
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module arc.mojom;

// Next method ID: 2
interface KeyboardShortcutHost {
  // Shows keyboard shortcut helper.

  // Hides keyboard shortcut helper.

// Next method ID: 2
interface KeyboardShortcutInstance {
  // Establishes full-duplex communication with the host.
  Init@0(pending_remote<KeyboardShortcutHost> host_remote) => ();

  // Gets the list of keyboard shortcuts from the currently opened ARC apps.
  GetKeyboardShortcuts@1() => (array<AppKeyboardShortcutsList> lists);

// A list of keyboard shortcuts for an app.
struct AppKeyboardShortcutsList {
  // The name of the app.
  string app_name;
  // The groups of keyboard shortcuts from the app.
  array<KeyboardShortcutGroup> groups;

// A group of KeyboardShortcutInfo. Maps to android.view.KeyboardShortcutGroup.
struct KeyboardShortcutGroup {
  // The label to be used to describe this group.
  string label;
  // The list of items included in this group.
  array<KeyboardShortcutInfo> items;

// Information about a Keyboard Shortcut.
// Maps to android.view.KeyboardShortcutInfo.
struct KeyboardShortcutInfo {
  // The label to be used to describe this shortcut.
  string label;
  // The base key code that, combined with the modifiers, triggers the shortcut.
  // The value of ui::KeyboardCode is used.
  uint32 keycode;
  // The set of modifiers that, combined with the key, triggers the shortcut.
  // The value of ui::EventFlags is used.
  uint32 modifiers;