
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Next MinVersion: 39

// This file defines the mojo interface between the ARC networking stack and
// Chrome OS. There are three different groups of interactions:
//  - WiFi RPCs for scanning and manipulating saved network configurations,
//  - Layer 3 RPCs for configuring and registering IP networks inside ARC,
//  - VPN RPCs for integrating Always-on-VPNs and ARC as a VPN provider.

module arc.mojom;

import "ash/components/arc/mojom/app.mojom";
import "ash/components/arc/mojom/net_shared.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/ip_address.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";

// Indicates if a request send by ARC to the host has successfully completed.
enum NetworkResult {
  SUCCESS = 0,
  FAILURE = 1,

// Additional argument to GetNetworks to specify the type of networks the
// host is interested to learn about.
enum GetNetworksRequestType {
  // All configured WiFi networks saved on the host.
  // All WiFi networks currently visible by scanning.
  // All networks with an active layer 3 connection for all physical types.
  [MinVersion=10] ACTIVE_ONLY = 2,

// Represents the possible connection states of a network service.
// It is effectively a subset of the shill::ConnectState enum defined in
// platform2/shill/service.h. Before adding a new state to shill::ConnectState
// there must be a valid value in this enum to map it to, or a new value must
// first be defined in ConnectionStateType and correctly handled by ARC.
// The mapping from shill::ConnectState must then be updated inside shill in
// Service::GetStateString (platform2/shill/ as well as in
// TranslateConnectionState inside components/arc/net/
enum ConnectionStateType {
  // An active network that is connected at the physical layer and for which IP
  // provisioning has succeeded for IPv4, or IPv6, or both.
  // This corresponds to shill::ConnectState.kStateConnected.

  // The network is still connecting and not ready for IP traffic, but already
  // considered active. This corresponds to kStateAssociating and
  // kStateConfiguring in shill::ConnectState.

  // The network is disconnected. This corresponds to kStateUnknown, kStateIdle,
  // and kStateFailure in shill::ConnectState.

  // The network is active and ready for IP traffic, but a captive portal is
  // known to prevent access to the Internet. This corresponds to
  // shill::ConnectState.kStateRedirectFound
  PORTAL = 3,

  // The network is active and ready for IP traffic, and there is no known
  // captive portal blocking the traffic to the Internet. This corresponds to
  // shill::ConnectState.kStateOnline
  ONLINE = 4,

// Additional WiFi network information provided by scan results.
struct VisibleNetworkDetails {
  int32 frequency;
  int32 signal_strength;
  string bssid;

// Additional configuration information needed for creating and saving
// WiFi network configuration on the host.
struct ConfiguredNetworkDetails {
  string? passphrase;
  bool autoconnect;

  // This is the BSSID that the client would like to connect to. This is
  // semantically different from |WiFi.bssid|, which is what the network's BSSID
  // actually is. In the format of an Ethernet MAC address with lowercase
  // letters (e.g. 00:11:22:aa:bb:cc).
  [MinVersion=33] string? bssid;

// Passpoint credentials used to connect to matching passpoint networks.
// This struct should be mirroring 1-to-1 the "passpoint properties" names and
// types defined in src/platform2/dbus/shill/dbus-constants.h.
struct PasspointCredentials {
  // All home service provider fully qualified domain name(s).
  array<string> domains@0;

  // The realm associated with this credential. It will be used to determine
  // if this credential can be used to authenticate with a given hotspot by
  // comparing the realm specified in that hotspot's Access Network Query
  // Protocol (ANQP) element.
  string realm@1;

  // List of Home Organization Identifiers (OIs) used for determining if this
  // credentials match a given Hotspot provider. Matching of any OIs in this
  // list with an OI in the Roaming Consortium advertised by a Hotspot means
  // that successful authentication with such Hotspot is possible.
  array<uint64> home_ois@2;

  // List of Home Organization Identifiers (OIs) used for determining if a
  // provider is a member of a given Hotspot provider. Every OIs in this list
  // are required to match an OI in the the Roaming Consortium advertised by a
  // Hotspot in order to support authentication with this credentials.
  array<uint64> required_home_ois@3;

  // Roaming consortium Organization Identifiers (OIs) used to determine which
  // access points support authentication with this credentials.
  array<uint64> roaming_consortium_ois@4;

  // Set of EAP credentials (TLS or TTLS only) used to connect to a network
  // that matched these credentials.
  EapCredentials eap@5;

  // True if the user or App specified any network provisioned
  // with these credentials should be considered as metered.
  bool metered@6;

  // Package name of the App that provided these credentials.
  string package_name@7;

  // Friendly name of the home service provider. Taken from Android's
  [MinVersion=22] string? friendly_name@8;

  // The time this subscription will expire or minimum value of 64-bit int to
  // indicate unset value. It is in the format of number of milliseconds since
  // January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
  // The field is a direct copy of Android's Java signed value taken from
  [MinVersion=22] int64 subscription_expiration_time_ms@9;

// Values to be used to remove matching Passpoint credentials.
struct PasspointRemovalProperties {
  // Home service provider fully qualified domain name.
  string? fqdn@0;

  // Package name of the app that created the credentials.
  string? package_name@1;

// The EAP method that will be used when connecting to a 802.1x WiFi network or
// Passpoint WiFi network.
enum EapMethod {
  kNone = 0,
  kLeap = 1,
  kPeap = 2,
  kTls = 3,
  kTtls = 4,

// The authentication methods that will be on the inside of a PEAP or EAP-TTLS
// tunnel.
enum EapPhase2Method {
  kNone = 0,
  kPap = 1,
  kMschap = 2,
  kMschapv2 = 3,

// Recognized key management schemes.
enum KeyManagement {
  kNone = 0,
  kIeee8021X = 1,
  kFtEap = 2,
  kFtPsk = 3,
  kFtSae = 4,
  kWpaEap = 5,
  kWpaEapSha256 = 6,
  kWpaPsk = 7,
  kSae = 8,

// EAP credential used to connect to a 802.1x WiFi network or Passpoint WiFi
// network that matched the credentials.
// This struct should be mirroring 1-to-1 the "EAP properties" names and types
// defined in src/platform2/system_api/dbus/shill/dbus-constants.h.
// ARC is responsible for filling / hardcoding any field that the Android APIs
// do not provide directly, so that ArcNetHostImpl can be a dumb data transfer
// layer with no other logic.
struct EapCredentials {
  // The outer or only EAP authentication type.
  EapMethod method@0;

  // The inner EAP authentication type.
  EapPhase2Method phase2_method@1;

  // When there is an inner EAP type, use this identity for the outer.
  string? anonymous_identity@2;

  // Who we identify ourselves as to the EAP authenticator.
  string? identity@3;

  // Password to use for EAP methods which require one.
  string? password@4;

  // Key management algorithm to use after EAP succeeds.
  KeyManagement key_management@5;

  // PEM formatted contents of the CA certificate(s).
  array<string>? ca_certificate_pem@6;

  // PEM formatted contents of the client certificate(s).
  array<string>? client_certificate_pem@7;

  // PEM formatted contents of the client private key.
  string? client_certificate_key@8;

  // If non-empty, string to match remote subject against before connecting.
  string? subject_match@9;

  // A list of serialized subject alternative names (SANs) to be matched against
  // the alternative subject name of the authentication server certificate. When
  // multiple match strings are specified, a match with any one of the values is
  // considered a sufficient match for the server certificate.
  array<string>? subject_alternative_name_match_list@10;

  // A list of constraints for the server domain name. If set, the entries will
  // be used as suffix match requirements against the DNS name element(s) of the
  // alternative subject name of an authentication server. When multiple match
  // strings are specified, a match with any one of the values is considered a
  // sufficient match for the server certificate.
  array<string>? domain_suffix_match_list@11;

  // The highest TLS version supplicant is allowed to negotiate.
  string? tls_version_max@12;

  // If true, use the system-wide certificate authority database to authenticate
  // the remote.
  bool use_system_cas@13;

  // If true, use per network proactive key caching.
  bool use_proactive_key_caching@14;

  // If true, use the user's stored login password as the password.
  bool use_login_password@15;

union NetworkDetails {
  VisibleNetworkDetails visible;
  ConfiguredNetworkDetails configured;

// The two possible Internet Procol families.
enum IPAddressType {

// Deprecated. Individual fields added to NetworkConfiguration in version 13 of
// this file should be used instead.
struct IPConfiguration {

  // Literal representation of the IP address of the ARC gateway.
  string gateway;

  // Literal representation of the IP address of ARC for that network.
  string ip_address;

  // List of literal IP addresses of name servers to use on that network.
  array<string> name_servers;

  // Length of the routing prefix.
  int32 routing_prefix;

  // IP family for that configuration
  IPAddressType type;

// Deprecated enum. |is_metered| in NetworkConfiguration should be
// used instead.
enum TetheringClientState {
  // Tethering state is detected and confirmed.

  // Tethering state is not detected.

  // Tethering data is suspected and can be |CONFIRMED| in the future.

// Describes properties of a WiFi networks used to create Android's
// objects and
// objects.
struct WiFi {
  // The network BSSID in the format of an Ethernet MAC address.
  string bssid;

  // The frequency of this network, in MHz.
  int32 frequency;

  // The network SSID encoded as an hexadecimal string.
  string hex_ssid;

  // True if the network does not broadcast its ssid.
  bool hidden_ssid;

  // The type of wireless security protocol used by this network.
  SecurityType security;

  // The current signal strength of this network. Updates for this value are not
  // sent to ARC for connected WiFi networks and should be considered precise
  // only for scanning results.
  int32 signal_strength;

  // True if the network represents a Passpoint network.
  [MinVersion=16] bool is_passpoint;

  // Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of a Passpoint configuration.
  [MinVersion=16] string? fqdn;

  // The current RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) in dBm of this
  // network. This is typically between -90 and -20 dBm. Unknown value
  // is represented as -32768 dBm (int16 min value).
  [MinVersion=23] int16 rssi;

// The physical network types exposed to ARC by the host,
// corresponding to a subset of shill technology types defined
// in platform2/system_api/dbus/shill/dbus-constants.h.
// The missing shill technology types are:
//  - WiMAX: obsolete WiFi standard, deprecated in Chrome OS in Q2 2019.
//  - Bluetooth: ARC does not support host IP networks over Bluetooth.
//  - PPPoE: ARC does not support host Point to Point networks.
// Next Enum ID: 5
// ID 4 was previously assigned to WiMAX.
enum NetworkType {
  VPN = 2,
  WIFI = 3,

// Used by ARC to request a network configuration to be created on the host.
struct NetworkConfiguration {
  // The connection state of the network service.
  ConnectionStateType connection_state;

  // A string token that uniquely identifies this network service.
  string guid;

  // Deprecated. Individual fields added to NetworkConfiguration in version 13
  // of this file should be used instead.
  array<IPConfiguration>? deprecated_ip_configs;

  // Deprecated field unused from ARC P and later.
  string? deprecated_mac_address;

  // The type of the underlying physical network.
  NetworkType type;

  // Additional WiFi properties for WiFi network services.
  WiFi? wifi;

  // Deprecated field. Uses |is_metered| instead.
  [MinVersion=8] TetheringClientState deprecated_tethering_client_state;

  // The name of the network interface on the host.
  [MinVersion=10] string? network_interface;

  // True if this network is the host default network.
  [MinVersion=11] bool is_default_network;

  // The name of the shill service associated with this network connection.
  [MinVersion=12] string? service_name;

  // This is the network MTU value (device kIpConfigsProperty) or the
  // native VPN MTU value (service property), or 0 if undefined.
  [MinVersion=13] uint32 host_mtu;

  // Prefix length of the host IPv4 subnet, or 0 for an IPv6 only network.
  [MinVersion=13] uint32 host_ipv4_prefix_length;

  // IPv4 address assigned to the host, or empty for an IPv6 only network.
  [MinVersion=13] string? host_ipv4_address;

  // IPv4 address of the local gateway, or empty for an IPv6 only network.
  [MinVersion=13] string? host_ipv4_gateway;

  // Prefix length of the host IPv6 subnet, or 0 for an IPv4 only network.
  [MinVersion=13] uint32 host_ipv6_prefix_length;

  // Global unicast IPv6 addresses assigned to the host, or empty for an IPv4
  // only network. The link local address and unique local addresses are
  // ignored.
  [MinVersion=13] array<string>? host_ipv6_global_addresses;

  // IPv6 address of the local gateway, or empty for an IPv4 only network.
  [MinVersion=13] string? host_ipv6_gateway;

  // All IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of name servers for the network,
  // either obtained by DHCPv4, by IPv6 RA RDNSS, or set statically.
  [MinVersion=13] array<string>? host_dns_addresses;

  // All search domains set for the host for the network, either obtained by
  // DHCPv4, by IPv6 RA DNSSL, or set statically. Search domains are set as an
  // explicit array of strings instead of a comma separated list embedded into
  // a single string.
  [MinVersion=13] array<string>? host_search_domains;

  // The following four fields specify the static IPv4 configuration for the
  // virtual network exposed inside ARC environment by arc-networkd, and
  // attached to this host network. These values are defined even if the
  // host network is an IPv6 only network.

  // Prefix length of the IPv4 subnet assigned to the ARC virtual network.
  [MinVersion=13] uint32 arc_ipv4_prefix_length;

  // IPv4 address assigned to the ARC guest.
  [MinVersion=13] string? arc_ipv4_address;

  // IPv4 address of the gateway for the ARC virtual network.
  [MinVersion=13] string? arc_ipv4_gateway;

  // The name of the network interface matching the virtual interface exposed
  // to ARC and associated with the network service. This can be different
  // from the name of the real physical interface managed by shill.
  [MinVersion=13] string? arc_network_interface;

  // True if the network has been autodetected by the platform as a metered
  // network or if the user explicitly marked the network as metered in the UI.
  [MinVersion=14] bool is_metered;

  // Routes of destinations for the host network in CIDR format. If null/empty,
  // all (both IPv4 and IPv6) destinations are assumed to go through the host
  // network. As long as there is at least one destination in the list,
  // regardless of IPv4 or IPv6 family, then no default destinations for any
  // IPv* family are assumed anymore.
  // For example:
  //   [ ] => Implies and ::/0
  //   [ ] => for IPv4, no IPv6
  //   [ 2001:DB8::/32 ] => 2001:DB8::/32 for IPv6, no IPv4
  //   [, ::/0 ] => for IPv4, all IPv6
  //   [ 2001:DB88::/32, ] => 2001::DB8::/32 for IPv6, all IPv4
  // If the same destination is present in include_routes and exclude_routes,
  // then exclude_routes will take precedence and the destination will be
  // excluded from the host network.
  [MinVersion=15] array<string>? include_routes;

  // Routes of destinations to exclude for the host network in CIDR format. If
  // null/empty, it is assumed no destinations are excluded. If the same
  // destination is present in include_routes and exclude_routes, then
  // exclude_routes will take precedence and the destination will be excluded
  // from the host network.
  [MinVersion=15] array<string>? exclude_routes;

  // IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of DNS proxy. When this field is not empty ARC
  // overrides the network DNS addresses with these addresses.
  [MinVersion=19] array<string>? dns_proxy_addresses;

  // Available maximal uplink and downlink speeds for the network in kbps.
  [MinVersion=28] LinkSpeed? link_speed;

// Uplink and downlink speeds in Kbps for the network.
struct LinkSpeed {
  uint32 uplink_speed_kbps@0;
  uint32 downlink_speed_kbps@1;

// Describes a Wifi network configuration that ARC has requested the host to
// create.
struct WifiConfiguration {
  // These correspond to ONC properties returned by
  // chrome.networkingPrivate.getNetworks() and createNetwork().
  // See components/onc/docs/onc_spec.html

  // SSID encoded as a series of hex bytes, e.g. "61626364"
  // This allows for handling SSIDs which are not valid UTF-8 strings.
  [MinVersion=2] string? hexssid@6;

  [MinVersion=1] string? guid@5;
  string security@4;

  // Fields specific to either visible or configured networks.
  [MinVersion=2] NetworkDetails? details@7;

  // Deprecated.  These will be removed when both sides support NetworkDetails.
  int32 frequency@1;
  int32 signal_strength@2;
  string bssid@3;

  // Deprecated. |hexssid| will be used, going forward.
  string ssid@0;

  // Set of EAP credentials used to connect to a network that matched these
  // credentials.
  [MinVersion=16] EapCredentials? eap@8;

  // Indicates if the App has expressed an explicit opinion about the
  // meteredness of this network.
  [MinVersion=20] MeteredOverride metered_override@9;

  // The proxy configuration of this object.
  [MinVersion=20] ArcProxyInfo? http_proxy@10;

  // Static IPv4 configuration of the network
  [MinVersion=20] StaticIpv4Configuration? static_ipv4_config@11;

  // List of domains to search when resolving host names on this
  // link, in priority order.
  [MinVersion=20] array<string>? domains@12;

    // DNS server IP addresses included in the configuration
  [MinVersion=20] array<string>? dns_servers@13;

  // A list of BSSIDs that control what APs can be connected to.
  // If null, there are no restrictions and this field is ignored.
  // If empty, then nothing is allowed and no AP will be connected to.
  // If non-empty, then only APs whose BSSID is included in the list can be
  // connected to. BSSIDs should be in MAC address format.
  [MinVersion=26] array<string>? bssid_allowlist@14;

enum MeteredOverride {
  // No metered override
  [Default] kNone = 0,

  // Override network to be metered
  kMetered = 1,

  // Override network to be unmetered
  kNotmetered = 2,

// Static Ipv4 configuration
struct StaticIpv4Configuration {
  // Static IPv4 address included in the configuration
  string? ipv4_addr@0;

  // Static IPv4 address of the gateway included in the configuration
  string? gateway_ipv4_addr@1;

  // Prefix length of the network
  int32 prefix_length@2;

// For ProxyInfo, we have 2 options to set up proxy:
// 1. a direct configuration: host, port, and exclusion_list are
// used and pac_url is ignored
// 2. a PAC URL configuration: only pac_url
// is used and other fields are ignored.
union ArcProxyInfo {
  ManualProxyConfig manual_proxy@0;
  PacUrlProxyConfig pac_url_proxy@1;

struct PacUrlProxyConfig {
  // PAC script download URL for that network.
  url.mojom.Url pac_url@0;

struct ManualProxyConfig {
  // The host IP address of this proxy
  string host@0;

  // The port of this proxy
  int32 port@1;

  // When configured to use a Direct Proxy this returns the list of hosts
  // for which the proxy is ignored.
  array<string> exclusion_list@2;

// Response object sent back to ARC when it queries existing networks on
// Chrome OS side. The kind of networks returned by Chrome OS is specified
// with the GetNetworksRequestType enum.
struct GetNetworksResponseType {
  NetworkResult status;
  array<NetworkConfiguration> networks;

struct AndroidVpnConfiguration {
  // The canonical name of the VPN app (e.g. "").
  string app_name@0;

  // The human-readable name of the VPN app (e.g. "OpenVPN").
  string app_label@1;

  // The name of the VPN session, as set by the app using setSession().
  // The app does not need to call setSession() so this may be empty.
  string session_name@2;

  // True if Chrome browser traffic should be sent through the VPN.
  bool tunnel_chrome_traffic@3;

  // The next hop for IPv4 traffic originating on the host.  Currently this
  // will be set to arc0's IP address.
  string ipv4_gateway@4;

  // A list of IPv4 and IPv6 ranges to route through the VPN.  e.g.
  // [""] or ["", ""].
  array<string> split_include@5;

  // A list of IPv4 and IPv6 ranges to exclude from the VPN.  If specified,
  // all traffic that does not fall into these ranges will use the VPN.
  array<string> split_exclude@6;

  // A list of DNS servers.
  array<string> nameservers@7;

  // A list of search domains for DNS resolution.
  array<string> domains@8;

  // The proxy configuration provided by the Android VPN when running
  // on ARC R or later. Android only allows manual proxy configurations
  // by IP address and port. PAC URL configurations are not supported.
  // On ARC P, Android VPNs cannot specify a proxy configuration.
  [MinVersion=21] ArcProxyInfo? http_proxy@9;

  // The maximum transmission unit (MTU) in bytes. See the comments for NetHost
  // for the rationale of using int32 instead of uint32 here.
  [MinVersion=38] int32 mtu@10;

// Result object that is returned to the caller of the ARC DNS
// Resolution test. Contains information regarding the test result.
struct ArcDnsResolutionTestResult {
  // True if the test passed successfully.
  bool is_successful;

  // RCODE of the DNS response as defined by rfc2929#section-2.3.
  int32 response_code;

  // Time elapsed for the DNS resolution (milliseconds).
  int64 duration_ms;

// Result object that is returned to the caller of the ARC HTTP
// test. Contains information regarding the test result.
struct ArcHttpTestResult {
  // True if the HTTP request completed successfully.
  bool is_successful;

  // Status code of the HTTP response header.
  int32 status_code;

  // HTTP response header fields.
  map<string, string> response_header_fields;

  // Time elapsed for the HTTP request and response (milliseconds).
  int64 duration_ms;

// Result object that is returned to the caller of the ARC
// Ping test. Contains information regarding the test result.
struct ArcPingTestResult {
  // True if the test passed successfully.
  bool is_successful;

  // Time elapsed for the ping (milliseconds).
  int64 duration_ms;

// Chrome flags that should be passed into ARC via NetInstance::SetUpFlag().
enum Flag {
  [Default] UNKNOWN  = 0,

  // Launched and deprecated, b/257889534

// The band to start an AP on.
enum WifiBand {
  [Default] kUnknown = 0,
  k2Ghz = 1,
  k5Ghz = 2,
  k6Ghz = 3,
  k60Ghz = 4,

// The status to represent a local only hotspot connection status.
enum LohsStatus {
  [Default] kUnknown = 0,
  kSuccess = 1,
  kErrorGeneric = 2,
  kErrorIncompatibleMode = 3,
  kErrorTetheringDisallowed = 4,

  // The ARC config contains values that the host cannot support.
  [MinVersion=27] kErrorInvalidArgument = 5,

  // The ARC config is theoretically valid, but there was some error at the
  // platform-level.
  [MinVersion=27] kErrorConfiguringPlatform = 6,

// The struct to represent a local only hotspot configuration.
struct LohsConfig {
  // The network band that Android is requesting.
  WifiBand band@0;

  // Security type of the local only hotspot.
  SecurityType security_type@1;

  // SSID of the local only hotspot. The network SSID encoded as a
  // hexadecimal string.
  string hexssid@2;

  // Passphrase of the local only hotspot. If the security type requires one.
  // It will be null otherwise.
  string? passphrase@3;

// Request object that is passed to the Chrome API RequestPasspointAppApproval.
struct PasspointApprovalRequest {
  // The package name of the app requesting the approval. This is needed for
  // Chrome to check if the app window is valid.
  string package_name;

  // The name of the app requesting the approval.
  string app_name;

  // Friendly name of the home service provider. Matches Android's
  // and
  // PasspointCredentials.friendly_name.
  // This value can be different from |app_name|, for instance for aggregator
  // Apps.
  [MinVersion=31] string? friendly_name;

  // The time this subscription will expire or minimum value of 64-bit int to
  // indicate unset value. It is in the format of number of milliseconds since
  // January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
  // The field is a direct copy of Android's Java signed value taken from
  // The field also matches subscription_expiration_time_ms of
  // PasspointCredentials.
  [MinVersion=31] int64 subscription_expiration_time_ms;

// Result object that is returned to the caller to the Chrome API
// RequestPasspointAppApproval.
struct PasspointApprovalResponse {
  // True if the user allowed the request.
  bool allowed;

// Next Method ID: 27
// IDs 3 and 9 are missing as they belonged to deprecated methods.
// Mojo interface exposed by the Chrome browser process for
// networking/WiFi/VPN, ARC is the client.
// The reason for using int for uint fields such as port is: Mojo
// uint values are byte cast when deserialized in Java, the practical
// and safe solution is to pick the next signed type that includes the
// whole unsigned range of possible values. Otherwise it forces writing
// error-prone conversion code at the entry or exit of mojo data.
interface NetHost {
  // Sends a request to get enabled / disabled status of WiFi.
  GetWifiEnabledState@1() => (bool is_enabled);

  // Sends a request to start scan of WiFi APs.
  [MinVersion=1] StartScan@2();

  // Sends a request to enable or disable WiFi. The |result| is true when the
  // the state has been successfully set or WiFi is already in the desired
  // state. It is false if WiFi manipulation is prohibited due to a policy or
  // its current state.
  [MinVersion=3] SetWifiEnabledState@4(bool is_enabled) => (bool result);

  // Creates a new network and returns the GUID.  If an error occurs,
  // |guid| will be an empty string.
  [MinVersion=4] CreateNetwork@5(WifiConfiguration cfg) => (string guid);

  // Deletes an existing network.
  [MinVersion=4] ForgetNetwork@6(string guid) => (NetworkResult status);

  // Updates an existing Wifi network.
  [MinVersion=29] UpdateWifiNetwork@20(string guid, WifiConfiguration cfg) =>
      (NetworkResult status);

  // Initiates a network connection.  If called when connected to a different
  // network, it will drop the current connection first.
  [MinVersion=4] StartConnect@7(string guid) => (NetworkResult status);

  // Disconnects from network |guid|.
  [MinVersion=4] StartDisconnect@8(string guid) => (NetworkResult status);

  // Sends a request to get the subset of network services existing on Chrome OS
  // that match the kind specified with GetNetworksRequestType. This call
  // supports three usages:
  //  - Querying the list of saved WiFi network configurations for implementing
  //    WifiManager public APIs for accessing saved WiFi profiles.
  //  - Querying visible WiFi networks for implementing Android WifiManager
  //    public scanning APIs.
  //  - Querying the list of all networks with an active layer 3 connection,
  //    which is used for the initial registration of IP networks to Android
  //    connectivity stack. This includes all physical types of networks.
  [MinVersion=6] GetNetworks@10(GetNetworksRequestType type) =>
      (GetNetworksResponseType response);

  // For the following AndroidVpn* methods, these are intentionally created as
  // a multiplexed interface design (along with the corresponding NetInstance
  // *AndroidVpn methods). This is because
  // connection/configuration/disconnection events can be initiated from both
  // the Android and the ChromeOS-side. There should only be one connected
  // Android VPN at any time.
  // Inform ChromeOS that an Android VPN has connected. If the Android VPN is
  // already registered as a shill service, then the service will be updated. If
  // not, a new shill service will be created for the current user.
  [MinVersion=7] AndroidVpnConnected@11(AndroidVpnConfiguration cfg);

  // Inform ChromeOS that an Android VPN's configuration has been updated. The
  // Android VPN should already exist as a shill service for the current user,
  // otherwise this is a no-op.
  [MinVersion=36] AndroidVpnUpdated@25(AndroidVpnConfiguration cfg);

  // Inform ChromeOS that an Android VPN is disconnected, reconnecting, or
  // reconnected.
  // DEPRECATED: Replaced by `AndroidVpnDisconnected`
  // TODO(b/329529872): Remove method once M126 hits stable
  [MinVersion=7] DEPRECATED_AndroidVpnStateChanged@12(
      ConnectionStateType state);

  // Inform ChromeOS that an Android VPN has disconnected.
  [MinVersion=37] AndroidVpnDisconnected@26();

  // Tells Chrome OS that network traffic should go through a certain VPN
  // connection. |vpnPackage| is the package name of the Android VPN app. If
  // |lockdown| is true and the VPN connection is down, traffic is blackholed to
  // prevent circumventing the VPN connection. This applies to Chrome traffic
  // (users 'chronos' and 'debugd'), not other system traffic like the
  // update engine.
  // TODO(b/111201944): Add Chrome UI to enable the user to escape the lockdown,
  // unless the lockdown is dictated via policy.
  // Call with empty string as |vpnPackage| to lift the restriction.
  [MinVersion=9] SetAlwaysOnVpn@13(string vpnPackage, bool lockdown);

  // Sends a request to Chrome to ask for user approval for the app to set up
  // WiFi networks through Passpoint.
  [MinVersion=30] RequestPasspointAppApproval@21(
      PasspointApprovalRequest request) => (PasspointApprovalResponse response);

  // Adds a PasspointCredentials block provided by an Android App onto the host
  // platform.
  [MinVersion=16] AddPasspointCredentials@14(PasspointCredentials credentials);

  // Removes all PasspointCredentials blocks that match all property of
  // |properties|.
  // Calling this will also revoke all associated WiFi Services provisioned
  // with the credentials blocks.
  // ARC calls this function whenever an app is removed regardless of whether
  // the app has configured Passpoint.
  [MinVersion=17] RemovePasspointCredentials@16(
      PasspointRemovalProperties properties);

  // Disconnects the current ChromeOS VPN network if one exists. If ChromeOS has
  // a network that represents an Android VPN, the network doesn't count as a
  // ChromeOS VPN network and won't be disconnected. If the default network
  // isn't a ChromeOS VPN network, then nothing happens.
  [MinVersion=18] DisconnectHostVpn@17();

  // Sends a request to Chrome to start a local only hotspot.
  [MinVersion=25] StartLohs@18(LohsConfig config) => (LohsStatus status);

  // Sends a request to Chrome to stop a local only hotspot.
  [MinVersion=25] StopLohs@19();

  // Sends a notification to Chrome about the change in whether Android WiFi
  // multicast lock is held by any app in ARC.
  [MinVersion=32] NotifyAndroidWifiMulticastLockChange@22(bool is_held);

  // Sends a notification to Chrome about a socket connection event in ARC.
  [MinVersion=34] NotifySocketConnectionEvent@23(SocketConnectionEvent msg);

  // Sends a notification to Chrome about a socket connection event of ARC VPN.
  [MinVersion=35] NotifyARCVPNSocketConnectionEvent@24(
      SocketConnectionEvent msg);

// Next Method ID: 12
// IDs 0 and 2 are missing as they belonged to deprecated method.
// Mojo interface exposed by ARC for networking/WiFi/VPN, the Chrome
// browser process is the client.
// The reason for using int for uint fields like port is the same and
// can be found in description for interface |NetHost|.
interface NetInstance {
  // Establishes full-duplex communication with the host.
  [MinVersion=8] Init@6(pending_remote<NetHost> host_remote) => ();

  // Notifies the instance of a WiFI AP scan being completed.
  [MinVersion=1] ScanCompleted@1();

  // Notifies the instance of a change in the state of WiFi on the host.
  [MinVersion=3] WifiEnabledStateChanged@3(bool is_enabled);

  // For the following *AndroidVpn methods, these are intentionally created as
  // a multiplexed interface design (along with the corresponding NetHost
  // AndroidVpn* methods). This is because
  // connection/configuration/disconnection events can be initiated from both
  // the Android and the ChromeOS-side. There should only be one connected
  // Android VPN at any time.
  // Ask Android to disconnect the VPN, per user request.
  [MinVersion=7] DisconnectAndroidVpn@4();

  // Ask Android to pop up a VPN configuration dialog, per user request.
  [MinVersion=7] ConfigureAndroidVpn@5();

  // Notifies the instance of a change in one active network service.
  // Updates are only sent for active networks with an active layer 3
  // connection or networks in the process of connecting, corresponding to
  // CONNECTING, CONNECTED, PORTAL, and ONLINE ConnectionStateType values.
  // TODO(b/77293260): Notifications should only be sent for updates to
  // properties and data visible in NetworkConfiguration, and not for all shill
  // property updates.
  [MinVersion=10] ActiveNetworksChanged@7(array<NetworkConfiguration> network);

  // Does a DNS query from within ARC and returns result.
  // The test is bound to the ARC network corresponding to the host transport
  // name |transport_name|.
  [MinVersion=15] DnsResolutionTest@8(string transport_name,
      string host_name) => (ArcDnsResolutionTestResult result);

  // Does an HTTP GET request from within ARC and returns result.
  // Only HTTP and HTTPS are supported and the connection does not use any
  // caches/cookie jars/etc. that might exist on the Android side.
  // The test is bound to the ARC network corresponding to the host transport
  // name |transport_name|.
  [MinVersion=15] HttpTest@9(string transport_name, url.mojom.Url url)
      => (ArcHttpTestResult result);

  // Sends an ICMP echo request from within ARC to the given IP address and
  // returns result.
  // The test is bound to the ARC network corresponding to the host transport
  // name |transport_name|.
  [MinVersion=15] PingTest@10(string transport_name, string ip_address)
      => (ArcPingTestResult result);

  // Pass a Chrome flag value into ARC.
  [MinVersion=24] SetUpFlag@11(Flag flag, bool value);

// IP protocols used in a socket connection. Currently we are only interested
// in TCP and UDP for WiFi QoS and ignore other protocols such as ICMP.
enum IpProtocol {
  [Default] kUnknown = 0,
  kTcp = 1,
  kUdp = 2,

// Events to describe status change of a socket.
enum SocketEvent {
  [Default] kUnknown = 0,
  kOpen = 1,
  kClose = 2,

// QoS categories for a socket connection defined in RFC4594.
enum QosCategory {
  [Default] kUnknown = 0,
  kRealtimeInteractive = 1,
  kMultimediaConferencing = 2,

struct SocketConnectionEvent {
  // Source IP address for this socket connection.
  network.mojom.IPAddress src_addr@0;

  // Destination IP address for this socket connection.
  network.mojom.IPAddress dst_addr@1;

  // Source IP port for this socket connection.
  int32 src_port@2;

  // Destination IP port for this socket connection.
  int32 dst_port@3;

  // Procotol used for this socket connection.
  IpProtocol proto@4;

  // Socket event of this socket connection, whether this connection is opened
  // or closed.
  SocketEvent event@5;

  // Category of App that this socket connection is associated with.
  AppCategory app_category@6;

  // The inferred QoS category of this socket connection.
  QosCategory qos_category@7;