
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Next MinVersion: 37

module arc.mojom;

import "ash/components/arc/mojom/bitmap.mojom";
import "ash/components/arc/mojom/gfx.mojom";

// These values must be matched with the NOTIFICATION_EVENT_* constants in
enum ArcNotificationEvent {
  CLOSED = 1,
  // Deprecated: Five button events
  // expand/collapse the bundled notification
  [MinVersion=10] TOGGLE_EXPANSION = 7,
  // The notification is activated/deactivated. Please note that they are sent
  // only in limited instances e.g. when remote input opens, or when spoken
  // feedback is enabled.
  [MinVersion=24] ACTIVATED = 8,
  [MinVersion=24] DEACTIVATED = 9,

enum ArcNotificationType {
  SIMPLE = 0,
  BUNDLED = 4,

// These values are corresponding to the priorities or importance of Android
// notification.
enum ArcNotificationPriority {
  NONE = -3,
  MIN = -2,
  LOW = -1,
  DEFAULT = 0,
  HIGH = 1,
  MAX = 2,

// Action buttons when the ARC notification is rendered in Chrome
struct ArcNotificationButton {
  // Title
  string label;
  // Reply button placeholder, if exist.
  string? buttonPlaceholder;

enum ArcNotificationExpandState {

enum ArcNotificationRemoteInputState {
  CLOSED = 0,
  OPENED = 1,

// These values represent what shows in an ARC custom notification.
enum ArcNotificationShownContents {
  // The normal notification contents are shown.
  // The notification settings view is shown.
  // The notification snooze settings view is shown.

// Flag for various feature of ARC notifications.
struct ArcNotificationFlags {
  // Bits for features.
  const uint32 SUPPORT_SNOOZE = 1;  // 1 << 0

  // Bit-masked value.
  uint32 value;

// These values represent the styles for large-format notifications.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum ArcNotificationStyle {
  NO_STYLE = 0,
  [MinVersion=33] CALL_STYLE = 8,

struct ArcNotificationData {
  // Identifier of notification
  string key;
  // Type of notification
  ArcNotificationType type;
  // Body message of notification
  string message;
  // Title of notification
  string title;
  // The app name of the notification. Displayed when the notification is
  // rendered in ChromeOS and is expanded.
  string? app_display_name;
  // DEPRECATED: Binary data of the icon
  array<uint8>? deprecated_icon_data;
  // Priority of notification
  ArcNotificationPriority priority;
  // Timestamp related to the notification
  int64 time;
  // The current value of progress. If in progress, the value must be in
  // [0, progress_max]. Set to -1 for indeterminate progress.
  int32 progress_current;
  // The maximum value of progress. Set to -1 when the progress does not exist
  // or ended.
  int32 progress_max;
  // Action buttons, provided when the notification is action enabled and
  // rendered on Chrome.
  array<ArcNotificationButton>? buttons;
  // Flag if the notification has FLAG_NO_CLEAR.
  bool no_clear;
  // Flag if the notification has FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT.
  bool ongoing_event;
  // Subtexts for list notifications. Provided when the notification style is
  // inbox.
  array<string>? texts;
  // Image for image notifications.
  ArcBitmap? big_picture;
  // Flag if a notification is a custom notification backed by a
  // notification surface.
  bool is_custom_notification;
  ArcBitmap? small_icon;
  // A snapshot image to show before the notification window is created.
  ArcBitmap? snapshot_image;
  float snapshot_image_scale;
  // Accessibility text
  string? accessible_name;
  // Flag if the notification is expandable
  ArcNotificationExpandState expand_state;
  // Flag for what shows in a notification.
  ArcNotificationShownContents shown_contents;
  ArcNotificationRemoteInputState remote_input_state;
  // Indicates a rect for which Android wants to handle swipe events for by
  // itself. The coordinates in this Rect are in Android pixels and represent
  // a sub-rectangle of the notification, with the origin being the top left
  // of the notification.
  Rect? swipe_input_rect;
  string? package_name;
  ArcNotificationFlags? flags;
  // Flag if a notification progress is indeterminate.
  bool indeterminate_progress;
  ArcBitmap? snapshot_image_public;
  bool is_media_notification;
  ArcNotificationStyle style;
  // True if there's at least one action button enabled for the notification.
  bool is_action_enabled;
  // True if there's at least one action button on the notification that's
  // available for the user to trigger remote input.
  bool is_inline_reply_enabled;
  // True if rendering should be done on the Chrome side
  bool render_on_chrome;
  // Identifier of the group to which the notification is assigned
  string? group_key;
  // The index of reply button among all actions, if exist. Otherwise set to -1.
  int32 reply_button_index;
  array<ArcNotificationData>? children_data;
  // Array of extra messages for messaging style notifications.
  array<ArcNotificationMessage>? messages;

struct ArcDoNotDisturbStatus {
  bool enabled;

struct ArcNotificationUserActionData {
  // Unique action id for this user action.
  uint32 action_id;
  // DEPRECATED: Notification key of top-level notification which contains
  // the notification which is initiating this action.
  string top_level_notification_key_deprecated;
  // True if the task should be executed on the unlocked state.
  bool defer_until_unlock;
  // True if the notification view should be focused after unlock. This is
  // effective only when |defer_until_unlock| is true.
  bool to_be_focused_after_unlock;

struct ArcLockScreenNotificationSetting {
  // Flag whether to show the notifications on the lock screen.
  bool show_notification;
  // Flag whether to show the private content on the lock screen.
  bool show_private_notification;

struct NotificationConfiguration {
  // Flag to enable notification expansion animations on arc.
  // See b/35786193.
  bool expansion_animation;

// These values represent an visibility of MessageCenter on Chrome OS.
enum MessageCenterVisibility {
  // When nothing or just toast popups are being displayed.
  // When the message center view is being displayed.

struct ArcNotificationMessage {
  // Message that was sent in the notification.
  string? message;
  // Name of the message sender that should be displayed above message.
  string? sender_name;
  // Profile icon of the message sender that needs to be displayed on the left
  // of message.
  ArcBitmap? sender_icon;

// Next Method ID: 12
interface NotificationsHost {
  // Set the Do-Not-Disturb status on Chrome side from Android side.
  OnDoNotDisturbStatusUpdated@7(ArcDoNotDisturbStatus status);

  // Tells the Chrome that a notification is posted (created or updated) on
  // Android. If you know that the notification exists, please consider to use
  // OnNotificationUpdate instead.
  // |notification_data| is the data of notification (id, texts, icon and ...).
  OnNotificationPosted@0(ArcNotificationData notification_data);

  // Notifies that a notification is removed on Android.
  // |key| is the identifier of the notification.
  OnNotificationRemoved@1(string key);

  // Notifies that an existing notiication is updated on Android.
  OnNotificationUpdated@5(ArcNotificationData notification_data);

  // Opens the Chrome OS message center.

  // Closes the Chrome OS message center.

  // Processes the user action initiated from Android side on Chrome side.
  ProcessUserAction@9(ArcNotificationUserActionData data);

  // Sets the lock screen setting on Chrome side from Android side. Usually
  // invoked when the setting on Android side is chagned.
  OnLockScreenSettingUpdated@10(ArcLockScreenNotificationSetting setting);

  // Triggers Chrome to log that inline reply is sent for a notification.
  LogInlineReplySent@11(string key);

// Deprecated method IDs: 0
// Next Method ID: 15
interface NotificationsInstance {
  // Establishes full-duplex communication with the host.
  [MinVersion=14] Init@5(pending_remote<NotificationsHost> host_remote) => ();

  // Sends an event from Chrome notification UI to Android.
  // |event| is a type of occured event.
  SendNotificationEventToAndroid@1(string key, ArcNotificationEvent event);

  // Requests to Android side to create the notification window.
  // |key| is the identifier of the notification which is generated by Android
  // side.
  CreateNotificationWindow@2(string key);

  // Requests to Android side to close the notification window.
  // |key| is the identifier of the notification which is generated by Android
  // side.
  CloseNotificationWindow@3(string key);

  // Requests to Android side to open notification settings.
  // |key| is the identifier of the notification which is generated by Android
  // side.
  OpenNotificationSettings@4(string key);

  // Requests to Android side to open snooze settings.
  // |key| is the identifier of the notification which is generated by Android
  // side.
  OpenNotificationSnoozeSettings@6(string key);

  // Sets the Do-Not-Disturb status on Android side from Chrome side.
  SetDoNotDisturbStatusOnAndroid@7(ArcDoNotDisturbStatus status);

  // Cancels the current press operation even during touching the view. This
  // should be called when the on-going gesture is recognized not as a normal
  // touch event but as a scroll event, and the on-going touch events should be
  // cancelled.
  CancelPress@8(string key);

  // Performs the user action being deferred in Android.
  PerformDeferredUserAction@9(uint32 action_id);

  // Cancels the user action being deferred in Android.
  CancelDeferredUserAction@10(uint32 action_id);

  // Sets the lock screen notification setting on Android side from Chrome side.
  SetLockScreenSettingOnAndroid@11(ArcLockScreenNotificationSetting setting);

  // Set configuration variables for notifications.
  SetNotificationConfiguration@12(NotificationConfiguration configuration);

  // Reports that Message Center visibility has changed.
  OnMessageCenterVisibilityChanged@13(MessageCenterVisibility visibility);

  // Sends notification button click event from Chrome notification UI to
  // Android. |key| is the identifier of the notification which is generated
  // by Android side. |action_button_index| is the index of the action button
  // clicked among the buttons array originally passed in ArcNotificationData.
  // |input| contains user-supplied text, if the notification allows inline
  //  reply. Otherwise it is empty string.
    string key,
    uint32 action_button_index,
    string input);

  // Pops up the notification settings page for a specific application. This is
  // called when the user clicks 'turn off notifications' button in inline
  // settings view from the Chrome side in Chrome rendered ARC notifications.
  // |key| is the identifier of the notification which is generated  by Android
  // side.
  PopUpAppNotificationSettings@15(string key);