is unknown, -1 is set.
int64 size;
// Timestamp when the document was modified last time, in milliseconds
// since UNIX epoch.
// TODO(crbug.com/40497368): Use mojo_base.mojom.Time once the type is
// converted to a non-native type so that it can be used from Java.
uint64 last_modified;
// Path to a real file on the Android VFS corresponding to this document,
// e.g. "/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/kitten.jpg".
// This value is available in limited DocumentsProviders only. If the
// provider does not expose real VFS paths, this field is always set to null.
[MinVersion=5] string? android_file_system_path;
// Flag indicating that a document is deletable.
[MinVersion=12] bool supports_delete;
// Flag indicating that a document can be renamed.
[MinVersion=12] bool supports_rename;
// Flag indicating that a document supports writing.
[MinVersion=12] bool supports_write;
// Flag indicating that a document is a directory that supports creation of
// new files within it.
[MinVersion=12] bool dir_supports_create;
// Flag indicating that a document can be copied to another location within
// the same document provider.
[MinVersion=12] bool supports_copy;
// Flag indicating that a document can be moved to another location within
// the same document provider.
[MinVersion=12] bool supports_move;
// Flag indicating that a document has a thumbnail available that can be
// fetched with OpenThumbnail.
[MinVersion=15] bool supports_thumbnail;
// Represents a root in Android DocumentsProvider.
// See Android docs of DocumentsContract.Root for details.
struct Root {
// Authority for the root.
string authority;
// Opaque ID of the root.
string root_id;
// Opaque ID of the document which is a directory that represents the top
// directory of the root.
string document_id;
// Title for the root, which will be shown to a user.
string title;
// Summary for the root, which may be shown to a user.
string? summary;
// Icon for the root, represented in a ARGB_8888 bitmap.
ArcBitmap? icon;
// Flag indicating that at least one directory under this root supports
// creating contents.
[MinVersion=12] bool supports_create;
// Mime types supported by this root.
[MinVersion=12] array<string>? mime_types;
// Describes the type of a change made to a document.
enum ChangeType {
// Indicates that the child document list of the watched directory was
// changed. Note that a watcher can be installed only on directory for now.
// Indicates that the watched document itself was deleted.
// Even if OnDocumentChanged() is called with this change type, the
// corresponding watcher is not uninstalled automatically. The host must
// call RemoveWatcher() to clean up an orphaned watcher.
// Content URL associated with its MIME type.
struct ContentUrlWithMimeType {
url.mojom.Url content_url;
string mime_type;
// Request for opening URLs by sending an intent to the specified activity.
struct OpenUrlsRequest {
// Action type of the intent.
ActionType action_type;
// Target activity for the intent.
ActivityName activity_name;
// One or more URLs to open with the intent.
array<ContentUrlWithMimeType> urls;
// Optional string extras. These are the key-value pairs stored in android
// intents to carry additional data. See:
// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent#putExtra(java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String)
[MinVersion=17] map<string, string>? extras;
// Supported action types for SelectFilesRequest.
// Corresponds to Android intent actions described in
// http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html except
// for OPEN_MEDIA_STORE_FILES, which is a dedicated intent action of
// ArcDocumentsUI.
enum SelectFilesActionType {
// ArcDocumentsUI's intent action to open files indexed in Android's
// MediaStore with a customized file selector.
// Request for having the user select files using ChromeOS file selector,
// converted from an Android intent.
struct SelectFilesRequest {
// Action type of the original Android intent.
SelectFilesActionType action_type;
// Acceptable document MIME types. Copied from Intent.EXTRA_MIME_TYPES if
// there are multiple disjoint MIME types (e.g. ["image/*", "video/*"]), or
// copied from Intent#getType if there is only one. Empty means ["*/*"].
array<string> mime_types;
// If true, only requests files that can be opened by Android ContentResolver.
// Corresponds to Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE.
bool openable_only;
// If true, allows the user to select multiple files.
// Corresponds to Intent.EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE.
bool allow_multiple;
// File name to be initially filled in the selector when creating a new file.
// Corresponds to Intent.EXTRA_TITLE.
string default_file_name;
// Directory path to be initially opened when the file selector is launched.
// Corresponds to DocumentsContract.EXTRA_INITIAL_URI.
string initial_content_uri;
// DocumentPath representation for initial URI.
// Filled only when DocumentsContract.EXTRA_INITIAL_URI points to a document
// served by a DocumentsProvider.
DocumentPath? initial_document_path;
// Android task ID of the request sender.
int32 task_id;
// Search query to run when the file selector is launched.
// Corresponds to Intent.EXTRA_CONTENT_QUERY.
string? search_query;
// Represents a path to a document served by a DocumentsProvider.
struct DocumentPath {
// Authority of the document provider.
string authority;
// List of document ID from the root document to the child document.
// This should at least contain root document ID.
array<string> path;
// Root ID where the path resides.
[MinVersion=24] string? root_id;
// Result for SelectFilesRequest.
struct SelectFilesResult {
// Content URLs of the selected files.
// Empty if the user closes the file selector without selecting any files.
array<url.mojom.Url> urls;
// Name of the selected Android picker activity.
// Filled only when the user selected an Android picker activity instead of
// selecting files. (e.g. "com.google.photos/.PickerActivity")
string? picker_activity;
// UI event to be dispatched to ChromeOS file selector.
struct FileSelectorEvent {
// Type of the UI event.
FileSelectorEventType type;
// Specifies the target directory/file for CLICK_DIRECTORY/CLICK_FILE.
FileSelectorElement click_target;
// Android task ID of the activity that created the file selector by sending
// a SelectFilesRequest.
int32 creator_task_id;
// Types of UI events for FileSelectorEvent.
enum FileSelectorEventType {
CLICK_OK, // Clicks OK button.
CLICK_DIRECTORY, // Clicks a directory in the left pane.
CLICK_FILE, // Clicks a file in the right pane.
CLICK_CANCEL, // Clicks Cancel button.
// Request for GetFileSelectorElements.
struct GetFileSelectorElementsRequest {
// Android task ID of the activity that created the file selector by sending
// a SelectFilesRequest.
int32 creator_task_id;
// Represents a clickable UI element shown on ChromeOS file selector.
struct FileSelectorElement {
// User-visible label of the element (e.g. button text).
// This is usually equivalent to accessibility label of the element.
string name;
// A subset of clickable UI elements shown on ChromeOS file selector.
struct FileSelectorElements {
// List of directories in the left pane.
array<FileSelectorElement> directory_elements;
// List of files in the right pane.
array<FileSelectorElement> file_elements;
// Query text filled in the search box.
string? search_query;
// Returned output for GetRootSize.
struct RootSize {
// Available size of a root in bytes. Set to -1 if the available size is
// unknown or unbounded.
int64 available_bytes;
// Capacity of a root in bytes. Set to -1 if the capacity is unknown or
// unbounded.
int64 capacity_bytes;
// Returned output for OpenFileSessionToWrite.
struct FileSession {
// Unique ID for the URL that is opened and mapped to a ParcelFileDescriptor
// object to be closed after the ChromeOS file operation(s).
string url_id;
// FD for writing or reading the file specified by the URL.
handle fd;
// Representation of an entry in the MediaStore downloads collection.
struct MediaStoreDownloadMetadata {
// The display name of the download including its extension (e.g. "foo.pdf").
string display_name;
// The package name that contributed the download (e.g. "com.bar.foo").
string owner_package_name;
// The relative path of the download within the Download/ directory (e.g.
// "Download/foo/bar/"). The method implementation must verify that the
// `relative_path` is in fact within the Download/ directory, treating ARC as
// an untrusted source.
mojo_base.mojom.FilePath relative_path;
// Representation of an entry in a MediaStore collection.
union MediaStoreMetadata {
[Default] uint8 unknown; // Actual value is ignored and is just a placeholder.
MediaStoreDownloadMetadata download;
// Next method ID: 13
interface FileSystemHost {
// Returns the name of the file specified by the URL.
// When an error occurs, returns null value.
[MinVersion=6] GetFileName@1(string url) => (string? name);
// Returns the size of the file specified by the URL.
// If the file does not exist or the size is unknown (e.g. directories and
// streams), -1 is returned.
[MinVersion=6] GetFileSize@2(string url) => (int64 size);
// Returns the last modified timestamp of the file specified by the URL.
[MinVersion=20] GetLastModified@11(url.mojom.Url url)
=> (mojo_base.mojom.Time? last_modified);
// Returns the MIME type of the file specified by the URL.
// When an error occurs, returns null value.
[MinVersion=6] GetFileType@3(string url) => (string? mime_type);
// Called when a watched document was changed.
// |type| describes the type of change made to the document.
[MinVersion=3] OnDocumentChanged@0(int64 watcher_id, ChangeType type);
// Called when the list of available roots or their metadata are changed.
[MinVersion=10] OnRootsChanged@6();
// Returns a unique ID to represent the file specified by the URL.
// The FD needs to be created by the caller itself.
[MinVersion=16] GetVirtualFileId@9(string url) => (string? id);
// Releases the ID generated by GetVirtualFileId() when it is no longer
// used.
[MinVersion=16] HandleIdReleased@10(string id) => (bool success);
// Returns an FD for reading the file specified by the URL.
[MinVersion=6] OpenFileToRead@4(string url) => (handle? fd);
// Asks the user to select files using ChromeOS file selector.
[MinVersion=9] SelectFiles@5(SelectFilesRequest request) =>
(SelectFilesResult result);
// Dispatches a UI event to the ChromeOS file selector previously opened by
// SelectFiles@5. This exists for running Android UI tests (CTS) on ChromeOS
// file selector, and thus it is only allowed under test conditions.
[MinVersion=11] OnFileSelectorEvent@7(FileSelectorEvent event) => ();
// Returns UI elements shown on the ChromeOS file selector previously opened
// by SelectFiles@5. This exists for running Android UI tests (CTS) on
// ChromeOS file selector, and thus it is only allowed under test conditions.
[MinVersion=11] GetFileSelectorElements@8(
GetFileSelectorElementsRequest request) =>
(FileSelectorElements elements);
// Invoked when the specified |uri| has been added to a MediaStore collection
// with the given |metadata|.
[MinVersion=23] OnMediaStoreUriAdded@12(
url.mojom.Url uri, MediaStoreMetadata metadata);
// The browser process is using this interface in ArcFileSystemOperationRunner,
// the ARC process implements this interface used by ArcFileSystemService.
// Deprecated method IDs: 2, 5, 18
// Next method ID: 27
interface FileSystemInstance {
// Notes about Android Documents Provider:
// In Android Storage Access Framework, a document is uniquely identified by
// a pair of "authority" and "document ID".
// - An authority specifies a Documents Provider that serves a document.
// It is the origin part of a content:// URI used to access the Documents
// Provider via Content Resolver protocol.
// Example: "com.android.providers.media.documents"
// - A documents provider may provide one or more roots. Each root is identified
// by a root ID.
// - A document ID is an opaque string that specifies a particular document
// in a documents provider. Its format varies by providers. Roots also have
// associated document IDs.
// See the following documents for details about Documents Provider:
// https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/document-provider.html
// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/DocumentsContract.html
// Installs a document watcher to watch updates of a document.
// Currently, watchers can be installed only on directories, and only
// directory content changes are notified.
// On success, a positive unique integer is returned as a watcher ID.
// FileSystemHost.OnDocumentChanged() will be called with the watcher ID
// on directory content changes.
// On failure, -1 is returned.
// It is allowed to install multiple watchers to the same directory. In that
// case, different watcher IDs are returned.
// Watchers are not persistent. When the Mojo connection is lost, all
// watchers are cleared. Also, after reconnecting, watcher IDs can be reused.
[MinVersion=3] AddWatcher@6(string authority, string document_id) =>
(int64 watcher_id);
// Queries child documents of the directory specified by |authority| and
// |parent_document_id| in Documents Provider.
// If such a directory does not exist, null is returned.
[MinVersion=2] GetChildDocuments@4(string authority,
string parent_document_id) =>
(array<Document>? documents);
// Queries the document specified by |authority| and |document_id| in
// Documents Provider.
// If such a document does not exist, null is returned.
[MinVersion=2] GetDocument@3(string authority, string document_id) =>
(Document? document);
// Asks the ContentResolver for the size of the file specified by the URL.
// If the file does not exist or the size is unknown (e.g. directories and
// streams), -1 is returned.
[MinVersion=1] GetFileSize@1(string url) => (int64 size);
// Asks the ContentResolver to get the MIME type of the file specified by the
// URL. When an error occurs, returns null value.
[MinVersion=4] GetMimeType@8(string url) => (string? mime_type);
// Queries recent documents of a root specified by |authority| and |root_id|.
// If the root exists and it supports recent document queries, a (possibly
// empty) list of documents is returned. Otherwise, null is returned.
[MinVersion=5] GetRecentDocuments@9(string authority, string root_id) =>
(array<Document>? documents);
// Obtains cached roots from all Documents Providers.
// If there is no root in ARC, an empty array is returned.
// If an error is found during GetRoots() method processing in ARC, null
// value is returned.
[MinVersion=10] GetRoots@12() => (array<Root>? roots);
// Queries available roots to find the one matching |root_id| and |authority|.
// Obtains the root's available bytes and capacity bytes for |root_size|.
// Returns null if there is no root that matches the input parameters.
[MinVersion=18] GetRootSize@22(string authority, string root_id) =>
(RootSize? root_size);
// Deletes the given document.
[MinVersion=12] DeleteDocument@13(string authority, string document_id) =>
(bool success);
// Changes the display name of an existing document.
[MinVersion=12] RenameDocument@14(string authority,
string document_id,
string display_name) =>
(Document? document);
// Creates a new document with given MIME type and display name.
[MinVersion=12] CreateDocument@15(string authority,
string parent_document_id,
string mime_type,
string display_name) =>
(Document? document);
// Copies the given document.
[MinVersion=12] CopyDocument@16(string authority,
string source_document_id,
string target_parent_document_id) =>
(Document? document);
// Moves the given document under a new parent.
[MinVersion=12] MoveDocument@17(string authority,
string source_document_id,
string source_parent_document_id,
string target_parent_document_id) =>
(Document? document);
// Establishes full-duplex communication with the host.
[MinVersion=7] Init@10(pending_remote<FileSystemHost> host_remote) => ();
// Asks the ContentResolver to get a FD to read the thumbnail of a
// DocumentsProvider file specified by the URL. The thumbnail should be close
// in size (width and height) but not necessarily the same as |size_hint|.
[MinVersion=15] OpenThumbnail@21(string url, Size size_hint) => (handle? fd);
// Closes the ParcelFileDescriptor corresponding to the url_id. An error
// message can be sent to the ContentProvider as needed.
[MinVersion=21] CloseFileSession@24(string url_id, string error_message);
// Asks the ContentResolver to get a FD to write to the file specified by the
// URL. FileSession is returned with a unique ID corresponding to the open
// session so the file can be closed properly after remote write operation.
[MinVersion=21] OpenFileSessionToWrite@25(url.mojom.Url url) =>
(FileSession? file_session);
// Asks the ContentResolver to get a FD to read the file specified by the
// URL. FileSession is returned with a unique ID corresponding to the open
// session so the file can be closed properly after remote read operation.
[MinVersion=21] OpenFileSessionToRead@26(url.mojom.Url url) =>
(FileSession? file_session);
// Uninstalls a document watcher.
// After this method call returns, OnDocumentChanged() will never be called
// with the watcher ID. Whether OnDocumentChanged() is called or not after
// this method is called and before this method returns is undefined.
// It fails if the specified watcher does not exist.
[MinVersion=3] RemoveWatcher@7(int64 watcher_id) => (bool success);
// Requests MediaProvider to scan specified files.
// When the specified file does not exist, the corresponding entry in
// MediaProvider is removed.
// NOTE: We use [UnlimitedSize] here because `paths` may be arbitrarily large
// and there have been crash dumps indicating that it actually happens with
// this message. See https://crbug.com/1142019.
RequestMediaScan@0(array<string> paths);
// Reloads and refreshes entries in MediaStore under |directory_path|.
[MinVersion=14] ReindexDirectory@19(string directory_path);
// Searches for the removed files/directories under the given
// |directory_paths| (non-recursively) in MediaStore and removes them.
[MinVersion=14] RequestFileRemovalScan@20(array<string> directory_paths);
// DEPRECATED. Use OpenUrlsWithPermissionAndWindowInfo() instead.
[MinVersion=8] DEPRECATED_OpenUrlsWithPermission@11(OpenUrlsRequest request)
=> ();
// Opens URLs by sending an intent to the specified activity with a specific
// launch window info.
// Since this grants read/write URL permissions to the activity, callers must
// ensure that the user is correctly aware of the URLs and the activity they
// are passing.
[MinVersion=19] OpenUrlsWithPermissionAndWindowInfo@23(
OpenUrlsRequest request, WindowInfo window_info) => ();