// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Next MinVersion: 35
module arc.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "ash/components/arc/mojom/anr.mojom";
enum BootType {
// This is used only for backward compatibility reasons and the value has to
// be 0.
// This is for the very first (opt-in) boot.
// This is for the first boot after Chrome OS update which also updates the
// ARC image.
// This is for a regular boot.
// Describes a boot progress event.
struct BootProgressEvent {
// Name of the boot progress event in Android. Currently there are
// 11 boot progress events found in Android source repository:
// system/core/logcat/event.logtags
// frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
// EventLogTags.logtags
// frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/
// EventLogTags.logtags
string event;
// Timestamp of the event in uptime obtained in ARC. The uptime
// is from clock source MONOTONIC_CLOCK since Chrome OS boots up.
// Therefore, we need to calibrate the correct elapsed time of the
// event by comparing the uptime with the ARC start time from
// the same clock source MONOTONIC_CLOCK in session manager.
int64 uptimeMillis;
// Describes a GFX metrics.
struct GfxMetrics {
// Total frames rendered, it includes janky frames below.
uint64 framesTotal;
// Janky frames.
uint64 framesJanky;
// Maximum frame time in milliseconds of 95% of frames sorted from the
// shortest to longest.
uint32 frameTimePercentile95;
enum NativeBridgeType {
// Native bridge is not used.
NONE = 0,
// Using houdini translator.
// Using ndk-translation translator.
// ChromeOS companion library provide window management functionality to the
// application running on ARC++. This enum list all functionality of it, for
// collect statistics information of it by UMA stat.
enum CompanionLibApiId {
// If the companion library version doesn't support an API call,
// the API call will be recorded as UNSUPPORTED.
// com.google.android.chromeos.ChromeOsDeviceInformation
// com.google.android.chromeos.activity.ChromeOsTaskManagement
// com.google.android.chromeos.activity.TaskWindowState
// com.google.android.chromeos.view.WindowInteractionController
// com.google.android.chromeos.widget.PopupWindow
enum ArcDnsQuery {
// All other hostnames.
// android.googleapis.com used by Android checkin.
// These enum values are persisted to metrics thus must be treated as
// append-only.
enum ArcNetworkEvent {
kUnknown = 0,
kAndroidLegacyVpnConnection = 1,
kAndroidThirdPartyVpnConnection = 2,
kMojoConfigureAndroidVpn = 3,
kMojoDisconnectAndroidVpn = 4,
kMojoDnsTest = 5,
kMojoHttpTest = 6,
kMojoPingTest = 7,
kWifiScannerClientConnection = 8,
kWifiScannerGetScanResults = 9,
kWifiScannerGetSingleScanResults = 10,
kWifiScannerEnable = 11,
kWifiScannerDisable = 12,
kWifiScannerStartSingleScan = 13,
kWifiScannerStartBackgroundScan = 14,
kWifiScannerStartPnoScan = 15,
kWifiScannerRegisterListener = 16,
kWifiManagerStartScan = 17,
kWifiManagerEnable = 18,
kWifiManagerDisable = 19,
kWifiManagerDisconnect = 20,
kWifiManagerReconnect = 21,
kWifiManagerGetNetworks = 22,
kWifiManagerGetNetworksPrivileged = 23,
kWifiManagerAddNetwork = 24,
kWifiManagerRemoveNetwork = 25,
kWifiManagerEnableNetwork = 26,
kWifiManagerDisableNetwork = 27,
kWifiManagerConnect = 28,
kWifiManagerSave = 29,
kWifiManagerForget = 30,
kWifiManagerRegisterScanListener = 31,
kWifiManagerAddNetworkSuggestions = 32,
[MinVersion=17] kWifiManagerEnableTdls = 33,
[MinVersion=17] kWifiManagerStartLocalHotspot = 34,
[MinVersion=17] kWifiManagerAddPasspointConfiguration = 35,
[MinVersion=19] kAndroidIpsecIke2VpnConnection = 36,
[MinVersion=22] kAndroidVpnIpv6Provisioned = 37,
[MinVersion=22] kAndroidVpnIpv4Provisioned = 38,
[MinVersion=24] kAndroidDisconnectHostVpn = 39,
[MinVersion=27] kArcHostVpnStarting = 40,
[MinVersion=27] kArcHostVpnRouteReplaced = 41,
[MinVersion=27] kArcHostVpnDisconnected = 42,
// These enum values are persisted to metrics thus must be treated as
// append-only.
enum ArcNetworkError {
kUnknown = 0,
kMojoGetNetworksError = 1,
kMojoWifiAddNetworkFailed = 2,
kMojoWifiForgetNetworkFailed = 3,
kMojoWifiConnectFailed = 4,
kMojoWifiDisconnectFailed = 5,
kMojoWifiScanTimeout = 6,
kMojoWifiGetScanResultsFailed = 7,
kNetdGetIpv4Error = 8,
kNetdSetIpv4Error = 9,
kNetdIfaceListError = 10,
kNetdIfaceUpError = 11,
kNetdIfaceMtuError = 12,
kNetdIfaceClearError = 13,
kNetdIfconfigGetError = 14,
kNetdRestartIpv6Error = 15,
kNetdIpForwardingStartError = 16,
kNetdIpForwardingStopError = 17,
kNetdIfaceForwardingStartError = 18,
kNetdIfaceForwardingStopError = 19,
kNetdTetheringStartError = 20,
kNetdTetheringStopError = 21,
kNetdSnatStartError = 22,
kNetdSnatStopError = 23,
[MinVersion=19] kPasspointInvalidConfigurationError = 24,
[MinVersion=27] kArcHostVpnConnectionError = 25,
[MinVersion=27] kArcHostVpnCrashedError = 26,
[MinVersion=27] kArcHostVpnInternalError = 27,
[MinVersion=28] kMojoWifiUpdateNetworkFailed = 28,
// Describes the type of app kill being reported.
enum AppKillType {
[MinVersion=31] GMS_UPDATE_KILL = 2,
[MinVersion=31] GMS_START_KILL = 3,
// Describes an app kill from ARC instance.
struct AppKill {
// Type of kill being reported.
AppKillType type;
// Number of kills. For LMKD kills, this is always 1. For OOM kills, this is
// the total oom_kill count from /proc/vm_stat.
uint32 count;
// Describes the primary ABI for an app
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum AppPrimaryAbi {
kNone = 0,
kArm = 1,
kArm64 = 2,
kX86 = 3,
kX86_64 = 4,
// Outlines the various states that can arise while performing Primary ABI
// Migration on a ChromeOS device.
enum ArcCorePriAbiMigEvent {
// If an unknown event is reported, it will be recorded as UNSUPPORTED.
kUnsupported = 0,
kMigrationCompleted = 1,
kGmsNoDowngrade = 2,
kGmsDowngradeSuccess = 3,
kGmsDowngradeFailure = 4,
kWebviewNoDowngrade = 5,
kWebviewDowngradeSuccess = 6,
kWebviewDowngradeFailure = 7,
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum DataRestoreStatus {
// Data restore was not needed.
kNotNeeded = 0,
// Data restore success.
kSuccess = 1,
// Data restore failed.
kFailed = 2,
// Enumerates variations of Low Latency Stylus Library.
enum LowLatencyStylusLibraryType {
[Default] kUnsupported = 0,
kCPU = 1,
kGPU = 2,
// The prediction target set in Low Latency Stylus Library.
struct LowLatencyStylusLibPredictionTarget {
// Variations of Low Latency Stylus Library.
LowLatencyStylusLibraryType type;
// Prediction target set in Low Latency Stylus Library.
uint32 target;
// Enumerates the API call from ChromeOS Low-latency stylus library, which
// provides mechanisms to reduce the draw latency for ARC++ app running on
// ChromeOS.
enum LowLatencyStylusLibApiId {
// If the library version doesn't support an API call, the API
// call will be recorded as UNSUPPORTED.
[Default] kUnsupported = 0,
// com.google.android.chromeos.lowlatencystylus.InkOverlay
kInkOverlayLowLatencyLibInUse = 1,
// com.google.android.chromeos.lowlatencystylus.gpu.GLInkOverlay
kGLInkOverlayLowLatencyLibInUse = 2,
// com.google.android.chromeos.lowlatencystylus.gpu.GLInkRenderer
kGLInkOverlaySetProjectionMatrix = 3,
kGLInkOverlaySetViewMatrix = 4,
// Enumerates the API call from ChromeOS VPN service builder compat
// that provides functionality for Vpn exclude and add route
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused
enum VpnServiceBuilderCompatApiId {
// If the library version doesn't support an API call, the API
// call will be recorded as UNSUPPORTED.
[Default] kUnsupported = 0,
// com.google.android.chromeos.vpn.VpnServiceBuilderCompat
kVpnExcludeRoute = 1,
// com.google.android.chromeos.vpn.VpnServiceBuilderCompat
kVpnAddRoute = 2,
// Status for migration of the main account hash code from v2 to v3.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum MainAccountHashMigrationStatus {
// Hash code migration not required.
kHashCodeMigrationNotRequired = 0,
// Hash code migration successful.
kHashCodeMigrationSuccessful = 1,
// Hash code migration failed.
kHashCodeMigrationFailed = 2,
// Hash code migration failed due to multiple acc hash matching.
kHashCodeMigrationFailedDueToMultipleAccounts = 3,
// Hash code migration failed due to multiple acc hash matching.
kHashCodeMigrationFailedDueToNoMatchingAccount = 4,
// NOTE: If you add any entries to this enum, you must also update the
// corresponding UMA ArcMainAccountHashMigrationStatus at
// tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
// Enumerates the types of Wayland timing events where the message processing
// completed late and could cause UI jank in ARC apps. This enum is persisted to
// logs. Existing values should not be changed and new values should only be
// appended to the end.
enum WaylandTimingEvent {
[Default] kOther = 0,
kBinderReleaseClipboardData = 1,
kWlBufferRelease = 2,
kWlKeyboardLeave = 3,
kWlPointerMotion = 4,
kWlPointerLeave = 5,
kZauraShellActivated = 6,
kZauraSurfaceOcclusionChanged = 7,
kZcrRemoteSurfaceWindowGeometryChanged = 8,
kZcrRemoteSurfaceBoundsChangedInOutput = 9,
kZcrVsyncTimingUpdate = 10,
// Enumerates the types of select ARC KeyMint error codes.
enum ArcKeyMintError {
[Default] kOther = 0,
kOk = 1,
kUnknownError = 2,
kInvalidKeyBlob = 3,
kInvalidArgument = 4,
kUnsupportedAlgorithm = 5,
kUnimplemented = 6,
// Enumerates the types of Anr and Crash dialogs, based on the resource id the
// dialog uses.
enum AppErrorDialogType {
[Default] kUnsupported = 0,
kAerrApplication = 1,
kAerrProcess = 2,
kAerrApplicationRepeated = 3,
kAerrProcessRepeated = 4,
kAnrActivityApplication = 5,
kAnrActivityProcess = 6,
kAnrApplicationProcess = 7,
kAnrProcess = 8,
// This interface is implemented in ash by ArcMetricsService. It is called by
// ARC side.
// Deprecated method IDs: 8, 14, 15, 18, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
// Next method ID: 39
interface MetricsHost {
// Reports boot progress events from ARC instance.
ReportBootProgress@0(array<BootProgressEvent> events,
[MinVersion=1] BootType boot_type);
// Reports native bridge used by ARC instance.
[MinVersion=3] ReportNativeBridge@1(NativeBridgeType native_bridge_type);
// Reports api usage by ChromeOS Companion Library.
[MinVersion=4] ReportCompanionLibApiUsage@2(CompanionLibApiId api_id);
// Reports LMKD and OOM kills from ARC.
[MinVersion=6] ReportAppKill@3(AppKill app_kill);
// Reports migration event by ARC Metrics Service.
[MinVersion=7] ReportArcCorePriAbiMigEvent@4(ArcCorePriAbiMigEvent event);
// Reports number of failed ABI Migration attempts by ARC Metrics Service.
[MinVersion=7] ReportArcCorePriAbiMigFailedTries@5(uint32 failed_attempts);
// Reports ABI Migration system packages downgrade delay by ArcMetricsService.
[MinVersion=7] ReportArcCorePriAbiMigDowngradeDelay@6(mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta delay);
// Reports boot time during ABI Migration by ARC Metrics Service.
[MinVersion=7] ReportArcCorePriAbiMigBootTime@7(mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta duration);
// Reports ANR event.
[MinVersion=9] ReportAnr@10(Anr anr);
// Reports System Health upgrade processing time and if any packages were
// deleted during the upgrade.
[MinVersion=10] ReportArcSystemHealthUpgrade@11(
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta duration,
bool packages_deleted);
// Reports api usage of Low-latency Stylus Library.
[MinVersion=11] ReportLowLatencyStylusLibApiUsage@12
(LowLatencyStylusLibApiId api_id);
// Reports prediction target used in Low-latency Stylus Library.
[MinVersion=11] ReportLowLatencyStylusLibPredictionTarget@13(
LowLatencyStylusLibPredictionTarget prediction_target);
// Reports the result of DNS query inside ARC.
[MinVersion=13] ReportDnsQueryResult@16(
ArcDnsQuery query,
bool success);
// Reports main account hash migration status.
[MinVersion=14] ReportMainAccountHashMigrationMetrics@17(
MainAccountHashMigrationStatus status);
// Reports occurrence of one event in the ARC networking stack.
[MinVersion=16] ReportArcNetworkEvent@19(ArcNetworkEvent event);
// Reports occurrence of one error in the ARC networking stack.
[MinVersion=16] ReportArcNetworkError@20(ArcNetworkError error);
// Reports primary ABI of an app during app launch.
[MinVersion=18] ReportAppPrimaryAbi@21(AppPrimaryAbi abi);
// Reports data restore status and duration in milliseconds. This applies only
// for ARC++ P container.
[MinVersion=20] ReportDataRestore@22(DataRestoreStatus status,
int64 duration_ms);
// Reports raw memory pressure data, as the contents of /proc/pressure/memory.
// This is invoked solely by ARCVM.
[MinVersion=21] ReportMemoryPressure@23(array<uint8> psi_file_contents);
// Reports that ArcAppLauncher is about to start GMS sign-in / CloudDPC
// provisioning. This only happens during ARC provisioning.
[MinVersion=22] ReportProvisioningPreSignIn@24();
// Reports the duration of late timing events for Wayland.
[MinVersion=26] ReportWaylandLateTimingEvent@30(
WaylandTimingEvent event, mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta duration);
// Reports first WebView started event to collect WebView usage in ARC.
[MinVersion=27] ReportWebViewProcessStarted@31();
// Reports api usage of vpn exclude route.
[MinVersion=29] ReportVpnServiceBuilderCompatApiUsage@32
(VpnServiceBuilderCompatApiId api_id);
// Reports count of newly opened QoS socket connections during a poll for all
// socket connections in ARC. Use int for uint value for the same reason as
// ReportQosSocketPercentage.
[MinVersion=30] ReportNewQosSocketCount@33(int32 count);
// Reports percentage of QoS socket connections during a poll for all socket
// connections in ARC. The reason for using int for uint percentage field is:
// Mojo uint values are byte cast when deserialized in Java, the practical
// and safe solution is to pick the next signed type that includes the whole
// unsigned range of possible values. Otherwise it forces writing error-prone
// conversion code at the entry or exit of mojo data.
// Range of perc arg will be [0, 100].
[MinVersion=30] ReportQosSocketPercentage@34(int32 perc);
// Reports select error codes on select KeyMint calls (on ARC T+ only).
[MinVersion=31] ReportArcKeyMintError@35(ArcKeyMintError error);
// Reports window drag resize latency.
[MinVersion=32] ReportDragResizeLatency@36(
array<mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta> durations);
// Reports the dialog type when Android throws an app error dialog.
[MinVersion=33] ReportAppErrorDialogType@37(AppErrorDialogType type);
// Reports the result of apk cache lookup for an app install.
[MinVersion=34] ReportApkCacheHit@38(bool hit);
// Deprecated method IDs: 0
// Next method ID: 3
interface MetricsInstance {
// Establishes full-duplex communication with the host.
[MinVersion=2] Init@1(pending_remote<MetricsHost> host_remote) => ();
// Requests GFX metrics for the specified package. In case of error, null is
// returned.
[MinVersion=5] GetGfxMetrics@2(string packageName) => (GfxMetrics? metrics);